• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. I

    Need some pirate minis cheap

    Ok, I know this is going to be a tall order, but maybe somebody can give me a suggestion. I am planning to run a pirate one-shot game and I'd like to have some minis. But as this is a one-shot I don't want to spend much money, and I definitely don't want to paint anything (I told you it was a...
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    Deep Horizon

    Deep Horizon is an adventure for 13th-level characters from Wizards of the Coast. The Bottom Line Deep Horizon is a perfectly OK set of encounters for a 13th-level group, with the potential to be much more if the GM is willing to put in the work. I acquired my copy second hand at a discount...
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    Is it a full moon or something?

    Is it just me, or does there seem to be an extra dose of cranky going around today? I'm not talking about anything that rises to the level of a reportable post, but I've seen several people being needlessly snippy or sensitive lately. Deep breath, everybody... There, that's better. It's only...
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    Need some gladiatorial inspiration

    My campaign world has a pseudo-Roman decadent empire, and I've long wanted to get the PCs into some nice Coliseum-type gladiator fights. I think I've come up with a way to corral a bunch of 12th-level characters and force them into the stadium, but now I need some cool/memorable opponents. I'm...
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    Need help with my BBEG fight

    So the PCs in my group will probably confront the BBEG in our next game session (tomorrow night). The confrontation will take place inside a cave, but the layout/details of the cave are completely unknown. I'd like to lay it out in such a way as to encourage lots of swashbuckly goodness (I...
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    So I wasn't sure what category to file this under. I've started using a web site/service/app called Kayuda. It's basically a mind-mapping tool that's available for free via the web. There's no download and all the info is kept on their servers. It's not an RPG aid per se, but it can...
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    More Channeled spells

    Caution: Half-baked idea ahead! I really like the Channeled spells that are in the PHB II. Combined with the Swift variants of some spells (Swift Expeditious Retreat, for example) they nicely introduce the idea of "building up" a spell for better effect, or casting it quickly for less effect...
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    Alternative Duskblades

    So I like the duskblade class. But it occurred to me that you could get more mileage out of it by tweaking one or two things to make some alternatives. So I'm considering allowing the following three variations in my game: 1) As written. This version is much like the warmage in flavor, but...
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    HTML Image Map won't work in IE

    Ok, calling all HTML gurus. I'm trying to use an image map in a page I'm working on. It works fine in Firefox, but under IE the image is not clickable. I've put my code in the spoiler below. The javascript call I'm making isn't relevant (I don't think) because the areas aren't links at all...
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    Royalty payments for editing

    This thread got me wondering about something. How common is it to pay game material editors on a royalty basis? That is, the editor gets X amount per PDF copy sold. I know it's done at least occasionally because I've been paid this way myself, but I get the impression it's fairly rare.
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    Staff Master feat

    In Complete Arcane there's an Epic feat called (I believe) Staff Master. The prereqs are Craft Staff and some high skill. I think it's 30 ranks in Spellcraft, but I'm not sure. Anyway, what this feat does is let you burn your own spell slots to power a staff. So you can cast the spell(s) the...
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    Bard's Gate Afya question

    So I ordered and received Bard's Gate from Necromancer. Very cool, lots of good stuff and it included a sort of haunted house adventure that is exactly what I need in my game right now. The problem is that the new creature introduced in this adventure (the Afya) confuses me. Its listed type...
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    Charging as a Standard action

    The SRD has this to say about charging: This has always bugged me to no end. Charging is a full-round action, unless you can't take a full-round action, in which case it's a standard or even a move action. Weird rules exceptions bother me. So why not just make Charge a standard action like...
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    Need a good urban adventure for 10th level

    I have a game coming up in 2 days. Unfortunately I'm a little short on plans. The campaign is at a point where the players should start dictating events to some extent. They are going to a large city to discuss things with a local potentate, but in case they go into "what should we do next"...
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    Challenge: Pure core wizard melee combatant

    Ok, weird challenge for everybody. Make a character whose levels are ALL in wizard (or sorcerer, I suppose) but make him as effective as possible in melee. I've taken a shot at it, of course, but I'm sure EN Worlders can do better if they try. Here are the conditions that I used: 12th level...
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    Heroes of Highdale IC

    Recap Our heroes were enjoying a little celebration after their defeat of the spider-creatures in a cave near the walled town of Highdale. They were sampling the wares of Dorin, wife of Simon the miller and acclaimed local brewster. They were interrupted by the arrival of Viktor, the town's...
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    Recommend a drawing tablet...not TOO pricey

    I hope this is the right forum for this question. My wife is an artist of the pencil/pen/paint variety. She's interested in trying her hand at digital art and I'd like to get her a drawing tablet. On the one hand, I don't want to spend a fortune on it as she may decide it's not for her and...
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    When does "on your turn" happen?

    One of the PCs in my group uses the CA spell Ring of Blades. The spell description says something to the effect of "each round on your turn the blades do damage to all creatures in adjacent squares." This is a paraphrase because I don't have the book handy, but the question is when does "on...
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    Summon Monster: What does "1d3 creatures of the same kind" mean?

    So I'm looking at Summon Monster IV, which says you can choose to summon "1d3 creatures of the same kind" from the SM III list instead. When I look at that list I see "small elemental (any)" as an option. So the question is, If I get 2 or more elementals can I have them be different types (Air...
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    Seeking magical duel rules

    So one of the spellcasters in my campaign has managed to get himself into a "Spellcraft duel". We'll be playing it out next game session and I'm not quite sure how to handle it. The duel is supposed to be "to first blood" (i.e. not lethal, but serious). I've read the suggestions in Complete...