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Akalich Meets Forgotten Realms

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Demon Prince
Adventure Update

After my brutal slaughter upon the enemies and Jests quick escape. Drazens grows infuriated at their disappearance. I opened the gateways from the lower planes allowing uncountable demons enter the prime material planes and withdrew my forces quickly. The inhabitant of this universe are suffering greatly
But what do I care? I have more pressing problems, or did. Recently Jests sister has requested audience. And when i accepted her request and brought her in, she offered me a deal: She would give me the portal key to her brothers private demiplane if i promise to make her a grand ruler of my empire over this petty world. I thought about it and made the deal, with great amusement, of course. A sister betraying her own brother for power. That's pure amusement.
I came, with help from the portal key, Straight into the front entrance of the complex. Immediately i sent my shadow of the voids to comb through the area. And where did i find Jest? Slumped over in a personal bar. Depressed and uncommunicative. He did not seem surprised to see me glide through the door, he instead took one look at me and raised his glass sarcastically saying "Cheers to your Victory Winter King. You win.". So I waste no time, i killed him and took the FULL POWER of the Amidah template. All for myself. The paragon of this universe, +75 to all my stats. Oh what joy.
Now that he is dead i must hunt the dragon, but that will come soon. I'll hold a parade across my entire empire, celebrating Drazens newfound power and as well make Jests sister a hero with the highest medal, the black lightning award, and a seat on my council. She proved impressive.


Demon Prince
Adventure Update

My return home did not go as planned.
So as i climb aboard my ship to the Omniversal Highway, right? Well we took off. Me enjoying peace among my private quarters in the grand ship The Dark Dawning (A massive royal starship) We, by a freak of nature, encountered a cosmic flare. Causing our ship to reel off course into the extra-cosmic chaos. Our ship suffered thousands and thousands of points of damage.
Long story short we were thrown into a random dimension where our ship manifested in the gravity of some random planet. I could've stopped it but I was feeling particularly bored. So I let it happen.
We crashed into the icy part of the world. (Fun fact we are in the Icewall on Krynn, from the dragonlance setting.)
I immediately gave orders to the survivors of the crash to scout the area and take note. Meanwhile I secured the ship with my magic and began setting an outpost.
I'll go on about it later.


Demon Prince
Adventure Update

So, the remaining legions of my army with me are as follows: 89 level 30 Fighter paragon skeletons, 8 paragon shadow of the voids, 12 paragon defacers, 4 evolved (x127) paragon boneyards and a small force of dread wraiths.
And then their are my elitists. The 2 Paragon death knights, 3 demilich nobles (Level 209 Wizard/5 archmage), and the welkin Luara.
After I sent my scouts to learn about the world and surrounding area and used divination magic to figure out my whereabouts I have learned I am on the Icewall. In the world of Krynn. I have also learned the rift that sent us here will be closed for about a week. Forcing us to establish a base here and camp out, but meanwhile I'm interested in the cosmology of the world. Curious to know if I can refill my soul gems. I best keep my wits about me
The nearest civilization is a town called Tarsis. Which I'm intrigued by this place. I'm going to disguise myself and walk among the populace for a bit. Get to know the people and the customs. Live out a fake life for awhile. Gods know I need a vacation. Speaking about gods the deities of this realm have taken interest in us for a brief moment, that ended when I shielded my presence and the rest of the crew from their probings.
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Demon Prince
What exactly are DEFACERS? Piqued my curiousity.
Here is the description.
A Defacer is an undead creature formed when the spirit of a shapechanging creature, such as a Doppelganger, is animated by a necromancer. Most ordinary creatures, once risen in such a way, will generally keep the form they held in life. Shapechangers, however, barely having a definite form or identity to start with, are brought back as dark, blank, faceless creatures, and their utter absence of identity compels them to "steal" the faces of those around them, a horrific ability which leaves the victim's face featureless. The many faces they "collect" in this way swim about their body, keening frightfully.


Demon Prince
Adventure Update

Drazen the mighty Akalich has used Shapechange and multiple spells to hinder his unnatural presence so that he may enter the city of Tarsis as his young albino self. While I was looking around with the company of Laura, dressed as wealthy merchants from a distant place, I found very important things with my godlike search check and intelligence checks. First of all Wizards belong to a “Conclave of Wizards.”, Being either Red (Neutral), White (Good), or Black (Evil) robed. Second of all creatures seem to be restricted to level 18, the strongest members of this world seem to be around that level (Unfortunate for them. A Wizard over level 900 walking around. These guys are helpless!). Third of all, a group of Elves called Silvanesti are apparently a highly prejudiced people. I hate snobby species. Perhaps I shall teach them a lesson in manners.
Anyway, I built a large fortress using the shipwreck with my spells. I already am raising new undead soldiers and such, thinking of declaring myself as an independent nation from the rest of this world. Only to spice things up a bit.
As I traverse the town I am thinking of allies to be made, deals to be cut and events to manipulate. Apparently they have strange dragon armies that made war with most of the nations not too long ago. Perhaps I could unite them under my banner, away from this Takhisis.


Demon Prince
Adventure Update

I am a threat to this worlds balance. It's true. Though I can't imagine HOW I'm a threat to the balance [Sarcasm]
Anyway, I'm thinking of either being a Rogue wizard, Or joining the Black robes and claiming myself the leader of the conclave. (I always like black.....)
Now, on to whats happening. A few rogues tried to mug me and Luara thinking we were easy targets to loot. Which was a sorry mistake that left them wishing they never tried to attempt such foolish actions. I continued making some minor connections before using my Diplomacy skill to sway others to my side. Mostly thieves and whatnot. I used them for info and spies as I continued searching for a home/base of operations beside my fortress on Icewall. I discovered that nestled in the southern portion of the Kharolis Mountains, overlooking the Plains of Dust, is the ancient settlement of Itzan Nul. Believed to have been an ancient home of the High Ogres, it since it has long since been abandoned and left in ruins....... I think it would make a splendid home for me. Meanwhile, as I have transported to the ruins, I have made magical contact with Lord Soth requesting an alliance. As well as searching for the dragonarmies. So that they pledge service to a powerful new master: Me.
Now, on other matters I have observed the customs and traditions of the individuals of Krynn and have decided to be more polite to their ways. Now they are but ants that I may squash to my amusement, but I'm feeling particularly kind But I still wish to strike fear into their hearts, however. I will show myself to be the most powerful wizard they have ever come across. However, I will display myself to be around level 40 to the people on the world. Yet showing my true power to the gods (when the time is right) and declaring myself to be a independent power.

Along my attempts to contact the dragonarmies, Some of Takhisis's clerics have contacted me. Telling of their dark mistress's desire to become allies with Drazen, for she sees me to be the perfect way to set her free and kill off the other deities. Destroying the balance.
I simply told them that I will be an acquaintance to her mistress, I will not help her unless I decide otherwise. Ultimately I play by my own rules.
So Once that messaged was relayed I went back to restoring the ruins of Itzan Nul to its perfected state. With some personal touches of dark art to give it more of my feel.


Demon Prince
Alright, my intelligence score is 804. How did this happen you ask?
Well, first of all I took the liberty of conjuring a lab to harvest quintessence. Emptying my soul gems to experiment and try to conjure a ability called "Enscrolled". I have been working hard, and finally managed to do it. Limitless spells per day.
So once I got Enscrolled my DM let me discard the 86 improved spell capacities. I took those 86 slots and stuffed them into great intellect, turning into 124 slots. Dividing my score by 2 (I have to take the legendary Intellect out of the equation) and tacking away 32 to replace with 124, then multiplying it again by 2 gave me 804. I am so proud of myself! I worked long and hard on this ability. I also managed to get an Aura of Degeneration

Voidrunner's Codex

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