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Rogue's Gallery for Wrath of Righteous


First Post

I'm going over your character and inputting into Hero Lab and I'm sure you are aware you are lacking a few warpriest bonus feats and a mythic feat?

Height 6’ 6”; Weight 240# ; Hair: Black ; Age 21; Patron Deity: Gorum
Sex: Male Race: Human(Kellid) Class: Warpriest/Mythic Hierophant Level:6/M1
Alignment: Chaotic Good Size: Medium Type: Humanoid
Init +1; Senses Perception +2
Languages : Common,

AC 22, touch 10, flat-footed 22
HP 72 (HD: 8 +5d8@6 + 12 Con +6 Favored Class +6 Tribal Scars + 6 Toughness + 4 Hierophant)
Fort +8 , Ref +2 , Will+7
Speed 30ft.
Melee +8
Ranged +3
Base Atk +4 (+6 with greatsword); CMB +8 ; CMD 18
Special Actions
Combat gear: None

Abilities Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14 , Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 13
Combat Stats:
Greatsword: +12/+7 (+6 BAB +4 Str +1 WF + 1Sword)/ 2d6 +7
PA: +12/+5 (+6 BAB + 4 Str + 1 WF +1 Sword -2PA +2 FF –first only) 2d6+13
Racial Traits: [sblock]
Ability Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
• Size: Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
• Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
• Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
• Skills: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Class Abilities: [sblock]
Aura (Ex): A warpriest of a chaotic, evil, good, or lawful deity has a particularly powerful aura (as a cleric) corresponding to the deity’s alignment (see the detect evil spell for details).
Blessings: 6/day
Glorious Presence (minor): At 1st level, as a standard action you can touch an ally to grant it a glorious blessing. For 1 minute, the ally becomes mesmerizing to her opponents. This functions as sanctuary, except if the ally attacks, it only breaks this effect with respect to that opponent. This is a mind-affecting effect.
Destructive Attacks (minor): At 1st level, as a standard action you can touch an ally to bless her with the power of destruction. For 1 minute, the ally gains a morale bonus to damage equal to half your level (minimum 1).
Focus Weapon: At 1st level, a warpriest receives Weapon Focus as a bonus feat (choosing any weapon, not just his deity’s favored weapon).

Orisons: Warpriests can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table 1–13. These spells are cast as any other spell, but aren’t expended when cast and may be used again.

Sacred Weapon: BAB is WP level; +1 enchantment bonus 6 rounds/day
Spontaneous Casting: Cure spells
Fervor: 2d6 4/day [Heal other as Standard action. Heal self as Swift Action. Cast prepared spell on self as swift action with no somatic components or AoO]
Bonus Feats: 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th Combat Feats Only
Channel Energy: 2d6, 2 uses of Fervor

Mythic Hierophant Abilities: Hard to Kill, Mythic Power 5/day, Surge +1d6
Divine Surge: Inspired Spell
Path Abilities: Sustained by Faith : You require no food, water, or sleep. If you have abilities or class features that require rest before they can be regained, you can choose to regain them once per day by spending 1 hour in uninterrupted meditation. If you are 3rd tier or higher, you can expend one use of mythic power in order to also not need to breathe for 24 hours.

Feats : Tribal Scars (Bear Belt)(Human), Weapon Focus (Greatsword) (Class 1), Toughness (Lvl 1), Power Attack (-2 to hit, +6 damage 2H or +4 damage 1H) (Class 3), Furious Focus (lvl 3), (Lvl 5), (Class 6)
Mythic Feats: 1
Traits: Touched By Divinity (Campaign) [sblock] Begin play with silver holy symbol, Strength Domain 1st lvl spell 1/day as a spell-like ability: Enlarge Person 6 min [/sblock]
Veteran of Battle [sblock] You gain a +1 trait bonus on initiative checks, and if you are able to act during a surprise round, you may draw a weapon (but not a potion or magic item) as a free action during that round.[/sblock]
Demon Slayer (Regional) [sblock] You gain a +2 trait bonus on weapon damage against demons, evil fey, and plants and animals corrupted by evil. [/sblock]

Skills 18 Skill Points ACP-6
+8 Climb (1 rank + 4 Str +3 CS)
+4 Craft (Blacksmith) (1 rank + 0 Int + 3 CS)
+ 5 Diplomacy (1 rank +1 Cha +3 CS)
+ 6 Heal (1 rank + 2 Wis + 3 CS)
+10 Intimidate (4 rank +1 Cha + 3 CS + 2 Tribal Scars)
+5 Kn (Religion) (2 rank +0 Int + 3 CS)
+2 Kn (Planes) (2 ranks +0 Int)
+6 Profession (Herdsman) (1 rank +2 Wis +3 CS)
+4 Ride (1 rank +0 Dex +3 CS)
+7 Sense Motive (2 rank +2 Wis +3 CS)
+4 Spellcraft (1 rank + 0 Int +3 CS)
+6 Survival (1 rank + 2 Wis +3 CS)
Spells Prepared:

Equipment: 670 gp
+3 Full Plate 10,650 gp
+1 Cold Iron Greatsword: Gorum-var (Gorum’s Arm) 4,400 gp
Explorer’s outfit (free)
Backpack MW 50 gp
3 potions Enlarge Person 150 gp
2 Heatstones 40 gp
200 ft silk rope 40 gp

Background: [sblock] Far to the north, on the frigid plains of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords, Denir came to be called to the service of Gorum, The Iron Lord. Denir was a member of the Bear Pelt tribe and grew up near Tolguth. Denir saw both the giant mammoths on the open plain and the strange giant lizards that inhabited the valley near the walled village. As a young boy Denir watched over the goats outside the village walls and brought them in every night. Until the ominous day when the horrors of the Worldwound spilled over into Tolguth. The demons came roaring over the hills, and Denir forgot his goats and made for the wall. He made it inside the village gates just before they were closed. The goats may have at least slowed down the demons as they stopped to devour them. But as often happens the demons breached the wall. Demons were dying left and right under the weapons of the Kellid defenders, but still many demons were loose, chasing down people between the wood and hide homes. Denir was being chased by a slavering, fanged monstrosity when he was cornered behind a wooden building. He was just 12, and not a warrior. He was a goat herder. Yet, for some reason he did not understand, his eye, his focus was drawn to a fallen warrior. That warrior was holding a large sword in his lifeless hand. The sword called to him, spoke to him, drew him in. He picked it up and felt the cold iron in his hands, felt the power in the iron, the power in the sword. He was no longer scared, no longer felt he needed to run, no longer wanted to. Even though the sword was bigger than he was and weighed half as much as he did, if felt light in his hands. He felt another pair of hands within his hands, something powerful. Those hands, both pairs swung the sword and connected with the demon just as it was about to bite into him. The sword clove the beast in two. Denir stood there panting as the feeling of otherworldly hands left him. He looked down at the sword, on the guard was a symbol, a mountain with a sword sticking out of it. The symbol of Gorum. When Denir emerged from the alley, with a bloody sword, dragging a demon head behind him it was clear he was no longer going to be a goat herder.
From then on Denir trained with the warriors. He held onto that sword he found and used it, even when it was still too big for him. He traveled by himself into the Tusk Mountains to find the original Temple of Gorum. He did not find the legendary temple, but he did find a temple. He spent a few years in the temple learning to wield the sword and give proper respect to Gorum. At times, Denir could feel the presence of Gorum through the sword.
At age 18 he returned to Tolguth to take his warrior trials. He had grown into a tall, strong man, well deserving of the Bear Pelt clan. He passed the trials with ease, and was induced as a full warrior of the tribe. To symbolize his new status, the shaman took a bear’s paw, and using the sharp claws of the paw, the shaman drew the claws across his chest twice, across his back twice and down each arm from shoulder to wrist. Denir stood and made no sign as the ritual was done. For the next month in the wounds from the scars, fresh ash and boiled sheep urine was rubbed into the scars. These caused the scars to be black as they healed up without getting any pus.
As a full warrior of the tribe he routinely patrolled near the Worldwound. He made sure that the demon incursions were minimized. His constant exposure led to him being contaminated and corrupted several times from the demonic emanations from the Worldwound. One time he even grew horns. He underwent several ritual purifications. They made the warrior trials look like riding a mammoth. The pain was severe. It only strengthened his resolve however.
Then one day a bad incursion had occurred. He was part of a war party chasing the demons down to prevent them from getting to Tolguth. The demons had kidnapped a family and were bringing them back for sacrifice or corruption. The party followed the demons as far as they could. The mammoths would not go into the Worldwound nor would the rest of the warriors. Denir shrugged and continued on. He had caught three of the demons and slew them and freeing three children who ran back to the war party. Denir ran after the last demon, a huge beast who was carrying the parents. Out of nowhere another demon appeared, summoned most likely. He carried a staff that glowed a sickly green. He swung it and connected with Denir. A flash of green light and then blackness. Denir awoke alarmed, but he was no longer in the Worldwound. Somehow he was Brevoy he discovered. He has spent many months traveling back to his home of the other side of the Worldwound. While in Mendev, he fell in with some other travelers and found himself fighting against the forces of evil with them. He still plans to return home. But for now, these people have become his friends, the only ones east of home. So he has stayed to help them finish what was started.
One time, the female sorcerer Meliara asked him why he was trying to stop the demons if his god encouraged battle. Denir answered “Yes, Gorum reveres battle. But if the demons take over, they will destroy everything and there will be no more battle. They will lay waste to the land then leave. There will be no more battle. Demons have no honor, they only slaughter. Gorum celebrates battle, the skill of the sword, the bravery, the honor of facing a foe and defeating them. Gorum does not flee from a fight, but neither does he start them. Yes, worship of Gorum comes in the ringing of sword against sword. In combat, determined, combat, not the slaughter of innocents, in that there is true honor for Gorum.”
Appearance: [sblock] Denir looks like many of his Kellid brethren. He is tall and muscular, his skin is a deep tan that all Kellids have. His black hair hangs about his face, through he sometimes wears a leather cord around his head to keep the hair out of his face. His arms, chest and back are covered with the scars of his ritual of manhood, deep raised scars cross his back and chest forming an “V” on each side. Four long scars drag down each arm from shoulder to wrist. All three sets of scars meet at the shoulder. The scars appear as though a bear had mauled him, although all the scars are black against his brown skin. His dark eyes flash with a fierce light, either from his upbringing or his faith. His armor is a dull iron, battle worn, but extraordinarily functional. The Sword and Mountain of the Iron Lord is on the chest of his armor.
Denir appears as a grim, dour man. Until you get to know him. He has a streak of laughter in him, deeply hidden, but it comes out at times, with those he trusts as clan-worthy. Though when he is in battle, he does often smile for it is then that he serves The Iron Lord as best he can. Battle and Destruction for the Glory and Honor of Gorum.

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Mike L., Just wanted you to know all the data is in for Sir Shelden, My character sheet is just needing a bit more straightening on it.



I'm going over your character and inputting into Hero Lab and I'm sure you are aware you are lacking a few warpriest bonus feats and a mythic feat?

Yes sir. I was awaiting your and Scotley's ruling on those. But I believe things are squared away and I will post a final version of Denir tonight and let you know the changes to look for.



I'm going over your character and inputting into Hero Lab and I'm sure you are aware you are lacking a few warpriest bonus feats and a mythic feat?

Ok, Hero Lab away. Added my feats, and mythic feat. Picked spells (for the day prepared). I did tweak my magic items a bit.


Guest 11456

[sblock=Isolde Lianne Faithborne : Cleric 6/Hierophant 1][sblock=]INFORMATION
Name: Isolde Lianne Faithborne
Race: Human
Class: Cleric/Hierophant
Level: 6/M1
Alignment: Neutral Good
Languages: Common
Deity: Sarenrae
Size: Medium
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Height: 6-1"
Weight: 185#
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Green
Skin Color: Tan

STR 14 +2 [3 points, +1 4th level]
DEX 12 +1 [2 points]
CON 14 +2 [5 points]
INT 10 +0 [0 points]
WIS 16 +3 [5 points, +2 Race]
CHA 14 +2 [5 points]

HP: 59 [6d8 + 12 CON, +4 Mythic, +5 DM]
AC: 21 [10 base, +1 Dex, +7 Armor, +3 Shield]
AC: 23 (channeled shield wall)
AC Touch: 11 [10 base, +1 Dex]
Flatfooted: 20 [10 base, +7 Armor, +3 Shield]
Init: +1 [1 Dex]
CMB: +6 [4 BAB, +2 Str]
CMD: 17 [10 base, +4 BAB, +2 Str, +1 Dex]
Fortitude: +7 [5 Base, +2 Con]
Reflex: +3 [2 Base, +1 Dex]
Will: +8 [5 Base, +3 Wis]
Speed: 30'

+1 Cold Iron Scimitar: Attack: +7 [4 BAB, +2 Str, +1 Magic]
Damage: 1d6+3, Crit: 18-20; x2+2 fire, Type: S

Abilities: +2 Wis
Size: Medium
Speed: 30'
Favored: Cleric (+1 bonus on CL checks made to overcome the SR of outsiders/level)
Skilled: +1 skill point
Bonus Feat: +1 feat

CLASS: Cleric
Armor/Weapons: Light, Medium, Shield (-Tower) / simple, scimitar
Aura: Good
Channel Energy: 3d6; 7/day; heal living or damage undead; 30 feet radius; Will save for half damage, DC 17
Domains: Good, Healing

Alignment Channel: Evil (human) - can choose to channel energy to heal/harm evil outsiders
Improved Channel (1st) - Add 2 to the DC of saving throws made to resist the effects of channel energy ability.
Extra Channel (3rd) - Can channel energy two additional times per day.
Channeled Shield Wall (5th) - As a swift action, can spend a use of channel energy to grant self and adjacent allies a +2 deflection bonus while using a shield for 6 minutes.

Flame of the Dawnflower (Sarenrae) - Whenever a critical hit with a scimitar is scored, deal 2 additional points of fire damage to the target.
Beacon of Faith - Once per day as a free action, may treat caster level as if it were 2 levels higher when using one of the granted powers of a domain or when casting one of the domain spells.
Touched by Divinity - Begin play with a silver holy symbol of Sarenrae for free. Gain Cure Light Wounds as a spell-like ability usable once per day (1d8+5)x1.5. Gain Protection from Evil as a spell-like ability usable once per day.

Mythic Feat:
Extra Mythic Power (Mythic) - Gain two extra uses of mythic power each day.
Hard to Kill (Ex) - Whenever below 0 hit points, automatically stabilize. Bleed damage causes hit point loss when below 0 hit points. In addition, don't die until your total number of negative hit points is 28 or more.
Mythic Power (Su): 7/day
Surge (Su): Can expend one use of mythic power to increase any d20 roll just made by rolling 1d6 and adding it to the result. Using this ability is an immediate action taken after the result of the original roll is revealed.
Divine Surge:
Recalled Blessing (Su): Can expend one use of mythic power to cast any one divine spell without expending a prepared spell or spell slot. This spell must be one prepared today. Can't apply metamagic feats to spell. If the spell requires a saving throw, non-mythic creatures roll twice and take the lower result. If the spell heals damage or requires an attempt at a caster level check to cure an affliction or remove a condition, roll twice and take the higher result.
Path Ability:
Faith's Reach (Su): Whenever a divine spell is cast with a range of touch, can instead cast the spell with a range of 30 feet. If the spell normally requires a melee touch attack, it instead requires a ranged touch attack.

SKILLS 18 [(2 base, +1 race) x 6 levels]:
Diplomacy +13 (6 ranks, +3 CS, +2 Cha, +2 DM)
Heal +12 (6 ranks, +3 CS, +3 Wis)
Sense Motice +12 (6 ranks, +3 CS, +3 Wis)

Light: 58#
Medium: 116#
Heavy: 175#

Explorer's Outfit (0gp, 0#, worn)
+1 Cold Iron Scimitar (4330gp, 4#, belt)
+1 Mithral Breastplate (5200gp, 15#, worn)
+1 Mithral Heavy Steel Shield (2520gp, 7.5#, carried)
Silver Holy Symbol (0gp, 1#, neck)
Backpack (2gp, 2#, back)
Ioun Torch (75gp, 0#, backpack)
4 Wands of CLW (3000gp, 0#, backpack)
34 Scolls of CLW (850gp, 1#, backpack)
18 Days of Iron Rations (9gp, 18#, backpack)
2 Waterskins (2gp, 8#, backpack)
Total (15988gp, 56.5#, light)


Touch of Good (Sp): As a standard action, can touch a creature granting a sacred bonus of +3 on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 round and can be used 6/day.
Domain Spells: 1st-protection from evil, 2nd-align weapon (good only), 3rd-magic circle against evil
Rebuke Death (Sp): As a standard action, can touch a living creature below 0 hit points, healing it for 1d4+3 points of damage and can be used 6.day.
Healer's Blessing (Su): All cure spells are treated as if they were empowered, increasing the amount of damage healed by half (+50%). This does not apply to damage dealt to undead with a cure spell. This does not stack with the Empower Spell metamagic feat.
Domain Spells: 1st-CLW, 2nd-CMW, 3rd-CSW

SPELLS (* denotes domain spell)
Orisons: Detect Poison, Purify Food and Drink, Spark, Stabilize
1st Level: Bless, Divine Favor, Remove Sickness, Shield of Faith, Protection from Evil*
2nd Level: Delay Poison, Grace, Communal Protection from Evil, Lesser Restoration, Align Weapon (good)*
3rd Level: Create Food and Water, Prayer, Remove Disease, Magic Circle against Evil*[/sblock][sblock=]INFORMATION
Name: Isolde Lianne Faithborne
Race: Human; Class: Cleric; Level: 6
AL: Neutral Good; Deity: Sarenrae
Size: M; Gender: F; Age: 22
Ht/Wt: 6-1"/185#
Hair/Eye/Skin: Blond/Green/Tan
Lang: Common

STR 14; DEX 12; CON 14; INT 10; WIS 16; CHA 14

HP: 54; AC: 21 (23); T: 11; FF: 20
Init: +1; CMB: +6; CMD: 17
Fort: +7; Ref: +3; Will: +8
Spd: 30'

+1 Cold Iron Scimitar: Attack: +7; Damage: 1d6+3, Crit: 18-20; x2+2 fire, Type: S

SKILLS: Acrobatics +0, Appraise +0, Bluff +2, Climb +1, Craft +0, Diplomacy +11, Disguise +2, Escape Artist +0, Fly +0, Heal +12, Intimidate +2, Perception +3, Perform +2, Ride +0, Sense Motice +12, Stealth +0, Survival +3, Swim +1

EQUIPMENT: Explorer's Outfit, +1 Cold Iron Scimitar, +1 Mithral Breastplate, +1 Mithral Heavy Steel Shield, Silver Holy Symbol, Backpack, Ioun Torch, 4 Wands of CLW, 34 Scrolls of CLW, 18 Days of Iron Rations, 2 Waterskins, 12 gp.

SPELLS (* denotes domain spell)
Orisons: Detect Poison, Purify Food and Drink, Spark, Stabilize
1st Level: Bless, Divine Favor, Remove Sickness, Shield of Faith, Protection from Evil*
2nd Level: Delay Poison, Grace, Communal Protection from Evil, Lesser Restoration, Align Weapon (good)*
3rd Level: Create Food and Water, Prayer, Remove Disease, Magic Circle against Evil*


Aura: A particularly powerful aura of good.

Mythic Power (Su): 7/day

Overcome Spell Resistance: 1d20+12

Beacon of Faith: Once per day as a free action, may treat caster level as if it were 2 levels higher when using one of the granted powers of a domain or when casting one of the domain spells.

Touched by Divinity: Gain CLW as a spell-like ability usable once per day (1d8+5)x1.5. Gain Protection from Evil as a spell-like ability usable once per day.

Channel Energy: 3d6; 7/day; 30 feet radius; Will save for half damage, DC 17; heal living , damage undead, heal evil outsiders, damage evil outsiders, +2 shield deflection bonus for 6 minutes for cleric and adjacent allies

Hard to Kill (Ex): Whenever below 0 hit points, automatically stabilize. Bleed damage causes hit point loss when below 0 hit points. In addition, don't die until your total number of negative hit points is 28 or more.

Mythic Surge (Su): Can expend one use of mythic power to increase any d20 roll just made by rolling 1d6 and adding it to the result. Using this ability is an immediate action taken after the result of the original roll is revealed.

Recalled Blessing (Su): Can expend one use of mythic power to cast any one divine spell without expending a prepared spell or spell slot. This spell must be one prepared today. Can't apply metamagic feats to spell. If the spell requires a saving throw, non-mythic creatures roll twice and take the lower result. If the spell heals damage or requires an attempt at a caster level check to cure an affliction or remove a condition, roll twice and take the higher result.

Faith's Reach (Su): Whenever a divine spell is cast with a range of touch, can instead cast the spell with a range of 30 feet. If the spell normally requires a melee touch attack, it instead requires a ranged touch attack.

Touch of Good (Sp): As a standard action, can touch a creature granting a sacred bonus of +3 on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving throws for 1 round and can be used 6/day.

Rebuke Death (Sp): As a standard action, can touch a living creature below 0 hit points, healing it for 1d4+3 points of damage and can be used 6/day.

Healer's Blessing (Su): All cure spells are treated as if they were empowered, increasing the amount of damage healed by half (+50%). This does not apply to damage dealt to undead with a cure spell. This does not stack with the Empower Spell metamagic feat.[/sblock][sblock=Background]About 22 years ago the priests of Sarenrae in the port city of Absalom received a 'gift' on the temple's doorstep. A baby girl had been left by an anonymous 'donor'. She was but hours old. The baby's arrival had been foretold by a small group of priests of the temple who all had the same dream. They all dreamed of Sarenrae holding this baby and then presenting her to them. Thus it was decided that this was no chance encounter and that the baby was indeed destined to serve Sarenrae. So the clergy raised the baby in the temple, each priest sharing in the responsibility of her upkeep and upbringing. Because she was raised by the church she took the surname of Faithborne. The priests named the child Isolde Lianne after two of the female priests from the temple.
It was upon her 10th birthday that she began seeing the visions of Sarenrae as an angelic dove. This was also accompanied by the same small group of priests having similar dreams of Sarenrae walking with the young girl. After Isolde's first such dream she awoke to a silver holy symbol of Sarenrae next to her head on her pillow. Later she developed the ability to cast a cure spell without preparation. When she was an early teen and sparing with a scimitar she discovered another odd occurrence. When making a particularly good strike against a target, fire damage was caused as well as the normal damage.
Upon her 18th birthday she left the city of Absalom to head north with a group headed north. She spent the next 2 years travelling until finally arriving in Kenabres where she joined the fight against the denizens of the Worldwound.[/sblock][sblock=Recent Background]While fighting the demon hordes with her new companions, Isolde slipped and fell down a crevice. Her companions were unable to get to her immediately so she was stuck there for several hours with a lone enemy warrior. The enemy warrior had broken his leg and had been left for dead by his companions. By the time her companions were finally able to rescue her, Isolde had healed the man’s leg enough so that he could travel. He had denounced his old allegiance and had decided to work with Isolde and her group. Once the group had returned to their base the man joined the crusade. [Righteous Medal of Command][/sblock][/sblock]
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Queen of Everything

Meliara “Lia” Rhialla

Height 5’ 10”; Weight 140# ; Hair: Auburn ; Eyes: Golden
Age 64; Patron Deity: Shalyn and Desna
Sex: Female Race: Aasimar (Musetouched)
Class: Sorceress/Mythic Archmage Level: 6/M1
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Size: Medium Type: Humanoid
Init +3; Senses Perception +0
Languages : Common, Celestial, Elven

AC 15 (19), touch 15 (19), flat-footed 11 (15) (Mage Armor)
HP: 46 (HD: 6 +5d6@4 +6 Con +6 Favored Class +3 Archmage + 5 DM Bonus)
Fort +5 , Ref +7 , Will+7
Concentration Check +13 (6 lvl + 5 Cha + 2 Trait)
Speed 30ft.
Melee +2
Ranged +6
Base Atk +3; CMB +2; CMD 15
Special Actions
Combat gear: None

Abilities Str 8, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 20 (22)

Racial Traits:
[sblock] Standard Racial Traits
• Ability Score Racial Traits: Azata-Blooded Aasimars (Musetouched) gain +2 Dexterity and +2 Charisma.
• Type: Aasimars are outsiders with the native subtype.
• Size: Aasimars are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Base Speed: Aasimars have a base speed of 30 feet.
• Languages: Aasimars begin play speaking Common and Celestial. Aasimars with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, and Sylvan. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Defense Racial Traits
• Celestial Resistance: Aasimars have acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, and electricity resistance 5.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
• Skilled: Aasimar have a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Perform checks.
Magical Racial Traits
• Spell-Like Ability (Sp): Azata-Blooded can use Glitterdust once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level equal to the aasimar's class level).
Senses Racial Traits
• Darkvision: Aasimar have darkvision 60 ft. (they can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.)

SQ : Arcane Bloodline [sblock] Class Skill: Knowledge (Planes).
Bonus Spells: identify (3rd), invisibility (5th), dispel magic (7th), dimension door (9th), overland flight (11th), true seeing (13th), greater teleport(15th), power word stun (17th), wish (19th).
Bonus Feats: Combat Casting, Improved Counterspell, Improved Initiative,Iron Will, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Knowledge [arcana]), Spell Focus, Still Spell.
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you apply a metamagic feat to a spell that increases the slot used by at least one level, increase the spell's DC by +1. This bonus does not stack with itself and does not apply to spells modified by the Heighten Spell feat.
Bloodline Powers: Magic comes naturally to you, but as you gain levels you must take care to prevent the power from overwhelming you.
Arcane Bond (Su): At 1st level, you gain an arcane bond, as a wizard equal to your sorcerer level. Your sorcerer levels stack with any wizard levels you possess when determining the powers of your familiar or bonded object. Once per day, your bonded item allows you to cast any one of your spells known (unlike a wizard’s bonded item, which allows him to cast any one spell in his spellbook). This ability does not allow you to have both a familiar and a bonded item.
Metamagic Adept (Ex): At 3rd level, you can apply any one metamagic feat you know to a spell you are about to cast without increasing the casting time. You must still expend a higher-level spell slot to cast this spell. You can use this ability once per day at 3rd level and one additional time per day for every four sorcerer levels you possess beyond 3rd, up to five times per day at 19th level. At 20th level, this ability is replaced by arcane apotheosis.

Mythic Archmage abilities: Hard to Kill, Mythic Power 5/day, Surge +1d6
Arcana: Wild Arcana [sblock] As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to cast any one arcane spell without expending a prepared spell or spell slot. The spell must be on one of your arcane class spell lists and must be of a level that you can cast with that arcane spellcasting class.
You don't need to have the spell prepared, nor does it need to be on your list of spells known. When casting a spell in this way, you treat your caster level as 2 levels higher for the purpose of any effect dependent on level. You can apply any metamagic feats you know to this spell, but its total adjusted level can't be greater than that of the highest-level arcane spell you can cast from that spellcasting class. [/sblock]

Path Ability: Abundant Casting [sblock] Whenever you cast a spell that specifically targets a limited number of targets (such as “one creature/level” or “one or more creatures”), add your tier to the number of targets the spell can affect. For example, a 5th-level wizard/1st-tier archmage can target up to six creatures when casting haste (five from caster level 5th and one from 1st tier). Alternatively, you can expend one use of mythic power when casting a spell that affects only one target (such as “one creature”) to have the spell affect an additional target. If the spell requires you to succeed at a melee touch attack, you must hold the charge in order to make a second touch attack. [/sblock]

Mythic Feats: Mythic Spell Lore

Feats : Eschew Materials,
Spell Penetration (Lvl 1)
Spell Focus(Evocation) (Lvl 3)
Improved Familiar (5th lvl)

Traits: Riftwarden Orphan (+2 Concentration checks)
Affable (Social) [sblock] You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information, and can do so in half the normal time. In addition, Diplomacy and Knowledge (local) are always class skills for you. [/sblock]
Innocent (Racial) [sblock] When you make a Bluff check to tell a lie, your target always wants to believe you, granting you the standard + 5 bonus on your Bluff check. The bonus only applies if the lie you twll is either believable or unlikley. [/sblock]

Skills 18 Skill Points
+10 Bluff (1 rank +6 Cha +3 CS) + 15 See Innocent
+13 Diplomacy (4 rank +6 Cha +3 CS +2 Race) + 16 Gather Info Half Time
+10 Intimidate (1 rank + 6 Cha +3 CS)
+6 Kn (Arcana) (2 rank +1 Int +3 CS)
+5 Kn (Local) (1 rank +1 Int +3 CS)
+5 Kn (Planes) (1 rank +1 Int +3 CS)
+9 Perform (Sing) (1 rank +6 Cha +2 Race)
+0 Perception
+12 Spellcraft (6 rank +1 Int +3 CS + 2 DM Bonus))
+10 Use Magic Device (1 rank +6 Cha + 3 CS)

Spells per Day: 1st: 7 2nd 6 3rd 4
Spells Known: 7/4/2/1

0 level:
Detect Magic
Read Magic
Mage Hand

1st level:
Identify (Bloodline)
Charm Person
Mage Armor
Magic Missile
Protection from Evil

2nd level:
Invisibility (Bloodline)
Detect Thoughts
Scorching Ray

3rd level:

Mythic Spells: Fireball
The damage dealt increases to 1d10 points of fire damage per caster level (maximum 10d10). Any creature that fails its Reflex saving throw catches on fire, taking 2d6 points of fire damage each round until the fire is extinguished. Attempts to extinguish this fire use the spell’s save DC.

Familiar: Juvenile Pseudodragon

Equipment: 907 gp

4,000 gp
Cloak of Resistance +2 4,000 gp
Ring of Protection +1 2,000 gp
Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 4,000 gp

Knock x2 400 gp
See Invisibility x2 400 gp
Cold Iron Dagger 4 gp
Light Crossbow 35 gp
10 Cold Iron quarrels 2 gp
Sorcerer’s Kit 8 gp
Grooming kit 1gp
50ft. Silk rope 10gp
Explorer’s outfit free
Courtier’s Outfit 30 gp
Ruby necklace 100 gp
Emerald ring 75 gp
Ink, ink pen, paper 10 gp
Decorative Cage, with blankets for Tiny creature 10 gp

Background: [SBLOCK]Meliara was born in a small village in Mendev. Her parents went missing when she was very young and she was cared for by her Aunt in Kenabres. There was very little discussion about her parents. When Lia was old enough to start asking, her Aunt would change the subject or just leave the room. When Lia was older her powers started to manifest. She hid them from her Aunt for a while as she practiced with them. It was through her nascent powers that she discovered the secret door in the attic. There she found a chest. It took her more than a month, but eventually she was able to direct enough of her power that she melted the lock. Inside the chest she found many items of her parents, including a book that finally told her what the birthmark on her wrist meant. It is a spiral, and her Aunt had always just brushed it off and told her it was nothing. But in this book, it said it was the Sign of the Seeker’s Spiral, which was something associated with the Riftwardens.

Lia confronted her Aunt with the chest and the book. Her Aunt broke down and over the next day with lots of tea, cakes, and tears, Lia was finally told her story, or as much as her Aunt knew. Her parents were indeed Riftwardens and had left on a secret mission into the Worldwound just after she was born. They have not been heard from since. Lia also confessed about her growing powers, which caused yet more tears from her Aunt. For the next week Lia devoured every book in the trunk, from family events to texts on magic. Her Aunt was busy herself, through she didn’t tell Lia what she was doing. Her Aunt then told her she had made arrangements for her to leave. Not that she was unwanted here, but that she could no longer provide her with the direction she needed. Lia was sent off to live with her uncle who was a diplomat in an elven community some way off.

There her uncle told her more about her parents, a surprising amount and she wondered if he too was a Riftwarden. More importantly, her uncle arranged for her to become an apprentice under a local half-elf sorcerer he knew, Umbric, to help her refine, develop and control her powers.

It was during that time that she met Banaq, an elf sorcerer who was also training. He too had lost his parents mysteriously. They spent so much time together working, that she considers him a brother.

Umbric had a pseudodragon as a familiar and that familiar had taken a mate. Part of her apprentice duties included taking care of the dragons, and their nest in the hollow of an old oak. It was one of her favorite chores and she enjoyed all her time there. It was in this way that Meliara first felt that pull to the egg. One of the eggs was calling to her. When it hatched, it spent time with its mother and also with Lia. Umbric smiled and said it seemed like she had found her familiar already, though the dragon would not be an adult for a while.

When she was not training, she often would head to the tavern and sing for a few coins to spend of her own. Her uncle told her she had her mother’s beautiful looks and voice, though there was something else, something almost unearthly about it. She certainly caused some envy among the local bards.[/SBLOCK]
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Claugendeem Calaun (Green Claw Vengeance) - Viridian for humans
Fighter 4/Monk 2 (Champion 1)

STR 10 (+0) 2 (12-2)
DEX 20 (+5) 13 (17+2+1@4th)
CON 14 (+2) 5
INT 12 (+1) 2
WIS 12 (+1) 2
CHA 9 (-1) -4 (7+2)

HP: 58= 10 (Fig1) + 3x7 (Fig) + 2x5 (Monk) + 6x2 (CON) +5 (Mythic)
AC: 25 = 10 + 6 (armor) +5 (dex) +1 (natural) +1 (trait) +1 (shield) +1 (size)
Touch: 18
Flat-footed: 20
Move: 30'

Init: +6 (+5 dex +1 ioun stone)

to hit: +5 BAB +5 Dex +1 WF +1 size (-1 in bright light)
damage +2 if flat-footed +2d6 if hits with 2 or more attacks

Standard: +12 (1d4+5 / x2)
- bite (+12 / 1d4+5+1 acid and Fort DC 18 or nauseated for 1+CON (3) rounds)
- claw x 2 (+12 / 1d3+5)
- tail (+8 / 1d6+3) (1d4+3 if tail pounder is removed)
Breath weapon: acid 2d6 cone 15' Ref DC 18 for half
Long bow: (+11/+6) / 1d6 (100', 20/x3)

Stunning Fist 3/day Fort DC 14

(+4 vs. sleep/paralysis/stun; +2 vs spells; +1 vs fear)
Fort: 7 + 2 + 0 = 9
4 + 5 + 0 = 9
4 + 1 + 1 = 6

= 5 (BAB) + 0 (Str) -1 (size) =4
= 10 + 5 (BAB) + 0 (Str) + 5 (Dex) -1 (size) = 19

Stolen Fury (Champion trait) +2 in all maneuver checks against demons
Defender of the Society (+1 AC while wearing armor)
Indomitable Faith (+1 Will)

(22 pts + 12 background skills )
Skill points (4 x 3 + 2 x 5)AbilityRanksModMiscTotal
(b)Appraise Int011
*Acrobatics Dex159
Bluff Cha0-1-1
*Climb Str104
Diplomacy Cha0-1-1
Disable Device Dex055
Disguise Cha0-1-1
*Escape Artist Dex156
Fly Dex15+2+8
(b)*Handle Animal Cha0-1-1
Heal Wis112
*Intimidate Cha3-15
Know(arcana) Int011
(b)Lore(dragons) Int317
*Know(dungeon) Int012
(b)*Know(engineer) Int011
(b)Know(geography) Int112
(b)*Know (history) Int112
Know (local) Int012
Know (nature) Int012
(b)Know (nobility) Int012
Know (planes) Int213
Know (religion)Int011
(b)Linguistics Int213
*Perception Wis6110
(b)*Perform Cha0-1-1
(b)*Profession Wis014
*Ride Dex156
*Sense Motive Wis0110
(b)Sleight of Hand Dex052
Spellcraft Int012
*Stealth Dex25414
*Survival Wis115
*Swim Str104
UMD Cha0-1-1

* class skill
(b) background skill

Languages: Draconic, Common, Abyssal

Level 1: Draconic Aspect (Green)
Fig 1: Tail Terror (fav class bonus +1/2 dmg when flat-footed)
Fig 2: Weapon Finesse (fav class bonus +1 dmg when flat-footed)
Level 3: Draconic Breath
Monk 1: Stunning Fist, Improved Unarmed Strike, Boar Style
Monk 2: Toughness, Snapping Turtle Style
Level 5: Weapon Focus
Fig 3: (fav class bonus +3/2 dmg when flat-footed)
Fig 4: Feral Combat Training (fav class bonus +2 dmg when flat-footed)

Level 7: Noxious Bite
Fig 5:

-2 Str; +2 Dex; +2 Cha
Draconic language
30' movement
small size (+1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty on their combat maneuver checks and to Combat Maneuver Defense, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks)

Armor -> Dragonmaw
Crafty -> Gliding Wings
Light Sensitivity

Fighter 4:
  • d10 HD
  • full BAB
  • Fort save
  • bonus combat feats
  • bravery +1
  • armor training

Monk 2
- Bonus Feat
- Flurry of Blows
- both replaced by archetypes
- Stunning Fist (DC 14)
- Improved Unarmed Strike (1d4)
Master of Many Styles
- Bonus Feat (Style) at 1st and 2nd level
- Fuse Style (2 styles active)
Monk of the Iron Mountain
- Toughness
- +1 natural armor bonus

Champion 1
  • +5hp
  • Champions strike (Fleet Charge) - swift action + 1MP : move full speed and make 1 attack at any point, doing att + tier, bypass all DR
  • path ability: Mythic Weapon Training (natural weapons) - all feats that specify weapons apply to all weapons in the group
  • Mythic Weapon Finesse (DEX to dmg)

MW Noqual Agile Breastplate 8400 gp 6.25 lbs
Gloves of Reconnaissance 1,000 gp
Cracked Dusty Rose Prism - +1 competence bonus on initiative checks 500gp
Daredevil boots 1400gp 0.5lbs
Griphon mane cloak of the Hedge Magician (Transmutation) 2525gp 0.5lbs
Wayfinder 500
MW Tail attachment cold-iron pounder 302gp 2lbs

Longbow 75gp 1.5lbs
Cold-iron arrows 2gp 1.5lbs
Normal arrows 1gp 1.5lbs

Healing potion x3 (150gp)
Potion of Protection from Evil (50gp)
Oil of Blessed Fist x2 (100gp)
Holy water x2 (50gp)

Green dragon scales (1lb)

MW Backpack 50gp 2lbs
Silk Rope (10 gp, 5lbs pe has 4 hit points and can be broken with a DC 24 Strength check.
Cold iron bear trap 4gp 10lbs
Honey 1gp 0.5lbs
Food (10 days) 3gp 5lbs
Bedroll 2.5 lbs

Total weight: 34.75, combat 13.75
15 123 gp

Remaining: 877gp

Carrying capacity:
Light: 24.75lbs. or less
Medium: 25 – 49.5 lbs.
Heavy: 50 – 75 lbs.
With MW backpack:
Light: 28.5lbs. or less
Medium: 29 – 57 lbs.
Heavy: 57 – 86.25 lbs.

Amulet of Mighty Fists
Ring of protection +1 (2000)
Gloves of dueling

Belt of incredible dexterity +2 4,000 gp
Belt of physical might +2 10,000 gp

Ioun stones
Dusty Rose Prism +1 insight bonus to AC 5,000 gp
cracked — — +1 competence bonus on initiative checks 500 gp

Magenta Prism +2 enhancement bonus on any one ability score, can be changed once daily 16,000 gp
cracked — — +2 competence bonus on checks with any one skill you choose, can be changed once per day 800 gp
flawed — — +2 enhancement bonus to any one ability score, can be changed only 4 times 12,000 gp
Pale Ruby Trillian +5 competence bonus on Stealth checks 5,000 gp
cracked — — +1 competence bonus on Stealth checks 200 gp

Vermilion Rhomboid +5 competence bonus on Acrobatics and Swim checks 10,000 gp
cracked — — +1 competence bonus on Acrobatics and Swim checks 400 gp


In the time before the Demonscar, there was a verdant forest in which legendary green dragon ruled. It lived in tentative peace with surrounding realms of men - those merchants traveling through its domain knew not to fight if kobolds asked for a tithe. It surrounded itself with kobolds worshiping and serving it as best as they could from their subterranean lairs. Some of them lived above ground as scouts and enforcers, others mined deep caves for precious metals...dragon was harsh master, but much more dependable than it's red or white cousins. His servants were valued if for no other reason than to prevent the need for the dragon to rouse itself more than once a century.

Then the wars came and it defended its forest, mighty dragon stalking powerful demons while kobolds dealt with minor threats through traps and alchemy.

Viridian Queen, Lady of the Moss Forest, Ruler of infinite trees under the sky held her domain fairly clear of the demons. More intelligent ones realized there is no point in wasting troops until they secure the foothold and left her in peace. Still, incursions continued and her patience and her stock of kobolds grew ever lower. When humans organized a crusade she offered her help. And was rebuffed by too righteous, overzealous magister. She tried to help regardless, but without support, her effect on the battle was minimal. After humans were defeated, the dragon was caught and after a terrible fight succumbed. But demons weren't finished. They rounded up kobold tribe for slaves, dragons progeny for sport, corruption or worse. Some of that progeny would be centuries old and mighty in and of themselves if they managed to survive in the demons world.

Mythic event: as The Queen fell and was tortured, she had time to anoint the nearest kobold (one of her scout-warriors) with her blood. The kobold was trapped under the great body of The Queen and unwilling part of the ritual. As she was dying he proclaimed an ancient dragon oath that bound her power to her blood. Kobold was buried under her, covered with earth and plants and slept under the dragons domain through the transformation. Centuries passed and blood of the dragon and the essence of the forest seeped into the small body.

Until such time a pulse of incredible power fired across the land and it awoke with a roar, scales green as his dragon "parent", his body encased in green crystalline substance, his body remotely resembling the dragons, with powerful jaws, claws, tail, and even wings. He felt stronger, hardier, more powerful than ever before.
Yilap, as the kobold was named, looked around the forest, the world much different than the world he went to sleep in. One ruled by demons. The forest teeming with corrupted life and demonic animals. Even underground was caught, with tiefling kobolds taking over their weaker cousins. But deep down, some tribes survived by being too far down for easy hunt. And too dangerous for other kobolds.

Yilap took the name Claugendeem Calaun, Viridian Heir, Claw of Vengeance. He learned hard way that the tribes have been corrupted and he had to fight his way out of the shallow caves. There was no society anymore. No one was caring for the tribe anymore. There was no laws and no traditions. He went deeper into the ground until he could come to terms with his new body. He clawed his way down until he found the tribe of 'normal' kobolds. Those who didn't show signs of demonic influence. He spent some time with them, teaching them the history of their people, connecting several tribes, their shamans, chieftains, and sorcerers seeing the war coming to them once more.

In time, he was forced to take over one tribe, duel between him and the chieftain lasting all of ten seconds. After a year, they started ranging up, setting up traps and pushing into their former territories. With demonic chaos ruling above them, there was very little coherent resistance. Thunderscales were again out in the world! The warrens were fortified against demons, traps were set and slowly they started re-learning the secrets of the forest. Once, out scouting, Viridian was attacked by a boar. Bowled over, harried and gored, he barely survived and that only thanks to tumbling into the ravine created by some old flood. Recovering in the branches, he considered what happened and how efficient the animal movements were. He already used his natural weapons. But he used them as a fighter would use his spear or a dagger, darting in, clawing or biting and retreating. Returning to the tribe, he changed his combat style to the aggressive overbearing attack of all his weapons. At the same time, even his armor didn't save him from cuts and bruises brought by being pushed, trampled and thrown around. So he trained his body, hardening scales by repeated strikes, by roughly scouring them with stone or sand.

Thinking brought him to another revelation. The tribe now cared for each other without constant bickering and backstabbing. It was a matter of survival, but even weak were cared for. Even weak had their place and each in its own way helped the tribe even if that was only caring about the eggs. The religion slowly shifted from Gaknulak and his focus on protection and stealth to Apsu and his ideals of Law, Good and Scaly folk.

Remembering humans rejection of his mighty Queen, but aware that his tribes will be killed if found, Viridan learned the language of humans and went into the world, content that the tribes can now work united against the common enemy.


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Adrian Graves
Bard 3 (Sound Striker)/ Evangelist 3 / Marshal 1
HP 48
(8 +5x6 + 6xCON(1) +4 marshal)
Init: +3 +2+1
AC: 17 (+4 armor +1 shield +2 dex)

STR 14 +2 5pts
DEX 14 +2 5pts
CON 12 +1 2pts
INT 10 +0 0pts
WIS 10 +0 -2pts (+2 racial)
CHA 19 +4 10pts (+2 racial +1@4th)

Languages: Common, Celestial, Abyssal

BAB +4 (Bard +2 Evangelist +2)
Attacks (damage x1.5 vs demons)
Longspear: +7 / 1d8+2 (x3) - brace, reach
Starknife: +7 / 1d4+2 (x3) (thrown 20')
Net: -2 (touch attack)
Tattoo: +8 / 1d6+4 (Will DC 16 for half)

Fort: +4 = +2 (base) +1 (CON) +1 (cloak)
Ref: +9 = +6 (base) +2 (DEX) +1 (cloak)
Will: +6 = +5 (base) +0 (WIS) +1 (cloak)

Init: +2+1
Concentration: +10 = bard level + CHA +1 (trait)
CMB +6 (BAB + Str)
CMD +14 (10 + Str + Dex + Deflection + Dodge + Insight + Luck + Morale + Sacred)

Skill Ranks Per Level: 6 + Int modifier.
Skill points 42 = 3 x 6 + 3 x 6 +6 (levels)
background 6 x 2
Evangelist Skilled gives Fly and Ride

The bards class skills are:
Acrobatics (Dex)
Bluff (Cha) Sing (13)
Climb (Str)
Diplomacy (Cha) 1+7+2
Disguise (Cha)
Escape Artist (Dex)
Fly (Dex) 1+5
Heal (Wis) 1+3
Intimidate (Cha) 6+7
Knowledge (Arcana)(Int) 1+3+2
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)(Int) 1+3+2
Knowledge (Locale)(Int) 1+3+2
Knowledge (Nature)(Int) 1+3+2
Knowledge (Planes)(Int) 1+3+2
Knowledge (Religion)(Int) 3+3+2
Perception (Wis) 6+3+2
Perform (Dance)(Cha) 5+7
Perform (Percussion)(Cha) 1+7
Perform (Song)(Cha) 6+7
Ride (Dex) 1+5
Sense Motive (Wis) Sing (13)
Spellcraft (Int) 2+3
Stealth (Dex)
Use Magic Device (Cha) 6+7+1
Background skills
Appraise (Int)
Craft (Int) 2+3
Knowledge (Geography)(Int) 3+3+2
Knowledge (History)(Int) 2+3+2
Knowledge (Nobility) (Int) 1+3+2
Linguistics (Int) 1+3 (Abyssal)
Profession (Wis)
Sleight of Hand (Dex) 3+5

+2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma: Aasimars are insightful, confident, and personable.
Native Outsider: Aasimars are outsiders with the native subtype.
Medium: Aasimars are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Aasimars have a base speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision: Aasimars can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Skilled: Aasimars have a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Perception checks.
Spell-Like Ability: Aasimars can use daylight once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level equal to the aasimar's class level).
Celestial Resistance: Aasimars have acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, and electricity resistance 5.
Languages: Aasimars begin play speaking Common and Celestial. Aasimars with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, and Sylvan.

Skilled: Evangelists possess a range of skills across multiple disciplines. At ist level, an evangelist selects two skills to add to her class skill list. Once selected, these class skills can't be changed.
(Fly, Ride)

A bard is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the longsword, rapier, sap, shortsword, shortbow, and whip.
Bards are also proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields)
An evangelist is proficient with all simple weapons and light armor. An evangelist also gains weapon proficiency with her chosen deity's favored weapon (star knife)

Bardic knowledge (add 1/2 level to knowledge skills)
Bardic performance (16 rounds)

Inspire Courage +2 competence
Versatile Performance (Song)
Well-versed (+4 vs bards, sonics and language effects)
Inspire competence <-- Wordstrike (Sound Striker)
Lore master x1 (take 20)

Next level
Suggestion <-- Weird Words (Sound Striker)

Spells known (DC 16)
6 cantrips
Detect Magic
Ghost Sound
Mage Hand
Read Magic

4 x1
Cure Light Wounds
Touch of Gracelessness
Solid Note
Saving Finale (from Page of Spell Knowledge)

2 x2
Blistering Invective

Chord of Shards
Restful Sleep

Sound Burst

Cacophonous Call

Child of the Crusade (Once per day when you fail a saving throw against an effect created by a demon that would possess or incapacitate you mentally, you may immediately reroll that saving throw as a free action. You must take the second result, even if it is worse.)
Dangerously Curious - +1 bonus to Use Magic Device, and it becomes a class skill
Arcane Temper - +1 init; +1 concentration

gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and saving throws against fear and charm effects. If the standard is taken by the enemy or destroyed, this bonus becomes a penalty for 1 hour

1: Traveler's Tricks (Sp) longstrider 3/day, darkvision 2/day, or phantom steed 1/day
2: Starlit Caster (Su) Over time you have learned to focus your magical power to better damage agents of evil. You add your Charisma bonus on your concentration checks, as well as on your caster level checks to overcome spell resistance. In addition, when you stand in starlight and cast a spell that deals hit point damage, you can have it deal an extra 2d6 points of damage. This bonus damage is untyped, and manifests as a glowing aura of starlight around the spell's original effect.

round[/S] minute (due mythic), your weapons deal +1 damage / 5 levels and are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction

Decisive Strike (Su): As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to give one ally within 30 feet the ability to immediately make a single melee or ranged attack on your turn. Add your tier as a bonus on the attack roll. The damage dealt by this attack bypasses all damage reduction. This attack doesn't count toward the ally's actions on its turn.

Inspired Defense (Ex): Whenever you use bardic performance to inspire courage, the competence bonus against charm and fear effects instead applies to all saving throws. If you expend one use of mythic power when you start a bardic performance to inspire courage, you add your tier to this bonus.

[sblock=Arcane Strike]
The effect lasts for 1 minute and +1 ability can be added to the weapon for the duration.

3rd: Mythic Spell Lore - Ability to cast spells Gain mythic spells equal to your mythic tier

The Dance of 23 Steps (Dance) - Prerequisite: Perform (dance) 4 ranks. Cost: Feat or 2nd-level bard spell known.

Pageant of the Peacock - Perform (act) or Perform (dance) 4 ranks. Cost: Feat or 2nd-level spell known.
Hymn of Restorative Harmonics (Sing, Wind) - Prerequisite(s): Perform (sing) or Perform (wind) 6 ranks. Cost: Feat or 3rd-level bard spell known.
Symphony of the Elysian Heart (Keyboard, Wind) - Prerequisite: Perform (keyboard) or Perform (wind) 7 ranks. Cost: Feat or 3rd-level bard spell known.
Clamor Of the Heavens (Percussion, Sing) - Prerequisites: Perform (percussion or sing) 10 ranks. Cost: 5th-level bard spell known.

MW Chain Shirt25025
Darkwood Buckler552,5
MW Primal Iron Longspear3159
MW Primal Iron Starknife3723
Net x2406
Magic Items
Mnemonic Vestment50001
Handy Haversack20005
Cloak of Resistance +110001
Page of Spell Knowledge I1000
Tree token
Sleeves of many garments2001
Mundane items
Living steel rod30005
Flag (asbestos)203
Entertainers clothes (asbestos)64
CLW wand (40 charges)6001 oz
Clarion Call wand (10 charges)150
Tap Inner Beauty wand (10 charges)1501 oz
Detect Secret Doors wand (10 charges)1501 oz
Animate Tattoo scroll 125
Shadow Trap scroll 125
Locate Object scroll 2200
Create Treasure Map scroll 2200
Consecrate 2200
Dispel Magic scroll 3375
Acid Flask x2202
Alchemist Fire x2402
Alkali Flask151
Fungal Stun vial751
Tanglefoot bag504
Holy water x2502
400 1 oz

Adrian was born at the time after the first crusade was already history. But the war is still raging and with his parents in active service, he was brought up in a village with distant relations. Being an aasimar, he was always treated somewhat different. But his ready smile and acceptance of the difference kept him free from any resentment. He found joy in song and dance, he learned to fight with spears as did most of the villagers. Militia training was mandatory. But the village was small and Adrian yearned for the world. When queens recruiters came for the first time of his coming of age, he joined the military immediately. He learned basics of combat, he learned about the demons and enjoyed the camp. Military discipline? Not so much. He adapted, but quickly found himself finding amusement in dancing with the camp girls, singing with various performers and ended up as a drummer when the army was on the march.

There was major incursion of demons and the army mustered and the Queen Galifrey herself with great cadre of paladins lead them. He was one of the reserve, but as a drummer, he had a place near the front, the drums serving to coordinate disparate movements on the wide front. The battle started, chaotic melee, with lowly dretches spreading fear and more dangerous demons focusing on the paladins. Adrian, without magical weapons sang for the glory of the Queen, for the might of the kingdom, for the beauty that is their world. And something answered. All around him, soldiers stood straighter, fought harder and coordinated better. The fear disappeared and the middle pushed forward. Somehow, he found himself between paladins horses and saw the flag go down. Without thinking, he picked it up, raised it high and called, his pure voice ringing over the battle.

This, in turn, earned him attention of nearby babau demon. At the last moment, there was flash of white and the demon was speared by great lance held by none other than the queen. She nodded to him, their eyes meeting for the moment. He smiled and then looked in horror as stray hit from balban demon took her clean off her horse. He heard the crunch, saw her land in a heap and heard spell casting and cackling as small goat-like demon cast something and disappeared in the chaos of the battle. He ran to her, praying for her with everything he had. Her armor was smoking, was that red tinge on the armor? The queen moved weakly, tried to get it off as it heated up. Understanding came and he cut the straps off the armor, helping her out of the red-hot metal. While only seconds passed and the battle went elsewhere as the paladin cavalry pushed the demons back, her skin was burned and she was badly hurt by the hit of the large demon. As he pulled the armor off, he glimpsed the muscled stomach, touched the soft flesh marred here and there by the marks of the warrior training. As he stood enraptured by her beauty she moaned and went limp. In fear, in pain, his hands burned, he was still taken by her beauty, her will and prowess. The song of glory came to his lips unbidden and once again, something answered. His hands shaking, he touched his queen and the worst of the wounds closed as he was clobbered from behind.

He woke in chains, accused of treason. And there he was, in the military court, with paladin of Iomedae, travelling priest of Desna and priest of Iomedae, his fate all but sealed. Lucky for him, the priest knew his business and the queen woke up and cleared his name. And he even became standard bearer for the queen. In time, he learned more of his powers, the priest recognized the signs and taught him about Desna. In time, he learned to use the standard as a rallying point. In time, he hoped he will forget the blue eyes and the glimpse of body and compassion he witnesses almost every day as her standard bearer. The hope didn't come true and he lived his days in quiet misery, so close and yet so distant from his love. His day brightened when the queen herself called him to her. But immediately fell as she sent him on a mission, no longer her standard bearer, but her representative in Kenabres.

Dejected, Adrian walked the town, going where his fate takes him. He enters random tavern from which the sounds of merriment came in waves. He orders a drink, with full intent of drinking himself senseless. Instead he is taken by the Varisian music, the performers and their dancer performing exquisitely their traditional music, the girl swaying in the flowing rhythm. But this is rough and tumble tavern and soon she is beset by audience to eager to join her. The bard cannot watch that in his state of mind.

Along one wall of the common room was a long table, full of heavy earthenware. The aasimar clapped his hands, minor spell increasing the volume to drown every other sound in the tavern and jumped nimbly onto the oak table. The taverns wenches and the innkeeper picked the dishes as quickly as possible, those that were not managed to be taken away, were viciously kicked off by Adrian.
"Well, gentlemen," Adrian smiled with his fists on the hips, shaking his hair "Show me what you know. Music!"

He did a quick step with his heels. The drum and dulcimer repeated it; the flutes and fiddles picked up the melody, making it more complicated, challenging Adrian to a change in pace and rhythm. The aasimar, light and colorful as a butterfly, easily adjusted. The tavern patrons began to clap.
"Dancer!" Adrian called squinting his eyes in the smoky room. "You're quick with your feet. Can you follow the steps?"
The girls moved from her meager podium unwounding the scarf from her neck. She jumped onto the table next to the bard. the patrons cheered, the drums boomed and the bagpipes whined.
"Play, musicians! Keep your ear! And with spirit!"
Leaning to one side and throwing his head far back the bard tapped his feet, danced, beating his heels in a rhythmic and rapid staccato. The dancer, Vydra, captivated by the rhythm, repeated the steps. The aasimar laughed, jumped and changed the rhythm. Vydra with the violent jerk of her head, shook her hair off her forehead, she repeated the steps perfectly. Dancing both at the same time, they were mirror images of each other. The patrons shouted and applauded. The melody raised above the deep bass grows of the drums and the bleating of the bagpipes. Both danced, as straight as a cane, touching elbows, with their hands supported on hips. The plates and table shook with the rhythm of their heels, in the light of tallow candle and oil lights, the dust stirred.

"Faster!" Adrian urged the musicians. "More vigor!" It was not dancing, it was an obsession. "Dance, Vydra! Forget about everything!"
Heel, toe, heel, toe, step forward, step back, jump, strafe, move arms, toss the head, heel toe, heel toe. The table shaking, the light quivered, the audience wavered, everything was spinning, the whole tavern danced, danced, the audience cried, screamed, laughed, clapped and stomped, the tavern shaking, the earth shaking, the world shaking on its foundations. World? What world? The world is no more, nothing, just the dance, dance,...heel , toes, heel, Vydra's elbow...fever, fever...just a fiddle playing, flutes, bagpipes, drums raising and lowering the temp, there is no need, there is just the rhythm, Adrian and Vydra, their heels, the table swaying, rumbling...The rhythm, the rhythm is them the music is them, they are the music. Adrian dances, his brown hair swaying as he moves. The strings of the fiddles song bears a fever, a hotness, which reaches to the highest registers. The blood pounds in his temples.
Forget. Forget.

The fiddle and the flute played a sharp closing note. Adrian and Vydra end their dance by stomping their heels, their elbows continuing to touch. Breathless, shaky, sweaty, they look to each other, to embrace, each covered in sweat, heat and satisfaction (and in Adrians case, religions rapture). The tavern exploded with a loud cry and the applause of dozens of hands.

Arriving in Kenabres, he witnessed the fall of the town, he witnessed the fall of the dragon. And he was close enough, unnoticed by others to be hit by the energy loosed when the Wardstones failed. He also learned of the disappearance of his parents. And that, along with newly awakened powers only firmed his resolve to fight the demons. And he got to see The Queen again. But with the war so close and the army bringing the war to the demons, his heart sang to her in privacy of his own thoughts and his new purpose sent him in advance to try something unheard of. He went in search of the lost Bell of Mercy. The map he found clearly showed an abandoned temple. He would expect the bell to be more to the west, but as he was contemplating the places to look, a butterfly landed at the exact place of the temple. His path clear, with the blessing of his goddess, he danced his way onward into the unknown.

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Fatoon Oracle 6/Hierophant 1

Male human (Azlanti) Oracle 6/Hierophant 1 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 42)
LG Medium humanoid (human)
Appearance: 5 ft 8 in, 140 lbs, black hair with a widow's peak, purple eyes clouded, pale skin
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +5
AC 18, touch 10, flat-footed 18 (+7 armor, +1 shield)
hp 48 (6d8+10)
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +7
Defensive Abilities hard to kill
Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee +1 grayflame cold iron morningstar +5 (1d8+1) or
dagger +4 (1d4/19-20) or
dagger +4 (1d4/19-20) or
gauntlet (from armor) +4 (1d3) or
unarmed strike +4 (1d3 nonlethal)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 8/day (DC 20, 5d6), inspired spell[MA], mythic power (5/day, surge +1d6)
Oracle Spells Known (CL 6th; concentration +11)
3rd (4/day)—cure serious wounds, neutralize poison, Prayer
2nd (6/day)—align weapon, consecrate, cure moderate wounds, lesser restoration
1st (8/day)—bless, cure light wounds, detect undead, gorum's armor[ISWG], protection from evil, shield of faith
0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, guidance, light, mending, purify food and drink (DC 15), read magic
Mystery Life
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 20
Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 14
Feats Devil's Foe, Dual Path[M], Extra Channel, Extra Revelation[APG], Godless Healing[ISWG]

St. Clydwell's Ward (Basic/Faith): An ancient prayer that wards off the attacks of demons. As a standard action, you can recite a holy chant that affects demons as if you were under the effect of a sanctuary spell (caster level equal to 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Charisma modifier). CL 8

Coven Casting (Basic/Magic): You know how to coordinate your spellcasting with others. When within 30 feet of an allied spellcaster, you both gain a +2 trait bonus on concentration checks.

Touched by Divinity (Mythic/Campaign) – Archon Domain – Divine Favor as spell-like ability (1/day; CL 6)

Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump),
Appraise +2,
Bluff +8,
Diplomacy +9,
Disguise +6,
Handle Animal +10,
Heal +6,
Intimidate +8,
Knowledge (history) +7,
Knowledge (planes) +7,
Knowledge (religion) +7,
Linguistics +4,
Perception +5,
Profession (merchant) +6,
Sense Motive +6,
Spellcraft +7,
Survival +7,
Use Magic Device +7

Languages Abyssal, Azlanti, Celestial, Common, Daemonic, Infernal
SQ godless healing, mythic domain[MA], oracle's curse (clouded vision), revelations (energy body, enhanced cures, channel), surprise strike[MA]
Other Gear +1 mithral chainmail, darkwood light wooden quickdraw shield[APG], +1 grayflame cold iron morningstar, dagger, dagger, silver holy symbol (sun) worn on chain around his neck, MW backpack, 217 gp
Tracked Resources
Dagger - 0/1
Dagger - 0/1
Energy Body (1d6+10, 10 rounds/day) (Su) - 0/10
Godless Healing (1d8+6 hp, 1/day) (Su) - 0/1
Mythic Domain (1/day) (Su) - 0/1
Mythic Power (5/day, Surge +1d6) - 0/5
Oracle Channel Positive Energy 5d6 (8/day, DC 20) (Su) - 0/8
Special Abilities
Clouded Vision You cannot see beyond 60 ft
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Devil's Foe Attacks count as good aligned to affect devils.
Energy Body (1d6+10, 10 rounds/day) (Su) Elemental subtype and deal 1d6+10 to undead who touch you or heal 1d6+10 to allies who enter your square.
Enhanced Cures (+10 cap) (Su) For cure spells, any level caps in the spell become oracle or shaman level.
Godless Healing (1d8+6 hp, 1/day) (Su) Move, at 50% or less hp heal 1d8 + level damage.
Hard to Kill (Ex) Automatically stabilize when dying, and only die at neg Con x 2.
Inspired Spell (Su) Use 1 power, cast one divine spell from your class spell list at +2 CL, it doesn't need to be known/memorized.
Mythic Domain (1/day) (Su) Spend 1 power to regain use of domain powers and revelations as 8 hours rest.
Oracle Channel Positive Energy 5d6 (8/day, DC 20) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Surge (1d6) (Su) Use 1 power to increase any d20 roll by the listed amount.
Surprise Strike (Ex) As a swift action, use 1 power to attack foe in 30 ft. They are flat footed and you bypass all DR.

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