What games, currently, have your interest?


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Very, very roughly ranked - I'd rather play a superhero than a heroic fantasy, but not I want to play every superhero before the next. Also ranked within the categories.
  • Superhero
    • Masks: A New Generation (I'm running a campaign, but I want to play)
    • Sentinels Comics RPG
    • Worlds in Peril
  • IP
    • Avatar: Legends
  • Urban Fantasy
    • Monster of the Week 2
    • Urban Shadows
    • Monsterhearts
    • Unknown Armies 2ed (yeah, it's old, but I really like Tim Power's writing and this seems tailored to that)
  • Heroic Fantasy
    • 13th Age 2nd Edition
    • Ironsworn
  • Generic
    • Cortex Prime
    • FATE (again, run plenty but few chances to play)
Lot of PbtA and derivatives on there - no one but me runs it in my local circle, though I there is a chance of an Avatar: Legends game as White Lotus agents set during the 100 Year War.

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I had a lot of fun playing in Kingmaker PF1. Glad to hear its going well.
I ran Kingmaker in PF1 and we stopped at the end of Book 3. We just started that section in PF2 - and I hope I get farther than I did the first time.
We have cut out the Kingdom turns entirely. They simply don't work in PF2 (not to mention are very boring.)


Pathfinder 1st edition.
Call of Cthulhu.
Primeval (based on the UK TV series).

And despite not being all that fond of it during our online Covid games, I'm getting drawn to D&D5.

I am currently loving running Cyberpunk Red. Each session leaves me looking forward to the next, new ideas percolating in my head.

I will always dig DCC RPG, though I'm not running it at the moment.

I am running 5e, but my heart is increasingly not in it, as each argument over what a spell does and does not do chips away at my enjoyment. Once I finish my current campaign in the next couple months, I do not expect to run the current edition of D&D again until after the new one comes out.


Currently Fabula Ultima since I'm using it as a basis for a simple fallout game. Also mutant year zero which I'm stealing the settlement guidelines from.

OSE and Barbarians of Lemuria. I'm stealing the idea of BoL's career system to use in OSE and removing thief skills completely which has led me to update rogue and assassin to compensate.

I'm just going to need to get time to play these games with my friends.


I’m currently running Stonetop every other week for my face to face group.

I run Mothership periodically when our Delta Green GM can’t make it. I also just finally got the 1E boxed set, so that’s been cool.

I’m currently a player in a game of The Between and the aforementioned Delta Green. Enjoying both of those.

The Between is about to wrap up, and we’re gonna give Daggerheart a try, so I’ve been reading the playtest material a bit.

Finally, I’m reading The Burning Wheel.

My Stonetop game still has a way to go, but we’re closer to the end than the beginning, so I’m thinking about what I’d want to run next. Not exactly sure yet… I think I’ll run Eat the Reich as a palette cleanser, and then after that, I’m not sure. Maybe Band of Blades?

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