OOC Sword of Valor, Wrath of the Righteous AP by MLeibrock and Scotley


I am back online after a noob issue. We had a bad lightning storm a few weeks back and my computer circuit must have taken a hit. My battery backup started sparking. Then my video card started acting strange. So I decided to upgrade from a GTX 750Ti 1 GB to an RX 580 with 8GB. First mistake was not checking how many pins in the power supply connection. After I bought a 6pin-to-8pin adapter, I thought I was in business. But everything was crashing. So I started reading online about it. Every post ended with the need to upgrade the power supply. I had 650W PS, so I thought I was good. Then I started thinking. The system is over 5 years old. The PS is not even 80+ rated. So I asked my son about swapping video cards with me. Turns out we had a 850W 80+ GOLD PS sitting upstairs. Out with the old, and in with the new. The RX 580 works like a charm. We are now hitting the 100Mbps limit on our Internet with 3 of us streaming at the same time.

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I'm sure you'll settle on something good. Will be ready for him.

I don't know about that. Druid turned Ranger makes more sense to me than the reverse -- he just got so pissed off at the rape of the world that he had to kick more bootay over it. But I can't get myself in gear to finish him up.

Lou, glad you're feeling better and that you figured out how to work the "on" switch on your computer.
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
.. .. .. and remembered to plug it in.

Everything works better when turned on.

As an aside: once upon a time there was a firm that wanted our software and we did full demo. And there was one director strongly opposed to it. Finally, after he lost ground on various questions (we support everything they need) he asks 'and how does your software works without electricity?' At that, even his colleagues looked at him funny. We shrugged and said it doesn't. So now they have the software plus two generators on site m inus one backward director :)


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
I'm on vacation with much reduced computer access - this is from mobile phone. I will try to keep up, but May take a day or two to make a post with rolls in it.

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