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[OT] Something To Keep In Mind When Reading Reviews Of Episode II


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Psion said:

Until TPM came along, Empire was easily the worst movie. And that opinion is far from an anomoly. In fact, I seem to remember many discussions in which those who thought emprie was the best was something of an anomoly.

Well, personally I'd almost rate ROTJ as bad as TPM. I certainly feel the ewoks are easily as bad as you-know-who. As for the rest, I really liked the Palpatine-politics plot (and wish theer was more of it in TPM) & loved the Anakin/Luke/Palpatine climax in Jedi.

In the end I'd put Jedi ahead because of the climax as well as the emotional feel rather than the cold feel of TPM. Hmm..come to think of it now that I've written this down I realise that I would put Jedi substantially ahead of TPM, even with the horrid, evil teddy bears which normally totally colours my view of Jedi.

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ROTJ is my favorite of the OT. Two words sum up why: Sarlaac Pit.

The fight over the Sarlaac Pit distills everything cool about the Star Wars series into one immensely fun action scene. It's funny, suspenseful, has plenty of jedi action, and is scored incredibly well.

AoTC: Bought tickets, first day, can't wait, yada yada yada.....:)

RoTJ vs ESB: Ummhmmm. I loves me both dem movies, ummhmmm. As a kid, LOVED RoTJ, thought ESB was cool but wondered why the big battle was at the start of the movie. As an adult, STILL love RoTJ and now LOVE ESB.

As to why people profess to so love ESB? For alot of online sorts, especially wannabe film makers on AICN and other movie sites, I think it's become hip to disdain ewoks and give love to Empire.

Now, onto Ebert:

His decline makes me very sad, honestly. He used to be the reviewer I could count on to give me a solid review. He and I had similar tastes and I could tell he loved the "pop" entertainment that SO many other critics live to turn up their nose at. Post Siskel, though, he's become a shell of his former self. Now, the only thing I can count on from Ebert is the fact that he's gonna smoke a big fat bag of crack before the film starts. His tastes aren't of this earth any more.

Like I said, it honestly makes me sad. :(

Patrick Y.


I loved ESB probably because in it.. the good guys definately came out second best. and you don't see that happening very often in movies.

I reckon ep III will be like that. Half the fun of Ep II for me is to see Palpatine's political manourvering. That should be interesting. Even if they barely touch on it.. my brain will have fun with it.


You people who think that Ebert disdains everything sci-fi haven't read his reviews of Blade II or Final Fantasy obviously...two films that he really liked.


What? Me Worry?
Psion said:

Until TPM came along, Empire was easily the worst movie. And that opinion is far from an anomoly. In fact, I seem to remember many discussions in which those who thought emprie was the best was something of an anomoly.

That's absolutely the first time I've heard such a thing. In my experience, Empire has always been generally acknowledged as the best of the films. That stretches back to when I saw it in 1980 to today, and is based on actually talking to people about it. Jedi was always acknowledged as worst by everyone I've ever spoken with.

Empire's lack of closure was a minor annoyance to some; but everyone always agreed that it was a necessary evil, to set up Jedi. The final shot, of the Rebel fleet pulling away and then cutting right to the credits before they get very far is one of my favorite moments in the entire Star Wars saga. Before Jedi came out, that ending left me - and others I knew - hungry for the next one. It left us unsettled, but we liked it. It was scary.

Originally posted by Arcane Runes Press
As to why people profess to so love ESB? For alot of online sorts, especially wannabe film makers on AICN and other movie sites, I think it's become hip to disdain ewoks and give love to Empire.

Sorry to be so blunt (really) - but that's just nonsense. Simply invalidating someone's opinion like that is as bad as what you cite as the reason people like Empire. It's like saying: "They're only saying that cuz they think they're cool; but really I'm cooler cuz I disagree." It's just a pissing match. Maybe it's true for some, but there are plenty of thoughtful people I've talked to who thought Empire was the best of the original three.

Being the best doesn't make it my favorite, though. My favorite was the first. I never call it "A New Hope" except when I have to make clear what I'm talking about. It's fun, exciting, and very loose and almost ragged-feeling. It moves so fast that what flaws there are zip by. I know it's an obscure thing to like, but Star Wars has my favorite musical cue - the part where we first see Luke, and Aunt Beru calls to him. We go from the Jawa music to Luke's theme, with strings welling up on the soundtrack...just a great way to musically introduce a character. That piece of music seems to foreshadow almost everything that would come later. I know, it's geeky. I can't help it.


First Post
ColonelHardisson said:
I know it's an obscure thing to like, but Star Wars has my favorite musical cue - the part where we first see Luke, and Aunt Beru calls to him. We go from the Jawa music to Luke's theme, with strings welling up on the soundtrack...just a great way to musically introduce a character. That piece of music seems to foreshadow almost everything that would come later. I know, it's geeky. I can't help it.

Speaking of musical pieces, I have to say one of my faves is when Luke comes out of the Tatooine home and looks up at the twin suns. That bit still gives me chills.
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I like the pure newness and energy of A New Hope. I had no problem with Ewoks or Return of the Jedi in general -- good film.

But Empire .... for me it reached emotional spots that none of the other SW movies has. I guess I'm a sucker for tragedy. But there were some looks on Luke's face when he started to realize he wasn't going to get through his confrontation with Vader unscathed, and that he was so utterly outmatched... And Han's final moments, Chewie's howl of despair ... I would love to be taken back to moments like that in Episode II or III.

ColonelHardisson said:

Sorry to be so blunt (really) - but that's just nonsense. Simply invalidating someone's opinion like that is as bad as what you cite as the reason people like Empire. It's like saying: "They're only saying that cuz they think they're cool; but really I'm cooler cuz I disagree." It's just a pissing match. Maybe it's true for some, but there are plenty of thoughtful people I've talked to who thought Empire was the best of the original three.

That's why I said "for alot of online sorts" and then went on to list specific areas and people. I'm not "invalidating" anyone's opinion and I'm not saying that everyone who like ESB best is a poser. You and lots of thoughtful people you know like ESB best? No surprise. I know lots of people who like ESB best, for very valid reasons. Somedays, I like ESB the best.

Now go to www.aintitcoolnews.com and scroll through any random Attack of the Clones talkbalk. You're gonna see alot of pretentious, infinitely-cooler-than-thou sorts mixed in with the reasonable people, preaching their disdain for Return of the Jedi and Phantom Menace in language that would set Eric's grandma's ears afire. Those are the people I'm talking about, the "Lucas-is-a-sellout-and-you're-all-Lucas-apologists/fanboys,-but-I'm-going-to-see-the-movie-just-so-I-can-laugh-and-point-at-all-the-people-who-don't-understand-the-brilliance that-is-Fight-Club" people. The same folks who think that you can like either Star Wars OR the Lord of the Rings, never both. The same people who posted at length, multiple times, about how hard MaTrIx ROOLD and everything else SUKD, until it became fashionable to declare the Matrix "over" in favor of, say, Memento.

Those are the subjects of my first post.

Patrick Y.

Voidrunner's Codex

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