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Beneath the Ice! Eberron Dungeon Crawl {Full}


[H3]Beneath the Ice[/H3]

As if the storms that he sailed through at the mouth of the bay hadn’t been bad enough, now the dwarf’s raft was beginning to melt. The air had been growing steadily warmer as the tiny craft was drawn deeper into the bay—now, the heat was beginning to take its toll. Thugrun was sweating heavily, partly from the incredible heat and party from the fear that had been slowly creeping up on him as he sailed further and further away from his homelands. Or what were once my homelands, he corrected himself bitterly. Now that the Three have taken hold, my Etevalkairn is home only to fiends and beasts.

The Rimefire raft was throwing up thick clouds of fog as it melted, making it impossible for Thugrum to see any sort of land. His rudder had long since become useless, and the raft was already less than half of its original size. Thugrum, starving and exhausted, was terribly weakened from his two-month long journey across the Bitter Sea. There was no way he could swim even a tiny distance once the raft was gone—but he prepared himself to do so anyway. I must find the Wandering Ones. I must raise an army and retake Etevalkairn. I have not survived this long for naught—my ancestors surely guide me.

A few hours later, struggling vainly, Thugrum lost consciousness as he slipped into the water, mere yards away from a tree-lined shore the likes of which his people had never seen before…​

'Beneath the Ice' is a dungeon-crawl style PbP adventure set in the world of Eberron. A handful of stalwart explorers will set off on a mission to uncover what may be the original homeland of the dwarves and find themselves facing a very cold reception indeed.

When the timid gnomish scholar Quentin Voddlegrok stumbled across a washed-up dwarven corpse on the shore of a quiet beach at the south of Eldeen bay, he had no idea the significance of the find. From maps found on the body, Quentin has pieced together the location of what he believes is Etevalkairn, the legendary first home of the dwarves. After several months of trading in favors and pleading with various groups for financial backing, Quentin is finally ready to set off. Well, almost ready. He still needs to assemble a group of adventurous explorers to make the trip with him. Are there any brave souls who would be willing to put their lives on the line to explore dangerous, uncharted territory?

About the DM: I’ve been playing D&D and various other role-playing games for many years now, and although I’ve been visiting EN World for some time, I’ve only just now gotten into PbP gaming. ‘Beneath the Ice’ is an original adventure that I’ve been working on for quite some time. This will be my first PbP game as a DM.

About the Game: ‘Beneath the Ice’ is takes place in the Frostfell, a desolate expanse of largely unexplored territory north of Khorvaire in the world of Eberron. The adventure involves a decidedly dangerous dungeon that may (or may not) be the long-lost home of the dwarves.
I’m looking for six players who would be interested in posting fairly regularly. I’ll also reserve spots for up to four alternates. Players will be added on a first-come, first-serve basis (but please don’t reserve a spot for yourself if you’ll be unable to play). Although this is a ‘classic’-style game with gobs of traps and plenty of hack-n-slash, I also want to put a strong focus on interesting and well thought-out role-playing.
If you have any questions, please let me know. Post your characters in this forum when you are ready.

Character creation rules:
[SBLOCK]Attributes: 32 point buy. Hit points: Maximum for class/level.

Races: all races from the Player’s Handbook and from the Eberron Campaign Setting book, plus any non-level adjustment race from the Monster Manual or the Expanded Psionics Handbook.

Classes: any core classes from the Player’s Handbook, Eberron CS, Expanded Psionics Handbook, and Complete Warrior, Divine, and Arcane, excepting oriental-specific classes (the Samurai, Wu Jen, and Shugenja). Prestige classes from those sources will be allowed on a case-by-case basis.

Feats, equipment, and spells: any from the previously mentioned sources, plus any from Races of Stone or Sharn: City of Towers. Characters may make use of the material from Frostburn, but may have no more than one feat, item, or spell from that book.

Starting Experience: 12,500 (mid-way between 5th and 6th level) Players who have excellently well-written and interesting character backgrounds/concepts, or who contribute to the story in other fruitful way, may receive experience bonuses before the game starts. This bonus may be enough to bring the character to 6th level.

Starting resources: 7,500 gp, no more than one third of which may be spent on any single item (this is less than a 5th level character would typically start with; the characters will be given special equipment that makes up for this difference).

Encumbrance tracking: The adventure takes place in very rough conditions, and normally ignored rules involving encumbrance and exhaustion will be used. As such, it will be important for each player to know their character’s exact encumbrance.

Options: Players may make use of the following options from Unearthed Arcana: variant classes, racial paragon levels, character traits, character flaws, and bloodline traits. The expanded uses for Action Points, mentioned on page 123 of Unearthed Arcana, will be allowed.[/SBLOCK]


The Explorers:
(Barkey) - Barandurr, Dwarven (half-Duegar) Cleric of Onatar
Karthak Lyrandar, Half-Elven Storm Wizard (NPC - formerly played by Speed-Stick)
Toshanharath, Kalashtar Psychic Warrior (NPC - formerly played by Doomhawk)
(Krug) - Mong, Shifter Bow Master
(Sorrow the Man Bear) - Norderill "Smarttounge" Pitiken, Gnomish Scout and Translator
(adamantineangel) - Rigel ir'Vol, Human Battle Sorceress with a mysterious past

Their Native Guide:
(Ferrix) - Mysterious Uldra Druid


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First Post
Hey nonamazing,
Yeah, I'd really be down for playing in that game.... as far as my character idea :
Barandurr Genlom Steelsing was raised as a dwarven prince, enjoying the utmost of luxury and comfort throughout his life, well as far as a dwarf will enjoy those things. At an early age he realized he was different from the other dwarves, his father told him it was because he was special, and his appearance betrayed his noble heritage. Barandurr not being counted among the particuarly smart or wise believed this for a time, until one day the court scientist gnome ,Quentin Voddlegrok, came in spouting something to his father about funding a trip to the original dwarf home.
His father's kingdom had been going through particuarly rough times, rebuilding from an attack by a horde of dragons and having no time for ideal fancies, he denied the Gnome. Barandurr was intrigued and thought, that maybe this was the key to finding out about his heritage.

The idea I have is that he is the love child of a duegar and an underdark adventuring hero (The dwarven brother of the King). Due to dwarven loyalty, the King agreed to take the child and raise him as his own. I thought the adventuring dwarf could have ties to Etevalkaim and therefore Barandurr's history could be lying there to find.
Stats to come..................


This definately looks like a fun solid adventure, I'd count myself in if you'll have me. Perhaps a druid or a psion of some sort. Thinking if I go psion either a elan, warforged or warforged scout (although the -6 to abilities for a +2 bonus isn't all that appealing); for druid, haven't figured out a race yet.

Oh yeah, for stats? 4d6 seven times drop lowest? It isn't mentioned in the character creation.

Will work out concept later tonight. You can check out my history in PbP via my Signature Thread linked below, funny considering one of my PC's Glangim, a 20th level dwarf verging Epic had searched out his kin's own long lost home.
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Ferrix said:
This definately looks like a fun solid adventure, I'd count myself in if you'll have me.
Oh yeah, for stats? 4d6 seven times drop lowest? It isn't mentioned in the character creation.

Okay, you're in. Either druid or psion would be excellent. A druid, in particular, would be useful in helping the party deal with the enviormental challenges. And as for stats, we'll be using a 32-point buy (rather absent minded of me not to put that in at first--I have edited the character creation guidelines to include it).

Barkey said:
Hey nonamazing,
Yeah, I'd really be down for playing in that game....

Okay, Barkey, you're in. Not a bad character concept--I'll have more feedback for you a little later on. By the way (just so everyone knows) Barkey is my brother--but I promise not to show him any sort of special treatment. In fact, I think I'll make things tougher on him (and insult him a lot).
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nonamazing said:
Okay, you're in. Either druid or psion would be excellent. A druid, in particular, would be useful in helping the party deal with the enviormental challenges. And as for stats, we'll be using a 32-point buy (rather absent minded of me not to put that in at first--I have edited the character creation guidelines to include it).

Cool, that's what I was thinking about regarding the druid, although if he was a warforged he'd have very little trouble with some of the normal harshness of the cold wild. Humans, always eating and shivering.

nonamazing said:
Okay, Barkey, you're in. Not a bad character concept--I'll have more feedback for you a little later on. By the way (just so everyone knows) Barkey is my brother--but I promise not to show him any sort of special treatment. In fact, I think I'll make things tougher on him (and insult him a lot).

Awesome, do we get bonuses if we help the DM? ;)


First Post
This sounds like a good time. I was thinking a Half-Elven Wizard, if that would work out ok. If not, I also have ideas for a Cleric or Rogue. I can flesh out the concepts more tommorow, its getting kind of late today.
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First Post
This looks like it will be an enjoyable game. I'd like to throw my hat in as a Kalashtar Psychic Warrior [although if the party needs some other niche filled, I'm amenable to that too].


Krug said:
I'd like to throw my hat in as a Shifter Barbarian. :D
Well, than make sure to take Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Hat (note that I will not be allowing Mithral Top Hats--they're just broken). :)

Doomhawk said:
This looks like it will be an enjoyable game. I'd like to throw my hat in as a Kalashtar Psychic Warrior [although if the party needs some other niche filled, I'm amenable to that too].
That sounds fine. (I really like Psychic Warrior, by the way--it's a neat class). As far as filling a certain niche, the group should be large enough to allow for a variety of different roles, so don't worry too much about that.

Speed-Stick said:
I was thinking a Half-Elven Wizard, if that would work out ok.
Sounds great. Every good exploring group needs a Wizard along.

So I've added the three of you to the list. The group still needs one more character (a rogue might be a good idea for that slot). I'm looking forward to seeing your fully-fleshed out characters--don't forget the possibility of experience point awards!

Ferrix said:
Cool, that's what I was thinking about regarding the druid, although if he was a warforged he'd have very little trouble with some of the normal harshness of the cold wild. Humans, always eating and shivering.
That's hilarious. I hadn't thought about it before, but a Warforged character might have a lot of advantages in this particular adventure, due to their unique immunities. Of course, I could also rule that the -20 temperatures act like a chill metal spell...

Ferrix said:
Awesome, do we get bonuses if we help the DM?
You mean, help me insult my brother? Nah, you'd better not...he likes it too much. :D

Hey, i'm game for an Ebberron... uh, game. :) I'd gladly fill in the rogue slot. I've got a few lying around. :) Or maybe, a ranger. Sounds just right for this campaign. I'll post a more cohesive character concept a little later (tomorrow or later tonight probably), if you'll have me.
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