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They are pushed and rushed out by the ditsy secretary as Zilshire gathers his required paperwork. She isn’t at all scared of Dorque and pushes him the most. She even puts her hands on his back and bottom of his shoulder pads. “Like Out Out! He can not be late!”


Professor Ardreau Guiest lives in a better section of Sharn. The brickwork and wooden interior panels are intact with fresh paint and stains. The address on the note leads them directly to the spot. Xar is happy he memorized much of the note they left at Zilshire’s office.

The cleric knocks gently. Nothing. He knocks harder and the door opens a few inches.

The apartment has been ransacked.

“Don’t go in. Leave it for the City Watch.”

“Xar- can you locate the Watch and bring them over?”

Shortly he returns with a few members of the watch with him.

“That was quick.”

“We were nearby. What have you found?”

“Something I left for you to see…..”

“Leave what to us?”

Tabask closes his eyes and supports his forehead on the doorframe. He turns slowly with his hands up. There are NINE officers there now. Two rows of four and a commander in the back. “I am Captain Feedle of The City Watch that over sees this area. May I see your papers please.”

Each hand over there papers. The Captain reads each in full and out loud and looks over the papers for authenticity. She hands them back. “We were told there was a disturbance here. We will need to have you join us at the guard house to answer some questions.”

“No.” states the warforged.

“Excuse me- did you refuse a simple lawful request by the city guard at a crime scene?”

“What crime?” asks the cleric.

“We received word that Professor Guiest is missing.”

The three look at each other. Each are thinking the same thing- they were set up. Then the second row expose items held in their hands- Wands!

“Now wait a damned-“ begins Xar with a hiss.

Dorque begins to move forward when they discover the wands are meant for him- Hold Construct.

The cleric now has decided not to hold back.

The remainder of officers pull out great swords- NOT standard equipment for city watch.

The warforged breaks free of the spell nearly cleaves an officer in two.

Another series of wands either fizzle or hold him once more. A look of ‘this is not the way it is supposed to go’ crosses several members faces.

The weasel begins to launch itself onto officers and bite and drink from them. As they are held, the kobold covers them with small bolts from his crossbow.

Captain Feedle begins to turn and flee. She is struck down. Wuth injured legs, she attempts to crawl to safety. The Cleric kills her.

Covered with blood splatter of the watch, the three look at each other and flee the scene.

They have no intension to stay in Sharn anymore.



“Like, I thought he was never gonna leave.” Declares the secretary as she closes and locks the door to the office.

She sits down closes her eyes. The smile leaves her face and her facial features become stern. She blows out her breath. She opens the desk lowest draw and reaches within the drawer. She opens a secret panel and pulls out a circlet. She looks to the concentrates further. She wishes she was certain what apartment they went to. It seems someone has gotten there first before them. City guards already? Corrupt? What was that? Ransacked? Zilshire- you are either one of the most corrupt people I have ever met or you are the ultimate puppet. I think puppet-

Fighting? The warforged is attacking the watch. Thought I heard the kobold say something about wands……

“oh. My. Gods.” She whispers in disbelief. The three of them are attacking the watch and not holding back !

DRAVAGO 7, 1003 10th BELL, SHARN

The Dark Lantern known only as Cole sits in the secret office of the Lanterns built into the walls of the Watch’s prison and headquarters. He is impatient, the city guard should have found them by now and had them held. After a few hours there, he would come to offer them freedom- for a cost. He knows the Warlord Saas is up to no good and is involving translators from Morgrave University. These three may have information he doesn’t have and could use.

Ah- activity in the Watch…… the young man goes to the secret viewing and listening point to the Watch.

“It was a massacre! There was said to be three of them and a dire weasel. They killed all nine of them- in cold blood. The professor that lived in the apartment is still missing and now believed to be dead.

Cole has a sinking and wrenching feeling in his gut. HE got the watch killed. HE underestimated the three of them.

Cole reaches for the papers and quill…… Tabask, Dorque and the kobold just joined the 10 Most Wanted for Dark Lanterns and House Denieth!

Dawnstar is hurrying down the hallway. She needs to stop them and learn what they know. Seems they are looking to leave the city immediately- through the docks. The Royal Eye agent hurries wishing she didn’t have high heels on. Damned secretary role……


DRAVAGO 7, 1003 11th BELL, SHARN

Tabask keeps looking nonchalantly over his shoulder as the three wait for the magic lift from the base of the city of Sharn to the docks below. Xar and his animal companion also look about for the city watch but sees no one. Dorque stands there like a statue. Once every so often he spots a fleck of blood on his shoulder or chest and wipes its off. Whatever.

The lift returns to them and after waiting for a bugbear with an eye patch and a distinctive looking bucker with clan markings on them to exit, they step onto the lift. Three coppers are handed over and the lift goes up.

Startled and paranoid, the half-elf confronts the operator. “Lift goes from top to bottom- then bottom to top. Stops three times going up and again going down. In a hurry?” comments the clearly bored and emotionless lift operator.

“no.” replies the cleric hoping not to draw suspicion to himself. “I’m new to the city. I don ‘t know much about it.”

“Ah…. Well….. Sharn is the largest city in Khorvaire. However it is not the capital of Breland- Wroat is. It has… just a moment- top of this line.” The lift operator gently pulls a lever and the lift stops high above the docks overlooking the Hilt, the bay connecting Dagger River with the Seaway.

A drunken sailor stumbles onto the lift and mumbles while pointing down. The mixed smell of stale ale and urine is overpowering. However they stay on board as a lone watch guard is seen strolling about within the crowds of the city.

As they go down, Dorque discovers a piece of bloody bone caught within his shoulder pad. With some perseverance, the warforged fighter removes the piece and flicks it off the lift. Tabask looks out and sees several ships docked. Many are unloading cargo from foreign lands. Others sit in the bay. They anchored there either because they are too large or wish to avoid taxes and/or dock workers nosing about their cargo or ship. The Traveler has strange urges he thinks.

Second from last, the drunken sailor mumbles and points at an tunnel entrance to the Cogs. The man stumbles off leaving a wet foot print from his right foot only. The kobold bounty hunter pulls his Dire Weasel back whom was sniffing the puddle the man stood in. The lift continues down another 50 feet and the four exit.

Where to begin? The rocky area between the cliffs and dock area have footways and short trails connecting them. Within these trails are wild flowers looked after by a few druids whom try to avoid passerbyers. Also here are sailors in tight watchful groups watching closely anyone walking nearby. A few ladies of the night are here also. Not the better-looking women by any means. These are women that desperate sailors will be willing to hire.

“Not the best area of the docks.” Comments Xar as he looks at an open sewer drain dumping raw sewage into a drain that then empties into the salt water nearby.

“Fewer Watch will be here.” Answers Tabask. “I don’t wish for further contact with them.”

“Avoid yes. Fear no.” replies Dorque.

“Did you forget already? The Captain suggested these watchmen had connections with the Swords and Dark Lanterns. Trainees or possible trainees but that is something we don’t want to be battling.”

The warforged is quiet. He recalls memories and rumors of Dark lanterns and the King’s swords- his assassins.

There are hundreds of sailors and dock people visible. Crates, wagons, beasts of burden and barrels are everywhere. It looked simple from up high on the lift but down here on the docks they feel lost and buried. “We ought to go to the dock masters for aid.” Suggests Xar.

“But why?”

“He or she will know if and when a ship is coming and for our needs going. We can do it without giving our names also. And there’s them.” He points about 100 feet down to the main docks. Five House Denieth members are asking sailors questions.

“Where?” asks the warforged.

“Right over there- that better looking building.” The Kobold points to a medium sized blue colored building with floats and old fishing nets hanging off of pegs along its roof edges. Crates, both shipping and lobster are stacked around it creating a short walled maze leading to its doorway.

After passing by another handful of sailors and women (including one child-like halfling) they enter the building getting out of view of the Dragonmarked family of Bounty Hunters. The floor is a mosaic of the ocean from northern Xen’drik to southern Khorvaire, Aeranel, northern Argonnessen and the eastern / western edges that book end the map. Several pieces are pieces are missing. Some of them have not been replaced. On the walls are more nets, buoys and other seafaring decorations. A large fat shaggy man enters the room. Behind him you catch a glimpse of shark jaws over 12 feet wide and high.

The fat man walks poorly from the closed door to a table. He collapses into a chair and looks at each of you trying to adjust his focus with the Kobold. “Whah hat?” he asks and points at the bounty hunter.

“A kobold.”

“Dought they hah dawg heads or sumpthing lauh dat.” He mumbles.

Tabask at first he thinks the man is stupid but then watches as the man searches a nearby table and removes a bottle of rum only 1/4th full. He sniffs it- wrinkles his nose at the smell, then smiles and chugs the remainder of the bottle in one breath. “Whah I do to hel’ you?”

“We were wondering about any outgoing ships. We hoped to get a lift. Quickly.”

The drunk dock watcher silently appraises each member… including Sarfuold (hairy halfling). “Wrong time day. Ships unlodding now. Set saih whith tides tomorroh or laydder.” Looking now at Dorque- “No loyalling here on mies dawks.” Deep frown then a burb that makes Tabask turn his nose away.


“Positive?” asks the warforged.

The drunk looks at him sternly. “Maybe ship not regtarred wid me will lissen toes you. Ships fat leave quietly. Day anchor ins da bay. Rows in. Trys them if you needs.” And his finger lazyily and unsteadily motions out the window at nothing specific.

“Thankyou.” Answers Tabask and the others begin to head out the door.

From the safety of the crates they look around. The Red color coded Denieth members are closer and driving sailors away. Too many feel they have possible warrants on them it appears. They also see a blackman with a red bandana and tri-pointed hat laughing but arguing with a young woman dressed better than then the working women here but the clothes are more revealing. Several tired, possibly hung over sailors are following them. They stop to argue more on the other side of the crates.

“Lucious- we are short handed as it is. We need to replace those three.”

“It’ll be okay. We always make it work in the end.”

“No. It works out for you- not us- not me. Humor me- find three more sailors. If not sailors- at least people that can help us at the island.”

“Ezzy Ezzy Ezzy….. we’ll be find. Besides- we need to leave shortly. Now that I have the map, we’ll be wanted people.”

“Hello. My name is Tabask. I couldn’t help but hear you are looking for help.” The half-elf puts on a bright smile and steps around the crates to better see the young woman and the man.

“Were you eaves dropping on us?!?” she stampers.

“Need three men… and here we have,,, uh three.” Begins the Captain looking first at Tabask then the warforged whom castes a shadow over him. Finally he looks at the kobold. “Nice….. what is he?”

“I am a Kobold. Has no one here seen a kobold before?”

“Why yes. Yes I have. I think.” He then frowns deeply trying to compare the Poison Dusk Lizard folk with what he sees here. “I am Captain Lucious Williams Peacock but you may call me ‘Lucky Luke’.

“Lucious…. Eh. Luke- we may be able to help you. You are leaving shortly I understand?” offers the half-elf.

“Nice necklace. Are you a cleric?” asks the woman as she looks at the half-breed closer.

“Yes. Yes I am. I can help healing and with repairs if required.”

“This is a warforged. The biggest I have ever seen. Is it true they don’t need to breath in water?” asks the captain.

“I do not breath.” Answers the warforged.

“Then how do you talk?” asks the woman.

The warforged can not say. He steps up and tries to stare her down. “Magic!” answers the Captain with certain glee. “He is created by magic. I am certain he can help a great deal once there.”

One of the drunken sailors snorts and smirks at the comment.

“You have something to add Jack?” asks the woman with her fists on her hips. Tabask wonders briefly how her shorts are staying on her hips. So low and…. Revealing.

“N-No ma’am. Just… he made of stone wood and steel. He will sink.”

“The Azure Dragon is made of these same materials. Do you believe she will sink?” asks the captain smirking and winking at the warforged. The action is lost on the warforged.

“What can the kobold do?” she asks next.

“I am a bounty hunter by profession.”

“NOT LOOKING FOR ANYONE AT THIS POINT…are you?” the Captain bursts out loud. Tabask looks to see if the Denieth agents heard him. They did not.

“No. Sadly I am not.”

The captain leans over to Ezzirra and whispers out loud- “We could use a smaller worker to go into the smaller holes and breaks. He may have other skills.”

“We will be at sea for several months but the pay is good.”

“Sounds reasonable. Lets talk more while we walk to your ship.” The other bounty hunters are getting closer.

They have a dingy at the docks. The Azure Dragon is anchored about 1000ft from shore. It is a large three mast ship. It looks to be in good shape. Dorque is the first member in the dingy. The bow lifts nearly out of the water he he sits on the seat and it creaks and cracks loudly. Jack is scared and uncertain the boat can handle the weight. “Don’t too much” suggests Ezzy.

And thus a new chapter begins……



Tabask is trying to make friends with Ezzirra. She is constantly in her room brewing potions. The smell reminds him of fish. It can’t be good.

The kobold is NOT a water creature. He has been sick nearly every day since leaving Sharn. Sarfuold has been exploring the ship happily. Every so often he finds a stray and/or dropped coin or glass bead dropped. He has created a secret nest in a coil of rope in a dark corner on the third level down. There is also a strange creature here. It is orange and white with short hair. It’s eyes are green and bright. It seems to have tunnels and runways built into the ship along the ceiling on the outer walls and a few going up the corners. These tunnels and passageways were built for this creature. The openings to the passageways are too small for the Dire Weasel.

Dorque stands up at the bow looking at the water. He is uncertain at what to make of the dolphins racing with the ship nor the seagulls that cry out in the air.

DRAVAGO 19, 1003

Though it is summer there is a cold breeze in the air. Cold especially for the beginning of the summer months near the equator. Dorque continues to stare at the seagulls as they fly about the ship hoping for food or something to eat.

Xar and Tabask is resting in the top most cabin on the bow across from the Captain’s quarters. The weasel is absent (looking for shiny things and that critter).

The man in the Crow’s Nest, Rat (Any Sinbad animated fans out there?) calls out a warning. Not hearing him clearly the first time everyone is scanning the water and the horizon. It is Dorque that spots it next- something flying from the north out of Zilargo. A man-sized creature with leather wings.

“Dragon!” calls out Rat from above. He rings a cow bell in addition to yelling out.

Even as Tabask and Xar charge out their doorway onto the deck the White Dragon drops to water level and sweeps up at the ship’s edge. It strikes the warforged with its breath weapon. As it flies low just over the rail Tabask gets a lucky strike on it. It sweeps out taking many seconds to turn and charge again. The sailors have bows but are not good with them. A few have gaffs and other assorted polearms but miss as the dragon swings by again.

It lands on the rail and swats the warforged with its wings and tries to bite and claw at it. Ice and pieces of it’s wooden components flake off from the strikes. Tabask spots multiple bright colored dots on it (The Dragon Fear aka Dragon Beetles from The Hidden). Not knowing much about dragons, he continues the attack.

The sailors make several unlucky or unskilled attack attempts. They thrust their gaffs past the cleric and fighter and miss. As they retract the weapons the hook twists and nearly snags them instead. Tabask steps on frosted wooden deck stairs and falls down the stairs. Xar nearly shots Dorque in the shoulder as the ship rolls more than usual as a wave comes by.

So unlucky.

The dragon pauses to uses it’s breath weapon (4 rds…. How unlucky for it) and Dorque uses that moment to bury his large sword into its chest. He nearly loses his grip from the chilled blade hilt as the dragon slowly falls backwards and into the water. It sinks leaving a bit of frostiness on the surface.

“What the hell was that all about?!?” demands Ezzy as she comes up from below.



Sarfuold continues to play “Cat & Mouse” with the mystery creature. Why does this creature have its own special tunnels? What is it? Does the Captain or Ezzirra know about it? The Dire Weasel animal companion hides in the shadows watching and listening. The animal is here. There!

It is moving through the room. The weasel charges and the two run through the sleeping section of the ship. The orange and white creature is fast and agile. The weasel is fast but bigger. As the creature speeds under the swinging hammocks, the weasel gives chase…. And strikes several sleeping men. They call out as the creature luckily makes it to an opening as the weasel loses its footing and thumps into a cask of half drank ale.

He stops and concentrates to sort out the sounds. He ignores the bright green beetle as it scrambles past him on the floor. Men are grumbling, weighted hammocks sway, boards creak and crack in the gentle drift of the sea. But he can just hear the animal as it climbs to the next level through its matrix of tunnels. Sarfuold gives chase as he scrambles up stairs and ladders. It is has continued up to the top…. Into the Captain’s quarters.

Sarfuold sniffs and pushes at the door. Nothing. Now he scratches at the door and shorty hears a “Morrus? Is that you?” and the door opens as the Captain looks to the weasel. “Oh you.” And he rushes through the doorway into the cabin and spots his quarry on the table with a map and measuring instruments. “NO !” Captain Lucious calls out. Leave Morrus alone!”

The commotion awakens Xar and Tabask whom hurry over. Dorque watches without emotion.

“What is the meaning of this?!?” Demands the Captain.

The orange tiger cat hisses at the dire weasel. The weasel dances around in play. Maps, charcoal sticks, straight edges and other goods dump to the floor as the two bounce around with “mock” swats and hisses.

“Where did the tabbie come from?” asks Tabask. Xar thinks about soup.

“I didn’t know there was a house cat on the ship.” Tabask continues with.

“Have you seen any mice or rats onboard? Morrus is a crew member like everyone else. And unlike a few of the newer members, he does his job.”

The warforged stiffens slightly at the implied insult. Tabask shakes his head in annoyance.

The Golden Cat named Morrus gives an all-knowing look and swish of its tail in annoyance.


Rat gives out a call from the crow’s nest. “FOG!”

“Fog… is dangerous?” asks the warforged whom has not moved in two days now.

“Fog? No. But what it hides can be. See there- we can see it now from the deck.” Replies Ezzirra.

Thick white fogs sits on the water directly before the Azure Dragon. Captain Lucious has come out from his room to look at it. “Gently to the right Nemo.”

The sailor at the wheel turns the ship away from the shore. No one says anything including the cleric.

“Captain…. The fog is stalling. Staying before us.” Calls down the crow’s nest man.

“Moving to intercept or what?” Tabask finally asks.

“Maybe. Drop the bow and stern masts. Slow her down.” Commands the Captain. Several men rapidly climb the ropes and ladders to the masts and begin to close them. The ship slowly decreases in speed. The fog remains.

The tension is as thick as the fog. “Captain?” asks a sailor.

“Casting a detection spell now for magic.” Says Ezzy as she begins to wave her hands and fingers.

“Oye! Can’t you see me walking here?” calls out someone as the ship begins to enter the fog. Everyone looks at each other questioning what they just heard.

“Below- by the port bow! “ calls out Rat from high above.

Everyone moves there hoping it is not another dragon. What they see is more unsettling.

Standing on the water, adjusting its stance as the waves roll by within the fog, is an Ogre with a walking stick. It wears only a breech cloth and a pack.

“You are not near the normal shipping lanes. Where are you off too? Off course are ye?”

Everyone is slack jawed looking at this friendly giant-kin walking on water in the ocean miles from the shore line. So awe struck and confused, no one answers the ogre as he further greets them Tired on it, the Ogre waves at them and moves on.

“Now THAT…. That was different.” Says the Captain to the ship sorcerer.



Sarfuold encounters more brightly colored beetles on the ship. He chews on them but can not break their hard shells. So instead, he collects them along with his gold, silver and copper pieces. He has begun his nightly patrol avoiding Morrus as he goes. Slinking along the sleeping level outer wall he hears something. Something in the water by the ship.

Tabask is in the crow’s nest with Rat. He has taken the insult of a cat doing more for the crew than himself to heart. At first he didn’t like the feel of being rocked several feet side to side high over the water. However, he has gotten used to it now. He even likes it.

Travel. Tabask follows the Traveler in his own way. He has traveled from Cyre to Breland and even parts of Talenta Plains, Zilargo and considered Valenar. But always by land. Now he travels by water. The experience is divine.

Travel into foreign lands, being earth or water, exposes him to new creatures, peoples and experiences. He was inspired by the dolphins as they raced with the ship. The unexpected Dragon encounter- his first dragon no less was incredible. He feels he missed a great opportunity with the strange traveling ogre. This being must have an incredible wealth of stories and tales to offer. Perhaps they will meet again some day.

He is caught up with his deep thoughts as they drift to his father and mother when Rat suddenly tenses up. He is staring into the gloom of night…. Near the ship. Fear as well as alertness is written by his body language. Then comes the first muffled scream. Followed by loud thumping as the warforged fighter suddenly charges to the edge of the ship.

“Sahuagin!” Rat screams out over and over.

A dozen of the raiding sea creatures are either on board or scaling up the ship’s outer hull. The alarm call spreads quickly as does the blood. For each strike a sailor scores on the sea devils two are made on them. Two sailors are down before the entire crew including the captain and sorcerer arrive. Tabask castes a magical weapon and increased light as he slowly goes down the ropes in the darkness.

Xar fires his cross bolt striking several times. One shot took a wild ricochet off of Dorque’s sword and inches away from a tripped sailor. Ezzy’s magic missiles strike but miss their target on their first swing. The bad luck is not limited to the crew however. The Sahuagin also have their own unlucky moments. Some fall off the ship as they climb over the rail, others miss constantly as they swing their claws and snap with their mouths.

It seems only the Captain had no mishaps. If fact, several times the creatures mis-stepped near him allowing him a good steady strike.

In the end, three sailors die, two require immediate aid and eight sea devils are dead. The rest left or fell off on their own.

“How close are we to this island of yours?” Asks / demands Tabask.

“Blackened Fruit Island is within a weeks sail. Tomorrow we discuss it. Tonight- we rest.” Answers the Captain with an infectious smile.


LHARVION 7, 1003

“Why the name? Seems…. Odd.” Asks Tabask.

“Some say it is cursed. Once fruit is picked from the tree it decays quickly. Some even say food brought ashore decays rapidly. But what is in a name.” Answers the Captain as he pats his pet cat- Morrus.

“Cursed Island?” questions Xar.

“No curses. Just bad magic.” States Dorque.

“Either way. Its mystique has kept it from being settled….” Begins the Captain.

“…and how far away and alone it is in the deep waters between Khorvaire and the elven lands.” Adds the sorceress.

“As such, the pirate princes are said to have buried vast amounts of treasure here. Their goods from dozens, even hundreds of pirate raids on Karnnath and Breland.”

“Why not Zilargo? Even the others?” asks Jack.

“I am talking about hundreds of years ago. Before the war.” Corrects the Captain. “This island is also protected by a submerged coral reef. Ships must be careful getting near to this island. There are legends of dozens of heavy treasure heavy ships running onto these reefs. No one goes near it.”

“But you are.” Adds the kobold.

“Yes! You finally understand!” Exclaims the ship leader.

Xar and Tabask give each other uncomfortable glances. “Understand?” asks Tabask.

“I- WE are here to claim and retrieve all of this treasure on the lady and on the reef. Do you remember our agreement- Each crew member gets one and a quarter percent of the monies and treasures found here. We may all be retiring this year.”

“Option One- explore a cursed island that may or may not have treasure…. Option Two somehow swim around shark infested reefs hoping to find and be able to retrieve gold from dangerous wrecks.” The Kobold adds.

“So negative my little lizard man. The maps I bought in Sharn show the reefs. We can easily reach the island. There is no evidence of habitation. Keep the food on the ship assuming there is such a curse. For the reef, Ezzy has been brewing potions to allow a small crew to breath under water. I have thought you can help with that also. My understanding is many of these wrecks remain intact near or on the reefs. As for sharks…. All reefs have its predators. I have heard nothing of greater presence of sharks here. Relax. Soon you- ALL OF YOU- will be rich men…. And woman.” He smirks at Ezzy whom looks over at Tabask. She is looking at his medallion more closely now.

“So 1 silver a day….. treasure or no treasure….. then over One percent of any treasure found….” Begins the half-elf, “and if I remember, 2 silver a day if the exploration itself takes over 50 days-“

“Yes- beginning on day 51….. As I said, we will be rich.”

“Or dead.” Says the kobold.

“No water. I will go to the land only.” States the warforged.

“But you can not drown. No magic is required to aid you….” Begins the Captain as if you just slapped him on the face. HIS plan is not working as he had forseen.

“Salt water…. Water pressure. Land only.”

“You heard the warforged.” Concurs Tabask.

LHARVION 12, 1003

A storm has come that tosses the ship around and about. Little comes of it beyond reminding the PCs of where they are and how exposed they are. Ezzirra doesn’t make potions or read her books on lost ships in this area this night.

LHARVION 15, 100

Rat is the first to see Blackened Fruit Island. A green and brown point rising out of white water on the horizon. Everyone comes to the deck at word of the sighting. Even the weasel comes up from his beautiful shiny nest to look.


So many reefs. Some stick out of the water and all drive water into tumbling or crashing waves. Mixed in these are seven or eight visible sunken ships. Some are largely exposed but sit at awkward angles while others only the masts can be seen protruding from the water. 50-200 ft beyond the reefs is rich white and yellow sandy beaches. Thick grass lands with small glens of trees form the next ring into the island’s center. The next ring is dark green of jungle that rises up the mountain that is the center. Brown stone protrudes above the jungle. The mountain may be an extinct volcano.

“Tonight we wait and sleep. Tomorrow we explore.”

Voidrunner's Codex

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