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  1. Z

    What should I do in Kuala Lumpur ?

    Next week I'll travel together with my wife to Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia). She'll be attending a meeting lasting almost one week, while I'm just along for the ride. So what should I do with all that spare time ? I'll be limited to day trips, but she'll be attending several formal dinners so I can...
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    Archery Contests

    Hi! In the last session IMC I ran a bunch of tournaments, based on "Tournaments, Fairs and Tavern" (Good book BTW). When I was prepping for the archery contest, I discovered that the DC's for hitting the target was far too easy. The suggested DC in the book is 9 for a Bull's Eye. That suggests...
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    Evard’s Black Tentacles

    Evard’s Black Tentacles My wizard used Evard’s Black Tentacles last session, and we ran into a discussion of its grapple bonuses. The SRD says:
  4. Z

    The first round of combat [Ready actions]

    Hi! Lately I've become quite dissatisfied with the way 3E handles the first round of combat. While the system works well whenever there is an element of surprise (the surprise round is an excellent idea), it don't handle encounters where all involved expect combat very well. The most annoying...
  5. Z

    Using (non-identified) wands

    Hi! We have always identified wands before uing them, but looking trough the SRD, it states: Looking at spell triggers, it states: There is no explicit statement requiring idetification of the wand, but this might be stated somewhere else ? The question is therefore, can you just point it...
  6. Z

    Controlling a Monstrous Scorpion

    Hi! I've got this beautiful miniature of a huge monstrous scorpion with an orc rider that I want to use in my campaign. But when I looked for explanations for how the rider managed to control to scorpion within the rules, I was totally stumped. It's not a beast or animal, so animal...
  7. Z

    The joy of templates

    Hi! For last night's session I wanted to create a unique monster; something my players had never met before, and thus had to guess at its powers and how dangerous it really was. What I did was to take a standard owlbear, slap a two-headed template on it (from Sean Reynolds) and then finally...
  8. Z

    The most useless prestige class ability ?

    My wizard just reached 2nd level as an arcane devotee (FRCS), and thus got the alignment focus special ability. You choose one component of you deity's alignment, and cast spells of that alignment at +1 caster level. Being a follower of Pelor (we are not playing in FR) I choose Good - and...
  9. Z

    Problems with Detect Evil

    From the SRD: Using the above table as it is written, all undead will detect as evil regardless of alignment (undead can be neutral or even good), and neutral clerics of an evil deity will also show as evil. This creates some interesting paradoxes, as e.g. baelnorns will detect as both good...
  10. Z

    Sneak Attack and Invisibility

    Hi! Last night we discovered a puzzle in the rules. My rogue was flanking an invisible mage, and (with blindfighting) managed to hit him even with the 50% miss chance. We could not find anything in the rules that ruled out sneak attack damage on the attack, but our DM ruled that sneak attack...