Just like with Skills and Powers, I do think that some of the writing was on the wall for 4e if people bothered picking up the later 3e books like Bo9S or even d20 Star Wars Saga. Of course I know that many people didn't buy those books so 4e was surprising. For those of us who did, 4e wasn't that surprising.
I'm comparing 2ed to 3ed and 3ed (not 3.5) to 4th. I did like Bo9s, it's one of my top 3.5 books and at my table in those days, Warblade was default fighter. But decent amount of people didn't do half edition upgrade so when 4th came out, it was big change. Imho, Bo9s just gave martial version of spells with stances and maneuvers a bridged martial-caster power gap a bit. That's why i find 5th ed Battlemaster maneuvers underwhelming since Warblade did it better and more interesting.