• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



LHARVION 20, 1003

“Tabask- look.” Says the kobold pointing to the trail before him.

“Two. Two walkers.”

“Yes. And more- one uses a cane or staff. See here- consistent pokes into the earth.”

“Trail…ends.” Says the Warforged looking even further up the trail.

Looking up, the trail goes up a series of aged volcanic rock. It is harder but there are small scratches on the rock from the talons or toes of the bi-pedal humanoids. Possibly Lizard folk? They follow it up and a dirt trail begins again.

“Going to the top.” States Dorque.

“I think you’re right…. Which I don’t like.” Adds the half-elf.


“The mountain and the island appear to be a volcano.” States Tabask.

“We will be destroyed!” exclaims the kobold.

“I don’t think its active. These rocks…. They are what the alchemist’s refer to as igneous. They are rocks made from lava. They are overgrown with plants. I have seen no smoke.”

“Sarfuold is excited. He has found something.”

They catch up with the weasel whom has found a piece of glass. Looking about… they spot torn and aged cloth. Then a glass cup. A piece of wood- worked like the piece below. Looking around, there is a lot of similar items in similar condition on the ground.

“Ambush?” asks Dorque.

“I don’t think so. Let’s keep going.” Tabask looks to the sun and the top of the mountain. It will be dark soon. There appears to be a line of items that crosses the trail. Strange. Sarfuold finds a gold piece. “Mine?” asks Dorque.

“Not unless it was minted in Aundair in…. 976.” Answers Xar as he returns the coin to his concerned weasel.

“Look- “ suggests the warforged.

Ahead of them is more worked wood. “I don’t understand this. Not any of it.” Tabask grumbles as he kicks at a board. The kobold flips the board over. “This belonged to a crate. Held wine from Aundair.”

As a parakeet chirps, the warforged looks upward. “Answered.”

They all look up into the trees. The remains of an airship rests there- broken and torn up.

“Well…. What do you make of that.” States Tabask.

They continue on as the sun sets. Tabask appreciates the colors of orange, yellow and white of the water with the purple and dark blue of the sky. The trail is harder to follow but they make do. [DM NOTES Tabask has a +10, Xar +5 and Sarfuold has scent and a+2. Lowest score after assists was a 19- highest a 31]

They reach near the top. There is little vegetation here. They rest for several hours as Dorque watches. As a kobold and half-elf both with magic rings they only require 2-3 hours of sleep. They pick up from where they left off and reach the summit of the volcano. The trail goes inside. A carved ledge between 3 and 5 ft wide goes down into the darkness.

“Ready?” the cleric asks.

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LHARVION 20, 1003

Dorque’s wide frame makes going down this manufactured ledge a slow process. He doesn’t fall but he is overly careful going down. He also lacks the improved sight the others have. The weasel hops to and fro with ease. Tabask and Xar see better than most and can see much of the opening which confuses them.

Tabask expected a rough and steaming stone cap. Most of the outer edges are hidden in deep shadows that his low-light vision can not see through but the center is well lit by the five moons that are up as the night’s darkness set in. Two of the moons are nearly full.

Going further down the ledge Tabask is further confused. He can now clearly see the center of the caldron. It is not rough steamy stone…. It is smooth- worked carefully. What have they walked into?
The weasel becomes more excited and hurries past them. Xar calls out to them but gets no answer.

“Your companion is going to alert anyone here that we are coming.” Says Tabask as he begins to search for threats in the deep shadows. Instead he sees a few flickers or glints of metal. What is this ?!?

Moving slowly…. Tabask and Xar begin to see what they are entering…. A roughly circular space that is about 120 feet across. On the outer edges are dozens… hundreds of crates, large vases with weapons, statues, piles of coins and gems….. the collected Pirate treasure of legend. It is in part what Captain Lucious was looking for.

They turn quickly as a clatter is made. Out runs the weasel with something shiny in its mouth. A coin. It places it into “its” pocket on Xar’s vest then hurries back into the darkness.

“I can’t believe it.” Tabask quietly states.

=Darsk para drelco=

“Your eyes are seeing true.” Translates Xar…. “Draconic.”

Five scaly tall figures step from the deep dakness into the moon light. =Taulk van greetak.=

“What are we doing here.” Translates the kobold.

“Explore… and Plunder.” States the warforged.

Tabask turns and gives an angry glare and waves his finger. “Let me do the talking.” He turns back and now there is another similar creature. Where the first ones were light blue, slender and carried staffs, this one is their height and wears armor with a sword and shield. Are there more?

=Bree Tark Heden=

“Why come to the volcano?”

“Tell them we are exploring and lost.”

=Sarz no Tal. No Tal Tai=

“Oh crap. They said we are not exploring.”

“You can speak our language?” asks Tabask.

One of the three toed gaunt creatures forward. “Some. We are taught this….if one came.”

“Came? You were expecting us?”

“Yes. Vespar knew you would come.”

“We mean no harm.”


“What is your names.”

“I am Tabask Andorin of Khorvaire.”

“Welcome Tabask Andorin of Khorvaire.”

“I am Xargrolst of Zilargo.”

“Welcome Xargrolst of Zilargo.”

Everyone turns to Dorque. “Dorque. Soldier and warrior.”

“Welcome Dorque of Soldier and warrior.”


“Who are your fourth member? The one exploring the collection?”

“Fourth? Oh- you mean Xar’s companion.” Reliezes Tabask.

Xar speaks for him. “Sarfuold of Zilargo.”

“Welcome Sarfuold of Zilargo. Do not hurt yourself on that.”

And with that another crash and sounds of things spilling on the stone floor.

The conversation is briefly broken up as a parakeet flies down to the leading creature. It tweets and chirps then flies off into the darkness.

“How long have you been here?” asks Tabask.

“Our clutch has been here…. Many years. Some clutches… 30…. Others less than 20.”

“Have you been watching us?” asks Xar.

“Yes. We had hoped you would not come.”

“Why? Are you afraid of us? There is no reason to fear us.”

“Plunder” Dorque quietly says.

“What is Plunder?”

“Ah…. Trade.” Lies Xar.

“Vespar did not think you were here to trade. She thought you were here to steal.”

“Who is Vespar?”

“She will be here soon. We have called to her.”


“What are your names?”

“I am known as Pin. This is Min, Zin, Quin and Sin. This one (the armored one) is Tawn.”

“Well met Min, Quin, Sin, Zin, and Tawn. And to yourself- Pin.”

Tabask’s fear of the volcano leaps to mind. There is a tremor on the floor. He kneels down and feels the stone for heat. Nothing burning. But another tremble. Suddenly there is a crashing sound and a wave of tumbling gems and coins as the Dire weasel charges from a crates and a bowl of goods recently collected. He runs and hides behind Xar and stares sniffing into the air at the direction he just came from.

Tabask stares into the darkness. Nothing. The trembles on the stone are growing stronger. Then whites of eyes can be seen in the darkness.

“I am Vespar.”

A gargantuan Green Dragon steps out of the darkness. “I thought you were here to steal also. Even to ‘plunder’ as your companion stated. Let us talk about this.”



LHARVION 20, 1003

Though they are not compelled to flee- it is all any- including Dorque- can think of. But they understand that there is no where to run. There is only one exit for them and all it does is rise them higher to be chewed on instead of clawed.

“What do you wish to plunder?” asks the 25 ft dragon.

“Nah- nothing.” Stammers the cleric.

“You came from that ship.”

“Yeh- Yeah…Yes. Yes we did.” Tabask works on building his confidence.

“Beware Mistress. The one is a magic user.” Says one of the silver lizardfolk.

“Oh?” Vesper says.

“It has a golem.”

Everyone turns to Dorque.

“No golem. Warforged.” Declares the fighter.

“Metal, wood and stone. Golem.”

Vesper seems to enjoy this discussion.

“He controls you…yes?” as the one thought to be Min points to Tabask.


“Not chained.”

“Free to do as I wish.” Declares the warforged.

“-within the laws.” Interjects the cleric.

The creature assumed to be named Min steps back…. Clearly wary of the answer. Vesper begins to ask questions now. “Who is your leader?”

Xar looks to the ground and the warforged glares as ‘Min’. Tabask sighs quietly. “I speak for us.”

“Not yourself. Who do you answer to?”

“Ah- do you mean the Captain?”

“Captain… as in the leader of the ship near the reef.”

“Captain Lucious.”

“He is your leader then.”

“Well- he did bring us here. We work for him.”

“To plunder.”

“NO. I mean no. He may be thinking about collecting treasure but we are not here to plunder.”

“Then what are you here for? To kill me?”

As he says this, a bright blue beetle squeezes free from between two plates in Dorque’s hip joint. It drops to the floor with a “tink” and begins to scurry quickly towards the green dragon. She lifts a claw to crush it but before doing so, Tabask grasps his unique medallion and calls on a spell. Fires reach out and kill the beetle. The blue scaled humanoids point their staffs and sword towards him.

“Thankyou Tabask Andorin of Khorvaire. You have killed a Dragon Fear. You have my favor.”

Xar gives them a look of disbelief. If he did that, he is certain the dragon and his people would have killed him on site.

“You came from the ship. Where did the ship come from?”


“The Dragon Fear spreads. Sad.”

“Dragon Fear….. those beetles….?”

“Come forth cleric.” Commands the dragon as its eyes change to a glowing blue color. “Your spiritual focus is unique. Tabask stiffens. He will die before / during a dragon removing it from him. It was my fathers. And my father’s father. It has been in the family for generation.

His medallion is an adamantine mix of a rectangle with a sphere in the center. Rays of the sun reach out and hold the sphere in the rectangle. The metal is dark and rough to the touch.

“You follow the Traveler.”


“Very interesting. This medallion has traveled far and wide. I smell other planes on it.”

THAT takes Tabask back. How would he know this and how is it he was never told of planar travel.

“Come forward Xargrolst of Zilargo.” The kobold steps up warily. Again, with the glowing eyes… detection spells at work no doubt, the dragon looks him over. “Why do you carry mantacles? Were you a slave or are you a slaver?”

“Ah…. I am a bounty Hunter. I seek wrong doers and capture them to have them answer for their deeds. Most often Gnomes.”

The dragon looks him over more. “And the creature…. He is yours also?”

“Yes. Sarfuold is my animal companion. He helps me find people.”

“Yes… and he seems to enjoy Prince Reynoldson’s gems from 200 years ago.” Sarfuold has several gems and coins in Xar’s pocket. “It is okay. He has no more need for them.”

“And yourself Sir Dorque.”

Dorque steps up as commanded. “When were you created Sir Dorque?”

Sir wonders Tabask.

“During the war.”

“Yes. Yes of course you were.”

“I have much to ponder and you should rest.”

“We do not require rest.”

“But I need time to think Bounty Hunter.”

Xar looks about. There is no arguing here.

“Pin- take these guests to a room.”

“Guests?” questions the battle minded warforged.

“Guests sound better. This place is not a prison. Nor is the volcano we sit within. The island however…. Guests sounds much better to me.”

They are led to a tunnel that leads down. There are no doors anywhere. Even to the room they will stay in. Treasure sits in buckets, vases and boxes within the hallway. Several generations…. 100’s of years of pirate booty and now dragon hoard.

“Wow.” Is all Tabask can say.


LHARVION 21, 1003

Tabask sits in a corner and meditates surrounded by incense and rune marked sticks of wood. He is working his divine magic to contact his ancestral family line.

The others sit and try not to stare or look at anything. Sarfuold is not so concerned. He checks out the hallway and moves about freely.

Tabask’s conscious drifts and he reaches out to contact his father’s human ancestry. “Will good come from meeting this dragon?” He waits as he tries to sense any reply. The sensation is warm and positive. Tabask believes this is a good reply. “Should we return to the ship?” A long pause before he feels a cold chill. Bad?

Sarfuold returns with a copper coin… a very shiny copper coin. Xar accepts it and places it into his pocket with no zeal. Then sighs.

“Am I on the right path?” Silence. No sensation. Nothing. Even in meditation, the half-elf sighs in disappointment.

He opens his eyes. “Anything happen?”

“No” states the warforged.

“Sarfuold is collecting coins. I hope he didn’t get me killed.”

“Us.” States the warforged turning to the kobold. “Kill us.”

A few hours pass before Min comes to them. “Vesper awaits you in her room.” They stand up to stretch then follow the silver skinned being. They go to a new room. It is a large half-circle room. A large open hole over looks the water and reef. Thick vines and vegetation hang over the opening creating cover from being seen outside. The dragon is looking through this cover at a ship anchored a hundred feet beyond the wreck filled reef.

“Welcome and good morning. Did you rest well?” asks the dragon with his back turned to the group. Min bows and leaves the group with Vespar.

“Yes. Thankyou for the room.” Answers Tabask.

“I find myself …. How do you say it…. Between a rock and a hard place. The Caldron is a secret and must remain a secret. My existence must also remain a secret. I suffer from… a dysfunctional family. My great grandfather…. Meant well doing what he did to end the war with the elves. Instead it made it worse. Now others hate us. Sad. Truly sad.” The long neck of the gargantuan green dragon slowly turns to regard the group. “The easy solution is a final one. I… wish not to do this.”

They don’t mean to but the group sigh in relief.

“The captain and his crew…. All of his crew could join other ships already sunken at the reef. This seemed to work at first but I find more and more coming here. Did he have a map?”

“In Sharn, he said he had bought a map. I would assume the map led to here.” Offers Tabask.

“Hmmmm Too bad.”

Tabask looks out the window. He can see The Azure Dragon anchored there. If they come to pick them up it will be soon.

“I sense good in you. Destiny also. Perhaps our paths were meant to connect.”

“I believe so.” Agrees Tabask hoping to avoid returning to the possibility of wiping them out.

The dragon looks back to the ship. “They come.”

“Who?” asks Dorque truly not understanding the persons involved.

“The woman and several men. I have mere minutes to decide and act.” A short sword sized talon taps in frustration.

“Perhaps a new ploy.”

“Go on.”

“The curse…. I assume you created it to scare sailors away. It has but now the thought has become old. Sailors are superstitious but they have pride. Curses do not hold the same power and fear as before. Perhaps a new curse. One more powerful.”

“Like what?”

“Undead. Sailors fear undead.” Offers Xar.

“NO!” the dragon roars then calms down shaking and bristling his spins and frills of his neck and shoulders. “Nothing undead. I do not like undead.”

Tabask shrugs as he looks to his allies. Xar is uncertain.

“Giant Monsters.” States the warforged.

“Again- glory hounds will seek it out.” Interjects Tabask.

“Giant…… Fiends.”

“Ah. That would scare many if not most away. At least from the island.” Vespar asks as he notes the row boat nears the reef. They are near to passing the line….. the line of no return.

“I think I know a scare that will drive the Captain away.”

“Min, get the others. I suspect Tabask Andorin of Khorvaire has an idea.”


LHARVION 21, 1003

“I’m glad you saw it my way.” Answers the half-elf mage.

“Like I have a choice.” Sulks the captain as he looks on.

“Jack, Rat and Hienes are going with me also.” Ezzy states…. Not suggests.

“Anyone else?” comments the defeated Captain.

“Perhaps Tenner?”

“You have enough. This will cost us a day of recovery.”

“Going somewhere?” She asks as the mage begins down the rope ladder.


She smirks and gives a “naughty-naughty” wave of her pointing finger.

The four of them start off. They have come to trust and like Tabask. The kobold is okay. His weasel broke up the boredom playing cat & mouse with Morrus. Dorque….. well they do like the cleric. She? She has come to like the cute cleric. His flirts and glances have not escaped her notice. At times she put on a show for him. She hopes he is okay.

It was worrisome that they sent Hienes back to the ship with food. Then they never returned to the beach for pick up. She argued to go then but she had used several spells defending off a shark. Now, the next day they can only hope nothing of harm has come of Tabask and his friends.

As they pass the reef, they spot a shark in the water. It ignores them as it swims about the reef. Then they see a black and purple sea turtle. “The Darque Turtle is a bad omen.” Grumbles Rat.

“Don’t be so superstitious. It is just a sea turtle with dark colors instead of green or brown.” Ezzirra states while thinking about spell choices she has.

They cross the reef and look to the island. Smoke begins to rise from the mountain top. “It’s active!” Jack declares looking up and pointing. “If it explodes it will destroy the treasure!”

“Treasure? I would fear the falling rock and waves. Hurry Hienes…. We must find them quickly.”

“Wha… what is that?”

Ezzirra and the others look. Birds take to sky by the dozens from the jungle. “Something comes!”

Bursting out of the jungle and crossing the grass is a gargantuan monster. It has a panther’s head by crab-like claws. A rough chitin covered back and tail. It roars at them. “Oh……no.” The mage whispers and a tear fills her eye. Hienes begins to reverse the rowing back towards the reef.

“Now we understand why the ships never see the reef- They are attacked by a demon.” Calls out Rat in a panic.

“I have heard of this beast. The men in the tavern said it was further up the island chain…. I..I…” Jack can not finish it. His fear is overwhelming. As the creature gets closer they all feel the Fearsome Presence.

It disturbs Ezzirra when she notes no one on the ship is pointing at the giant demonic creature. In less time to leave the ship they return. “What is that thing?”

“Sahuagin! Do you not remember what a Sea Devil looks like?!?” Demands Captain Lucious of the ship’s mage.

“Where?” She looks back. More birds burst into the air. The demon is no where to be seen now.

“There!” calls out Rat pointing.

A ten foot tall fin rises out of the water. It cuts through the water easily. “Jaws of Sorrow.” Whimpers Rat.

[DM NOTES: who remembers my Jaws of Sorrow encounter?]

It disappears below water which panics the crew. Even the Captain has signs of fear on his face. His luck (Thru Golden Cat) may not work against that. He has heard of the legends. A monstrous undead giant shark that is immune to magic…. Bigger than many ships. “Pull up the damned anchor!” He calls out.

The monstrous shark rises to the surface again. Now five Sahuagin holding staffs rides it’s back. “The anchor is caught on something. Captain.” Calls out a sailor.

“Then cut the line!”

Ezzirra calls up a wind she intended to use to propel the row boat. Now it is used to fill the sails of the ship.

“Go damn it! Go!” screams out the captain as the shark (same size as their ship) swims by.

And so… the origin of the newest legend of terror of the sea and reason to stay away from this island begins.



“Thankyou for coming Sentinel Corrigan. It was unnecessary however.” The Dark Lantern Cole motions for the House Denieth Bounty Hunter to sit down. He doesn’t.

“Hmmm…. I heard there was over six killed. All in key positions to receive special Breland government training.”

“Do you believe every rumor you hear Sentinel Marshal?”

“One of those was the eldest son of a noble family with close ties to the Tain family. Very close.” The middle-aged man stares down the Lantern.

“Sorry. I know nothing of it.”

“Doubtful but I had hoped for your aid. If not then permission to investigate.”

“Look away.” Cole answers purposely leaving a double-meaning to his answer.

He leaves and Cole wonders. What has he gotten himself into.

DRAVAGO 9, 1003

“What do you know of the murders of the city watch?”

Zilshire is panicked. It was terrible enough that his secretary has been possessed or worse- injured and become a mean bitch but now bounty hunters…..

“Nothing. They came and left.”

“WHO? Who came and left. I want names, descriptions and answers. No detail is too small.”

Suddenly the professor wished he had never met the damned Aundairian Saas. Maybe even wishes he took to farming instead of ancient history studies.

Voidrunner's Codex

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