D&D General How many pages of info do you have for your homebrew setting? (+)

How many pages of info do you have for your homebrew setting?

  • None. It keep it all in my head.

  • 1 side of one page

  • 2 to 5 pages

  • 6 to 10 pages

  • 10 to 25 pages

  • 26 to 50 pages

  • 51 to 100 pages

  • I've never counted, but definitely more than 100 so I am not gonna bother to count.

  • Countless volumes

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Moderator Emeritus
I used to work on my homebrew D&D setting A LOT.

Aquerra, the setting I developed with the advent of 2E AD&D and that I adapted for play in 3E (though it might be safer to say I adapted 3E to it), started with about 30 pages in the summer of 1989 and by the time me and my group stopped using it (I had other DMs also setting their games there) in 2016, I had two binders of several hundred pages of info (not even including the house rules that went along with the feel of the setting).

My current "Republic of Makrinos" setting for 5E, started as three typed pages of info about the starting town and info about the system of government and some local customs in 2020 and is currently a 21-page document that is growing (slowly) all the time (mostly due to having to flesh things out for campaign play, but also because sometimes I still get the itch to create something even if I don't have current plans to use it). Again, this does not include house rules/crunchy stuff - just people, places, customs, adventure hooks, history, etc. But maybe your way of doing things does?

So my question is, if you are a setting homebrewer (even if your homebrew is based in part on an existing setting - for example, I have stolen liberally from Greyhawk and FR for NPC names/organizations and adventure sites) how much info do you have developed and how do you keep track of it? How many pages do these notes take up?

EDIT TO ADD: I allowed for up to three votes on this poll in case some people have multiple homebrew settings. If you have more than 3, just use the 3 most commonly used ones.

P.S. If you don't homebrew a setting or feel like that kind of work is a waste of time, et al. . . remember this is a "+" thread and I'm not interested in your opinion. Thanks.
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I answered 2-5 but I am specifically answering in regards to settings i create for convention campaigns. These are intentionally limited engagement, almost disposable settings intended to support precisely the game that is happening over the course of 3 or 4 4-hour convention slots. I need to define enough to sell the world and build the framework of the mini-campaign, but no more. So I am for broad and shallow except in the places where depth translates directly to playability. I am also very comfortable improving and making up details on the fly, so if I "under develop" the setting in some area, it is not a deal breaker.


My setting started out as just a in my head thing when i was first introduced to TTRPG’s in general. Didn’t have the name then, and was just a vague place for all those cool monsters and things to find, but now I’ve made a world map (tectonics, climate, and all), with several countries, a handful of planes, dozens of NPC’s, and TONS of lore that has no real impact at a normal table. All this stuff i have been accumulating for over a decade, and most of it is lost. If I had to give a honest guess, I would say I’ve written over 300 pages of lore for this setting, but only ~100 pages have survived, and I’m still attempting to write it all down (even as i continue to add more/refine it).
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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Highly variable. I start with a view from 50K feat that's all made of plot hooks and Awesome. A location doesn't even get listed unless I think player will say "I want my character to be from there" or "I want to go there".

So before session 0, I'm usually 2-3 pages.

Then we have session 0, and based on a much better idea from the players on the nature of what they want to run and who the characters are, I start detailing starting areas as well as movers and shakers. Plus anything my players have gifted me with connected to their backstories.

So at the start of the campaign I'm usually 5-10 pages.

Things get fleshed out when relevant, why put in work that will never have a payout. By the end of a campaign (last four campaigns were 3-7 years in length, averaging 4.5) my specific notes will be dozens of pages including dramatis personae and geography and plots and stuff each in their own documents, plus player facing versions of some of those, and the collected detritus that I keep after a session because it could come up (this NPCs name, etc.) would easily push it over 100 pages if I collated it all. I'm not counting things like encounter statblocks, or party treasure, or that sort of stuff.
Oh, and setting building a a fascinating hobby for me, I have plenty of setting ideas, more than I will ever run, so I tend not to repeat them. So I don't really ever start with a highly detailed setting.


I use a mashup homebrew of a lot of different settings (Ptolus and Golarion are big ones) of which I have thousands of pages of sourcebook material that ties into my setting. Most of my own twists and how things connect are mostly in my head and what has come out in actual games. I have written down a few bits and pieces at various points for player handout purposes.

I haven't really written anything down for the current group, its all been me orally telling stuff to the players and what comes out in the game.

In my prior campaign running the Carrion Crown adventure path I modified some handout text and wrote a bunch of documents for my campaign. About [edit] 21 pages of word documents I still have.

Professors of Lepidstadt

Archaeology Department:

Professor Lorrimor Jones – Kemti specialization.

Professor Craxidor – Kemti specialization.

Professor Crowley – Kellid specialization.

Medical School

Doctor Henri Mortiz – Deceased palatinate activist, first victim of The Beast.

Doctor Frantisek Markov – Retired transplant specialization. His surgical techniques are no longer taught.

Professor Lewis – Alchemical pharmocopaeist.

Stella Purdy – Alchemical TA of Professor Lewis.

Professor Whittaker – Doctor of Most Everything, Steampunkology specialization.

Ustalav History

Orcs everywhere
Invading Kellids push Orcs to badlands.
Varisians conquer Kellids.
Whispering Tyrant conquers Ustalav and entire center of continent.
Shining Crusade from Taldor (which then included Cheliax) imprisons Whispering Tyrant
Lastwall established as paladin province to guard Whispering Tyrant prison.
Lothians take over with local Varisian barons reporting to Lothian prince.
Three counties become palatinates with no baron.
Lothian civil war.

The Immortal Principality of Ustalav lies on the northern shore of Lake Encarthan, a grim bastion of civilization amid the barbarian north, where a harsh landscape and a history rich in tragedies inspire a wary population with skepticism, religious devotion, and superstition. A conglomeration of loosely affiliated counties, each run by feuding nobles vying for power and influence, Ustalav is a pitiful shell of its former glory, before it was subjugated to centuries of slavery at the hands of the Whispering Tyrant’s undead armies. While the nation’s upper classes struggle to compete with those that abandoned them to fend for themselves after the Whispering Tyrant’s defeat, the average Ustalavic citizen has it much worse.

Hundreds of years of subjugation and the residual horrors that plague the countryside have left the people of Ustalav suspicious of magic,religion, foreigners, and their fellow citizens. Beyond their eccentric and insular qualities, Ustalavs often have a dour worldview. They resign themselves to lives of suffering, seeing nothing in their people’s history to suggest there is any hope for a better life. Despite the physical and psychological strains upon its populace, Ustalav nevertheless fosters extremely hardy and tenacious stock: men and women who firmly believe that no matter how bad it gets, history shows it could always be worse.

Although Ustalav has little to offer its rural peasants, inhabitants of its many metropolitan cities fare somewhat better, and the centers of learning and culture they provide draw trade and travelers from throughout the Inner Sea region. The capital, Caliphas, stands on the banks of Lake Encarthan, and its fog-shrouded streets host some of the principality’s most esteemed centers of trade and academia. In the north, the city of Karcau boasts a thriving culture of music, theater, and other fine arts, and its opulent architecture rivals the excess of even the most exotic Taldan palace. Meanwhile, Ustalav’s northwestern counties have broken from aristocratic rule and formed their own local governments without nobles, calling themselves the Palatinates and providing a glimmer of hope for the downtrodden people of provincial Ustalav.

Professor Jones:
Archaeologist and history professor.
Noted expert on Kemti-Osirion.
Lived with Daughter in estate outside Ravengro.
Professor at Lepidstadt University.
Fieldwork in Osirion for Lepidstadt University.
Returned from Sabbatical in Kyonin with daughter.
Clashed with Cheliax operatives in Uraq.
Fieldwork in Uraq ruins for Lepidstadt University.
Fieldwork in Deepest Nyambe for Morgrave University.
Recovered Kemti artifacts from Cheliax.
Clashed with Cheliax operatives in Osirion.
Fieldwork in Osirion for Morgrave University.
Studied at Morgrave University.

Ustalav History Summary:
Professor Jones dies.
Murders outside of Lepidstadt.
Lothian Civil War, Ustalavan Prince leads armies out of Ustalav.
Overthrow or abdication of three Counts and replacement with Palatinate Councils.
Intercounty wars.
Harrowstone Prison Fire.
Edict of Devilry Inquisition.
Repeated Orc Invasions.
Holy Lothian Empire incorporation of Ustalav.
Ustalav reformation as counties under Varisians.
Shining Crusade.
Whispering Tyrant rule.
Varisian Formation of Ustalav.
Kellid rule.
Orcs rule.

Ustalav Religion:
The Immortal Principality of Ustalav is a province of the Holy Lothian Empire and the Lothian Church is the state religion. Devotion to the Angel of Death, Pharasma, who serves Lothian is quite strong as is veneration of St. Iomedae.
Religiosity throughout the Principality varies from intense sincere devotion, to formal and public but fairly empty shows of piety, to currents that disdain religiosity altogether.
Druidism remains alive among certain superstitious rural areas as does veneration of Kellid gods such as Erastil the Horned Hunter, Gozreh the First Druid, and Desna the Dreamer.
Some worry about ancient Kellid traditions of witchcraft, demon pacting, and service to ancient cults.
On the other hand urban centers and Varisian political elites are often suspected of being sources of decadence and evil cults behind a facade of sophistication or public piety.

Lothianism Summary:
Lothian: Ascended paladin patron of the empire.
Pharasma: Angel of Death widely revered in Ustalav. One of the angels who joined Lothian.
St. Iomedae: Crusader against evil widely revered in Ustalav. One of a large number of saints incorporated into Lothianism.

Orders of Knighthood:
Gold Knights - Healers and protectors of holy sites and pilgrims.
Iron Knights - Border defenders, known for their fortifications, armories, and heavy armor.
Knights of Ozem - Lastwall guardians of Whispering Tyrant prison.
Order of the Dawn - Defenders of Lothian Faith.
Order of the Dragon – Ustalav specific Lothian order.
Silver Knights - Hunters of Supernatural Evil.

Suspected Secret Societies of Ustalav:
Esoteric Order of Palatinate Eye - Political Movers.
Whispering Way - Undeath Proponents.
Athenaeum - Collectors of Knowledge.
Druids - Ancient Kellid Mystery Cult.
Order of the Dragon - Nationalistic Knights.
Cults - various supernatural practices or worship of diverse beings.

Holy Lothian Empire, - Controls most of Northern Continent from east to midwest.
Ustalav - Province of Holy Lothian Empire in Center of Northern Continent.
Canterwall County -- Western county of Ustalav on border with Orcish Hold of Belkzen.
Ravengro - small farming town in Canterwall.
Vieland County - Northwestern county of Ustalav.
Lepdistadt - City in Vieland.
Lozeri County - forested county in N/NW of Ustalav.
Caliphas - Ustalav capital city.
Furrows - Burnt out demilitarized zone between Barstoi, Ardeal, and Varno counties.

Kyonin - Elvish province of Holy Lothian Empire in central Northern Continent.
Taldor - Southwestern province of Holy Lothian Empire, formerly regional empire including Cheliax.

Hold of Belkzen - Badlands to west of Ustalav.
Cheliax - Southwest of Northern Continent, not part of Holy Lothian Empire.

Nyambe - Southern Continent (Fantasy-Africa).
Osirion - Fantasy-Egypt in northeast of Nyambe.
Kemti - Ancient elvish superpower precursor to Osirion stretched across northern Nyambe and into Northern Continent.
Uraq - Northern kingdom of Nyambe (Fantasy-Mesopotamia/Libya).
Deepest Nyambe - Jungles of Nyambe.

Ustalav History In Depth:
Professor Jones dies in Town of Ravengro in Ustalavan county of Canterwall.
Karb Isle asylum arson outside of Lepidstadt.
Rumors that living spells from elven province of Kyonin are assaulting Ustalavan army.
Ustalavan Prince leads armies against Kyonin.
Hergstag slayings outside Lepidstadt.
Church Emperor declares Kyonin apostates.
Ustalavan Prince sends envoys to imperial capital to maneuver for power and raise claim for throne.
Kyonin defies Church Emperor's authority, declares support for Uncrowned Empress.
Morast Swamper murders occur outside of Lepidstadt.
Ustalav marches to war against Uncrowned Empress.
Lampblack murders in Lepidstadt, attributed to The Beast.
Ustalavan Prince and Ustalavan Church raise armies.
Lothian civil war begins.
Church Emperor launches crusade against Uncrowned Empress and schismatics.
Western bishops decry Church Emperor as apostate.
Lothian succession crisis.
Imperial Stewart declares Uncrowned Empress succession not valid.
Church Emperor excommunicates Uncrowned Empress.
Lothian Emperor Adares XXXIV dies without direct heir.
The Beast's Plague of Lepidstadt begins.
Orcish invaders are repulsed by Iron Knights and Order of the Dragon.
Ustalavan County of Vieland becomes Palatinate with no Count.
Count Caromarc of Vieland abdicates.
Orcs Invade from Badlands to West.
County of Canterwall becomes Palatinate with no Count.
Count Lorre of Canterwall overthrown and burnt at the stake as a witch.
County of Lozeri becomes Palatinate with no Count.
Count Beauturne of Lozeri overthrown in popular revolt, fed to wolves.
Orcs are repulsed by Iron Knights and Order of the Dragon.
Furrows created as Count Neska of Barstoi abandons his invasions of Ardeal and Varno counties.
Margrave Grayden, head of Barstoi army, denounces Count Neska and flees to Lozeri.
Orcs invade.
Count Neska invades Ardeal and Varno.
Lothian Edict of Devilry Revoked.
Harrowstone prison fire.
The Lopper imprisoned in Harrowstone
The Splatter Man imprisoned in Harrowstone.
Father Charlatan imprisoned in Harrowstone.
Piper of Illmarsh imprisoned in Harrowstone.
Witch burnings.
Order of the Dragon founded.
Lothian Edict of Devilry, arcane magic and non-Lothian worship banned and persecuted.
Mosswater Marauder imprisoned in Harrowstone.
Demon Cults uncovered.
Pharasma incorporated into Lothianism.
Iron Knights fortify western borders with Orcish badlands.
Ustalav joins Holy Lothian Empire with local Varisian Counts answering to Lothian Prince.
Lothians aid Ustalav, and drive out Orcs.
Orcs invade and overrun western and central Ustalav.
Iomedae incorporated into Lothianism.
Vampire purge in Caliphas by Silver Knights.
Horrific vampire attacks in Caliphas.
Restoration of Ustalavic rule of western counties after withdrawal of Lastwall army remnants.
Kazavon the Dragon overthrown by Mandraivus and Lastwall army.
Palatinate Eye orchestrates raising of Lastwall army under Mandraivus.
Count Andachi of Canterwall gathers army but dies in attempt to drive out Kazavon.
Kazavon conquers western Ustalav and rules as despotic tyrant.
General Kazavon drives out Orcs.
Count Andachi engages Mercenary Lord Kazavon to repel Orcs.
Orcs invade, overwhelm Iron Knights, and penetrate western Ustalav.
Count Canter of Canterwall abdicates.
Esoteric Order of Palatinate Eye founded by Count Canter.
Corean incorporated into Lothianism.
Aroden dies mysteriously.
Holy Lothian Empire founded.
Lothian ascends.
Orcs invade and are repulsed by Iron Knights.
Iomedae becomes Herald of Aroden.
Ustalav reforms as counties.
Iron Knights fortify border between Ustalav and Orcish badlands.
Lastwall established as paladin province to guard Whispering Tyrant prison.
Undead hunted down, orcs driven out.
Iomedae completes her 11 acts.
Shining Crusade overthrows and imprisons Whispering Tyrant.
Whispering Tyrant kills Arazni, Herald of Aroden.
Knights of Ozem summon Arazni to spearhead Shining Crusade.
Iomedae begins her 11 acts.
Taldor, Dwarves, and Knights of Ozem led by Iomedae launch Shining Crusade.
Whispering Tyrant conquers surrounding lands.
Whispering Tyrant conquers Ustalav.
Ustalav and Pharasmin church lead crusade against Whispering Tyrant and are crushed.
Cultist of Whispering Tyrant leads uprising in Carrion Hill in Ustalav, slaughtering thousands.
Whispering Tyrant conquers orcs.
Tar Baaphon rises as lich Whispering Tyrant.
Invading Varisians conquer Kellids and rule Ustalav.
Taldor founded.
Kellid Druids establish holy sites in Ustalav.
Invading Kellids drive Orcs out of Ustalav to badlands.
Fall of Chardunian Empire.
Rule of Chardunian Empire.
Chardunian Empire conquers and enslaves Orcs of Ustalav.
Rise of Dwarven Chardunian Empire.
Aroden strikes down Tar Baaphon.
Rule of Tar Baaphon.
Tar Baaphon conquers Orcs and surrounding lands.
Dwarves and Elves found kingdoms.
Orcs erupt from Darklands and spread everywhere.
Aroden ascends.
Humans descend into barbarism.
Fall of Thassilon.

Lothian Hosts in Depth:
Lothian: Daykeeper and Lawgiver. Paladin who ascended when crucified by a demon lord masquerading as a false sun god. He hunted or subdued and converted humanoids, lycanthropes, fiends, evil magic users, undead, dragons, and a false god. Lothianism actively incorporates many saints, even from other religions.

Lymirin: Angel of First Strikes who now serves Lothian.
Madriel: Angel of Mercy who now serves Lothian.
Pharasma: Angel of Death who now serves Lothian.

Sri Senn Sindh: Red dragon subdued by Lothian, became his weapon crafter and took charge of conquered goblins.

St. Abadar: Master of the Vault, patron of merchants, cities, and law, incorporated into Lothianism.
St. Antigonos: Gentleman of Swords, noble duelist werewolf hunter.
St. Bethesda: Uraqi saint of healing incorporated into Lothianism.
St. Chausle: Guardian of the Temple, oversees churches and gatherings.
St. Cinnoldis: The Celestial Magus, mage who worked with Lothian until corrupted.
St. Colosom: Keeper of the Dominion, oversees animals and farms.
St. Corean: The Smith, founded the knightly orders of gold, silver, and iron. Incorporated into Lothianism.
St. Daris: The Swift Avenger, known for justice.
St. Dayra: Giver of Mercy, sees to mothers, children, and the poor.
St. Eaovata: Quieter of Darkness, sociable sun priestess who offered advice and blessings to the common man.
St. Feldin: Faultless Rock of Faith, knight defender.
St. Gaen: Martyr known for a miracle of light fighting a fiend.
St. Gasperos: Ogre servant of Antigonos known for his wrestling.
St. Gustav: Protector of the Just, protector of the innocent and helpless.
St. Hedrada: The Lawgiver, city founder and law writer incorporated into Lothianism.
St. Iomedae: The Inheritor, crusaded against the Whispering Tyrant, incorporated into Lothianism.
St. Nolmedor: Grailwarden Dwarf companion of Lothian considered his first saint.
St. Sigmar: The Founder, Grailwarden Dwarf ally and legendary uniter of pre-imperial barbarian tribes.
St. Thessina: The Provider, fed and clothed the hungry and destitute.
St. Ulric: The Wolf of Winter, pre-imperial barbarian war hero.
St. Valien: The Hands of the Host, patriarch of the church.
St. Yessin: The Judge, punisher of sins.

Ustalav religion

The Immortal Principality of Ustalav is a province of the Lothian Empire and the Lothian Church is the state religion. Devotion to the Angel of Death, Pharasma, who serves Lothian is quite strong as is veneration of St. Iomedae.

Religiosity throughout the Principality varies from intense sincere devotion, to formal and public but fairly empty shows of piety, to currents that disdain religiosity altogether.

Druidism remains alive among certain superstitious rural areas as does veneration of Kellid gods such as Erastil the Horned Hunter and Gozreh the First Druid. Some worry about ancient Kellid traditions of witch craft, demon pacting, and service to ancient cults.

On the other hand urban centers and Varisian political elites are often suspected of being sources of decadence and evil cults behind a facade of sophistication or public piety.

Holy Lothian Empire:
Lothian: Daykeeper and Lawgiver. Paladin who ascended when crucified by demon lord masquerading as a false sun god. Hunted or subdued and converted humanoids, lycanthropes, fiends, evil magic users, undead, dragons, and a false god. Lothianism actively incorporates many saints, even from other religions.
Pharasma: Angel of Death who now serves Lothian.
Madriel: Angel of Mercy who now serves Lothian.
Sri Senn Sindh: Red dragon subdued by Lothian, became his weapon crafter and took charge of conquered goblins.
St. Abadar: Master of the Vault, patron of merchants, cities, and law, incoporated into Lothianism.
St. Antigonos: Gentleman of Swords, noble duelist werewolf hunter.
St. Bethesda: Uraqi saint of healing incorporated into Lothianism.
St. Chausle: Guardian of the Temple, oversees churches and gatherings.
St. Cinnoldis: The Celstial Magus, mage who worked with Lothian until corrupted.
St. Colosom: Keeper of the Dominion, oversees animals and farms.
St. Corean: The Smith Champion, founded the knightly orders of gold, silver, iron, and mithril. Incorporated into Lothianism.
St. Daris: The Swift Avenger, known for justice.
St. Dayra: Giver of Mercy, sees to mothers, children, and the poor.
St. Eaovata: Quieter of Darkness, sociable sun priestess who offered advice and blessings to the common man.
St. Feldin: Faultless Rock of Faith, knight defender.
St. Gaen: Martyr known for a miracle of light fighting a fiend.
St. Gasperos: Ogre servant of Antigonos known for his wrestling.
St. Hedrada: The Judge, The Lawgiver, city founder and law writer incorporated into Lothianism.
St. Iomedae: The Inheritor, crusaded against the Whispering Tyrant, incorporated into Lothianism.
St. Gustav: Protector of the Just, protector of the innocent and helpless.
St. Nolmedor: Grailwarden dwarf companion of Lothian considered his first saint.
St. Sigmar: The Founder, legendary uniter of barbarian tribes into what eventually became the Lothian empire. Ally of Grailwarden dwarves.
St. Thessina: The Provider, fed and clothed the hungry and destitute.
St. Valien: The Hands of the Host, patriarch of the church.
St. Yessin: The Judge, punisher of sins.

Humans dominate Ustalav’s population, and among them most are ethnic Varisians whose ancestors also called the land home. Whether nobles clinging to the few drops of blood that grant them a claim—albeit a distant one—to the Ustalavic aristocracy, or stoic peasants struggling to make ends meet in the unforgiving countryside, heritage and history are incredibly important to Ustalavs. Modern Ustalavs feel directly connected through familial ties to the centuries of torment at the Whispering Tyrant’s hands and share an inherited acceptance of a life of struggle and suffering. Among the populace’s Varisian ethnicity are communities of nomads who travel as far as the Varisian coast. These unsettled groups are typically considered backward and dangerous, and are thus treated as second-class citizens. In addition, those humans of Kellid decent are treated with contempt, especially in the north, where they are negatively associated with the barbarian tribes of Numeria, the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, and the fallen realm of Sarkoris. Despite their relegation to second-class citizenship, Kellids are nevertheless common throughout Ustalav, and the monolithic remnants of their shamanistic society from before the arrival of the Varisians can still be found throughout the region.

Half-orcs are an extraordinary sight in Ustalav, and outside the seedier side of Ustalav’s many urban centers, half-orcs are most often found along the nation’s western border. The Whispering Tyrant ruled Ustalav for nearly a millennium as master of the vast orc hordes of Belkzen, and even a thousand years after the Shining Crusade defeated him and drove his armies back into the wastelands, the residual bloodlines caused by generations of orc attacks on human settlements still pop up in even the most prestigious of families. Some vulnerable caravans have been known to hire the occasional half-orc guard to ensure that they have the brawn on hand to counter any unexpected resistance from the nation’s darker denizens. Despite this, half-orcs are seen as monsters by most Ustalavs, and a half-orc in any Ustalavic setting is often the subject of extreme prejudice.

Half-elf populations are always small throughout the Inner Sea, and this remains true in Ustalav. Minute numbers of such half-breeds can be found in Ardis, Caliphas, and Karcau, though isolated individuals are scattered throughout the nation. The superstitious and uneducated population of rural Ustalav frequently see the pointed ears, inhuman eyes, and fair features of half-elves and mistake them for changelings, tieflings, or other more monstrous half-humans. Such folk then make the offenders’ lives difficult, sometimes even running them out of town. Thus, native half-elves are cautious, and often do their best to disguise their elven traits. Half-elves from other parts of the world are prone to wandering, however, and many find themselves in Ustalav on their way somewhere else or as a final destination, believing the ancient land may hold some answer they seek.

Dwarves are less than common in Ustalav, yet the proximity of the Five Kings Mountains to the Immortal Principality means that there is steady trade between the miners, weaponsmiths, and brewers of the dwarven stronghold and the large urban ports on Lake Encarthan. Stout folk native to the land can generally be found in the mining-rich counties of Barstoi and Versex, where they often hold influential positions in local salt and tin mines. While many dwarven traders and tradespeople find themselves most accepted in the metropolitan centers of southern Ustalav, some venture into the more provincial and sometimes prejudiced counties in the west to answer the silent call of the Iron Knights to stand vigil against the orc hordes of neighboring Belkzen. Though natives of these regions are generally suspicious of (and sometimes even outright hateful toward) non-human visitors, those who take the time to get to know their dwarven neighbors often come around to their foreign ways, appreciating them for their hardiness and staunch pragmatism.

When hags trick members of other races into child-bearing unions, changelings are the result. Always female and often sporting different colored eyes, changelings are usually raised by unwitting parents of their father’s race, most unaware of the unnatural circumstances of their daughters’ birth.

Dhampir: Resulting from the unlikely union of a vampire and a living human, dhampirs are graced with long life, an elegant appearance, and unnatural reflexes, but are cursed with an aversion to bright light and an affinity to negative energy. In Ustalav, dhampirs are more common than nearly anywhere else in the Inner Sea region, but they are nevertheless seen and treated as monsters.

Below are the more recent entries from Professor Lorrimor’s journal.
6th of Kuthona, 4710
I woke up today to find two dead whippoorwhirls on my windowsill. The witch’s foretelling has finally come true. It’s every bit as dreadful as she promised.
I know growing up in Ravengro hasn’t been the easiest on Jessica. Although she didn’t remember very much about living in Lepidstadt, as a child she would often tell me of dreams of a big city. I tried to tell her all children have these types of dreams, but I don’t know if she ever truly accepted it.
I’m going to sell my home so that at least Jessica can finally return to the big city.
10th of Kuthona, 4710
I leave today for Lepidstadt. I’ve had Professor Crowl put out feelers for any interested buyers. I haven’t told my other colleagues about my plans. They’ll find out soon enough.
25th of Kuthona, 4710
I have secured a buyer for my property. One Dr. Vasyl Belenko. I’ve signed the papers over for a sum that should allow Jessica to settle into Lepidstadt quite comfortably. I was able to convince the fellow that I have some unfinished business in Ravengro that would need to be dealt with and requested he hold off until the 30th of Gozran before moving in. He was quite amenable to the idea once I explained he could hold off on paying me for the property until the 1st of Calistril, at which point it would be held by the Bank of Abadar until the agreed date.
This should provide enough time for Jessica to move at her leisure.
26th of Kuthona, 4710
I had dinner with Criador last night. I had been planning on slipping out of Lepidstadt before anyone from the university knew I was here. However I’m glad I relented and spoke with him. He’s doing quite well for himself and seems to have settled into things well enough.
29th of Kuthona, 4710
I cannot believe the difficulties I had getting into Tamrivena today. The guards at the gate were being completely unreasonable, demanding to know what my business was and why I was travelling on the road.
I had to pull quite a few strings simply to get through the damn gate! I was half tempted to simply spend the night in Nathrus, but it didn’t come to that. This time. I don’t know what’s happened to this town, but I simply don’t have time to be dealing with petty thugs such as these. I’ve got far too many things to do once I get home.
3rd of Abadius, 4711
It was good to see Jessica when I got home. I forgot to get her a gift like I usually do. She seemed to shrug it off saying she was probably too old to get a treat whenever her father went away.
The disappointment in her voice still stung though.
5th of Abadius, 4711
I’m concerned that some unusual people have been snooping around Ravengro while I was away. Perhaps I’m just getting paranoid, but some of the comments people have made are somewhat unsettling.
14th of Abadius, 4711
I’m not growing paranoid, there have been strangers lurking around in the woods. I have my suspicions as to who it might be, but I have no idea what they could possibly want.
25th of Abadius, 4711
Of course. I’m such a fool for not seeing it before. There is only one possible reason they could have for being here. But why now? Why after all this time? This requires further investigation, but I don’t have too much time left.
29th of Abadius, 4711
It seems the rumours aren’t all just old ghost stories after all. That helps explain their interest in the place. But it doesn’t explain why now. Regardless I believe quite strongly that they’re after Xsomething X someone that was there. Father Dimitru should be able to help me with that.
1st of Calistril, 4711
I see just how ill prepared I was when I first headed out there. I was a fool not to have followed Van Richten's advice on researching. I am lucky to have returned at all. But of course I know luck didn’t have anything to do with it. I’ll get some benefit from that damn curse before I go.
I remember reading clues and hints about a Pharasmin crypt cache in the Restlands. I’ll need to go searching through my notes. I should never have let my supplies get so low to begin with. That was a foolish error on my part.
3rd of Calistril, 4711
Perhaps my memory is failing me. I’ve scoured through all of my books and haven’t been able to find the notes I need. I was positive it was in Ravengro. I couldn’t be getting this town confused with another one. Could I?
Success! My memory wasn’t failing me after all. The false crypt is in the intersection between Eversleep and the Black Path. I wonder if Father Grimburrow knew about it? I guess I’ll find out soon enough.
5th of Calistril, 4711
I redrew my will yesterday and had Hearthmount witness it and store it away. He was quite perturbed by the fact I’ve sold my house to an outsider. I guess the rumour mill will be working overtime by the end of today.
I made sure I sat down and had dinner with Jessica last night. Our first meal together since I saw those two whippoorwhirls. I was almost going to tell her that I’ve sold the place, but got distracted and then forgot about it.
I helped myself to a few of the items in the crypt. Anymore wouldn’t do ME any good. I’ve gotten no sleep tonight as I’ve thought long and hard about who to contact in order to deal with them. I doubt I’ll take them out by myself.
I finished my last letter this morning. I didn’t want to say too much, because the gods only know whose hands the parcels might actually fall into. In fact, I’ve done my best to be downright cryptic. Hopefully their interest will be piqued and they’ll investigate matters in more depth.

Edit Found one more on gods of the setting based on god documents I had built up in prior campaigns [freeport, Reign of Winter, one shots] in the same setting. I later cut it down to the Carrion Crown specific Ustalav religion document above.

Ustalav religion:

Ustalav is part of the Holy Lothian Empire of the Northern Continent. Lothianism is the state religion but the Varisian nobility historically worshipped the Golarian pantheon and today strongly favor the incorporated figures of that pantheon, particularly the Angel of Death Pharasma. Prior to the Varisians in the region were the Kellids who had a strong druidic tradition and who were rumored to have cults to fiends, elder fey, and other dark powers. Relics of the Kellid religious traditions are found throughout the land and their practices are sometimes rumored to be maintained in secret to this day.

The Holy Lothian Empire overlays past empires and regional powers and their religious practices sometimes still endure. In addition to adherents of the original Golarion pantheon can be found devotees of the Heldannic, Osirian, Chardunian, Old Gods, New Gods, Seldarine, and Airdhe pantheons. Mystery cults and secret societies have long traditions throughout the continent ranging from the scholars of the Athenaeum, the antiquities collecting Pathfinders, and the Order of the Palatinate Eye. In the past draconic, fiend, and Empyreal cults predominated along with philosophical traditions. Barbarian lands from the northern continent also include the Ulfen pantheon and druidism among other known and unknown religious traditions.

To the south is the nautical crossroads island of Freeport where the classical Heldannic gods are still venerated in temples well-funded by the rich international trade hub.

From the Far South on the continent of Nyambe are the pantheons of the recently revived two former great empires the Uraqi and the Osirian Kemti.

Holy Lothian Empire:
Lothian: Daykeeper and Lawgiver. Lothian was a paladin who ascended when crucified by a demon lord masquerading as a false sun god. In his life he hunted or subdued and converted humanoids, lycanthropes, fiends, evil magic users, undead, dragons, and a false god. Lothianism actively incorporates many saints, even from other religions.
Madriel: Angel of Mercy who now serves Lothian.
Pharasma: Angel of Death who now serves Lothian.
Sri Senn Sindh: Red dragon subdued by Lothian, became his weapon crafter and took charge of conquered goblins.
St. Abadar: The City Merchant, blesses lawful wealth. Incorporated into Lothianism.
St. Antigonos: Gentleman of Swords, noble duelist werewolf hunter.
St. Bethesda: Uraqi saint of healing incorporated into Lothianism.
St. Chausle: Guardian of the Temple, oversees churches and gatherings.
St. Cinnoldis: The Celestial Magus, mage who worked with Lothian until corrupted.
St. Colosom: Keeper of the Dominion, oversees animals and farms.
St. Corean: The Smith Champion, founded the knightly orders of gold, silver, iron, and mithril. Incorporated into Lothianism.
St. Daris: The Swift Avenger, known for justice.
St. Dayra: Giver of Mercy, sees to mothers, children, and the poor.
St. Eaovata: Quieter of Darkness, sociable sun priestess who offered advice and blessings to the common man.
St. Feldin: Faultless Rock of Faith, knight defender.
St. Gaen: Martyr known for a miracle of light fighting a fiend.
St. Gasperos: Ogre servant of Antigonos known for his wrestling.
St. Hedrada: The Judge, The Lawgiver, city founder and law writer. Incorporated into Lothianism.
St. Gustav: Protector of the Just, protector of the innocent and helpless.
St. Iomedae: The Valorous Herald, noble crusader against undead. Incorporated into Lothianism.
St. Nolmedor: Grailwarden dwarf companion of Lothian considered his first saint.
St. Sigmar: The Founder, legendary uniter of barbarian tribes into what eventually became the Lothian empire. Ally of Grailwarden dwarves.
St. Thessina: The Provider, fed and clothed the hungry and destitute.
St. Valien: The Hands of the Host, patriarch of the church.
St. Yessin: The Judge, punisher of sins.

Golarion Pantheon:
Abadar: Master of the First Vault. God of cities, wealth, and civilization.
Aroden: Dead god of mankind, history, and civilization.
Asmodeus: Prince of Darkness. Master of devils and god of tyranny and contracts.
Besmara: The Pirate Queen. Goddess of Strife and Sea Monsters.
Calistria: The Savored Sting. Goddess of trickery, lust, and revenge, associated with elves and wasps.
Desna: Goddess of dreams, stars, travelers, and luck.
Erastil: Old Deadeye. God of trade, family, hunting, and farming.
Gorum: God of Battle.
Iomedae: The Inheritor. Goddess of valor, rulership, justice and honor.
Irori: God of history, knowledge, and self-perfection.
Cayden Cailean: God of drinking, bravery, and freedom.
Gozreh: The First Druid. Dual aspected God/Goddess of storms and waves. God of nature, weather, and the sea.
Lamashtu: Mother of Monsters. Demon Goddess of fertility and madness.
Nethys: God of magic.
Pharasma: Goddess of death, birth, and fate.
Rovagug: Bound god of destruction.
Sarenrae: The Dawnflower. Angel of fire associated with the sun.
Shelyn: Goddess of Beauty.
Norgorber: God of greed, secrets, murder, and poison.
Ugathoa: Goddess of gluttony and undeath.
Zon Kuthon: God of pain and darkness.

Chardunian Pantheon:
Chardun: The Slaver, The General, The Overlord. God of War, Domination, Avarice, Conquest, and Pain. Master of devils.
Corean: The Great Crusader, The Champion, The Avenger. God of Chivalry, Creation, Smithing, and Protection.
Madriel: The First Angel of Mercy. Goddess of the Sun, Healing, Redemption, and Agriculture.
Hedrada: The Lawgiver, The Judge. God of Law, Justice, Wealth, Cities, and Knowledge.
Belsameth: The Slayer. Goddess of Darkness, Madness, Witchcraft, Murder, Nightmares, and the Moon.
Vangal: The Reaver. God of Destruction, Pestilence, Famine, Disaster, and Bloodshed.
Enkili: The Trickster, the Shapeshifter. Deity of Trickery, Storms, Chaos, and Misfortune.
Denev: The Earth Mother. Titan of the Earth and Nature.
Tanil: The Huntress: Goddess of Travel, Freedom, Hunting, Forestry, Archery, and Music.
Manawe: Mother of the Oceans, Queen of the Sirens, Lady of the Deeps. Goddess of the seas.
Kadum: The Mountainshaker, The Bleeding One, Father of Monsters. Unstoppable titan of strength, chained to the deepest ocean chasm where his continual bleeding warps creatures into monsters.
Mormo: Mother of Serpents: Overthrown titan.
Irda: Lascivious goddess of sex, passionate love, physical affection, prostitutes, and secrets.

Freeport is a nautical crossroads for multiple continents and different cultures have influenced the religious beliefs in Freeport. Multiple pantheons are represented in the Temple District and many have mutually incompatible beliefs about the world's cosmology or even on the roles of individual gods or beings.

Gods of the Sea and Fortune are prominent.

The native pantheon of the islands includes a primordial chaotic sea god, a god of wine and revelries, the trickster patron of merchants and thieves commerce and lies, a witch patron, and a bloody war god among others who displaced ancient titans. The gods are considered primal forces in the world interested in their own affairs but generally uncaring for the fate of humanity.

A bloody pirate god named Harrimast is widely venerated and feared.

Dark gods of the seas are more feared and propitiated than venerated.

Occasionally there are a few who venerate the barbarian gods of the far north.

Island Pantheon: Greek
Old Gods: Greyhawk/Core
New Gods: Forgotten Realms
Ulfen Gods: Norse
Uraqi: Mesopotamian
Osirian/Kemti: Egypt
Qadira: Golarion/Pathfinder

Freeport Deities:

Poseidon: Primordial chaotic sea god.
Dionysus: Wine and revelry. Madness, ecstasy, passion, drama, vines and vineyards.
Hermes: Messenger of the Gods. God of merchants and thieves, lies and transactions, travel and boundaries, athletics and youth, lyrical music, escorts spirits to the afterworld.
Ares: War and slaughter.
Hecate: Cthonic witch goddess of magic.
Hades: Riches and the Underworld.
Aphrodite: Erotic love, passion, and beauty.
Athena: Reason, industry, excellence in war.
Herakles: Strength and heroism.
Hera: Goddess of the earth, marriage, and cities.
Apollo: Reason, the sun, healing and disease, culture, music, archery

Harrimast: Bloody piracy

Dark Gods of the Sea:
Leviathan: an immense primordial sea beast said to be imprisoned in the stygian ocean of the fifth circle of Hell where it reigns. Its appetite for souls is legendary. Prophecies say that when it breaks free the world shall end in cataclysm.
Dagon: A sea demon with different tales told of him.
1 an elder demon of the depths possessing powerful lost dark lore.
2 Leviathan's general in the stygian ocean of Hell.
3 a fish man king grown to legendary size and worshiped by his former kin as a God.
Whisperer of Impossible Secrets: One of the eight great Lords of Chaos, This octopoidal entity is a patron of magic and known for claiming the souls of those who drown in the sea without being pledged to another sea god. He is said to command undead pirate ships/the fleets of Chaos.
Vetehin: Vassal of Whisperer of Impossible Secrets, searches for secrets and knowledge. He commands merfolk auxiliaries for the Fleets of Chaos.
Artigkern: Drinker of Oceans, a brother of the Whisperer of Impossible Secrets.
Umberlee: A dark goddess of the tempestuous nature and fury of the sea in the New Gods pantheon. She is mercurial and violent, allied with other dark gods of nature's fury. Her power does not extend onto the land.
Zeboim: Another dark goddess of the sea from a different pantheon, she takes the form of a dragon turtle and is known for her covetous and petty nature.
Sekolah: The devouring shark god of the sea devils. Uncaring of any not his own, voracious in appetite. In some stories he is a devil. Once bound Demogorgon to his service.
Kolan: Vengeful elemental god of the fish men who takes the form of a Sea Serpent. Said to be father to many of the dangerous massive beasts in the depths.
Blibdoolpoolp: Enigmatic dark goddess of an ancient sea race. Mostly forgotten.
Demogorgon: Demon Prince and Dark Patron to a non humanoid sentient tropical sea race.
Panzuriel: A deity of murder, confusion, subversion, and evil creatures of the sea. Enemy of Procan and Deep Sashellas and father to the toad god Laogzed.
The Devourer: One of the Dark Six a deity of the destructive power of nature. Sovereign of wave and whelm who lords over the deep.
Olhydra: Elemental Princess of Evil water creatures. Allied with Dagon.
Yeathan: Demigod of drowning and aquatic calamities.
Dajobas: The Devourer of Worlds. Devouring spirit that is hunger caged in flesh. God of cannibalism, carnage, oceans, and blood. Father of sharks, sahuagin, and gators.
Harthagoa: the Demon Below. A fiendish kraken that seeks to bring the seas under his dominion.
Clagguth: Chaos Incarnate, the Ever-changing, the Mad One, the Living Chaos. A titanic red octopus of Chaos. God of change.
Thulu: Dark Chaos. Titanic red squid of chaos. God of Anarchy and terror.
Pluvak: The Eye in the Ice. God of Tyranny. Makes contracts of power and knowledge for souls.
Dijo: God of ice, magic, and contracts.
Vanak: God of subjugation through undeath.
Typhon: God of bestial evil.
Saloth: Queen of Deceit and the Dark Claw. Goddess of Hatred.
Morganae: Evil sea fey goddess. Said to have been devoured by Saloth.
Sarla: Boggard goddess of hatred.
Kaktora: Titanic Kraken, former ruler of the western seas. Enemy of Dagon. Progenitor of devilfish.
Oaur-Ooung: The Blistering Wound. Quillipoth Lord of Tainted Oceans and Vile Fecundity.
Ovonovo: Gluttontide. Nascent Demon Lord of Sharks and Shipwrecks.
Ragadan: The Water Lord. Eldest Fey Lord of Linnorms, Oceans, and Spirals.
Zogmugot: Lady Lastbreath. Goblin Hero-Deity of Drowning, Flotsam, and Scavenging.
Kelizandri: Brackish Emperor. Elemental Lord of Drowning, Waves, and Water.
Rogorolos: Prince of the Wracked. Daemon Harbinger of Castaways, Fouled Water, and Oceans.

New Gods:
4e and FR pantheons:
Melora: Goddess of wilderness and the sea.
Erathis: Goddess of civilization.
Tiamat: Goddess of wealth, greed, and envy.
Bane: God of war and conquest
Asmodeus: God of tyranny and domination. Commander of Devils
Avandra: Goddess of change, luck, trade, freedom, and travel.
Ioun: Goddess of knowledge, skill, and prophecy.

Lathander: The Morning Lord. God of spring, the dawn, youth, and athletics.
Sune Firehair: Goddess of beauty and passion.
Umberlee: The Bitch Queen. Goddess of the sea and affiliated with other deities of nature’s fury.
Bane: Lord of Tyranny and Fear.
Waukeen: Goddess of trade, money, and wealth.
Oghma: God of knowledge and bards.
Valkur: God of sailing and fair winds.
Amanatur: God of the Bureaucracy, Law, the Sun, Order, and Time. Considered by some as cyclical changing aspect of Lathander.

Old Gods:
3e and Greyhawk pantheon:
Zilchus: God of Power, Prestige, Money, Business, and Influence.
Mouqol: God of Trade, Negotiation, Ventures, Appraisal, and Reciprocity.
Xerbo: God of the Sea, Sailing, Money, and Business.
Osprem: Goddess of Sea Voyages, Ships, and Sailors. Daughter of Xerbo.
Procan: Primordial God of seas, sea life, salt, sea weather, and navigation.

Osirian/Kemti Pantheon
Ra: Hawk headed sun god and universe creator.
Osiris: Agriculture god became ruler of the gods then slain by Set and raised by Isis to father Horus and rule the afterlife.
Isis: Fertility and magic goddess.
Horus: Falcon headed god. Ruler of gods, overthrew Set, sometimes associated with Ra. Sky god, war god, and protector.
Set: Rival for rulership of the gods, master of deserts, storms, foreigners, chaos, darkness, corruption, snakes. Protector of Ra in the underworld.
Thoth: Scribe of the Gods. Invented language and writing, the voice of Ra, taught Isis magic, ancient Ogdoad from the original Chaos.
Apep: Serpent of Darkness.
Ptah: Craftsman creator god.
Bes: Dwarf god of happiness and children.
Bast: Cat goddess of pleasure, perfumes, and protection.
Amun: Hidden creator god. Associated with Ra as a duality Amun-Re or with Ra and Ptah as a trinity.

Ancient Uraqian Pantheon:
Tiamat: Dragon of the Bitter Waters. Primordial chaos goddess of the ocean who spawned all the gods and early monsters, after the gods revolted and slew her they made the world from her body and
humanity from her blood.
Ishtar: Goddess of Fertility and War.
Ereshkigal: Goddess of death and the underworld.
Nergal: God of war, disease, and the underworld, husband to Ereshkigal. Associated with noonday sun.
Marduk: King of the Gods, slayer of Tiamat.
Shamash: Sun god who sees all from above. God of Justice.
Enki: God of creation, invention, and waters. Slew Apsu, Tiamat’s freshwater spouse.
Dagon: God of fishes and fishing. A fertility god.

Seldarine Elven Pantheon:
Corellon Larethian: Magic, Music, Arts, Crafts, Poetry, and Warfare.
Aerdrie Faenya: Goddess of Air, Weather, and Birds.
Deep Sashelas: Aquatic god of creation, knowledge, beauty, and magic. Enemy of Panzuriel and Sekolah.
Erevan Ilesere: Deity of Mischief, Change, Rogues and Changelings. Erevan is a fickle, utterly unpredictable god who can change his appearance at will.
Fenmarel Mestarine: God of the feral, outcast, scapegoats, and solitude.
Hanali Celanil: Deity of Romantic Love and Beauty.
Labelas Enoreth: The Lord of the Continuum who governs the orderly passage of time.
Rillifane Rallathil: Tree god of Nature.
Sehanine Moonbow: Goddess of the moon and love.
Solonor Thelandira: God of hunting, archery, and survival in wild and harsh places.
Araushnee: Goddess of destiny and artisans who turned into Lolth.
Shevarash: God of vengeance and retribution.
Ye’Cind: Goddess of music and magical songs.

Aihrde Elven Pantheon:
Wenafar: Elder Faerie Queen
Daladon Lothian: Keeper of the Great Oak, Ranger Lord.
Utumno: Dreaming god, Lord of Nightmares and son to Wenafar and Daladon Lothian.
Mordius: The Lady of the Lake, The Rose Garden, nature goddess destroyed ages ago.
Meltowg Lothian: Elven prince who hunted the Hounds of Darkness.
Demeter: Goddess of Grain, Mother Nature

Kemti Elven Pantheon: See Osirian Kemti Pantheon above

Ulfen Barbarians Pantheon:
Odin: God of Nobility, War, Magic, Wisdom, Battle, Death, the Sky, and Travelling
Thor: God of Thunder, Brawling, and Humanity
Sif: Goddess of Grain and War
Loki: Giant of Trickery, Fire, and Chaos.
Tyr: God of Justice, War, and the Sky. Single combat, victory, and heroic glory fall in his domain.
Aegir: Giant of the Seas.
Njord: God of the sea, seafaring, wind, fishing, wealth, and crop fertility.
Frey: God of Fertility, the Elves, and War.
Freyja: Goddess of Fertility, Lust, War, Magic, and Death.
Frigg: Goddess of the Earth, Prophecy, Marriage, and Childbirth.

Irriseni Gods:
Zon Kuthon: God of Pain, Darkness, and Decadence
Lamashtu: Demon Lord Mother of Monsters and Madness.
Pharasma: Goddess of Death and Birth.
Mestama: Demon Lord of Cruelty, Deception, and Hags.

Serpent Gods:
World Serpent: Primal Spirit
Zehir: God of Darkness and Poison
Set: God of Chaos
Merrshaulk: God of Poison and Somnolence
Shekinester: Three-fold goddess Weaver, Empowerer, Preserver
Parrafaire: God of Guardianship
Jazirian: Winged Serpent of Purpose and Fate
Sessinnek: Demon Lord of Civilization and Dominion
Beltar: Goddess of Malice, Caves, and Pits
Jormungandr: World Serpent
Kolan: Vengeful water elemental Sea Serpent
Geryon: Archdevil of Heresy
Ydersius: Beheaded demigod of immortality and poison.
Apep: Devourer of the Dawn. God of Chaos, Destruction, Serpents, and Evil.
Ardad Lilli: The End of Innocence. Devil Whore Queen of Seduction, Snakes, and Women.
Mormo: Mother of Serpents. Overthrown Titan.

Knowledge Gods:
Athena: Heldannic Goddess of reason, industry, excellence in war.
Apollo: Heldannic God of reason, the sun, healing and disease, culture, music, archery
Whisperer of Impossible Secrets: Octopoidal Lord of Chaos.
Pluvak: The Eye in the Ice. Makes contracts of power and knowledge for souls.
Ioun: New Goddess of knowledge, skill, and prophecy.
Oghma: New God of knowledge and bards.
Thoth: Osirian Scribe of the Gods. Invented language and writing, the voice of Ra, taught Isis magic, ancient Ogdoad from the original Chaos.
Shamash: Ancient Uraqian sun god who sees all from above. God of Justice.
Boccob: The Archmage of the Gods. Old God of Magic, Foresight, and Arcane Knowledge.
Delleb: The Scribe. Old God of Reason, Intellect, and Study.
Diirinka: The Great Savant. Derro Magic, Knowledge, and Cruelty.
Dumathoin: Keeper of Secrets Under the Mountain. Dwarven God of Mining and Exploration.
Earth Dragon: Old God of the Earth who knows all the secrets of the land.
Istus: Old Goddess of Fate.
Katay: Old God of History, Decay, Order, Time, and Inevitability.
Keoghtom: Old Hero-God of Secrets of the Natural World.
Keptolo: Drow Demigod of Rumor, Flattery, Intoxication, and Opportunism.
Labelas Enoreth: Seldarine God of Time, Longevity, and History.
Lendor: Old God of Time, Tedium, Patience, and Study.
Lirr: Old Goddess of Prose, Poetry, and Literature.
Lydia: Old Goddess of Music, Knowledge and Daylight.
Mouqoul: Old God of Trade and Appraisal.
Murlynd: Old Hero-God of Magical Technology.
Rao: Old God of Peace, Reason, and Serenity.
Shanine Moonbow: Seldarine Goddess of the Moon, Mysticism, and Transcendence.
Sekinester: Naga Goddess of Wisdom, Knowledge, Destruction, and Protection.
Tharizdun: Old God of Eternal Darkness, Decay, Malign Knowledge, and Insanity.
Tsolorandril: Old God of patterns. A record keeper of natural cycles of politics, nature, and time.
Vecna: Old God of Evil Secrets.
Zagyg: Old Demigod of Humor, Eccentricity, and Occult Lore.
Aasterinian: Dragon Goddess of learning through play, invention, and pleasure.
Al’Akbar: Restorer of Righteousness. Old Demigod of Guidance for the Faithful.
Allitur: Old God of Ethics and Propriety. Maintainer of Ethics, Traditions, and Laws.
Annam: Giant omniscient God of Learning, Philosphy, and Deep Meditations who chooses not to see all.
Hedrada: The Lawgiver, The Judge. Calastian God of Law, Justice, Wealth, Cities, and Knowledge.
Aroden: Dead Qadiran god of mankind, history, and civilization.
Irori: Qadiran god of history, knowledge, and self-perfection.
Deep Sashelas: Seldarine aquatic god of creation, knowledge, beauty, and magic. Enemy of Panzuriel and Sekolah.
Odin: Ulfen God of Nobility, War, Magic, Wisdom, Battle, Death, the Sky, and Travelling
Frigg: Ulfen Goddess of the Earth, Prophecy, Marriage, and Childbirth.
Nyarlathotep: Outer God of Conspiracies, Dangerous Secrets, and Forbidden Magic.
Thuskchoon: Everglutton. Quillipoth Lord of Blinding Hunger and Revealed Secrets.

Witch Gods:
Hecate: Heldannic Cthonic Goddess of Crossroads, Night, and Magic.
Freyja: Ulfen Goddess of Passion, Fertility, War, and Magic.
Mestama: Demon Lord of Cruelty, Deception, and Hags.
Belsameth: The Slayer. Chardunian Goddess of Darkness, Madness, Witchcraft, Murder, Nightmares, and the Moon.
Grazz’t: Demon Lord of Decadence.
Nocticula: Princess of Moonlight. Demon Lord of Women, Natural World, Earthy Sensuality.
Antaia: The Witch Queen. Devil Noble.
Carniveau: Patron of Witches. Fallen Power who appears at Sabbats and tempts with lusty promises of power.
Cegilune: Goddess of Larvae, Hags, and the Moon.
Gyronna: The Angry Hag. Goddess of Extortion, Hatred, and Spite.

Comparative Religion and Syncretism.
Some theorized deities working under different names in different pantheons:
Apollo, Lathander, Correlon Larethian, Balder
Ares, Bane, Vangal, Gruumsh
Poseidon, Procan, Gozreh
Hermes, Thoth
Aphrodite, Sune Firehair, Hanali Celanil, Irda, Shelyn, Bast, Sharess,
Hephaestus, Moradin, St. Corean, Corean, Reorx, Torag, Ptah,
Demeter, Isis, Chauntea, Beory, Gozreh,
Athena, St. Iomedae, Iomedae
Erathis, St. Abadar, Abadar, St. Hedrada, Hedrada
Sekolah, Dajobas
Bane, Asmodeus, Chardun, Hextor, Iuz,
Melora, Gozreh
Tiamat, Takhisis
Bahamut, Paladine, Heironeus,
Saloth, Lolth, Mazzmezz,
Pluvak, Levistus
Erastil, St. Cuthbert
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Mostly in my head. There’s so much that’s still subject to change that putting it in writing will probably leave me with things that I don’t want in a matter of days.

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