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  1. D

    DND 3.5e Reference Sheets--Where?

    I've been away for a while (18 months) and am finally starting to play again. Before it was DND 3e; now it is DND 3.5e. Previously I used these excellent Reference Sheets (v2.8) that summarized everything for the player and the DM alike--Player Sheet, DM Sheet, Magic Sheet, and Campaign Sheet...
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    FRCS Page Background

    Howdy. I'm preparing material for a FRCS campaign. For fun, I would like to present the material in "Forgotten Realms" style PDFs. All I'm lacking is the background page image(s) from the FRCS book. Is this available? I've run across people using it (e.g., mad irishmen, fan site, etc.) but...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Listen Table PHB

    A table in the PHB for Listen reads: Listen DC Modifier Condition +5 Through a door +15 Through a stone wall –1 Per 10 feet of distance –5 Listener distractedThe -1/-5 rows don't make sense to me. Shouldn't the...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Flat-footed, Balance, and Terminology

    All quotes are from the SRD. From the Balance skill (emphasis mine): From the flat-footed condition: Which is the mistake? Does flat-footed encompass more than just "before you act"? It doesn't imply that the character cannot attack while balancing because the Balance skill discusses...
  5. D

    Party Size and Encounter Balance

    Howdy. I'm thinking about picking up one of these mega-adventure/mini-campaigns and running it. I understand most are balanced for the iconic party--Fighter, Cleric, Rogue, Wizard. For those that have ran or played these adventures, how well to do they work (with preferrably no modification)...
  6. D

    Disease and Poison Attacks

    Howdy. When a creature has disease or poison as an effect of their attack, does each hit cause more "damage"? With poison, I can see it being a cumulative effect. The more spider venom, the more fortitude saves and potential damage you are going to take. Diseases, on the other hand, might...
  7. D

    Catching Falling Objects

    How do you handle catching falling objects? In particular, an object takes 1d6 damage per 10 ft. of falling distance. If you are under it, you take some damage, too. (I forget how much.) How would a character attempt to catch the object, and how much damage would he take (if any)? Thanks. /ds
  8. D

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Monk Magic Hands

    Reading the scans for the new monk I notice that her Ki Strike is different: 4th Ki strike (magic) 10th Ki strike (lawful) 16th Ki strike (adamantine) Each of the above entries also says "for the purpose of overcoming DR and doing damage". I don't know how that translates into a +X...
  9. D

    Movement (Double Move)

    Howdy. What do the following situations mean for a character that has a move of 30 ft.? In which situations can the character take a double move and how far can he go? You can only move your speed. You can only move half your movement. You can only move half your speed. You can only walk. You...
  10. D

    Errata 3.5e (and Second Printing)

    Howdy. Fortunately I was "out-of-touch" with DND when the 3e books first came out. It turns out that the books (particularly the PHB) was full of mistakes. The errata list was huge and they eventually (3 mos. later?) published the second printing of the PHB with most of the problems fixed...
  11. D

    Determining EL for Largish Battles

    Howdy. When the PCs have several NPC allies fighting on their side in a battle, how do you determine the EL of the encounter? The enemy's EL, if calculated by standard, would be much greater than a normal party could handle. But with the allies... Thanks. /ds
  12. D

    Controlling a Square and Invisibility

    First, do you allow characters to open doors and move through them diagonally provided adequate space? Imagine a 5-ft. wide hallway with a character standing in the middle of it (no diagonals past him). He is aware of an invisible opponent because the fella he was fighting disappeared. The...
  13. D

    Bull Rushing an Invisible Opponent

    Howdy. Last night we were fighting a dwarf that made a 5-ft. step and turned invisible. Because of the game mechanics you know the creatures location (assuming no haste). We attacked the square with 50% miss chance; we did not have to "guess" the square to attack. The next round, about 20...
  14. D

    Master Alchemist Delivery System

    Howdy. I'm playing a character that is destined to become a master alchemist. He'll evenutally make all sorts of mini-bombs, but has a problem--range increments are but 10 ft. Are there any spells or items that will "throw" items for you (similar to if not spectral hand). Thanks. /ds
  15. D

    Sorceror Advice

    I'm about to play a sorceror in an upcoming campaign. It's my first time playing the class so any advice you care to share is appreciated. /ds
  16. D

    AoO, Moving, and _haste_

    The rules for AoO say that if all you do is move for your turn then you don't draw an attack of opportunity. When hasted you gain a partial action. Does the "turn" as noted above include the standard and partial action? For example, could you move as a partial action (from haste) and then cast a...
  17. D

    Bluff and then Hide (and then Search)

    The Bluff skill states that if a successful Bluff check is made as a diversion, then a Hide check can be made to Hide. Is this Hide made as a free action? For example, two hasted mortal foes are standing adjacent to each other. The battle has turned and the Rogue uses his partial action to...
  18. D

    Drow Tactics w/ Innate Abilities

    Drow's innate abilities allow them to cast darkness, faerie fire, and dancing lights 1/day. They have SR and darkvision. Bowmen will have poisoned arrows. What tactics do drow use with their abilities? Drow can't see in their own magical darkness. On a related note, does darkness supress...
  19. D

    Knock-down Feat - Which is Correct?

    Howdy. The S&F notes that the Knock-down feat does not allow an extra attack as per the Improved Trip feat. D&Dg has the Knock-down feat, too, but it does not note that a follow-up attack on a successful trip is prohibited. Which is the correct ruling? D&Dg is a later publication. /ds
  20. D

    Harm Against Negative Hitpoints

    What does harm do to characters that have hitpoints below the 1d4 roll from the spell (e.g., PC has 1 hp and a 4 is rolled for the spell; or PC has -5 hp and a 2 is rolled for the spell)? /ds