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D&D 5E If you're planning to run 5e, have you started a homebrew campaign?

For people who want to run 5e, have you started a homebrew 5e campaign already?

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I've got a Deadlands campaign running that is aiming towards its conclusion fight with the last BBEG. I've asked the players (who all want to continue with something) what they might like to play next. So far, the one thing suggested has been D&D.

It will probably be a couple months until the current game finishes up, so even if we go that route, I wouldn't expect it to start rolling until the DMG is out.


So far I've only personally run the Starter Set adventure, so no homebrew yet. What I'm really excited for is the Karthun Kickstarter as a campaign setting; that's the world that has me itching to run a game. Once it's out (sometime next year) I plan to run a game in that world.


Yes, we decided to give it a whirl the weekend the Basic rules became available for download. I pretty much only run homebrew so this was no big deal. Until the DM packet came out a few weeks later, I was largely prepping using the last two iterations of the playtest packet and making the rest up.
Anxiously awaiting the Monster Manual and the DMG, though what we'll use from the DMG is up in the air thus far.


Kinda-sorta? I'm going to start running the Starter Set adventure this weekend in what is essentially the Sword Coast with the serial numbers filed off. Since the only major city that gets mentioned in the Starter is Neverwinter, I just changed a few names and started with it. Assuming all goes well, hopefully it will branch out into a new campaign world for the group.

By making it a homebrew, I don't have to worry about getting wrapped up in FR continuity. I've come to really feel shackled by trying to remember other people's settings lately. Not sure why; I used to love Greyhawk like nobody's bidness.

-The Gneech :cool:


I wouldn't consider any other option. For one, I'm a slow reader, and it would take me ages to learn enough about, say, the Realms for me to DM a game set there. In my own world, I'm more confident of how it all works (even if I am making it up on the fly) - in an official world, I'd be afraid I might contradict something important down the line, and it ends up being more work remembering (or noting) what I've changed and what I haven't.

It also helps that I never really like offical D&D game worlds. I like aspects of them a lot, but in total they always feel (to me) a bit too much like the American West rather than Medieval Europe, be it in the social structures, notions of law enforcement, businesses (the starter set has a "general store" for instance), the scale and design of physical structures, a "frontier" setup (large wilderness areas; tribes of Humanoids in them thar hills), or place-names.

There's nothing wrong with official game worlds, and they do many things a lot better than I do, but nevertheless, as a history buff I just prefer to go with a Medieval feel.

I also don't like the hotch-potch of eras thrown into vanilla D&D and official game worlds (e.g. chainmail alongside plate, rapiers alongside heavy armour, stupid armour types that never existed, and so on). While I'm not going for anything like total realism, it has at least not to jump out and say "could never have happened" in bright flashing letters. In my own campaign, I can have a more consistent tech and culture level and that makes the autistic, fascistic history nerd in me happy.
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I chose this option:

"No, but I might do so after the DMG comes out.

but it isn't exactly accurate. I am *definitely planning* on starting one after the DMG comes out, but there was no option for that. I'm guessing, from what I've read online, that there are others in this same category.

Rolled up characters last night. It's my first attempt at a sandbox game, so we'll see how that goes.

Fortunately, most of the monsters I need are in the released pdfs.

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