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Slaves of the Dragon (orsal judging)


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It seems as though we should try to get to the heart of the matter. We don't know much of anything, and haven't seen anything at all. I agree with Jack, let them come to us. We could sniff and tap dance all over this area for a month and never find anything.

Thanyvan speaks with force and conviction, but as soon as he is done, he shrinks back into the "crowd" of adventurers.

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"I don't like the idea of letting the kobolds and dragons come to us. If they do, we's have to also worry about defending the town and keeping the dragon from leveling it with its breath. However, basing ourselves out of Felden does seem like a good idea. Lets just home this doesn't come down to a pitched battle defending a town. I think we should go on and start the plan we agreed on to scout Grenton. Just, don't lead the kobolds back to Felden.

Knight Otu

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Jakub looks a bit surprised.
"Are you sure it's a good tactic to rely on such rumours spreading? Especially if we don't know how long it would take to reach the kobolds? It would propably be longer than going to Grenton - and we don't know if they would come at all."

Rae ArdGaoth

Quarion Holimion, Elven Druid 1

Quarion has been standing quietly and dispassionately while the others discussed, but now he looks incredulous and angry. "Let the dragon come to us? Do we even know what color this beast is? Do we even know the power of... of this corruption of nature? The only time defending is better than attacking is when you are prepared for your enemy, and usually prepared to fight a war of attrition. Have we anything to defend? Just Feldon and Grenton, two towns of peasants who... what, dig all day? They dig, for the gods' sakes! They will do nothing against a dragon, they will be eaten alive. No, we cannot let the dragon come to us, that would be disastrous. I say... I say we travel to Grenton and stay out of sight, I say we find out more about this dragon and its minions, I say we find out more about it than it finds out about us. I am a worshipper of the forest, of nature, but just because a dragon is not of nature... I know, this does not mean it is weak. We should anticipate the worst. And if the worst is true, we stand no chance against a raging dragon doing what it does best."


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Planus Elf Cleric 1

Planus has been trying the whole time to get a word in, but has been unable to so far. At last, about to burst he says, "We know where the kobolds are. In Grenton, not Feldon. Lets leave the good people of Feldon out of this. It's about the least exciting place in the world unless you like watching grass grow. We may not be able to find much in the wilderness, but if defending a town is what you want, Grenton is the place to stage that. I, myself, would much prefer actually attacking at the roots. Mobility and ambush is the key too any victory. Besides, who wants to sit on their thumbs for a month."


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Farid nods, "I agree with the thinking of Quarion and Planus. If the dragon comes here, we risk more lives. If nothing else, we may be able to take advantage of the element of surprise. We do not want to fight a dragon before we are ready, so if we go to it, then at least we get to pick the terms we meet."


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"Just because they're coming to us, doesn't mean they have to come to Feldon," Jack advises. "We've a whole country-side to choose our battlefield from."


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Rika, Elven Fighter 1

Rika thinks for a second after Jacks suggestion. "Jack, you just gave me an idea. After we find out as much as we can about the dragon, we could set an ambush for it. Something like rumors about a caravan carrying gold or gems. Or we could lure it away from town with rumors of a attack on one side of town and hit the kobolds from the other side. We aren't going to with this one by attrittion or brute force, so we play trickier than our opponents.'

Rae ArdGaoth

Quarion Holimion, Elven Druid

In response to Rika, Quarion says, "Yes, wits will win this day, not brute force. But first, we must get to the town. First, we must find our enemy! At least let us travel while we talk. To Grenton?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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