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(OT) Hmmm Star Wars II Seen I Have!

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Sepulchrave II said:

I actually had high expectations about this movie. I felt that Ep 1 was mediocre, not bad. I felt that the 'boycott' movement was childish and prejudiced. Nonetheless, I still thought it was a very, very bad movie. Obviously, you didn't.

Is that really so hard to accept?

fine, it's your opinion and your entitled to it. glad you felt the same way i did about the boycott, too.

but worst movie ever? come on. that doesn't lend much credence to your argument. give a few reasons why it was the worst movie ever, then i'll listen.

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Rashak Mani

First Post
I think the "worst movie" tag comes easily once you imagine how good it could have been instead... its just exagerration not fact no matter how bad Ep I or II are.

Especially because I firmly beleive the number one bad movies are Highlander Sequels... nothing Lucas might do will change my greiving for the Highlanders II and III... number 3 I didnt have the courage to see... not even on video...

Ashrem Bayle

I gotta say, Jar Jar was handled a lot better this time. However, I detested Threepio. I liked him ok in the other movies, but it seems in AOTC, he just picked up where Jar Jar left off in E1.

Luckily, just when I was about to start really getting ticked, he was toned down a bit. All those lame puns where a bit much.

Loved the movie though. It was worth the price of the ticket for Yoda alone.

I'm seriously considering playing a halfling psion in my next game. :)

Rashak Mani

First Post
MY YOU GUYS BLAB so much about Yoda !! I really want to see his fight scene now !! :( Love that little critter... cant wait to see him sabre in hand ... cute and deadly... go figure.

Dr Midnight

Y'know, I'm spending lunch here reading reviews and fan opinions and CNN articles on the Star Wars franchise, and I'm realizing that I enjoyed this latest film as much more than what I'm presented with from opening crawl to credits. It's the watercooler discussion here on the boards, it's how Yoda's fight scene just makes me giggle every time I think about it, it's the speculation on how III will link I,II, and IV. My two nine dollar tickets bought me a world of entertainment that's infected my imagination like a virus. Since Wednesday night, I've been thinking/eating/talking/living Star Wars, and I'm enjoying every moment.

Just a "smell the roses" moment from a Star Wars fan.

Dr Midnight

Rashak Mani said:
MY YOU GUYS BLAB so much about Yoda !! I really want to see his fight scene now !! :( Love that little critter... cant wait to see him sabre in hand ... cute and deadly... go figure.

Oh, man, you've got no idea. I mean, we rave about the scene, but the hype just doesn't do it justice. Yoda's fight scene is better than you can be led to believe by mere words from the mouths of those who've seen it.


I sorta disliked 3PO's lines in the arena, you know, all those "I'm losing my head" and such. Cheap puns.

BTW, whenever I feel like saying "worst movie ever" I just think about Highlander 2, The Cube and Pi, then I think "worst ever = worse than that", and then I invariably change my mind.

Rashak, Highlander 3 is not that bad. The director basically ignored that Highlander 2 ever existed, and picked up from Highlander 1. Maybe you won't really like it, but you won't die, trust me (which is a relevant risk, instead, when viewing any of the three movies I mentioned before).

Oh, and to picture the way Yoda fights, think about a Haste spell from 2e.

edit: better... think about the best lightsaber fighter you remember - say, Darth Maul. Now think about him, with a 2e Haste spell on.
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Rashak Mani

First Post
Zappo... following the "There can only be One"... I abstained from watching Highlander III.

Highlander ONE is my favorite movie.... Highlander 2 is the worst movie for me... so why risk number 3 ?

( My friends told me about the silly stuff in number 3 so I didnt bother and never will.)

This kind of anticipation was what made Episode I that much more insulting...


Mistwell said:

Wold, what she says is "It's an event, a juggernaut, with a preprogrammed audience ready to like it whether it's any good or not." "Attack of the Clones" could be the worst movie ever made and still it would have the faithful rallying around the Lucas franchise, brandishing their light sabers like bayonets." Preprogrammed audience = mind-numbed robots. Her whole perspective is that Lucas fans are robots.

Mind you, look who we are talking about. Here are all her reviews, review the reviewer, and you decide for yourself if her tastes are similar to yours: http://ofcs.rottentomatoes.com/author-228/

I read the "preprogrammed audience" comment to mean that there is already a huge group of Star Wars fans who will go see the movie no matter what, just as a there are many Harry Potter fans who will automatically see the next Potter film and many Tolkien fans who will go see the next LotR film (and so on for Star Trek, Spiderman, and The Matrix). These are the faithful she is talking about. I know I'm "preprogrammed" in that way regarding the Two Towers and The Matrix....

By the way, do I really egg people on that badly? I thought I had finally found my middle ground. I may have to give up posting to message boards altogether....
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Dr Midnight said:
Y'know, I'm spending lunch here reading reviews and fan opinions and CNN articles on the Star Wars franchise, and I'm realizing that I enjoyed this latest film as much more than what I'm presented with from opening crawl to credits. It's the watercooler discussion here on the boards, it's how Yoda's fight scene just makes me giggle every time I think about it, it's the speculation on how III will link I,II, and IV. My two nine dollar tickets bought me a world of entertainment that's infected my imagination like a virus. Since Wednesday night, I've been thinking/eating/talking/living Star Wars, and I'm enjoying every moment.

Just a "smell the roses" moment from a Star Wars fan.

Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. Ever since I saw the movie, I can't stop thinking about it, and I've wanted to discuss Star Wars non-stop with anyone that has also seen the movie. And now I want to go see it again to pick up on what I may have missed the first time, and once again soak up all the goodness that most definitely did not escape my eyes and ears. If that's not a good indication of success, I don't know what is...

Reflecting back, I didn't quite get that feeling from Episode I (even though I did watch it multiple times), though I have to admit that it did what it was supposed to do (lay the groundwork for the future installments).

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