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[OT] Something To Keep In Mind When Reading Reviews Of Episode II


Arcane Runes Press said:

....Now go to www.aintitcoolnews.com and scroll through any random Attack of the Clones talkbalk. You're gonna see alot of pretentious, infinitely-cooler-than-thou sorts mixed in with the reasonable people, preaching their disdain for Return of the Jedi and Phantom Menace in language that would set Eric's grandma's ears afire. Those are the people I'm talking about, the "Lucas-is-a-sellout-and-you're-all-Lucas-apologists/fanboys,-but-I'm-going-to-see-the-movie-just-so-I-can-laugh-and-point-at-all-the-people-who-don't-understand-the-brilliance that-is-Fight-Club" people. The same folks who think that you can like either Star Wars OR the Lord of the Rings, never both. The same people who posted at length, multiple times, about how hard MaTrIx ROOLD and everything else SUKD, until it became fashionable to declare the Matrix "over" in favor of, say, Memento.

Those are the subjects of my first post.

Patrick Y.

those are the people that made me keep my love for RotJ "in the closet", so to speak. actually, i think it's probably become a shared phenomenon with people who disagree that "empire" was the best movie.

as a fan of "jedi", it's like i have to walk around with a chip on my shoulder defending it to the "empire" people that you just described. not all "empire" lovers, mind you - just the elitists that ARP described above.

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Aaron L

In a dark room filled with machinery, dim lights come on and fill it with a red glow. The mechanical breathing of Darth Vader begins, and he says in a derisive tone:

"The Force is with you, young Skywalker... but you are not a Jedi yet."

No cooler line or scene in all of Star Wars as far as I am concerned :)
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Aaron L said:
In a dark room filled with machinery, dim lights come on and fill the it with a red glow. The mechanical breathing of Darth Vader begins, and he says in a derisive tone:

"The Force is with you, young Skywalker... but you are not a Jedi yet."

No cooler line or scene in all of Star Wars as far as I am concerned :)

and in a pulsing control room on the forest of endor, a nondescript imperial officer utters the best line in any film ever made to han solo:

"You Rebel Scum!"



That was a great line from Empire. Some of Yoda's are classic, as well.

In RotJ, my favorite humorous exchange had to be.....

Jabba's huge SAIL BARGE moves above the desert surface accompanied by two smaller SKIFFS. One of the skiffs glides close, revealing Luke, Han, and Chewie -- all in bonds -- surrounded by guards, one of whom is Lando in disguise.

HAN: I think my eyes are getting better. Instead of a big dark blur, I see a big light blur.

LUKE: There's nothing to see. I used to live here, you know.

HAN: You're gonna die here, you know. Convenient.

LUKE: Just stick close to Chewie and Lando. I've taken care of everything.

HAN: Oh... great.
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That was actually my objection to Phantom Menace. I don't remember any good, solid, memorable lines from that one. to compare with the dozens of good lines from the first three. And from what I've read, Attack of the Clones doesn't really have any either.

Anyone want to contradict me?


Moderator Emeritus
"I have a bad feeling about this." First line from Obi-wan

"We'll handle this." Qui-Gon to Amidala and the others when the blast doors open and Darth Maul is standing there. (Great dramatic moment).

"We'll be watching your career very closely." - Senator Palpatine to Anakin


I've heard AOTC has some decent lines...


- As mastermind mentioned in another thread, Obi-Wan saying to Anakin, "I swear, one day, you’ll be the death of me.”

- An exchange between Obi-Wan and Anakin during the chase seen right after Anakin rescues a plummeting Obi-Wan :
OBI WAN -- "What took you so long?"
ANAKIN -- "I couldn't find a speeder that I really liked."
OBI-WAN -- "If you practiced your saber techniques as much as you do your wit, you would rival Master Yoda as a swordsman."
ANAKIN -- "I thought I already did..."

- Jango Fett's "Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi" line to Obi-Wan. I dunno, it's simple, but I like the derisiveness in his voice and the look of contempt on his face.

I'm sure there may be others, but those we're the ones that came to mind simply from watching trailers and TV spots.
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Viking Bastard

The two most memorable lines from AotC:

Mace "Ultimate Badass" Windu: "The party's over!"

Obi Wan to Anakin: "I swear, one day, you'll be the death of me."


First Post
Or how about this one:

Anakin to Padme:

"I dont like sand. Its coarse and rough and irritating. Not like you. You are soft and smooth."

Isn't that great? Oh wait, that's actually horrible. :)

Although its not really fair to judge a 2 hour movie by one sentence of dialogue. (If we did, "Sudden Impact" would be a genius movie for Clint Eastwood saying "Go ahead, make my day.") But I think it is fair to ask what you got out of the movie; for TPM I remember some nice CGI cities, a lightsabre fight with Darth Maul and a flashy but uninspired (actually, all too "inspired" if you catch my meaning) pod race. Thats it. Well, except for the long list of annoying things ("Are you an angel?", mitichlorians, robot armies with a single point of failure, anything Jar-Jar) which I am not as happy to have taken away with me.
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