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Under A Darksun: PART I SEGMENTS 1-124

Picture time.

Here is a drawing I did of the Silt Serpent that nearly killed Cosa.


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    Untitled-Scanned-02 silt serpent.jpg
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Chaffle battles a nasty undead referred to as a Rajaatdead (aka Banedead)


  • Untitled-Scanned-05 rajaat dead.jpg
    Untitled-Scanned-05 rajaat dead.jpg
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“Here We Go Again”

“What does this do?” asks Mania as he reaches out to another globe on the wall.

“Don’t!” Shouts Cosa. “We have no idea what it is or what it can do.”

“All the more reason to check it out” answers Belinda as she reaches past both persons.


“What is it? Are you okay?”

“Yes. It just asked me what I was looking for. It gave me a flash like image. A map. It can help us get out!”

Mania touches the globe now and concentrates. In his mind he sees multiple levels and four red dots. Three dots are grouped up close and appear to be underground. The single red dot is moving and on the first floor. “Is that Logan?”

“I would guess so. But why is he moving so quickly?”

Not able to resist it any further, Cosa reaches to the globe. “He is nearly directly over head. I saw stairs back a few doors ago. Maybe we reunite with him there.

“It’s worth a shot.”

The three of them work their way back to a stairway leading up. Half way up Belinda stops them and motions for them to be quiet. She crawls up the stairs then without a torch then stops and watches. From here she sees skeletons…. dozens of them, rush by. They are pursuing Logan she thinks to herself. She quietly calls to Mania and Cosa.

“Are you ready for skeletons?” she whispers. “A bunch just ran that way. I think they’re after Logan.

“Or Logan is smiling and laughing as he leads them into a trap” smirks and comments Mania. “Either way- we better be careful.”

After about two minutes of following the tracks Cosa stops and listens. Then quickly motions for the other two to move away.

“Yahhhhhhhhhhhhh” huffs and puffs a scratched up naked hairy dwarf in full run. He runs past them and down the hallway. The three of them prepare to call out to him when the first of the skeletons can be heard.

Mania quickly yanks off his cover piece leaving a simple black shirt and skirt behind. He nods to Belinda and tosses the other end of the thick robe to her down low. They wait until the first skeleton rushes by then pull the cloth taunt.

The first two skeletons look down at their fast moving feet as they see the cloth rise. The others don’t see it at all. Suddenly about 6 of them are airborne and crash into the stone wall shattering. Others try to slow down but can not. They topple and tumble also though not enough to break or become damaged. “Here we go again!” shouts Mania as he and Belinda trip up the last of the rushing patrol and they then chase after the naked hairy screaming dwarf.

Suldulin said:
Still reading and enjoying the story

Thankyou for the support. I have been updateing my other Story Hour lately. If you wish, I can mention here when they arrive in Darksun. Also, one of the characters is a Darksun character from prior to the Cleansing Wars days. Vander Stormbringer. A Psychic Warrior Merc whom ....has not had an easy life :)

Also, unknown to any but those that known me personally, I have multiple versions of a certain character. In Darksun he is Mania. In Strikeforce he he is Megamania. A concept I had before I knew of Matt Wagner's Grendel. A universal force of rebellion and change and freedom.

But again- enjoy the stories and thankyou.

Andrew aka megamania


Minscar looked through the cracks of his dark room. The bright light of the sun shown through and caused him displeasure. It would not kill him as it did some of his warriors but it still caused him pain and weakened him.

Soon he would be able to step out and deal with the maggots that dared to run about his city. His city! He gritted his yellowed teeth together in anger. He was certain Jenner would come for the young pups. But when? He didn’t want the pups running lose when he arrived. He wanted to lure him into a specific place within the city.

This place was pure negative energies. One of his free-willed allies suggested it was the resting-place of Irikos when he fought and died here. Irikos! His name was a thing of legend. As well as his magical sword, which was recovered already from these ruins about 200 years ago. He was the “left” hand of Rajaat. He saw over all the other Champions to ensure they did what was required of him. Some say he was not human… not of our world either. Myth and conjecture in my mind.

A few moments go by as he thinks of the glory that he could have had if he lived in those days with today’s knowledge. Then he remembers his task on hand. The pups of Jenner. “Digit- get me Halobreaker. Get him for me now!” A closed box opens up and a bony skeletal hand crawls out. It skitters quickly on its “finger” tips and leaps from the table the box sat on and out the doorway.

Minscar waits impatiently for his servant as the sun begins to touch the Sea of Silt. “Cleric Minscar-“ comes a voice from the grave.

Without turning to face him, Minscar addresses him. “I have need of your skills ol’ great hunter. I have flesh within my beautiful city and it needs to be stripped of life.”

“Most certainly Cleric Minscar”

The large skeletal figure turns to begin his hunt. His crimson blood colored armor makes little sound as he leaves. His head is encased in Psionic vapors not of our world. Once he was greatly skilled hunter come to Bodach with a group of nobles hoping to blunder it. Instead they all died. The nobles became animated skeletons once the wind driven sand and silt stripped the flesh from their bones. Halobreaker however became free-willed. He soon met and joined Minscar. A new purpose was created for him. Instead of being a hunter / protector for the rich, he became the hunter and slayer for Minscar. His unlife changed little from when he bore flesh.

Outside- the long shadows became dark. Within the deeper shadows, red eyes peered out as the undead awoke. Soon, the entire city would be animated with undead of all levels of power. All seeking to look for treasure, artifacts and four lone runaways.

Voidrunner's Codex

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