• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. H

    Thirteen Years

    April 1st, 1995, was the day my wife and I stood before our friends and family and declared ourselves crazy. :D We have been married for 13 years now, seems insane... so much as happened, and it only seems like a couple years. :) Not sure why I wanted to say this other then I wanted to...
  2. H

    Wishing of Good Health and Love

    A close friend of mine (Nathan) has come down with a Pituitary Tumor. It appears as though its curable with drugs, good eating and such, but I (and he) believes in the energys that surround us and getting what we want through manipulation of those energys with good and positive (or negative)...
  3. H

    [rant] Anyone else getting this?

    As of late I have been getting calls that are recorded Spanish speaking solicitors on my cell phone. The recording ends and once in a while a person picks up, and is obviously trying to make a sale, but neither of us speak the same language, I have attempted to get them to remove me from their...
  4. H

    Cause he's right

    Saw an ad the other day for a show I normally do not watch. The content was Bill Cosby pimping his new book. Cosby is funny, I have always liked his stuff, but recently I have found his social comments and commentary much more interesting. Not sure who cares, but I wanted to share, because...
  5. H

    Happy Birthday to Coyote6

    Back in 1989 I met DarthJaye and Coyote6 because we were looking for new blood in our gaming group. Eighteen years later find myself friends with a guy that is three times smarter then I am, wiser, and kinder then I can express. He's a great friend, you would all do well to know someone half...
  6. H

    After years away-

    After years after I was injured and had to stop, I am now back into Yoga. I started practicing in the middle of '99 then got hurt and could no longer practice. Everyone once in a while I would try, but my arm just would not let me. Tuesday last I went to the local community college and did...
  7. H

    D&D 4E Things to do while waiting for 4e hype to fade

    1 - Count the number of 3e books you bought 2 - List all the House Rules you or your group wrote for 3e. 3 - Count the number of 3.5e books you bought 4 - Compare all the House Rules that you wrote that are in 3.5e 5 - Convert your characters to 3.5e 6 - Start calling your House Rules, 3.5e...
  8. H

    Changing lands

    When I was about six or so I spent part of a summer with my grandparents. They were living on fifty or so acres owned by my Grandpa’s brother. I remember the land pretty well, fairly flat, dominated by corn, and cows a little ways a way. Just a couple years back my Grandma died and… oh, two...
  9. H

    Computers at the gaming table

    Some time ago there was a thread questioning computers at the gaming table, and I stated something about how much a help they were to me as a GM and a Player. I might have been wrong. Its an aid that has turned into a problem. Today during the game I watched as Player and GM sat staring at a...
  10. H

    Comic sales - Need advice and help

    After years of dust gathering on the tops of my comic book boxes I have decided that I need to sell the lot of them. A collection that ranges from the mid '80s to the beginning of 2000. Roughly 25 short boxes full. eBay is the choice place to get rid of them, but I am unfamiliar with using...
  11. H

    Passing the.....

    Every GM I know has this one moment that the Players aren’t doing what they need to do while they are working their way through the campaign (I am not talking about rail roading), whether it be pass on information to other PCs or just talk to the NPCs about what they might know. An example-...
  12. H

    Amazon - must buy

    Cruising Amazon and found http://www.amazon.com/PSMITH-Dungeons-Dragons-Original-Computer/dp/B000O1WF1W/ref=sr_1_3/002-9609548-1309617?ie=UTF8&s=miscellaneous&qid=1180798885&sr=8-3 . Seems like a collectors thing.
  13. H

    Post count- whats the big deal?

    I see these threads about people finally having X number of posts or "I'm finally X level" but I don't get it. Why is it important to you to have a post count of X? Doesn't it just prove that you have no life away from gaming and posting on EN World? Personally I think its more impressive to...
  14. H

    Idiot behind the wheel

    Just reading Vraille Darkfang's thread on “When the Universe tries to tell you something, you should listen” and thought of this- I use to drive like a wacko, and then I (surprise) got a ticket (one in fifteen years, not bad) and went to driving school. The teacher had speeds on one side of...
  15. H

    Daylight Pellets (MIC pg 156) - Question

    I am all about toys in game, arrows of all kinds for my archer, a cane made of Darkwood for my wizard, etc. When the Magic Item Compenduim came out I leafed through, found things I liked and noted them, but when I found this I was confused. Cost - 150 gp A Daylight Pellet can be thrown up to...
  16. H

    I challenge you

    Today I gained a new favorite song, one that will not supersede my all time favorite, but one that will remain for a while- the song? Nickelback, If Everyone Cared. I have a bit of a love affair with this kind of sentiment. Its been a while sense I gave blood, or sense I have done anything...
  17. H

    In case of emergency (question to parents)

    What do you parents’ do- or have planned to do with your kids in case of an emergency? Say you get in a car accident- your kids are okay, but you and your SO are hurt and have to stay in the hospital for a week or so- what do you have planned for child care? I am looking for ideas for our...
  18. H

    Looking for old buddy

    Few years ago I was playing a lot of Diablo II. Depressed and run down from an injury I found a friend in another Player, he was going through some deep depression and tough times too, and the two of us kinda helped prop each other up during the times when no others seemed to understand. I was...
  19. H

    Problem of math

    Need some help here, hope you all might be able to help out- For the longest of times I have wanted to start a campaign in space. The idea is that some thousand or so years in the future mankind has ventured to a nearby system, for reasons that are campaign based (I have Players that post and...
  20. H

    OoTS issue 404 posted

    You all might know this, I am pretty slow sometimes. I was trying to see 362 and missed a key and pushed a 3 instead of a 2. http://www.giantitp.com/ootsimg404.html