• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Pilsnerquest

    D&D 5E First Session of HotDQ - WOW, what a meatgrinder

    Read the OP and have to agree from a player's perspective. We were brutalized right from the get go. By the second encounter in we had two character deaths in a party of five. Started again with two freshly rolled characters to replace the deaders and played maybe five more encounters. Every...
  2. Pilsnerquest

    Crown of the Lich King

    There's a few adventures out there for 13th Age; Pelgrane Press Blood and Lightning (In the core rules) Crown of the Lich King Wyrd of the Wild Wood Quest in the Cathedral The Folding of Screamhaunt Castle Fan-made The Burrowing Dead The Burrowing Dead is free, Google it, the Pelgrane Press...
  3. Pilsnerquest

    Summer Gaming Report: What Are You Playing?

    D&D 4E core D&D 3.0/3.5 using Microlite20 Purest Essence Weekly one-shots of; Barbarians of Lemuria/Cartoon Action Hour/Risus/Star Frontiers/BASH/The Agency/Dead Meat, with hopes for some FREYO and Nugget. Dragon Warriors.
  4. Pilsnerquest

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    Hey Larcen, Adventure Kids looks like fun. I call dibs on the schoolyard bully. Pilsnerquest
  5. Pilsnerquest

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    Greywulf, has this thread ever caused you to think about geting a bunch of people together and mashing out a set of not necsserily D20 compliant rules? Pilsnerquest
  6. Pilsnerquest

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    Hah! I don't blame you, sometimes I don't even go through with it for myself. Lately for 3.5 it's been "fighter", "toughness" for all feats, low enough INT so there's no skill computing, armor/shield/weapon, "Bam!", done. Pilsnerquest
  7. Pilsnerquest


    Maptools is free. Maps, chat, dice rolling and easy enough for me to figure it out in about 10 minutes. Fantasy Grounds is like $35 for the DM version and $20 for a player (one-time payment). Sweet program that seems pretty popular. Four Ugly Monsters is running a convention, for free...
  8. Pilsnerquest

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    Okay, I'll play devil's advocate for the last two posts. Now, I personally don't give a rat's arse about how much party resources should be used in one encounter but 42% compared to the recommended 25% is most definitely a point. Again, that's only if you feel the percentile in a certain $29.95...
  9. Pilsnerquest


    VTT's (virtual tabletops) will devour the gaming scene. Pilsnerquest
  10. Pilsnerquest

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    Checked out the "New Gods" campaign and it looks pretty nifty. The way it can be interwoven with the d20 skills, feats, races, monsters, etc. especially stood out. And those poor sterile male Pans watching the human males mate with their female Pans, the humanity! Or panity rather. Pilsnerquest
  11. Pilsnerquest

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    It occurs to me that if we were all put into a locked room and told to come up with one set of relatively agreed upon rpg rules we would probably all end up in a giant brawl or worse. I would like to have been a fly on the wall when the guys came up with Chainmail. Pilsnerquest
  12. Pilsnerquest

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    I second this idea. Pilsner
  13. Pilsnerquest

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    *personal preference* Pilsnerquest
  14. Pilsnerquest

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    I suppose the loss of hit points for casting the buffs would be the main balancing factor. How many hit points would a mage lose for keeping up a higher AC and attack? Pilsnerquest
  15. Pilsnerquest

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    Well, any GM worth his/her salt isn't going to let, I mean have, a player reach anywhere near 20th level. bwah hah ha... ...that is a good point though. Pilsnerquest
  16. Pilsnerquest

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    In Microlite20 does the monsters HD reflect its base attack bonus? If a critter is HD 5 its base attack is at +5 (not including STR bonuses, etc.) right? Also, how do monsters make saving throws if we don't know their stats? Or do they not receive any stat bonus, just a d20+HD? Pilsnerquest
  17. Pilsnerquest

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    I thought we already did this? I never saw any mention of AoO in Microlite20 therefore it did not exist. Interesting, declaring no AoO...what are you up to over there? Pilsnerquest
  18. Pilsnerquest

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    Both (Kensanata and Darrell's) maps are nice. I just need some sand, not alot just a little, anywhere, the marauding desert nomads need the sand. Pilsnerquest
  19. Pilsnerquest

    Microlite20 : the smallest thing in gaming

    The campaign that will be "pushed to the front", will it include a world map? It would be really neat to be able to run an adventure in one location on the map and then have the intrepid adventurers board a boat for distand shores and play through kensanata's Asian influenced adventures while...