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Under A Darksun: PART I SEGMENTS 1-124

This will be the site of my Darksun inspired campaign I have worked out but never put onto paper for about five years now. I hope you enjoy it.


Deep below the ground hidden in a maze of tunnels built thousands of years ago lies an enigma.
She is magically and psionically imprisoned within here for the past 17 years. Only the light given off by dozens of dim wisping candles brighten the room. The light gently reflects from her golden metallic flacked skin and silver hair. Her eyes see only the darkness around her through pupliless eyes of white. Today she has a guest.

She can hear his clawed feet strike the stones…coming closer and closer. She senses him almost as much as she hears him. A heavy reinforced door opens. She sees his reflective serpent eyes stare at her. She trys to deduce his thoughts or feeling but can find none. “Welcome Bane. What brings you to me after these years?”

The ten foot tall reptilian creature paces a few times before her. His twitching tail tells of his anxiousness and nervousness. “I came to torment you of course my love.” He looks into her eyes searching for a reaction but finds none.

“I have known you too long for that Bane. Something bothers you….something bothers you greatly.”

“Arrragh! I should kill you woman! I should kill you for the sheer joy of it!”

Silence. Several tense moments go by but she continues to show little emotion to her visitor.

“The world is dead. Can you not feel it Enigma? I and the Champions of Rajaat have killed it. Killed it with little remorse or care.” He stares at her hard. He hopes for a reaction but finds none forthcoming. “The people cower before their defiler kings and queens. We have controlled the entire Valley and beyond for thousands of years now with an iron fist. We will continue to do so forever as we are immortal and can not be killed by the mortal creatures that scurry beneath our feet.”

Using a soft voice she replies, “Are you proud or are you bored oh great and powerful co-ruler of the valley of Tyr? You did not come to see me for the first time in a decade to gloat. Something is amiss. Something your immortal but very human heart can not comprehend. Change. Change is coming. And you are not sure whether this is bad or something to embrace.”

“RARRRGH! HOW DARE YOU!”, he moves quickly at her to strike her down but suddenly stops. His clawed feet inches away from the chalk lined magical barrier that aids to imprison her. “Hee….you almost did it Enigma. But no , you will remain here forever.”

“Forever…?” She sits upright and stares into his eyes….”There is very little that is forever Bane…very little indeed.”

“Oh?” He leans over her in an attempt to intimidate her while not breaking the invisible barrier, “…and what is forever if not the Champions?”


“Hope…? Hahahahahahaha. “There is no hope. Until the next decade goes by dear dear dearest Enigma.” He turns and leaves disappearing through the darkness and the maze of tunnels that surround her prison.

“Hope. It is alive Bane. I forsaw this before we met those long years ago when I was fooled by your ideals. No. No Bane. There is hope because there will rise a hero. A hero unlike any other before him.”
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Hot and extremely unpleasant.

He couldn’t stop thinking about it. For two days now he has been within this slave caravan cell. He has seen three humans give in to the heat thus far. The enslavers merely wrote it up as business causes and pushed the bodies off the cargo wagon onto the sandy wastes to be eaten by the carrion consumers within the desert.

How did I get caught and put within here? I was always faster, stronger and smarter than most people my own age. Maybe my luck just ran out. “How are you holding up Alderoan?”

An elf was chained to the wall next to him. He was captured yesterday at an oasis. Like most elves, it was not the heat that bothered him, it was the containment. “I have seen better horizons Mania. However, I would like to think I will be out soon enough.”

The young man known only to others as Mania slowly nodded his head and gave a short and less than sinsere smirk to the elf. He knew they would arrive in Nibenay shortly after the rise of the sun. At this point they would be sold on the slave market to nobles, templars and woodsmen. Neither sounded good to him or the elf. Still, the elf seemed to have a new spark in his eyes that he had not seen earlier.

Damn these elves thought Mania. They always seem to know something that no one else does….or at least pretend to know successfully.

The sweat burned his eyes as he looked up to see how the others fared. There were still 16 surviving slaves to be within the cell. Most were human nomads or escaped slaves from Urik. All seemed very weak from their harsh treatment. By day, the inclosed cell reached tempertures over 140 degrees. By night the tempertures dropped below a chilly 50 degrees. The elf, like his peoples, did not notice the temperture differences much. However, the dwarf and other humans felt it with all their souls.

If the temperture and confinement did not calm a person, then blows from the caravan guards and the headaches caused by the mindbender did. There were eight guards and a mindbender controlling the beasts of burden. It only took the nine of them to control the slaves. The sun was low in the sky. The outside temperture had already dropped below 100 while within the cell it was still over 130.

Alderoan spoke very quietly to himself. He knows we will die or become slaves by morning thought Mania. He is losing it. Mania began to curl into a fetal position. He was finally prepared to give up when he knowed a queer sight. A small blue glider was riding on the wagon. This small lizard would use the skin flaps between it’s legs to sail after bugs. What was it doing here, so far away from an oasis, riding a slave wagon? Alderoan seemed to be listening to it.

“Hmmm….you are correct Relea”, whispered the elf as he looked onto the blonde haired young man. “You would seem to be better than this Mania…better than to give up when our first opportunity to leave has yet to come. Do you know whom I am? I am Alderoan, an elf. This you know. You know more than the cretins above us. Let me now tell you a secret.” The elf leans over to Mania as if to pass out, “I am also a chief’s eldermost son. Relea has told me about a rescue attempt that they prepare for me. Though I need not your help, it would be appreciated. In return, I will release you. Do you agree?”


Segment 001 was entitled "Prelude of the hero"
Segment 002 was entitled "Captured & Enslaved"

“Elven Rescuers”

Bryceson didn’t care for his job but it was better than being a captive. He has been working as a slave caravan guard for two months now. He has seen many acts of cruelity in this time and wished to erase them from his mind but could not. He had a wife and a child. The wife worked within the psionics school in Nibenay. His son was showing possible early signs of psionic powers. He had to work.

Bryceson was then startled when a black raven landed on a rock next to him. It made no sounds. It just stared at him tilting it’s head as if this would enable it to understand him better. “Go away you wretched animal” snarled the guard. “Away with you before you find…an arrow….in you…?” Bryceson never knew what hit him. The raven looks at him then from where the arrow originated from.

An elf impossibly quiet and stealthy blended in with the rocks and weeds. He looked at the bird for a second then turned his attention to even another guard whom fell from his Crodlu seconds later.

Mania barely heard the click of the lock as it was picked and opened by the elf. Alderoan placed a finger to his lips to signal Mania’s attention to quiet. Mania’s one lock was picked next. The other slaves were still fast asleep in the cool night.

Quietly the two would-be escapees moved to the door. As quietly as possible, they moved back the door. However, it was not quiet enough. One of the people inside, the dwarf, awoke and began demanding his release. Suddenly his eyes glazed over…if only for moment as they lept out the jarred door. “Jump!” yelled Alderoan.

The rescue consisted of two elven archers. Both of them were now on the run as riders charged down onto them. The caravan leader, a mindbender, had an arrow lodged in his chest. He lived but could not use his impressive powers. As such, the beast of burden was no longer under his control and became spooked by the activities. It bolted to one side then the other. The leader was thrown from the sheltered riders area onto the ground. A lantern fell from it’s perch and a fire quickly erupts further panicing the large lizard-like creature.

“Run! The wagon is out of control!” yells the running elf.

“But the people…..” Mania realises his mistake as the wagon groans and begins to topple over in a flaming heap. With no way to outrun it’s area of impact- Mania runs at full speed crouched over towards the inferno. He rolls between the short wheels coming out in a safe area. A thunderous crash sends sand and dust up briefly blinding him. The people inside are being killed by the flames and impact he thinks but can do nothing as suddenly he is struck down unconscience. An elf in brown robes stands over him. A mage of some sorts. His face is grim and has little promise of mercy.

“Hold Faerun!” yells Alderoan. “Without this human I may not have been able to open the door. He is not to be touched!”

“This is not our way. He has seen you. He should perish”

“Let the desert decide then….but leave him be.”

Thus three elves run off into the night. A burning husk of a wagon being dragged and whipped about by a frenzied small Mekillot into the sands of eternity. Mania, unconscience by magic, lays left for dead by an elven leader he thought he could trust. Left along with nothing or anyone but a silent black raven.

That will be later. This takes place roughly 5-8 years before Freedom.

If you know Athas and Darksun well, you will see and possibly appreciate a few of the minor details I will show. Watch for special camero appearances by existing NPCs from the novels and accessories.
I will be doing a lot of foreshadowing and hint dropping also. I'm sure you suspect what "Bane" is and if so maybe even what Enigma is.
As for Mania, the current person I will be concentrating on, watch for him to develop also. He has little idea of whom he is but it appears some know.
I will be introdicing several new key players and places. Enigma and Bane being the first appearing in the prelude. The NPCs and PCs of my past gaming within Darksun will also be making special appearances eventually. Watch for Daina- she may create a war that could only be compared to the Defiler/Preserver war that grew into the Cleansing War.
I have mapped out and dated all important characters and events mentioned in the 13 novels, the core books, Dragon magazine articals and anything else that talked about Darksun. I pride myself in mantaining a true sense of time and how one event effects several other events.

Hope you and the others continue to enjoy the tale as it unfolds.


First Post
YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!, a darksun story hour and a well written one at that *add this to the other two story hours he regularly reads* :D
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First Post
Suldulin said:
YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!, a darksun story hour and a well written one at that *add this to the other two story hours he regularly reads* :D

Only two ? Get reading man !


I don't know Dark Sun that well, but I have read Freedom and a couple of other supplements. I'm sure I'll enjoy the story even if some of the foreshadowing flies above my head ;)

“Dirty Dogg”

Dirty Dogg

It’s a simple straight forward name I picked up as a punk-kid on the streets of Nibenay. Growing up on the streets I came to the conclusion that no one cared. I had to learn to survive on instincts. I did okay for myself. 90% (to me ALL) of my earning went to the Guild of the Silent Hand. In return they taught me some basics in procurring goods for myself. As I grew older I tried to renegotiate the terms. I found a dagger in my back the next day by a hungry theif looking to rise up the ladder.

Left for dead I was found in an alley by Jocasta. She is the daughter of a small trade house that specializes in helping other houses. Her father, Greene, would rent out a caravan complete with guards to help another house move goods quickly or to aid in hostile terrain. Greene thinks of himself as a great explorer. I’m not sure about that but he a good guy.

“Hmmm…you don’t talk much do you bird?”

The black bird tilts it’s head and peers into the pointman’s eyes. It gives a sharp but quiet kaw.

“Hee….yeah- I know. I’m talking to a bird…out in the middle of nowhere. Worse, I’m talking about myself which I NEVER do. Anyhow…hrmmm?”

The human rogue stops his Crodlu. He looks out into the distance. He sees smoke in the distance- faint. The morning light just making it visible.

Putting a tethered jewel that is strung tightly to the back of his hand near his mouth the man known only as Dirty Dogg replies-

= I see smoke ahead. No free tribes here that I’m aware of. May be raiders. I’m looking into it =

“Breaks over bird- time to go to work.” He moves from the main trail into a parrell path about 500ft from it. Bad place here…many rock outcrops. Good place for an ambush with a small but skilled group.

He dismounts to move closer. Except for elves and halflings, few can match his stealth (so he thinks). He then sees a body. Signs of a fight are here. A man with a crushed in skull and an arrow lies dead about fifty feet away. Further away is another body. No sign of harm to him. See what else we got here.

Satisfied in his finding, Dirty Dogg alerts the caravan of his finding….

= …oh and Jocasta….we have a live one too. =

Suldulin said:
YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!, a darksun story hour and a well written one at that *add this to the other two story hours he regularly reads* :D

Thankyou. I've never done anything quite like this so any constructive thoughts and/or critisms are welcome. I'm hoping to do 3-5 pages a week (about 3 entrees). Andy:)

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