We did Heist and Mad Mage/Undermountain, level 1 to 20. Campaign took about 3 years running from 2019/2020ish to 2023. Playing about 3 hours a week, roughly 40 weeks a year. We finished about a year ago and started Tomb of Annihilation in 2023. We should finish Tomb in another 2-3 months, playing at the same pace we played Undermountain. Don't know what we will play next. I'm honestly bored of 5e and am considering running Savage Worlds Pathfinder.
Before our epic 1-20 5e campaign, I ran the first book of the first 5e AP, Dragons of Tyranny or whatever its called. Didn't like it so we stopped after the first book. That ran for a couple of years. 2017-2019ish.
Before that I ran Pathfinder's Carrion Crown AP but converted entirely to 4e. We did the whole thing. My players really loved that game. They were dubious about 4e before that one, now they talk fondly about it and ask if we might do 4e again in the future. That campaign took about 3 years and ran from roughly 2014 to 2017ish.
Before that we bounced games around a bit , but I ran Rise of the Runelords using Pathfinder from like 2011 to 2013ish. We finished the whole thing, it took a couple of years but I abbreviated it a bit. I was so burned out, I swore off Pathfinder/3.5 rules forever which led us to running Carrion Crown in 4e. I told my group its either 4e or someone else runs something. They grudgingly agreed to 4e, but ended up having a blast. lol.
Before that I played in an Age of Worms campaign using 3.5 rules. Played the whole thing but I didn't DM it. That game ran for a couple of years.
Then various misc. games that started and stopped in the early 2000's. Throughout the 90's I played a long running AD&D game, alternating with Palladium and RIFTS one shots whenever we needed a change of pace. One of my players from those days still games with me. Everyone else from back in the day has drifted away. I was in high school and college during the 90's. Another player has gamed with me since the 2000's. The rest of the group joined about 10 years ago when I did the Carrion Crown game.