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Search results

  1. Drkfathr1

    POD for Personal use?

    So I've got a campaign booklet for my homebrew, and I'd like to have several copies printed for my group. Solely for my own personal use, not for re-sale. Would Lulu allow me to print and buy those books if I put artwork in there that is not mine? I've gathered a variety of art to illustrate...
  2. Drkfathr1

    Greg Leeds and his vision of D&D

    I was thinking about this again the other day, and was wondering if there was every any follow up, or if Mr. Leeds ever offered an answer. This goes back to an interview that Piratecat was kind enough to conduct way back in April. http://www.enworld.org/forum/4749517-post95.html
  3. Drkfathr1

    Replacing Eladrin Fey Step?

    Say you wanted to keep most of the flavor of the Eladrin race, but wanted to remove the teleporting ability. What kind of ability/power do you think would work well with the race's concept as a replacement?
  4. Drkfathr1

    Anyone have the new Quintessential Wizard?

    Wondering if anyone had this yet and what your impression were. I'm really curious as to how everything balances with what we have in the Player's Handbook? Anything wonky? Anything seem waaaay off? If not, this could be a really good resource for those of us looking for more options.
  5. Drkfathr1

    D&D 4E Opinions on the 4E preview books...

    Just wondering, now that both the Races and Classes and Worlds and Monsters books are out, what everyone's opinions are on them? Also curious if these books have changed anyone's mind in regards to their feelings on 4E in general (positively or negatively)
  6. Drkfathr1

    Dragon/Dungeon compiled issues?

    Okay, it's November 5th now....weren't we supposed to get compiled formats/pdf's of the new digital magazines at the end of the month? I know its only been a few days, and I'm not trying to harp, but realistically, when can we expect these "finished" issues? Hoping the DDI thing works out, but...
  7. Drkfathr1

    Player's Handbook...any monsters?

    So I'm wondering, and hoping someone from WOTC might chime in.... Since there's a month between the release of the Player's handbook and the Monster Manual, will we get a small selection of monsters in the Player's handbook the way we did with the 3.0 edition? People are going to want to...
  8. Drkfathr1

    Bendy Dungeon Walls?

    Can anyone give me any info on the Bendy Dungeon Walls from Dungeon Life that were on sale at Gencon? I've seen several mentions of them in various blogs, but can't really find any info on them anywhere. Google searches have been futile thus far!
  9. Drkfathr1

    Objects/furniture/features for Miniature?

    Anyone know of any sources for furniture/dungeon dressing in miniature form? I know there are a ton of good resources for printed tiles, but are there any companies making actual 3D objects? I have some old Heroquest accessories, and I know MageKnight did some stuff a while back. Armorcast...
  10. Drkfathr1

    Mentioning of non-SRD monsters (etc.) in OGL products?

    Okay, this question has probably been asked a bazillion times in the past, and if so, I apologize. I vaguely remember a few threads that addressed this issue, but since the database crashed I can't find the old threads. So.... Would it be considered acceptable, or a serious no-no to mention...
  11. Drkfathr1

    D&D 3E/3.5 Stowage Capacity in 3.5?

    Maybe I'm missing something, but are the stowage/carrying capacity of backpacks, belt pouches, chests, and sacks listed anywhere in 3rd or 3.5 edition? Specifically how many coins each could hold? There used to be a chart for it in 2nd edition AD&D, but I've yet to find it in the new editions.
  12. Drkfathr1

    Complete Warrior, anyone else afraid...?

    Anyone else afraid this is going to be a book filled with duplicated material? From the preview on the main page, it looks like we're getting alot of the same Prestige Classes and Feats that we've already gotten in earlier books. Does the 3.5 update require this duplication? I really liked...
  13. Drkfathr1

    GenCon Newbie question

    This will be my first Gencon, and I'm going primarily for the goodies! Can any of you vets tell me what to expect as far as dealer prices go? Are products sold at about the same price as everywhere else? Cheaper? More expensive? I need to prioritize my potential purchases before I get there...
  14. Drkfathr1

    Worried about new minis?

    Anyone else concerned about the new minis coming from WOTC later this year? So far the promo pics look fairly good, but so do the promos for Heroclix and Mageknight, and those end up looking pretty crappy. I'm also not real keen on "random" packing. How am I supposed to put together a game...