Boots of Stringing and Striding with FLY


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From the SRD fly description:

'Using the fly spell requires as much concentration as walking, so the subject can attack or cast spells normally. The subject of a fly spell can charge but not run, and it cannot carry aloft more weight than its maximum load (see page 142), plus any armor it wears.'

Fly and expeditious retreat don't stack. When you have fly cast on you, you use the spell to move, as opposed to moving your body. Just like when you drive a car, you use the car to move yourself, you don't actually move your body. That is why fly has a limitation on what type of movement it allows (cannot run). Expeditious retreat on the other hand is the equivalent of a booster shot full of adrenaline. It doesn't matter how much adrenline you've got in your body, it won't make the car your driving move any faster.

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However, does this mean that the general concensus here is that expeditious retreat and boots of striding and springing double all NATURAL move rates, such as flying with wings and swimming with fish fins?


First Post
Henry said:
However, does this mean that the general concensus here is that expeditious retreat and boots of striding and springing double all NATURAL move rates, such as flying with wings and swimming with fish fins?

That's my interpretation.

Edit: Oops, misread a piece of the question. For ER, I do believe it doubles all natural movement rates. For the boots, only land movement with feet applies.
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First Post
Henry said:
However, does this mean that the general concensus here is that expeditious retreat and boots of striding and springing double all NATURAL move rates, such as flying with wings and swimming with fish fins?

Thats how I do it. The fact that it is a pair of boots is irrelevent, you could just as easily make it a ring or amulet.



Okay, you Rules Lawyers...

The placement and usage of the word "flight" in the description of the spell indicates the act of retreating, not flying through the air.
Expeditious retreat does not double your speed while using the fly spell to fly.

In the spirit of the spell, since the text can be construed as ambiguous by people eager to exploit the stacking of magical movement spells, I'd have to rule that the spell will double whatever method of movement you are capable of using naturally. For most humanoids, this means running and swimming. For dire bats, this means running and flying.

I'd rule expeditious retreat doesn't stack with wind walk either.


Re: Okay, you Rules Lawyers...

ForceUser said:
The placement and usage of the word "flight" in the description of the spell indicates the act of retreating, not flying through the air.

I also understand this to be the case. It is quite clear, to me anyway, in context it means nothing more than "retreat". Though the weazel rules-lawyer in me loves the fact that they worded it that way. ;)

ForceUser said:
Expeditious retreat does not double your speed while using the fly spell to fly.

In the spirit of the spell, since the text can be construed as ambiguous by people eager to exploit the stacking of magical movement spells, I'd have to rule that the spell will double whatever method of movement you are capable of using naturally. For most humanoids, this means running and swimming. For dire bats, this means running and flying.

I'd rule expeditious retreat doesn't stack with wind walk either.

This seems to be the general consensus by a huge margin. Only natural movement rates double.

That being said, I would also tend to allow "natural" movement rates gained or enhanced by spell use to double as well. Things like spiderclimb and the wings gained from alter self.

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