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Search results

  1. Black Omega

    NBA Fantasy League

    Is there one being set up this year?
  2. Black Omega

    EN World Fantasy Basketball Sign Up - 2008

    Speaking of creating the league as soon as possible. I just checked and was able to set up the league. Yahoo! Sports Fantasy Basketball Password is noah. This is the year the Tokyo Samurai win it all!
  3. Black Omega

    Huntsville, AL Apartments Suggestions?

    It looks like I may be moving to Huntsville Alabama for a while. Does anyone have any good suggestions for apartment complexes, preferably in the area of the Research Park? Apartmentrating the website is telling me most Huntsville apartments are crime ridden slums. It says the same thing...
  4. Black Omega

    Tinman (First thoughts -Many Spoilers)

    Wow, Tinman sucks even more than I thought so far. Spoilers... End Spoilers... In short so far it's barely recognizable as even relating to the Wizard of Oz.
  5. Black Omega

    Good First Person Shooters to try?

    I checked out Team Fortress 2 and was disappointed by the cartoony characters but it did get me in the mood for playing a good multiplayer online FPS. I'm a little out of touch with the current popular FPS's, what's big and popular now?
  6. Black Omega

    EN World Fantasy Basketball League Signup

    And here we go. I've set up the league using the settings from the 2006-07 league. Sign up here. Password is fourth. League ID is 22079, if you need to look it up. We'll need to decide how to handle the draft again. We saw two years ago how difficult it is to manage a round by round...
  7. Black Omega

    And I thought the ENworld Fantasy basketball was starting...

    I got a notification from Yahoo that the fantasy basketball season had opened and somehow misread that as the EN world fantasy basketball league starting. I spent five minutes looking for the league before figuring out my mistake. Oops....:)
  8. Black Omega

    For you computer geeks

    A quick question. I have a spare computer with issues booting. We've been using it to image hard drives, it can boot off the CD (this is the first choice) but it never boots up off the hard drive. It will get as far as saying 'no system disk' if it's not an imaged drive. After we image it...
  9. Black Omega

    Hell's Gate Open (My New Game - Comments?)

    This is more general RPG, but seems to fit this forum. The system for my new game is Hero 5th Ed. This is the handout I'm giving to my players soon. Take a look and let me know if there is anything unclear, any obvious questions unanswered, etc. For that matter, any comments welcome. “It’s...
  10. Black Omega

    Latin question

    How would you latin scholars translate "knowledge illuminates the night" into latin? Thanks.
  11. Black Omega

    Fantasy Basketball the RPG

    We've been having a discussion in the off topic area about fantasy basketball (two slots open by the way): http://www.enworld.org/showthread.php?t=145860 We were discussing what positions in basketball corresond to what in DnD. Mistwell considers the center a tank, which I partially agree...
  12. Black Omega

    [LKH] Incubus Dreams: comments (*spoilers*)

    Just finished Incubus Dreams from Laurell K. Hamilton, part of her Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter series. A few comments: Britain is the only other country in the world to legalize vampires? Interesting. I would have thought it was Canada. Zombies made from people that were murdered simply go...
  13. Black Omega

    Real Hobbits? Scary..

    The title says it all: http://www.wired.com/news/culture/0,1284,65492,00.html?tw=wn_tophead_2
  14. Black Omega

    Errata for Wall of Thorns?

    Is there any? I've noticed Wall of Thorns seems alot better than the higher level reverse gravity spell. Damage, little change of most people ever escaping without spells, covers a larger area.
  15. Black Omega

    Fey-Touched Template - Where is it?

    Ok, I thought it was in Monster Manuel II. Am I just overlooking it, or is Fey-touched in another book?
  16. Black Omega

    What to do when players surprise you

    Backstory. The PC were sent to the realm of slaughter (Toshigoku, for those keeping trasck at home) to recover and artifact of a fallen god. The realm of slaughter is a place Rokugani souls go when they have commited too many atrocities for them to be allowed to reincarnate. The artifact is in...
  17. Black Omega

    Banish and Dismiss

    Silly as this sounds. Let's say you are on another plane, not your home plan. And you can cast banish. Can you banish yourself back to your home plane?
  18. Black Omega

    Questions on Reduce Person

    Reduce Person is a spell that only works on humanoids, this much is clear. But they give the example of a large humanoid. Leaving out the Enlarge spell, is there a large humanoid out there? I've browsed the Monster Manuel but no luck so far. In a related question, is there a Reduce spell...
  19. Black Omega

    A different way of handling scolls as a % of wealth?

    I've been running a Rokugan game for a while now and it's reaching the point where there is a problem with scrolls. Since it's a relatively low gold game, there's a constant squeeze on wealth. Even more so since looting corpses is frowned upon. so I've been considering using a system where the...
  20. Black Omega

    A different way to handle scrolls as a % of wealth?

    I've been running a Rokugan game for a while now and it's reaching the point where there is a problem with scrolls. Since it's a relatively low gold game, there's a constant squeeze on wealth. Even more so since looting corpses is frowned upon. so I've been considering using a system where...