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Is'Merith - Campaign Thread


OOC: @Trogdor1992 : You can reach and attack her if I'm following along right. Remember, you can move and do an action in 5E so you can go attack her and bonus action to use your other sword too. Unload on her. If you can slice her head off, I won't be scared. This is your moment!

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Alejandro, buoyed by Isaac's presence, attacks again!

With Adv from Reckless Attack...
1D20+4 = [1]+4 = 5
1D20+4 = [8]+4 = 12
Crap. I'm assuming that's a whiff.
Not good, guys, sorry...[/sblock]


Alejandro and Isaac swing at the hag, all of their attacks missing as the filthy thing dodges out of their way.

The creature stands tall and smiles. It's long tongue extending from its mouth, it licks its eyeball. Its pupils begin to dialate a deep dull blackness, almost hypnotic in appearance comes. Shen stands stock still, horrified, parrylised with fear. She must act and she must act NOW! Before it's too late...

Shen takes out her bow, but, shaking at the presence of the hag, fires poorly, missing it as it laughs in her direction. The pupils appear to increase in size as the hag softly begins to sing. Daedarai, who is ready to act also begins to shake uncontrolably. The creature then begins to sing.

To those who are not frightened, the singing is hideous, but to those who are frightened, the voice of this creature has suddenly become quite beautiful, soothing, comforting, welcoming!.....

"Stay with me forever,
You'll be saaaaafe.
Look into my eyes and
You'll beee saaaafee.
Staaay withhhh meeeee,
Staaaay wittth meee,
Sleep now and forever
Yoooul be saaaafe...."

_: 2D20.LOW(1)+4 = [15, 3]+4 = 7
1D8+2 = [6]+2 = 8

Matthan, you'd better not miss! Otherwise bad things are going to happen. You can take a standard shot, because you currently have both advantage and disadvantage! For the love of the gods! Don't miss (No pressure)...


OOC: It’s strange. I feel like there’s pressure.

Daedarai felt a wave of nausea roll over him as the hag’s horrific appearance came fully into view. He felt his hands began to shake and the arrow held between his fingers began to bob and weave at the tip threatening to fall away from the string of the bow. Fear pulsated in his gut and his mind threatened to shut off as a rush of adrenaline spiked in an attempt to force his legs to run.

Just as he was about to turn and run, he saw his team attack the hag. His mind locked around a single thought, “Their lives depend on me.” The fear was still there roiling in waves as he closed an eye and aimed at the hag’s face as she began to sing. Suddenly he felt his attention fixed on the horrifying visage. His aim straightened and his hands stilled as he lined up the shot right towards the open maw of the hag and fired.

Daedarai Attack w/ Longbow: 1D20+6 = [15]+6 = 21

Daedarai Longbow Damage w/Sneak Attack: 1D8+2D6+4 = [7]+[2, 3]+4 = 16

Bonus action to Hide in the shadows again:
Daedarai Cunning Action Hide check: 1D20+8 = [20]+8 = 28


The arrow struck true! A splooshing sound could be heard as the arrowhead entered the open maw of the filthy creature, entering somewhere into the soft flesh of the back of its throat, slicing through the gaps in the spinal column and severing the connection. The arrow shot through all the way, flying off into the darkness.

Several spurts of blood came fourth from the hags mouth... It stumbled once, then again, before it gargled a cry once more. "Sisssggllllgsteeeerrrr? Glgggeeerr ahhhgllll" It colapsed on the ground. Blood pooling in front of it as the blackness in its eyes faded instead to a lifeless grey.


It is at this point the party feels quite releived, until the other hag bolts around the corner next to Daedarai and Mina. Startled the others are standing there unharmed, she looks at her fallen sister. "Siiisssteeerrr? NNNNOOOOO!" She cries out! A deadly thirst in her eyes. A thirst for vengeance! She looks Alejandro square on. "Yooou KILLED yooour Soon to be WIFE! For that, you will paaaay! Hyahhahahahah!"

Then, she whispers some strange gutteral incantation and disappears, invisibile! The party then hearing several footsteps as she moves back the way she came.

Voidrunner's Codex

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