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The Unusual Heroes vs. The Pool of Radiance


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<grins> I just started the story hour and I'm hooked, but unfortunately I've had to stop somewhere on page two - there's a bit of a run of missing sessions (marked "To Be Copied"). Is there anywhere I could find those?

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/mourns the loss of Sessions 4 and 5

They are still on the old board. I was in the middle of copying my old posts and then they took it down. There was a promise that it would be back in a day or two, but it has not returned.

I have searched for copies of those posts, but to this point have failed. I now have a better system for backing my information up, but that doesn't really help me right now.

I will just have to sit down and rewrite them to the best of my ability this weekend. I hope that you will check back by then.



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Session 10, Part 1: “MY SWORD IS MY ANSWER”...

Later that day, refreshed from the rest but still solemn over the loss of their friend, the party emerged from Rothlion’s Crypt expecting to find a horde of Cultists waiting for them. As they opened the front double doors with their run of the stars, they found only several dozen dead bodies dressed in purple half-cloaks strewn about the stairs. Over to one side were four figures sitting down debating who should get what loot.

The first of the figures to notice the party stood to his full dwarfish height and greeted the group. “Hey, about time you guys came out of that hole.”

“Borghin, how good it is to see you friend,” exclaimed Holden as he faked excitement to see their old companion.

“Err, whatever. Anyway, me, Tarbash, and Robalend ran into this other guy who is trapped here,” Borghin said in his usual biting tone as he pointed to the tallest one among their group.

With a slight bow and a whisper of a voice, the cloaked man introduced himself as Horace Jadison. He was an average looking human male who obviously followed a shady lifestyle.

“Well, the gnomes and I have decided to go ahead and get ourselves out of this stink’n pit, but this guy is determined to explore the inner parts of the city. We figured that if yer all foolish enough to go through with this plan, then best of luck. But we’re not gonna stick around any longer; there’s damn demons fly’n over that place.”

Tarbash stepped forward and thanked the heroes for all that they had done and told them that Horace knew the location of the final unopened crypt, the Crypt of Orbakh. With a wave and a couple of moderately kind words, the gnomes and the bitter dwarf left the party’s company.

As the party began to cross the Polyandrium to the location of the remaining crypt, Holden made sure to watch their new ally closely. Any friend of Borghin’s had to be no good, or so was his reasoning.

The Crypt of Orbakh was obviously that of a necromancer since the structure greatly resembled that of the Tower of Bones. As Drexel held up the rune of the sun and spoke the command word, “persetcher”, the great stone slab that sealed the crypt fractured down the center and crumbled into a pile of rubble. With the seal broken, the stench of several hundred years of death, rot, and waste billowed out into the open air.

The party, with several new members was having a very hard time getting organized. After roughly ten minutes of arguing over how they were going to enter and search the crypt, Hunter took it upon himself to charge in with his sword drawn. The others hadn’t even noticed that their friend was missing until they heard a big grunt, and the loud clang of metal coming from the bottom of the stairs.

“Trap here,” yelled Hunter from the darkness below.

The party ran downstairs to see that Hunter had managed to leap over a pit trap at the bottom of the stairs. While the party was working to cross the pit, Hunter opened the closest door down the hallway to the right of the stairs. By the time the others had crossed the hole in the floor, Hunter had already dispatched a small pack of Krenshars (wild dog like creatures that pull the skin back off of their face, scaring the life out of average folk). Yet, Hunter had encountered this type of creature back at Galath’s Roost, and his sword hand didn’t falter as he cleaved into the beasts.

Holden quickly dispatched a few more of the beasts with a few swift stabs with his great sword. Once he had finished, the party briefly discussed why such creatures would inhabit a magically sealed crypt. They thought that a necromancer’s tomb was more likely to have undead guardians than wild dogs.

After their discussion, Hunter opened the center door opposite of the stairs, revealing several large dire apes that had made the dungeon room into their den. Doc led the charge appeared as the group went after the apes. Moments later however, Hunter’s blade is knocked back by one of the flailing beasts, and he pierced himself deeply through the right shoulder. To make matters worse, Hunter’s cursed sword of the VonLeer family was infuriated at this show of inaptitude. In fact so loudly the sword was so enraged that it began to telepathically scream within Hunter’s head that his eye sockets began to bleed. The sword was well aware that if Hunter wasn’t strong enough to take the punishment, that there were plenty more VonLeers to inherit it.

As the far door opened to reveal the remainder of the extended ape family, (all of which appeared to all be identical), the party’s spirit was beginning to waiver. Ziona managed to save the lives of both Hunter and Horace by aptly maneuvering her nimble body through the melee combat and administering her healing touch; the combination of skilled righteousness and divine power. Meanwhile, Drexel cleaned up the mess of remaining monsters by throwing up a powerful wall of lightning that drove the one surviving assailant, (a bald and naked man who had been dragging a dead cow to the apes), down the hall. The heroes heard him splash into water at the far end of the hall.

The party moved down the hallway towards a small set of stairs leading roughly 5 feet down into the dimly lit room. The room was full of muddy liquid that had apparently been caused by the rising water table. Before they reached the stairs however, Holden and Hunter stopped at a room that was blocked by several large rocks.

Hunter, notorious for taking advantage of times such as this to display his awesome strength, began to push the boulder aside. Drexel and Spiderfang kept watch down the hall, but nothing came as Holden carefully inspected the door for traps. When he had determined that the door appeared to be safe, he waved his hand and Hunter swung the door open with such force that it almost ripped from its hinges.

The room was filled with dirt and when the door was opened, the party only saw three large mounds of earth. When Holden began to cross the threshold of the door, pale and bony arms sprung forth as they began to rip their undead corpses free of the earth. However, before they ever had a chance to accost the group, Ziona stood into the doorway, her eyes glowing with the frightful conviction of her drow heritage, and demanded, “I banish you in the name of Eilistraee, from the realm of the living races, of whom will someday know a peace that you will never find.”

The three wights crumbled to dust before Ziona’s power and the conviction of her goddess. With the stench of undeath still strong in the immediate area, the others were more than happy to move on down the hallway towards the water filled room.

Hunter led the charge as usual, managing once again to set off another pit trap without falling victim to the spikes below. Within the room, lit by continual flame torches that emitted a sinister light, was murky water that covered almost the entire room. There was a dais on the far end of the room that held a large stone sarcophagus, carved with symbols of death, magic, and bones.

Resting half-submerged in front of the dais was a rubbery sphere at least 10 feet across. One of its tentacle-arms had many suckers that it slapped the water with, while other long narrow necks capped with eyeless jaws snapped at the air. A pair of small eyes on stalks protruded from another portion of the creature. The most bizarre and disconcerting part of this scene was the naked man held by one of its suckered arms.

As the man caressed the surface of the sphere idly while it held him in place, he spoke with words that did not match the movements of his mouth, “I am Famras, child and parent of Beautiful Flower. She asks what you are doing here in her domain, and what you want. I will not allow you to harm her.”

Hunter moved forward slowly as if moving in to speak with the man, but didn’t say a word. Famras, staring at Hunter with eyes that could pierce flesh asked again, this time more forcefully, “What is your answer?”

Hunter, with a near evil grin, plunged his sword forth into the body of the beast and yelled, “MY SWORD IS MY ANSWER!”

Still more to come…


First Post
Xaltar said:
/mourns the loss of Sessions 4 and 5

I will just have to sit down and rewrite them to the best of my ability this weekend. I hope that you will check back by then.


<lol> I'm not very patient, so after a day or so I just kept reading. The story is a little disjointed (I lost track of a couple of players and soforth) but still fascinating. Well written and interesting campaign, IMHO. Congrats! :)

If you can't be bothered rewriting, you could just provide skeletal outline of plot (a couple of players switched characters, AFAICT).

Dr Midnight

Fun game tonight... after all the Drexel stuff, of course COUGH COUGH


Dr. Midnight's magical d20 cannot be stopped.

So what's the illithid body count at right now for this party?

Wee Jas

First Post
Oh sure, blame me for you not having Darkvision!

We all know Doc thinks with his rapier anyway.. ( I would too if I had a lucky die) but seriously not one "For Justice!" tonight! ..lol.


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Well i've learned from last night session that you don't hack down your allies in front of your party members they may get mad..


First Post
Well, Varr, you simply must think more with that brain of yours, and less with your axe! ;)

Seriously though, our little group has seen some deadly foes thus far, and have come away from it (mostly) unscathed.
Blessed Eilistraee watches over us! :D

Voidrunner's Codex

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