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Heroes of Highdale IC


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Alex chuckles a little bashfully and thinks before replying, "Kind of both. The spells that bind and animate him can understand certain words that were designated during the enchantment process. He can even understand and interpret relatively simple battlefield orders. So in that sense, he's smarter than most animals." She pats his 'muzzle' affectionately, then sighs.

"But he doesn't have any independent thought or imagination. A real animal can be trusted to fight on its own, and usually it'll take care of itself. Max needs...supervision, to tell him what the best targets are, or when to retreat so I can repair him."

"So its give and take. Like most magic." Alex clears her throat and adds apologetically, "Sorry. That's probably more of a mouthful than you really wanted. I get carried away sometimes. Sorry."


At the mountain pass, she frowns at the sight of the blockage.

"That'd be the Wall of Stone, but they must have cleared the rubble themselves. I wonder why they left the wall there. Unless, of course, it was to keep us out."

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Blasco "The Wolverine"

I thought there was a land slide?” He asks with a puzzled look. Taking his time, he searches through the debris in hopes of finding some kind of clue of what has happened.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
"You have to tell us what kind of creature that is, Alex..." The odd morning ritual certainly catches Girlbe off guard, though he quickly tries to regain his composure.

As they near the location, Girble offers to bolster anyone's armor, and if Blasco intends to get into melee combat, Girble offers to take some of his burden.

(ooc: Magic Vestment for +2 enhancement bonus to an armor or shield; Shield Other)

"There... was a land slide." Girble looks around a little puzzled. "If the fathaches wanted to clear their path, they would've taken down the wall as well. If not, they would've left everything here." He calls for Blasco to stay clear of the area for a little longer, "This could be a trap. if the landslide were instigated by some fathatch guards up there, they may have reset their trap. Who was it that volunteered flying ability?"


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To Girble, Alex just smiles enigmatically and asserts, "You'll see soon enough."

"As for flying...Isis and I can fly. Or I could teleport myself and a few others past the wall... If we don't mind taking some time and making some noise, Max could probably break the wall down..."


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Shayuri said:
To Girble, Alex just smiles enigmatically and asserts, "You'll see soon enough."

"As for flying...Isis and I can fly. Or I could teleport myself and a few others past the wall... If we don't mind taking some time and making some noise, Max could probably break the wall down..."

Kay'nar offers, "I can go invisible and fly with out wastign any spells... Why not let me scout around to to see what is what then?"

If the rest agree, kay'nar does just that. Looking over the wall and up teh sides for an ambush an so on.

OOC: Kay'nar can fly/go invisible at will. He also has cosntant see invisible and has DV for spotting purposes.


Hanging in there. Better than the alternative.
Girble nods, "That sounds even better, Kay'nar. If it is an ambush, that invisibility will help. If there's no ambush, we can just climb over the wall or break it down. If it is an ambush... hm. Either teleport past it or take care of the ambushers?"


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Lucas Shrugs. "I have a few protective spells prepared, but if our new friend can make himself invisible I think that should suffice for the moment."

Hearing no objections, Kay'nar vanishes from sight and leaves the ground. He rises through the chill air to a height sufficient to see over the wall. From this vantage it is obvious that someone has indeed cleared the far side recently. Large boulders that have been in one spot for centuries have been uprooted, leaving obvious cavities near their new positions. In fact, on closer examination, the wall of stone itself seems to be cracked. Apparently it only just held back the onslaught which would likely have overwhelmed the party had they not had its protection. Beyond the wall, the trail turns sharply to the left and Kay'nar now realizes that it loops back on itself, paralleling the section where the party now stands, but some 20 feet higher.

Kay'nar rises, gaining a vantage on the higher ground where the trail switches back. There he sees, lying on the ground at this higher level, a group of half a dozen fathach, who the humans call ogres. The are clearly aware of the party and lying in wait. One holds in his oversized hand a rope. Kay'nar's eyes trace the rope to a wooden stake at the base of the rock field next to the switchback. He quickly realizes that another rockslide can be triggered at any moment. Just as he is deciding what to do next, he sees one of the fathach nod to the one holding the rope and grunt a command.


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Kay'nar realizes that he will have little time to do anything but take control of the ogre that wants to drop the landslide. So, he will (try to) telepathically charm him and say, "Oh, please hold onto the rope my friend. Everyone spent sooooo much time clearing those boulders the first time, no sense in having to do it _all_ over again."

If it looks like its working great, if not, shout to the crew, "its an ambush! There are ogres triggering a rock slide."

OOC: here is hoping for a bad save for the ogre.

Voidrunner's Codex

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