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Heroes of Highdale IC


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Girble, not wanting the ogre to escape, attemps to knock him down, "Oh, come on, you big wimp!" He concentrates and calls upon divine energies to create a column of divine flame. He then attempts to dismount, ready to engage in melee combat.

ooc: DC 20 Reflex for half, 10d6 damage
[sblock]Flame Strike
Evocation [Fire]
Level: Clr 5, Drd 4, Sun 5, War 5
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Area: Cylinder (10-ft. radius, 40 ft. high)
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Spell Resistance: Yes

A flame strike produces a vertical column of divine fire roaring downward. The spell deals 1d6 points of damage per caster level (maximum 15d6). Half the damage is fire damage, but the other half results directly from divine power and is therefore not subject to being reduced by resistance to fire-based attacks. [/sblock]

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Ery races forward and attempts to tumble between the two fathach that block the way to the wall. If she is successful she will race the remaining distance to the ogre climbing the wall, leap onto its back and surprise it with a sneak attack.


First Post
Posting a partial round because something has happened that will probably cause Ery to change action. Also haven't heard from Lord_Raven yet this round, right?

Girble shouts, "Oh, come on, you big wimp!" He concentrates and calls upon divine energies to create a column of divine flame, which reduces the fathach to a charred cinder before he can even scream. He then dismounts and prepares to close with the remaining foes.

Sirius drops from the back of his mount assuming a powerful defensive posture and striking out at the over-sized Fathach. "What ya think ye wee gnat o' a twig 's gonna hurt?" he asks in the gutteral dialect used by giantkin. He takes a single mighty swing at his towering foe striking a mighty blow. The enraged creature seems to be only further angered by this affront.
[SBLOCK=Sirius' Numbers]Ride roll to quick-dismount: 9. No go. So Sirius spends a move action dismounting. Then he assumes Defensive stance and attacks. Attack roll 16+15 = 31, a hit. Damage roll 7+11 = 18 points. He's taken 34 points of damage so far and still looking fairly frisky.[/SBLOCK]

Still to go (in this order):
Big, Bad Ogre
Slightly Smaller, nervous-looking ogre


First Post
Lucas seems content to let the others have there, holding a wand in his right hand he taps it against his chin as he watches events unfold.

OOC: If anyone looks like the're in trouble Lucas will use his wand of magic missilies to help out.


First Post
Lucas seems content to let the others have their fun, holding a wand in his right hand he taps it against his chin as he watches events unfold.

The bigger fathach roars, flecks of foam spraying from his gaping mouth and brings his club to bear on Sirius, who has wounded him twice. Sirius wards off one blow, but another strikes him squarely in the shoulder, shaking the doughty dwarf but not bowing him.
One miss and one hit for the ogre, damage 22 points

Viktor moves to attack the other fathach, darting inside its guard and lunging with his sword, but its point is turned aside by the fathach's thick hide.
Viktor provokes an AoO because the ogre has reach. The AoO misses, but so does Viktor's attack.

Ery leaps to the side of Viktor's foe, trying to get past him, but the brute is blocking the path too well. Instead she simply strikes at his arm, drawing a line of red across it.
[SBLOCK=Ery's Numbers]I figure Ery would try to set up a flank by tumbling through the ogre's space. Tumble roll is a 1, failure. That leaves time for only a single attack: Attack roll 8+13=21 a hit. Damage roll 5+5=10. He's still up, but definitely looks worried.[/SBLOCK]
Casting a quick look behind him, Ery's opponent sees retreat cut off. In desperation he roars and charges straight at her, clearly attempting to simply run over her to escape. Ery takes a quick cut at the charging behemoth without effect.

Ogre executing an overrun. Ery's AoO misses, as does Viktor's (bad dice). Will Ery attempt to stop the charging ogre, or let him by?


Ery, not feeling like stopping 1000lbs of screaming fathach nimbly steps aside as the ogre runs past. "Oh no, my horse" she yells as she realises the behemoth is running back down the trail towards it "Quick Victor, let's mount up and get after that thing" she cries as she races to Victor's horse.


First Post
Ok, I'm finally posting and I see I forgot to ask for actions. We're back at the top of the order, so I'll just assume Girble and Sirius continue to battle the enraged fathach while Ery and Viktor take off after the fleeing one.

Girble scurries under the fathach's whistling club and swings his mace for the great brute's knee. He connects once, solidly. The fathach, having seen what girble did to his fellow, looks visibly relieved to get away with no more than a deep bruise.
[SBLOCK=Girble's Numbers]5 foot step and 2 attacks. Attack roll 9+8 = 17, a hit (barely). Damage roll 5-1+2=6. Second attack roll 5+3=8, miss. That's 40 points the ogre's taken so far and he doesn't look too stressed.[/SBLOCK]

Sirius, his feet planted wide and his shield held before him, strikes twice quickly at their foe, gashing its thigh and arm deeply, but the slavering creature keeps fighting!
[SBLOCK=Sirius' numbers]Attack roll 15+15=30, hit! Damage 8+11=19. Second attack 12+10=22, hit! Damage 4+11=15. That's 34 points for a total of 74 he's taken so far. Still scrappy, though![/SBLOCK]

Lucas decides he's more worried about having an enemy loose than he is about Girble and Sirius' ability to handle their opponent, levels his wand at the fleeing fathach and releases 5 searing bolts of arcane power. The travel by different, circuitous routes at different speeds and all arrive at the fathach's back simultaneously. The giant stumbles but doesn't quite fall, though he looks badly wounded.

[SBLOCK=Lucas' numbers]Total damage for the 5 magic missiles: 15. And this time it's not maximized! :)[/SBLOCK]

The lone immense fathach continues trying to rid himself of Sirius. One blow glances off the dwarf's gleaming shield, but another connects solidly, nearly driving him off his feet.

One hit from the ogre, doing 25 points of damage. That's 47 points of damage Sirius has taken so far, out of 117, so he's definitely feeling a little harried.

Viktor races down the path after the fathach, nearly, but not quite, catching him.

Ery bounds to Viktor's horse and mounts up, just getting the recalcitrant beast pointed in the right direction.
[SBLOCK=Ery's Numbers]Ride check to quick-mount: 5. Not even close. So Ery spends a move action getting to the horse and another getting on.[/SBLOCK]

I need actions from everyone for next round. I assume Ery will begin pursuit. We'll be using the Hot Pursuit rules from Adamant which I will be glad to summarize in the OOC thread if you're not familiar with them. They rock.
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Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
ooc: Remember we're all Blessed and I'm Bull's Strengthed. That makes my attacks...
+11/+6, 1d6+1. So, a little more to hit and a little more damage. :) The running fathach still has a wall in his path, right? Am I close enough to get to Sirius and cure him? If not, I'll 5' and attack to cure him next round. If so, I'm burning my Magic Vestment to cast a CSW (3d8+10 hp).

"Beware the power of the small ones!"
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First Post
Ok, I forgot the bless and bull's strength. I'll add two points of damage, but the miss is still a miss (lousy roll). The running fathach is a different one than was running before. You incinerated the first one who tried to run. This one ran through Erethinol's space and is fleeing back the way you guys came. You are definitely close enough to cure Sirius, but you'll be inside the fathach's reach. I assume you'll cast defensively?

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