Converting Planescape monsters


Monster Junkie
I'm posting this list for you guys in case it might be of some help. I'm collecting 3.5 conversions for all of the 2e Planescape monsters along with a few other 2e "planar" books.

Thanks! Some of those have been updated, but haven't made it into the CC yet. I know we've done the buraq, warden beast and a few others off the top of my head.

Some of those will never get 3.5 updates, since they've been updated in the Tome of Horrors Revised. I believe the hydroloth and dergoloth, for example, are in there with 3.5 stats.

I'll compare the list to our other lists when selecting upcoming conversions. Thanks again!

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I'll compare the list to our other lists when selecting upcoming conversions. Thanks again!

I forgot about Tome of Horrors. I removed those monsters from my list.

Can you share your lists with me so I can compare my list? I'm putting together a pdf index for myself so that I can reference these monsters when I need them for my PS game. I'd like to make sure I'm as up to date as you guys are with these conversions.


Some of those will never get 3.5 updates, since they've been updated in the Tome of Horrors Revised. I believe the hydroloth and dergoloth, for example, are in there with 3.5 stats.

Haven't we broken that rule on a couple of occasions, since the Tome of Horrors ain't an official 3E source and we were bored at the time?


Monster Junkie
Haven't we broken that rule on a couple of occasions, since the Tome of Horrors ain't an official 3E source and we were bored at the time?

I can't recall ever doing that. It's one of the CC's mandates:

1.) Don't convert stuff in (readily-available) official 3.5 sources.
2.) Don't update stuff in the Tome of Horrors.

Oryan77 said:
Can you share your lists with me so I can compare my list? I'm putting together a pdf index for myself so that I can reference these monsters when I need them for my PS game. I'd like to make sure I'm as up to date as you guys are with these conversions.

We follow Echohawk's lists, found here:

The Planescape-specific list is here:


We follow Echohawk's lists, found here:

I compared the lists and used Echohawk's Monster Index Excel file to double check everything.

This is the full Planescape (or planar) list of monsters that I could not find in any of the sources that you guys seem to reference. Several of these are listed in Echohawk's excel file as originating from, but the links are dead and they are not on the Creature Catalogue.


Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix I:
Mediator, Mechanus
Per (3.0 exists)

Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix II:
Incantifier (Sect)
Leomarh (3.0 exists)
Merkhant (Sect)
Prolonger (Sect)
Spider, Hook

Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix III:
Homucunlous, Elemental, Breather
Homucunlous, Elemental, Skin
Opposition (Sect)
Primal (Sect)

Planes of Chaos:
Chaos Imp
Murska (3.0 exists)

Planes of Conflict:

Planes of Law:
Archon, Tome (3.0 exists)
Gear Spirit

Tales From the Infinite Staircase:
Silver Golem
Taker of Life
Dark Dweller
Maturing Baatorian

Dead Gods:
Biological Construct
Elf, Alabaster
Wraithworm, The

Hellbound: The Blood War:

Doors to the Unknown:

In the Abyss:
Ship of Chaos

The Great Modron March:

Faction War:
Gem Golem

Well of Worlds:
Giant Bloodworm (3.0 exists)

The Vortex of Madness:
Leonis’s Automata – Flyer, Juggernaut & Organ Gun


I can't recall ever doing that. It's one of the CC's mandates:

1.) Don't convert stuff in (readily-available) official 3.5 sources.
2.) Don't update stuff in the Tome of Horrors.

Hmm, I could have sworn there are a few Tome of Horrors critters have slipped through by accident or omission...

Looking through the Creature Catalog there are a few 3.0 critters (Vampire Rose, Giant Snapping Turtle) that are in the ToH.


Extradimensional Explorer
The 3.0 critters in the CC that are also in the ToH were converted here before the ToH existed. In fact, since Scott Greene started the CC and wrote the ToH, the early conversions here ended up in the ToH.

Back to the monster at hand, I'm ok with leaving the damage at 1d10 for all weapon types, but I'd like to have some mechanical differentiation. At least damage type (bludgeoning/piercing/slashing) if not anything else.


Monster Junkie
Back to the monster at hand, I'm ok with leaving the damage at 1d10 for all weapon types, but I'd like to have some mechanical differentiation. At least damage type (bludgeoning/piercing/slashing) if not anything else.

At the very least.


The 3.0 critters in the CC that are also in the ToH were converted here before the ToH existed. In fact, since Scott Greene started the CC and wrote the ToH, the early conversions here ended up in the ToH.

Back to the monster at hand, I'm ok with leaving the damage at 1d10 for all weapon types, but I'd like to have some mechanical differentiation. At least damage type (bludgeoning/piercing/slashing) if not anything else.

So, have it gain the same damage types as the weapon(s) it imitates?


Extradimensional Explorer
Yes, that would seem to make sense.

Modifying Cleon's suggestion:
Malleable Form (Ex): A busen can reshape its body into many shapes, although it always occupies the same volume and has an oily black skin. For example, it can grow large ears to give itself a racial bonus [or circumstance?] to Listen checks. A busen can use malleable form to grant itself a racial [?] bonus to Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Jump, Hide, Intimidate, Move Silently, Listen, Search, Spot, Swim, or Tumble. Malleable form can grant a total racial bonus of up to +X [+12?], but no more than +Y [+8?] in any one skill.

A busen may also change the form of its natural attacks to take the form of any manufactured weapon. The natural attack gains the damage type (bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing) of the imitated weapon (but no other features of that weapon?). The natural attack damage is unchanged (1d10 hp for a standard busen).

It requires a full-round action [?] for a busen to change from one form to another.

Hmmmm. Maybe don't change the crit multiplier or threat range but allow it to gain bonuses on special attacks (like trip, etc) for imitating appropriate weapons?

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