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  1. M

    Level Up (A5E) Battle Hymn Mechanics

    I am reading the rules for the first time and I’ma little confused by Battle Hymn. I read somewhere that it used to last multiple rounds and was changed to only last one but its mechanics seem really odd to me. First, it uses no action economy at all. It is free to turn it on and free to target...
  2. M

    D&D 5E Kender as an appropriate race

    This is a fork from another thread where Mouseferatu said I should create another thread to hear his opinion. So here it is. I'm not convinced. The archetype pretty much says "Please ruin a campaign". Technically, a good player could ignore that advice and still run a fun character. But...
  3. M

    D&D 5E Dealing with a trouble player and a major blow up

    I've posted about one of my players before. There is a fairly long thread about it. However, I felt this would get lost in that thread and I wanted advice on a specific event that happened this week. First, a little bit of background for those who haven't read the old thread: This player...
  4. M

    D&D 5E Character play vs Player play

    This topic was brought up a while ago in another thread and I've been considering it more lately. Rather than derail that thread, I decided to create a new one. Before I make my reply to GMforPowergamers, I'll repost my post:
  5. M

    D&D 5E Updated Magic Items and Spell Lists in Dead in Thay

    I noticed that the Magic Item document and the Spell document in Dead in Thay are different than the one in the last playtest and the ones in Scourge of the Sword Coast. There are more spells in the new document. I haven't gotten a chance to go through the whole thing and see what was changed...
  6. M

    D&D 5E Gen Con D&D Next Events

    I haven't seen a post here about this yet, but according to http://www.baldmangames.com/Gencon/genconjudgereg.html Judge sign-ups are now open for Gen Con. There's some interesting information we can gleam from this: There are 4 events being run by the RPGA at Gen Con this year: 4 hour long...
  7. M

    Free Will and Story

    We ended our campaign that's lasted about a year today with mixed reactions to our final session. This game took place in 4e, but the edition only matters slightly to my question here. There will be a TL;DR in my second post for those who don't care about the background. Our DM made up his...
  8. M

    Playtest report - can 22 goblins defeat alcohol?

    First some background on my group: 3 out of the 5 players have never played any edition other than 4e. One of the players has been playing since 1e. The other one played a couple of sessions of 2e and 3e but has very little experience outside 4e. I'm DMing. I started playing with basic dnd...
  9. M

    Skills and "Taking 20"

    So, it seems taking 20 is back in the game. I've noticed something strange about the DCs in the game with respect the the rule, however. It appears that the first level Rogue who has training in Lock Picking can, in 20 minutes pick a one of a kind lock masterpiece by taking 20. Anyone with an...
  10. M

    The Playtest: How extensive will it be?

    I suspect there will be a lot of disappointed people come a month from now when the playtest comes out. Not because they don't like the mechanics of 5e but because I suspect the playtest will contain very little of the game. My best guess is that we might see 4 classes, and the ability to play...
  11. M

    D&D 4E House Rule Patches to 4e

    I love 4e, but over time, I've noticed that there are certain things that break the system. This is shown by the things people come up with on the Char Op boards and the things people bring to my games. It seems the combining of feats from various classes and multiple attacks appear to be the...
  12. M

    Spear Fighter Questions

    I have a couple of questions about my character. He is a Fighter who has Polearm Momentum(Martial Power), Polearm Gamble(Player's Handbook), Swift Spear(Dragon Magazine 378), Forceful Opportunist(Dragon Magazine 379), and has taken Polearm Master(Martial Power) as his Paragon Path. He wields a...
  13. M

    I'm getting Edition War fatigue

    I'm just wondering if it is so necessary to have so much negativity surrounding 4e. Especially after this long. I took a break from ENWorld for a while due to the amount of new threads created that were all essentially "I hate 4e, let me tell you why". On just the first page of this board I...
  14. M

    Storytelling or Roleplaying?

    So, I recently joined the D&D Meetup group for my city. After I joined, I noticed that the group owner and his friends were complaining on the message boards for the group that 4e was incapable of acting as a roleplaying game and was just an PnP MMO since it removed all the CHOICE out of...
  15. M

    Why Changes were made in 4e

    This is a fork of a side conversation from the Marketing of 4e thread. I felt it was interesting enough to start its own thread. Even if I agreed that this was a problem, which I would not, it does not explain the need to get rid of the nine alignments, vancian casting, and rewrite the entire...
  16. M

    True Dungeon Tickets

    Well, it appears that this is a yearly thing at this point. I asked a friend of mine to get True Dungeon Tickets for both of us so that we could play together at GenCon. However, he could not find a slot that had 2 free for "With Smoak Comes Fire". So he ordered one ticket for himself and...
  17. M

    Ultimate Digital Gaming Table

    So, I'm planning on making the ultimate digital gaming table based on ideas I've seen from around the net and posted here. I haven't made it yet, and it is still in the planning stages, but I figured I'd post my progress here and give people a chance to give me some ideas. Here is the plan so...
  18. M

    Forked Thread: Can Illusionary Pit be used on a flying creature?

    Forked from: How to kill a blue dragon? I've decided to fork this to a new thread since it is an interesting topic. The above quote came from a thread talking about ways to deal with a Blue Dragon that was flying high above the party and someone suggested using Illusionary Pit(the wizard...
  19. M

    Looking for 2 True Dungeon Tickets

    I'm looking for 2 True Dungeon tickets if anyone has any extra. If so, let me know.
  20. M

    Post 1000, does that mean I'm a real person now?

    So, this is my 1000th post. I'd just like to take this post to thank all the people who help ENWorld keep going and provide a home to everyone who enjoys roleplaying. I've been here for 1000 posts now and I've had the opportunity to meet a lot of ENWorlders at GenCon. I'm glad to be part of...