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The Unusual Heroes vs. The Pool of Radiance


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Session 11, Part 2: The Baelnorn’s Plan…

The next building that the heroes came upon appeared to be a prisoner’s area. They all quickly ducked into an alleyway. Hunter and Holden each took the sleeping cultists that they carried over their shoulders and dressed them with their own adventuring clothes.

The party then rounded the corner once again and directly approached the guards. Drexel moved to the front of the group while Holden dragged the two-drugged men behind them. “More prisoners here,” Drexel called out, “These are the guys that killed several of the patrols out in the Polyandrium.”

The guards moved forward to inspect the so-called prisoners. After noticing that the so-called prisoners were sleeping, the head guard delivered a full force punch to one of the downed men. “They’re out cold,” Drexel confirmed to the two guards.

Horace moved up and chimed in agreement, “yeah,” as he kicked one of the limp bodies with full force.

“What happened to them,” the lead guard asked with a penetrating glance and an air of suspicion.

Holden feared that they must have done something wrong and nervously attempted to rectify the situation. “Uh, well you see, they began shooting fire at us and then there were the undead monsters. Did I mention that there was an undead mindflayer? Or the elven lich? Uh, these guys were really evil, um, I mean good…”

“What is wrong with you man? Have you gone mad,” the second guard asked in a perplexed manner.

Drexel answered the question with his modified version of lightning hands. A battle broke out, but the heroes quickly squelched their resistance, and dragged the bodies inside. After they had entered the privacy of the building, Drexel used his hat of disguise to assume the image of the guard captain.

Ziona exclaimed, “That never gets old!”

Once inside, the image of the baelnorn, the elven lich, appeared before them once again. “You are right across the way from Castle Cormanthor. Beneath the citadel, below the underground levels of the castle, is the chamber that holds the pool of radiance and Pelendralaar’s phylactery. You need to enter the castle, make your way down to the pool chamber, and destroy the phylactery with Orbakh’s Ivory Scepter. I don’t believe that you can fight the Cult’s forces here straight on, as they are too many and you are far too few, despite your certain bravery. You will need to use stealth and trickery to avoid a pointless and suicidal battle. I can help you with magic and information.
“Just to the northwest of the castle on the other side of Dragoneyes Street is small plot of land that appears to be nothing more than a pile of Sehanine Moonbow, elf goddess of the moon and dreams, guarded by illusions and spells that ward away evil creatures and undead. If you walk into that area and attempt to see past the illusion, you should be able to discern the shape of the temple and rest there – it is a much safer place than this. Also, next to the temple is a man-sized patch of blueglow moss, a benign plant that heals those who sleep or rest upon it. Should you need to rest and recuperate before you enter the castle, that is the place to do it.”

The party moved through the streets confidently under the guise of cultists and was unsuspected as they past several other groups that were roaming the streets. They came to the hidden temple and Rossal guided them all through the illusions. The party took the time to rest and prepare spells that would aid them now that they had a better understanding of the task at hand.

In the morning, the baelnorn appeared once again and discussed tactics and information for roughly an hour. He also offered to assist the party with a number of spells that he had available. The most crucial to the heroes’ plans was invisibility sphere (which would be cast on Rossal, who could then communicate with the group telepathically and utilize his abilities to see invisible). Fly spells were also given to the party members whose armor made a great deal of noise when they walked.

Ready for anything, the party grouped together at the exit of the temple. Ziona paused briefly and began praying to her goddess. Each of the others bowed their heads and said prayers to their patron deities. The only exception was Holden who merely stood silently staring out of the illusionary wall at Castle Cormanthor.

No words were spoken, but Drexel once again held out his fist bearing the skull ring. The others moved in to from a complete circle. Rossal flew into the center and pressed his small dragon-like claw against the pile of fists. The baelnron teleprojection cast the invisibility sphere on Rossal and the party disappeared from sight.

Still more to come…

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Wow, what a night! Foe after foe after foe...whew!

Wonder how Doc is feeling... LOL ;)

This was a GREAT session! Dangerous, fun-filled, edge-of-your-seat excitement! YEEEEAAAAHHHHHHH!!! :D

Dr Midnight

I can't believe I led an easy assault on an undead mind flayer, then was reduced to the quivering mass I was tonight.


I was taken to -10 hps TWICE. A hair's breadth from death.
Not to mention -4 hps once.

Oh, sweet lordy, how it sucks to dash into an attack to finish off some scum and you fumble the roll so badly that the PUNK gets an ATTACK OF OPPORTUNITY on you that CRITS!!!


It hurt to be the black fist of justice tonight... but I feel that I served my comrades well as the distractive punching bag.

Very fun session.
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Wee Jas

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Great stuff tonight! Props to Doc Midnight who did a great job serving as our meat shield! Is Doc a Jack in the Box? Up.. down.. up.. down.. up.. down.. up...

/Drexel gets dizzy.

Can't wait till you guys read what happened next!


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Wee Jas said:
Great stuff tonight! Props to Doc Midnight who did a great job serving as our meat shield! Is Doc a Jack in the Box? Up.. down.. up.. down.. up.. down.. up...

/Drexel gets dizzy.

Can't wait till you guys read what happened next!

Gee, that sounds like our party's wizard the last few sessions back in January. Now he just spends his days polymorphed in a pixie because that way the bad guys can't hit him so easily...

Can you say area effect spell?:p
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Wee Jas

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bah, our Wizzie (moi) has an 18 con.. woot! Too bad my AC is 13 but our group never lets the bad guys touch me.. well unless you count the troll last session :)


First Post
Wee Jas said:
bah, our Wizzie (moi) has an 18 con.. woot! Too bad my AC is 13 but our group never lets the bad guys touch me.. well unless you count the troll last session :)

Our wizzie has a very fine dwarven constitution I'll have you know.:p

Mind you, staying out of melee helps. And refraining from bragging to the cleric in the DM's hearing that you came through yet another battle without a scratch helps too.;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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