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Is'Merith - Campaign Thread

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Define "ok". I just (I think) got cursed by a hag. And I'm recklessly raging. I hate to do this but in character...[/sblock]
Alejandro, still raging, shouts out "I'm just. Not. Into. You", each full stop a thwack of his staff onto the hag's body.

"And as for you! Come here and say that, you watery wench! No-one threatens Alejandro with marine matrimony!"

And with that, brain matter spraying off his staff as he twirls it, he sets off at a run to try and kill the second hag.

[sblock=OOC] maybe I should MC into bard for Vicious Mockery fun and games[/sblock]


First Post
Seeing his friend run haphazardly after the now invisible hag Isaac sighs loudly and heads off after him, knowing he won't make the brightest decisions in his current state.

OOC: Sorry but considering Isaac has certainly bonded with Al more than the others I just can't let him get himself killed.


OOC: Sorry but considering Isaac has certainly bonded with Al more than the others I just can't let him get himself killed.

OOC: *Sigh... You shorties.... Always sticking together... Causing trouble, bashing in brains....

The Gnome runs along after the cackling of the second hag, followed swifly by Isaac. The two see her reappear about 10ft away just as she falls backwards into the filth, blowing a kiss to Al as she goes. "Now that you're single again.... I'll be seeing you ssssooon". Sploosh, she disappears.

With that, the silence is quickly cancelled out by a much deeper, hearty? Hag-like laugh. The two companions look across the water, about 60ft away. They can see a hag that appears taller, purplish skin and bushy hair, surrounding a prominent forehead and a wicked smile.

In an old hearty female baritone, she speaks, her voice echoing clearly through the tunnels, enough for the other party members to hear. "Well done adventurers.... But i'd turn back if i were you. The further down you follow the decay, the more powerful your enemies. We are but the scraps of the monsters that await you!"

She glares at the pair with a... Genuine smile? Only, her eyes spoke of calculating hatred too. Her yellowed teeth gleaming in the dark. "You did me a favour by getting rid of the other one, so i'm going to let you turn back.... Aaand, I will answer of you all, one question, just one, for your whole group, though i cannot promise it won't be in riddle.... Nor that it won't lead down a bad road.... That's my errherrr... Disclaimer of sorts."
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Alejandro catches the blown kiss and 'drops' it under foot, 'squashing' it deliberately, as he mutters under his breath.

Archibald squeaks loudly.

[Sblock=Mousese] Language!!![/sblock]
Then, still angry but rage fading, he blinks in surprise at the second hag and her words.

He looks at Isaac. Isaac looks at him.

He looks over his shoulder and shouts "Miiiinaaaaa! One for you here!", before looking again at Isaac. "She's good with words and stuff, all that politics."


First Post
OOC: "Sorry, Venkman, I'm terrified beyond the capacity for rational thought."- E. Spengler

The death of one hag and the flight of the second hadn't really done much to dispel the unnatural terror which had taken hold of Mina's brain. At first she simply stayed frozen, her bow still in hand- and still without an arrow drawn.

At Al's sudden call, though, she was able to snap out of her near-paralysis. She stood up straight and slung her bow back onto her shoulder, then took a few cautious steps forward. Her cool, detached visage slid back into place as smoothly as any actor's mask. In her mind, though, she was reviewing all of the traditional cautions involved with asking questions of supernatural beings- the usual advice, and the risks, were almost as strict as the rules for properly phrasing a Wish when speaking with the djinn. There were so many questions she wanted to ask, especially after some of the revelations they had heard this morning- but each of those questions might only open a larger puzzle-box of mysteries, and some of them might be dangerous, even just to ask. 'Keep it simple' headed the list of warnings, of course. 'Do not ask too much' and 'Don't ask an open-ended question' followed closely after- but best of all was 'Don't ask something for yourself'.

And that was, of course, why they were down here in this filthy sewer with these fearsome and disgusting creatures...

Her voice was steady and calm, even if she was not- any trained singer learned that trick. "We have come in search of his mentor, a human woman known commonly as 'Nora'. How can we find her, most directly?"


The hags smile off into the distance turned to a sneer. Her voice echoed deep into the tunnel. "Yoouu are a clever one indeed. Your tongue would have indeed served well amongst us! Someday perhaps you will make a hag too. Try as i might, i do not think I can twist such a direct question...."

The hag inhales in irritation. "Further, to explain that which you seek, i must reveal slightly more. Firstly, you go the wrong way, there is more than the river that exit the bay."

The hag inhales again. Angrier this time, she had made a promise, so she had to fulfil it. "The overflow tunnels are where she has gone, where the rats and the carrion hunt; for the end of the surface to see no more light, for darkness to fall and day to be night!"

The hag crosses her arms. "The next level of the city, the catacombs of Mar'girth is where they search for answers they will not find, led by a fool who claims to be king, but they are not deep enough, for all they seek will lead them to misery and a life dark and bleak! Their leader, a fool, his brains are no match for his ambition, he will fall to his sisster and she will not miss him". The hag smiles at Mina with the last part before fading into the darkness with a deep and frightening laughter....


Daedarai feels a chill go down his spine as he listens to the hags prophecies echo across the water. As she faded from view, he shakes his head and whispers to the others, "Let's talk about this somewhere else," before setting back to where they had slain the first hag. When he reaches her body, he kneels beside her and using a dagger to poke and prod begins to search her for anything worthwhile before setting off for the overflow tunnels.


The party finds several small broken trinkets on the creature. 2 broken silver lockets and 1 in gold, a series of damaged and chipped rings made of silver on the hags fingers, there are 6 of them, along with a small pouch containing 12gp.

As the party move back up towards the tunnel entrance, they can see a humanoid figure running towards them on all fours, before darting into the overflow passagway. It all happens within about a 3 second window and Daedarai, currently in the lead is closest to those tunnels at 30ft.

Voidrunner's Codex

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