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Under A Darksun: PART I SEGMENTS 1-124

“Skeletal Masses”

“Comon Mania- we have to keep moving.”

“Yeah…right with you Cosa….”

The four of them (now reunited with a still naked dwarf) are on a high rooftop looking for landmarks to get out of the city. To their knowledge, only Jenner has ever traveled this deep into the city. As everyone was climbing back down from the roof, Mania saw something. Something that has gotten his curiosity is rarely a good thing in a time of crisis. He sees skeletons carrying boxes, papers, bags and WEAPONS to a large building. (OOC- if my description of the building is wrong its because I have misplaced my copies of Tribe of One which gives details on it).

“Guys- hey guys, “ says Mania quietly while catching up with them. “A couple of buildings over there are one with stairs and columns. What is it?”

“Not certain. I did notice there were many skeletons there so don’t even think it. Stresses Cosa.

“But there were weapons…..”

“Weapons!” interrupts Logan getting uncomfortably close to Mania.

“Yes- weapons and other stuff.”

“No Mania. We can not afford it. We have to get moving. We are going to try for that tower over there.” Points Cosa.

Looking to calm everyone and curious herself Belinda speaks up. “Let’s take a quick look. Two minutes then we leave. Agreed?” She says looking at the two men.

“Agreed.” They agree quickly.

Now crawling so as to get closer to the edge, they peer down the street to the large building.


“Yes- I see a dozen skeletons.”

“No- look at the skeletons then at what they carry then at the skeletons.” Says Mania, more excited than he meant.

“She looks at him like he is crazy then does so.”

“And?” looking.

“Look closer”

“Mania- we have no time-“

“The skeletons- they are collecting the goods. How many years have they been doing that? What could be inside? And furthermore- they are drones. We can take them!”

Cosa looks again first to Belinda whom shrugs her shoulders with a smirk on her face. Both women then watch and begin to wonder….

Belinda and Mania creep along down one alley. Cosa and Logan move down another alley. As each move closer they see skeletal drones carrying goods. The Treasure of Bodach! The skeletons walk slowly and methodically in and out of the large building. Going in they carry anything with value. Cosa is certain some of it is magical. Could pages from the journal she seeks be here?

They wait for a quieter moment before sneaking in. When they count about 6 skeletons, they move in quickly. Up the stairs and behind a few columns. Here they take turns covering each other moving into the building. At the doorway they stop in awe.

Inside are dozens of skeletons. They are working on piling up treasures and goods of great worth on top of a statue or fountain. It is hard to say since the pile nears fifteen feet high!

“oh…my……” is all any one says.

Logan spots a large trimmed battle axe and rushes at it. The drones turn and note his advance. They chatter and drop what they had in their hands. From behind the pile come armed skeletons! Logan doesn’t notice and would care less.

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“Unite and Face the Enemy”

“Give me another moment cleric!” swears the halfling. Her eyes are shut tight in concentration and determination. The eyes move about under the closed eyelids as if she were dreaming. In truth, she is searching. She sees many things, a cloaked skeleton, and 1000’s of undead rising from cellars and the underground, and even a staff of incredible power in a building yet to be searched by the undead. Finally she finds the target of her search- Mania.

The sight would be unbelievable if it were not for the person she seeks. Mania is on a pile of gold, relics of power and other priceless goods. He is climbing the pile while kicking off skeletons. He appears to be climbing the pile for a defensible position. She sees others fighting along with him.

Tangiers is a halfling bounty hunter sent to find and track Mania by a templar in Nibenay. Her mastery of psionics is well respected. Her tracking skills are equally respected. She decided to get closer to her subject by befriending a cleric looking to rescue him. The game is getting interesting now.

Mania and his three friends are near the center of the cursed city. It cursed with undead. The very undead that now climb out of their hiding holes with the arrival of the darkness. She and Chaffle, a cleric of Water, are just inside the city limits and have been nearly overrun by skeletons already. Chaffle does all he can to keep them hidden within the ruins so that she may search for him.

She studies the interior of the building the four would be heroes and thieves are within. Then as she draws back her sight, she watches the path required to reach them. Her eyes snap open and blink rapidly. “Cleric! We must go! We must go NOW!”

Chaffle begins to turn around as he feels the halfling tug at his tattered cape. Grasping his knee now they suddenly are enveloped in light. Even as they fade away the very doors crack as many skeletons try to break it down. Then, the very walls crack and fall in as a large skeletal figure of a humanoid reaches in. If a skeleton of an ogre could sigh this one would. Seeing the prey has escaped, it withdraws its large hand and goes back to searching for the meat as commanded by Minscar.

The spear slices the upper part of Logan’s shoulder. He curses then pushes the large well made table off the pile. The skeleton holding the spear is struck and broken by the heavy table. Belinda stands with her back to his. Her features are blurred and displaced. Even the skeletons seem affected by her power. Strange since undead normally are immune to most effects of psionics. However, this is not the time to question it.

Suddenly a blast of energy shots out and turns in midair. The blast separates into five beams of light. Two skeletons holding halberds explode as the lights strike them. The one skeleton was about to feast on Mania’s bloody leg. “Damn it Mania! You and your damned ideas!” screams Cosa in anger.

“Now is not the time for a lovers quarrel!” replies Belinda tripping a skeleton and grabbing his weapon as it falls. “It was a desperate move but it will at least give us a chance!”

She swallows hard as the rear doors burst open and three dozen more skeletons arrive. They are about to be overrun on a pile of treasure!

Mania is grabbed by a skeleton and uprooted doing more damage to his bloody leg. He holds the skeleton off with one hand and searches for something to strike it with his free hand. “Ah –HA!” He yells and stabs it with…a stick? The skeleton pauses as if enjoying the moment. Mania kicks it off but breaks the “stick” within its ribcage. The resulting explosion of the shattered Wand of Wonders destroys many skeletons and cuts and bruises everyone else as coins fly like they were fired from a sling.

Logan, in his glory asks if he has any more sticks.

The skeletons gather up and form three loose clusters. They are about to charge the pile in a blitz attack.

Mania and Cosa both begin to quickly search for exists above and beyond the undead. Belinda searches for anything psionic to attack with. Logan, still naked, smiles a grin that would intimidate anyone living and motions for them to come. And they do.

“Mania…I love you.” Says Cosa feeling this is it.

“I too. Want to have some kids when we get out of here.” He replies in total denial of the dire situation.

The skeletons begin to scramble over the pile. The pile was 15 feet high and about 20 foot in radius. Now it is only about 8feet tall but spread out throughout the room from the battle. It is a good thing Tangiers expected this.

A waving light appears which is ignored by the skeletons then Tangiers and Chaffle appear and land gently in the treasure. Tangiers, knowing what was about to happen as she saw the horde massing towards the building, has already considered her next actions. Chaffle isn’t so prepared. He trips a bit walking over gold lined vases, coins and ivory and jade statues. Then he sees the situation and plight of his friends.

Cosa lets off another round of Magic Missiles from the wand she found. Mania grapples and pushes back a skeleton that trips up three others. Belinda slaps a skeleton with the first random thing she grabs- a large rolled up map. The ancient paper explodes in dry pieces but does knock the skeleton back. Logan does what he can. With a running start, he leaps onto the mess still hoping to find that axe he had seen earlier.
Tangiers runs to the closest group of skeletons. Her eyes begin to glow and leak built up psychic energy. She releases it as many skeletons are blasted and torn apart as they are severed by her mind. Chaffle, with no turns remaining, pulls out his wand of light and castes it towards the pile of gold and treasure. Many skeletons pull back but others are unaffected. This is the problem with undead thinks Chaffle. Too many have developed immunities due to special creation or curses that created them.

Suddenly he feels a tug on his wand. Then another tug. Then a yank. He grips it with both hands and looks about. Walking slowly, leg before the other suggesting uncanny balance, an armored skeleton slowly walks his way. It carries two swords. Its head is aglow with uncontrolled psychic energy.

“Welcome Chaffle. I am Halobreaker. I am your death.”

I have once more bitten off more than I can chew at the home site so I'm going to try to finish up the Bodach storyline and then take a break. I WILL return to Under A Darksun once I have more free time and get more storyline done.


PS- When I do a Darksun segment in Strikeforce: Morituri I will leave a note here.


First Post
I just found this story, and i'm LOVING it! I've always enjoyed Darksun!

Hope to see another installment soon!



“Death, Dying and the Undead”

The dust clears and slowly Mania pushes himself from the gold and treasure. He is clueless at what just happened. He remembers a new skeletal figure appearing. This one looked like it was on fire with purple flames and smoke. He was talking to someone out of his view. As he turned the skeleton pointed a sword at the person or persons then suddenly everything blew up.

The light was going out and the darkness creeping in. This was not good.

The purple mist still existed. The figure seemed to be looking for something. Mania took this moment to look for Cosa and the others. Cosa was unconscience but seemed okay. She was clutching onto a tome she found. Based by the coins embedded on its cover, she used it as a shield. Then he found Belinda. She was on her knees with her head low.

“Belinda- what is ….it?” Mania asks as he tries to walk over to her by feel as the light begins to go.

There he is. Logan. A berserker rage still on his face. Protruding from his chest is a broken staff. There is no sign of life in his eyes. Mania ashens at the site. He is shaken and reeling. Then he hears laughter. The color returns to his face. He steadies himself. Now with a crimson face of rage he turns.

The new powerful undead creature is laughing. He has located Chaffle and stands over a stunned child or halfling. (He is so angry it never comes to him that Chaffle should be dead) Mania looks around for a weapon…any weapon. He sees a sword. It is black with a red leather grip. Gripping it tightly with both hands he stalks the undead.

“The great and almighty Chaffle. Look at you now. It has been a long time teammate.”

Chaffle blinks at him with blood dripping from his nose as he pushes himself up from the scattered treasure. “Bearreanna?”

“There is no Bearrenna here- only Halobreaker!” the undead answers quickly and with anger. “Bearrenna died 10 years ago…I am Halobreaker! I will be your death!”

“How can you do this? You and my father both were good people. Fight it! Fight the compulsion to do this. Fight Minscar!”

“You were but a boy looking to impress his father when last I saw you. Your father loved you much. Your father led me and the others here looking for treasures to fuel the rebellion in the city. Instead- we found death. He needs to pay. You will do.” It is obvious the skeleton is savoring the moment.

Too bad for him he has underestimated the halfling under his foot and has yet to notice the figure rushing at him with a sword…tears streaming from his eyes.

Chaffle holds onto his flask of water he uses as a holy symbol. He creates Day light that’s springs from his symbol.

“Arrgh… You put too much value in that power. It is time to end it.

“Muffled but clear enough- Tangiers cuts in. “For an undead creature- you talk too much! Suddenly the pupils of Tangiers turn white and green energy then erupts from her body.

“ARRRGH!” Pulsating light flashes and tears at the mortal remains of the Halobreaker as Tangiers tries to teleport pieces away quickly. A Baneful Teleport for the undead. Chunks of armor and bone break off and turn into material covered by green goo. “You will die for that whelp!” Halobreaker raises his boot to crush the head of the halfling when Mania arrives slashing at him in mid-air.

He dodges it but the moment of adjustment allows Tangiers to roll out of the way. Mania lands hard in the coins. “Swordplay?” The undead asks as he shifts to show his two swords. He begins his trademarked way of walking one foot over, the other which would distract most but not Mania. He is just too angry now to notice. It becomes obvious to those watching that the undead is playing with him. Mania wildly swings at him keeping him busy. Busy enough for Chaffle to pray to heal from his newest injuries- some of, which are very serious.

Mania tries once more to hack up the undead but seems to always just miss him. He seems to never be where he appears to be. Tangiers tries to teleport him again but fails to. Halobreaker knows Tangiers is the main threat here but ignores him. His hatred is too strong for Chaffle. He strikes out at Chaffle again. Several sword slashes and stabbing draw blood. The blood on the swords disappears as if absorbed and the skeleton’s damaged bones then begin to repair themselves. Chaffle can not heal himself fast enough. The room seems to spin and twist. To pass out now will mean his death.

Mania swings again- he chips off a piece of armor this time. So close but so far away. Tangiers is quickly coming to realize that they can not defeat this creature here. She begins to wonder if her curiosity of the man known as Mania is worth the risk when suddenly there is an ear piercing scream and a cry of anger. Tangiers looks up and sees that Halobreaker has plunged both blades into Chaffle’s back- impaling him. Mania strikes and this time actually hits the undead horror.

Seeing only one way to defeat this creature- Tangiers grabs the leg of Halobreaker and tries to use her most powerful psionic power of all. A globe of pure white opens up before her. Halobreaker screams. He tries to free himself from the halfling bounty hunter but can not. Energy and treasure swirls around caught in the flux of energy. Tangiers, with a grim face, looks at Mania. “I’ll see you again. Don’t go to Nibenay. You have powerful enemies there. So long young warrior.”

“NOT THE POSSITIVE ENERGY plane! You…can’t…take…….*”

Coins of gold, silver and other precious metals fall to the floor. Both are gone.

Blinking and trying to defuse his anger so as to figure out who the halfling was and what just happened, Mania just stands there, sword in hands. It is on the third time Cosa calls to him he snaps out of it. The undead are returning. When Chaffle died, so did his Daylight spell.

The heroes are forced once more to run. This time blindly and without hope.

A few moments or several hours later- it is hard to say, things begin to happen to the two bodies left behind. The flesh rots unnaturally quickly from Chaffle’s body. Then he shakes off the remaining flesh and stands up slowly. The two swords fall out from his ribs and hit the floor. He picks one up and mindlessly joins the others…just like any other Bodach skeleton.

Logan’s skin dries up and tears off like the bark of a birch tree, Red lights appear where his eyes were. His mouth, in a permanent grin, opens and closes as if to test their strength. Then he pulls himself out of the coins and treasure. Staring at the staff piece in his chest, he pulls that out next and tosses the broken staff of resurrection to the ground. He looks to the left then the right. Then throws back his head and screams. He screams of the failed focus and destiny he had. His emotions and feelings of good are replaced or tainted with evil.

On this night, a new Dwarven Banshee stalks Bodach.

Grondmar said:
I just found this story, and i'm LOVING it! I've always enjoyed Darksun!

Hope to see another installment soon!



Glad to hear it. I will be slowing down on this site a bit however. I am still doing STRIKEFORCE: MORITURI however. I'm guessing around Segment 125-130 is where I'll be taking a bit of a break. I need to take a moment to de-Darksun a bit and figure out all the lose ends I have going currently. Look for startling cliff-hangers in the meantime. :)

PS- for those liked the dwarf- Logan...sorry. The die failed him and I thought it would be fun to make him into an undead.


bad DM

very bad. no pizza for me. :p

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