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Search results

  1. BiggusGeekus

    Running the game without a map

    Let's assume your group is on a road trip in a standard sedan. Character sheets can be referenced, but only briefly (especially for the driver), Looking up stuff in books is OK, rolling dice is OK, but there's no map or table. Suggestions?
  2. BiggusGeekus

    [Penny Arcade] Do you use "Magic!" too much or not enough?

    Comic strip for context: http://art.penny-arcade.com/photos/700674603_mAVrc-L.jpg I put far too much time into thinking about this kind of thing than I really should. On the one hand, verisimilitude helps build the setting of the story and that adds to the player's immersion. On the other...
  3. BiggusGeekus

    DM'ing questions

    I've DMd 1e,2e, and 3e. After buying the DMG2, I want to try 4e. 1) How many encounters should I plan for a 6 hour game session? I am fully aware not all groups go at the same pace. 2) I want to have a sort of "running the gauntlet" series of encounters. The DMG2 give advice on how to...
  4. BiggusGeekus

    The I'm not jealous of Gen Con attendees AT ALL thread

    In this thread we shall post how totally non jealous we are of everyone going to Gen Con. I, for example, will be re-organizing my gaming bookshelf by publication date. I await the execution of this activity with great anticipation and I'm sure it will be much more fun than gaming with...
  5. BiggusGeekus

    Inspiration for your game: world's deadliest plants

    Freaky! http://www.purpleslinky.com/Trivia/Science/Deadliest-Plants-in-the-Planet.145297
  6. BiggusGeekus

    A mean way to lure your PCs to adventure

    "Help us! Our town is being overrun by nymphs!" Of course, as I'm sure everyone knows, a nymph is a young of an insect that undergoes incomplete metamorphosis. The PCs are tasked with defending the town against giant ants, perhaps with some abberant or ooze-like template applied. I'm sure...
  7. BiggusGeekus

    B2: Keep on the Borderlands tomorrow, advice?

    We're having a Gygax tribute game tomorrow, playing oD&D, 3d6 in order, with module B2. I'm allowing the guys to use any meta-knowledge they might have. So if they can navigate the Caves of Chaos from memory, I'll let them do it. After all, it is a tribute. I've run B2 a dozen times, so I'm...
  8. BiggusGeekus

    My New Year's Gaming Resolutions

    My New Year's Gaming Resolutions 10) I will not start forum posts with titles that are a spin-off on Hamlet's infamous line on suicide: "to be or not to be". In other words, if I want to ask a question about item creation, I promise to not think it clever to start it with "to craft, or not to...
  9. BiggusGeekus

    Magic Items with penalties

    I know there is a 10% discount for skill use and a 30% discount for alignments. But what about other penalties? For the sake of discussion, start with this item, slightly edited How do we make I'm going back and forth. On the one hand in the hands of a crafty player, this penalty isn't...
  10. BiggusGeekus

    Interesting class game mechanic...

    I know there's some distaste for World of Warcraft amongst some folks in these forums, but the game design challenges MMORPG designers go through can be similar (and sometimes identical) to the ones PnP RPG designers go through. It is with that in mind that I came across an interesting...
  11. BiggusGeekus

    alignment question using the proverbian paladin (again)

    Using strict adherence to the rules and assuming the minimum amount of DM interpretation and given a "generic" fantasy d20 setting: A paladin attempts to knock someone unconscious to keep that person from going into danger. He accidentally uses too much force and delivers a killing strike that...
  12. BiggusGeekus

    What happens when you "identify" the glowing alter or magic room?

    Some adventures feature magic rooms or glowing alters, or other such things. These are generally set up as puzzles or traps. So in your game, what happens when the PC casts identify on the room that has a giant magic chess set (e.g. such as in the original harry potter book/movie) or on the...
  13. BiggusGeekus

    Cool ptolus open campaign idea I came across

    I was in the game store today and the clerk told me about me her fiancee's upcoming Ptolus game. The idea is that since everyone has different schedules, it's an open game. Ptolus takes place in a city and in cities people are constantly coming and going all the time. So he's going to use the...
  14. BiggusGeekus

    RSS Feeds

    I found the RSS feed to Google Reader for the message board, but only by searching on Google's Reader site. Are there other ENWord or CM feeds? Thanks in advance.
  15. BiggusGeekus

    New Use for Iron Heroes Battle Box!

    I'll be in Ohio this weekend to see my Dad and to go to a wedding. While packing DvDs for my daughter I couldn't find the carrying case. But looking around I discovered something. The Iron Heroes Battle Box is JUST the right width for a DvD! And if you put the rules cards in they are just...
  16. BiggusGeekus

    Are monster types balanced?

    http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#types Dragons obviously aren't. But they're supposed to be special. So why aren't monster types treated as a kind of template?
  17. BiggusGeekus

    Evaluate what this penalty is worth please

    If you use the fighter, cleric, or rogue BAB progression you get tertiary and sometimes quadrinary attacks. If you removed those from the game, what kind of attack bonus would you feel is adequate compensation? Is there some other kind of bonus you would feel is a good compensation? Thanks.
  18. BiggusGeekus

    eclipse/java help

    Given: public class bar { /** * The program main. */ public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(System.getProperty("\n" +"***"+ "foo")); } } How do I set "foo" to pretty much anything other than null in eclipse? The build.properties file, the arguments...
  19. BiggusGeekus

    Monstor Geographica: Forest

    I'm having trouble posting on the reviews section, so here's my review ======== What It Is (objective) Monster Geographica: Forest is a paperback (available as PDF) 208 page small paperback by Expeditious Retreat Press. It is a fantasy d20 product and compatible with 3.5. There are 200...
  20. BiggusGeekus

    Please add: Monster Geographica: Forest

    I have a review for the print version. Thank you.