If it's not difficult for you, help me out. Despite the glaring typo/contradiction:
- Your action options are listed for you, on the Player Reference Card (PRC). And they're on page 65 of the Hero's Handbook. And they're in your class description.
- Once you've corralled these options, each one gets special treatment based on its trait, which according to the PRC are Move, Manipulate, Concentrate, Secret, and Attack. Almost as many traits as there are PRC actions.
- When Restrained, you can't use the attack/manipulate trait-actions. Except to attempt to Escape (which is not a PRC action). So you can use Interact or Strike as long as you're attempting to Escape. Otherwise, no.
- The condition starts with "you can't move," but doesn't mention the Move Trait. It says that Interact and Strike are okay (as long as you're trying to Escape), so one might assume that other actions involving movement are okay too, as long as you're trying to escape. Which leaves:
- Drop Prone, Leap, and Stand don't have the attack or manipulate traits, nor do they involve movement (like Step and Stride explicitly do), so they must be viable options while Restrained.
So can I Leap to avoid a Bowling Ball of Doom while I'm restrained? Can I Interact with the Bowling Ball as long as it's part of my Escape attempt? Is there an "everything else" action, since my action list seems pretty restrictive, and can I use it to avoid the BBoD, or does it depend on what traits the Everything Else action has (or doesn't have)?