• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder Physical Copy

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First Post
Thurbane said:
...so pardon my ignorance, but I'll ask again - will it be availble in stores (in Australia), or by subscription only?
To add to the post that is below yours, I know that Ace Comics in Bristopia are getting it in.


First Post
I have both the print and PDF versions.

Great productions values. I agree that the typography could use a tweak.

Not as thrilled about the PDF being a multi-part issue --- I am hopeful that they will offer them as combined issues soon.



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If I pick this up on my next visit to my FLGS, can I access the PDF version somehow, or is that only available to subscribers?


First Post
Boregar said:
If I pick this up on my next visit to my FLGS, can I access the PDF version somehow, or is that only available to subscribers?
Subscribers only.

(You can purchase the PDF on its own from Paizo's site.)


Well, I finally finished mine from cover to cover. I give ltos of credit to a game book I read front to back from the very beginning, but I was like a historian digging for lost clues to Thassilon. I really dig the setting, the richness of it. In fact while I have about 22 or so 3.5 campaign planned out over the years, this one will happily begin at my table in January!

Partly because I have to wrap up the game I'm running, and partialy because I have the feeling I, as DM, will need to be more prepared to answer my many inquisitive player's questions (like if Galorian uses the Great Wheel for the outer planes or something of their own design).

-DM Jeff


First Post
What I liked:
  • #1 The extra details on the npcs. I never know if one of my villains is going to survive or not, so the extra detail is great. It allows me to expand on them in the future.
  • In a similar vein, I appreciate that the adventure listed options if certain people survived.
  • The flavor. You hit the goblins square on the head. I want all my goblins to be like this. Comical (sometimes) but murderous. Also I feel the setting. That takes talent. I appreciate the work.
  • As Shade said, I like the references to Book of Fiends and Tome of Horrors.
  • I liked the background info on the setting

The only dislike I had was that the player's guide wasn't included in the first shipment to the subscribers. I keep thinking as I was reading the adventure that I wonder where the character creation section was....what were elves like in this world....humans....etc....

Kurzak T

First Post
Sorry to rain on the praise party

I can't believe all the feedback is so positive.

I got my first edition of the "book" this a couple of days ago and I have to say I'm pretty disappointed.

It looks good. The paper is nice, the glossy look and background graphics are a nice touch.

Now what I don't like:

This is a book? I'm sorry, but it looks and feels to me like a sturdy magazine. A couple of my gaming group were over and took a look at it and the consensus is this is a book only if you really stretch that definition. Put some ads in it and you can easily call it a magazine. In fact I get several magazines that are much thicker.

The price is crazy for what you're getting. As a former Dragon/Dungeon subscriber, I continued my subscriptions through good and bad times because of the value I received. Even at their low points, the mags were worth the money. Dungeon was always worth it, Dragon ebbed and flowed. $19.99 for this? I'm sorry, but if I saw this in a store I'd laugh at the crazy guys who thought they could charge that. My 3.0 splat books cost that. If I'm spending 20 bucks on a module (which is essentially what I consider Pathfinder), then I expect a pretty substantial book to come with that price tag. This strikes me as smaller than most Dungeon/Dragons. I didn't do a page count, but that's my impression.

It's a decent product, but not even close to a $20 value proposition.

I wish the guys and gals of Paizo the best, I've never had anything but love for what you did with Dragon and Dungeon when you took them over but I can't honestly recommend Pathfinder for the price. Downgrade the graphics and paper, put an ad or two in and cut the price *substantially*. Asking $120 for a super adventure (6 issues x $20 for a complete adventure path) is a hefty price tag. Nice paper and computer drawn artwork is fine and good but doesn't come close to justifying that hefty price tag.

I can purchase a hardbound Forgotten Realms campaign setting and a super adventure (like City of the Spider Queen) for way less than that. I don't see where Pathfinder is going to measure up.

Sorry. I'll receive it until my magazine credits run out (mostly as a goodwill gesture towards the folks who gave me so many great years with the magazines), but I don't see myself putting any additional money towards this unless it vastly increases in value or the price goes way down.

Voidrunner's Codex

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