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They retrace their way back to the room with the undead rats. They go to the hallway they skipped earlier. Stairs lead up and they enter another smaller section of the crypt. At the top of the stairs are several urns. Two are knocked over and ash with bits of burnt bone are within. Suddenly Diana is not so sure going here was a good idea. Not sure if any of this is.

When the urns begin to vibrate and quiver she knows it is a bad idea. Suddenly the ashen cremated remains shift and leap into the air. Directly in front of Diana and Gears the ash collects and beginning with two legs, then torso, then head and finally two arms with a weapon begin to form.

Charger cannot reach the creature. Kar-Draith tries his arrows but little damage is done as the arrows penetrate and burst through the opposite side with a burst of fine ash. “Undead!” calls out Diana. [DM NOTE: slight tinkering of the Dustform creature template] The creature tries to attack but misses Gears as he chews at the thing’s leg. Taylor uses his Magic Missile wand from a safe distance.

Soon there is a thick cloud of grey dust in the air as many attacks strike and damage the creature. It turns to Charger and breathes a cone of ash and bone pieces at the warforged. His metal and dark wood body ignores most of the damage as they finish taking it down.

As usual, they turn to their left and find a large near empty room. Within it is only a statue of a cloaked man. He appears to be either a mage or cleric. Below there is a plaque that reads simply- “Sir Raven Blackhorne”

They search the statue and room for traps and hidden goods. After finding nothing, they turn their attention to another door to the right of the stairs.

The door is broken down by Charger and they enter it. Before the halfling on the floor is a buffed out and scratched image of the Sovereign Host. Just above it, deeper in the room is a symbol of The Shadow.

“Time to leave.”

They begin to walk back again into the rat room when Kar-Draith grumbles- “Where is that blasted book?!? You said it was here old man.”

“No. I did not.” Taylor has his hand closer to his wand now.

Defiantly, the lizardfolk hisses his anger and frustration and thumps his tail hard twice on the stone floor.

“I said my group was attacked by the Howlers and I found this crypt. Based on similar map directions, I said it MAY be here or at least near here.”

“Howlers…..” says Diana.

“Yes- the very creatures that killed your friend and my group. I believe they live nearby……”

“The cave?” surmises Diana.

“Quite possibly.”

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They spend the night once more within this room resting. They have taken a vote and agreed to leave the crypt and explore the nearby caves.

As they go back they have little trouble as they avoid the traps and known threats. Then Taylor makes an uneasy observation.

“Where are the bodies?”

“In the cave according to your thoughts.” Answers Kar-Draith.

“No- the creatures we stopped. They are missing. The rats, the scorpions….. even the golems. Gone.”

With that happy thought, they walk quicker but even more vigilante.

They don’t see the Seeker’s Bane spirit…. Nor their horses (which the vengeful spirit killed and something else has removed).

“Hill Howlers?” suggests Charger.

“No….. I suspect they fear the crypts. Something or someone else.” Answers the sorcerer.

“Damn” curses Diana as they reach the rusted double doors. It has grown even colder…. And it has snowed…..

“Winter came late but it has reached the Eldeen.” Answers the obvious from Taylor.

It is only a few inches but to Gears and Diana it is plenty enough.



They climb up the snow covered stairs into the brush. Taylor motions to the area beyond the brush. The cavern entrance with a stream flowing out of it. The snow is fresh. They hope to find tracks to guess on Howler numbers but with the new snow, there are no tracks.

“Maybe we are wrong. Maybe the howlers don’t live there.” Offers Diana, not believing her own words.

They walk to the first level of climbing and slip and slide trying to climb the first level to the cave. The larger members wait for Diana and Gears to climb up the small incline. They start into the cavern when they hear a grunt and a growl.

“Heads up- they are here.”

One Howler charges out of a side tunnel and attacks Kar-Draith. Charger does what he does best- and charges into the beast. Even as it howls in pain, the cry of pain is echoed with other howls from deeper within the cavern.

“Here they come!” calls out Diana.

Three more Howlers rush from the darkness as Kar-Draith and Charger finishes off the first creature. Magic Missiles zip through the cavern over the stream and strike the closest Howler. They charge ahead.

As they collide with the first four, another four come from deeper within the cavern. By sword, arrow, magic and any means available, they attack and take them down.

The Howlers don’t have the advantage of the rock slide this time. They don’t last long.

Once done with the Howlers, they team move deeper into the cavern.

“Wah…… Do you see what I see?” says Diana.

“Your friend…..?” says Taylor with concern. He doesn’t want to see the remains of the goliath.


Remains litter the floor of the stone cavern.

Coppers, Silver, Gold and small gems liter the floor. Items the Howler’s couldn’t eat and wouldn’t use.

Literally, 100’s of coins are on the floor- discarded.

[DM NOTE: Making up for the last few adventures that allowed for little treasure for the PCs]

Going deeper into the cavern, there is less coins and treasure on the floor.

Charger finds a few bodies. Hardfist is among the bodies.

Then they discover something worse.

The Howlers live here but only because they offer sacrifice and food to something bigger…. Something nastier. A huge monstrous blue scaled hunting spider! [1/2 Blue Dragon]

They charge into it. Mostly from anger of finding Hardfist’s body but also to defeat it before it can prepare for them. A powerful Acidic [fire] ball blows up on top of the creature. Even as it shrieks in pain and agony Charger crashes into it. Arrows pin its eyes. More magic slams into it and it quickly goes down.

They pick up several large expensive gems here along with more money….. the ½ dragon spider’s hoard.

Diana spots a hidden narrow passage at the far end of the cavern. “Look what I found.”



She walks through the crack in the earth and finds a small area of worked stone with several cave-ins. She guesses this area may once have connected to the crypts next door.

With her light spell, she peers into a section that did not collapse. Three dead bodies are here. A dwarf, an elf and a human. The human is sitting on something large and flat.

As she looks for traps and other dangers, Kar-Draith and Taylor come in. Charger remains outside of the narrow crack in case of the possible return of more Howlers…. Or worse- offspring of the spider.

The dwarf and elf appear to have been warriors. They have heavily damaged armor and broken weapons. The human, however appears to have once been a mage. A silvered but tarnished skull cap rests on the decaying head. Looking at what the dead mage used as a seat cushion, it appears to be a large tome.

“Could it be….?” Diana asks as she steps up to the body. She pushes the dead body with little regard for the dead and looks at the tome-

It is written in a language she doesn’t know. She looks at it and within it but cannot read it. Taylor steps over to have a look but he too, cannot read it. Kar-Draith looks at the cover-


“Is this the book your Zilshire was looking for?” asks Taylor. While trying to get a better look at it. The title has captured his attention and imagination.

“It’s in the right location….. it stands out….. I think so.” Answers Diana with clear uncertainty in her voice.

“What language is it written in?” asks the Sorcerer to the lizardfolk.


“What does it say?” asks Charger.

“Say?” teases Diana. “Does it have a table of contents?” she asks.

Kar-Draith carefully reads the third page in.








Taylor’s face grows pale as the lizardfolk translates the ancient words as best as he can. “You…. You cannot bring this to this…. Zilshire.”

“Why not? What is the Regalia of Forever?” Diana asks.

“Is this book worth more than what we have been offered?” asks the greedy lizardfolk.

“If you have translated this book correctly and the contents are true then…. It would be worth much….. very so- a great deal. But I sense evil about it.” Says the sorcerer.

“Paranoid much?” suggests the halfling artificer. She looks at it and thinks about it more. “I bet it could be thousands of gold in value.”

“Even greater…..” follows the sorcerer. “But the potential evil the chapters suggest makes it impossible to bring back to the Five Nations.”

Platinum coins and priceless gems glitter in Kar-Draith’s eyes. “Even…. Greater…. The sorcerer may be right.”

Taylor smiles at the lizardfolk’s observations and thoughts of protecting the world and it’s peace. “Maybe we shouldn’t bring it to Zilshire. We could get so much more bringing it to better off richer historians.”

“Whom may use it to restart a war we cannot hope to survive.” Spits out the frustrated old man. “Don’t you see? Don’t you care?!?”

Kar-Draith gives a blank look. Diana just wants to know more about it’s contents. Charger…. Well the warforged has no idea why any of them has an issue with the book or finishing their mission they were hired to do.

“What else is inside?” blurts out the excited artificer.

Kar-Draith opens the door at random pages and repeats any word or words he sees several times.
“Spells, Golem construction secrets, Awakening spells….. Planar whips…. And planar visitors.”

“Read about the Regalia! Please!” she begs.

“NO!” screams the sorcerer in a rage. “That book is too dangerous to bring into the world. I foresee only death and destruction if it is brought to the Five Nations or surrounding area.”

“Calm down old man. I have the book. I will decide who we sell it too…… for the right price.” Commands the lizardfolk.

Taylor stares hard at the greedy lizardfolk then relaxes. He knows he cannot win an argument here and now- especially as Diana has taken an interest in the book also.

He stalks off to a different section of the room and sits down. “We need to rest and prepare for the trip back…… we can discuss this further later.”

Kar-Draith wonders in his mind what the old man is up to.



The group bought warmer clothes but no winter hides. Diana supplies magical means of staying warm. Taylor attempts his own magical means but his doesn’t last as long as it is meant for magical cold attacks. It is not until he fears frostbite that he he agrees to her magic.

Generally they can follow the trail well enough since it is the only ten foot wide clearing going through the forest. In more open land they hope to not get lost.

The snow hinders Gears and Diana the most. It spits snow off and on for the next day or two bringing the snow level to over six inches everywhere.

They walk by day and argue morals by night with some sleep. They are having a miserable time.


Today is nearly a beautiful day. There is no snow, no wind and the sun is full and bright. It may even be above freezing…. Maybe. The area they are traveling by foot now has had areas cleared for the wood. A path can generally be followed but is not clear. Kar-Draith and Charger spot something in the sun. Something is flying over-head that is using the sun to blind other’s of it’s arrival.

As it shifts in the air the others can now see it. “Looks like a horned eagle” grumbles Taylor with a mix of fear, respect and uncertainty.

“Nothing I know of….. unless it is a dragon or drake.” Adds Diana shielding her eyes and trying to see it better. “Ulp!” she blurts out as suddenly the creature arcs and swoops at her. It strikes her in the chest ripping at her furs and gouging her chest. It’s talons become caught up in her furs and it it forced to land next to her. It looks like a big eagle with a deer’s head and demon’s eyes. Taking no chances with it- Charger and Kar-Draith put a quick end to it.

“If I didn’t know better, I would think that creature was purposely going for my heart!” the artificer says as she gets out a wand to quickly heal herself. The sharp talons went through her hides and robes and dug deep over her heart. It is a scary thought- a heart seeking mix of eagle and deer.


It was not long after killing the swooping monster [Peryton] that the weather began to change. The sky became clody and the wind began to move the snow around creating snow drifts to travel through. Everyone except for Charger was cursing this change in weather. “It’s not like a blizzard is coming in.” says the warforged warrior.

It is difficult creating and keeping a fire that night. The food rations of dried berries and fruit with jerky is less than enjoyable when half-frozen. The Ferret, Romeo, rarely makes an appearance as it prefers to stay deep within Taylor’s furs and robes.

As the sun rises, the temperature barely rises. The sky is dark and the wind is either strong or gusty. It is always blowing snow around. It is hard to say if it is snowing or if it is merely being blown about. Near what they guess is noon, Diana spots a swirling motion that seems odd. It is swirling separately from the winds of the oncoming blizzard.

“What is that?” she yells out.

Barely able to hear her, the others stare ahead and some see the swirling mass- some still dion’t. After Diana gets off of him, Gears moves forward. Charger spaces himself to rush into it. Taylor has the wand ready and the archer readies his bow. The swirling snow and ice takes on a serpentine form and attacks Gears.

Charger rams it as it solidifies and the others launch attacks from the safety of range. Some attacks work better than others. It is still easily defeated by the team.



Fires were impossible to make last night. The first storm of the year is here- a Blizzard no less. They doubt they have traveled more than two miles since leaving camp this day.

“We have to find some shelter.” Diana calls out over the wind.

“Maybe I can do something. But I doubt it would help everyone and not for long.” Says the sorcerer thinking about his Rope Trick spell.

“We need fire and hot food.” She calls out.

“Fresh meat….” Whispers the Lizardfolk.

Diana’s rapport with Gears allows her to know what he has seen. “There is a cabin ahead of us. Smoke rises from it’s chimney. We may have help there.”

They struggle to walk through the blowing horizontal snow and ice. It is not long before they can see the light also. “I hope they are friendly.”

“I hope for food!” growls the lizardfolk.

Diana knocks on the door. They hear what seems to be a lone old woman struggle to reach the door inquiring to herself at whom would be visiting her in a blizzard. She opens it a few inches and struggles to keep it from blowing open any further. “Yesssss….?”

Her back is hunched and skin is creased with wrinkles and liver marks. One eye seems slightly off. She is dressed with a heavy shawl to keep warm. The smell of fresh stew can be detected. The lizardfolk’s stomach nearly growls in desire.

“Hello maam. I hope we are not protruding. The storm has caught us ill-prepared and we look for shelter. We can pay if need be.” Offers the halfling artificer.

The old woman’s hands shake as she looks at the group before her. “You will die if you stay out there tonight. Risia has visited once more the forests. Come. Come in.” She says with a crooked smile.

Charger decides to stay outside. The cold is not harming him like it would the others (having magic shielding him from the worse helps) and wishes not to crowd the old woman and thus have the others evicted from her shelter.

“There is a fire and extra blankets on the chair. Sit…. Sit……” she says as she struggles to reach the fireplace and stir her stew once more.

Diana looks at her and hopes she not a hag of some sort. “Your stew smells good.”

“Ah. Emerald Forest Stew I have decided to call it. I made with things I found in the forest in the past few weeks.”

“I can smell the spices.” Adds Taylor.

“Yes. Local herbs. The vegetables and roots are local also. Gathered before the snows came.”

“The meat smells….. familiar.” Comments the lizardfolk. “Smells very good.”

“Thankyou. Thankyou for saying such nice things of an aged old woman. Would you like some?”

“We can pay. We have silver and gold.” Offers Diana.

“I am an old woman that lives off the forest. I have little need for minerals such as those. I do enjoy stories.”

“Stories maam?” says the sorcerer.

“Yes. I love grand old tales. I would gladly offer you shelter and food for a story from each of you.”

“That is nice of you. Are you sure you do not want our coin also?” offers Diana. She hates not paying people for any help or kindness she receives.

“No. Stories and company is all I ask for. Let me get you some stew first.” With an unsteady hand she ladles out the stew. It has a green color, much like pea soup, a true green. Also emerald.

She gives a bowl to Taylor first. He thanks her but waits to eat. Once she turns her back to scoop out more he quickly does a detect magic spell on it. There are too many Fey in this area to not be careful. He detects none and smiles.

Diana gets a bowl and offers it to the lizardfolk. He has already gotten out rations of his own. He has decided against her stew. He doesn’t trust her kindness.

Taylor and Diana sample the stew and find it very good. “What is the meat? I cannot place it.” Asks Diana.

“Oh Dear. I hope I don’t upset you. I get my meat from whatever source I can. It is vermin that I found in the forest last week. Eat up. It is fresh and healthy.”

Diana hopes it is not rat or skunk. Despite her paranoia she finishes her bowl. It is hot, flavorful and NOT rations bought from a store last month.

“Are you sure your armored warrior is okay outside? He can join us and have stew also.”

“That is okay. Charger is shy.”

“Shall I begin with a story then?” the old woman offers.



“A very very long time ago a young woman was born. She was born to a family that did not appreciate her. They made her into a slave. It made her very sad, so so so very sad.” The old woman begins as she has sampled the stew with a shaking hand.

“As she grew older, she discovered that she was indeed special. Her family feared her. This why the made her a slave. Determined to no longer be a slave to her own family, she stole out in the middle of the day and traveled north.”

Everyone listens to her tale carefully and with respect.

“She learned to live off the land. She had talents with the land. Not like a druid but she understood things about the land better than most. She took to love a valley much like this one we now have shelter in. She built a home and raised animals.”

She better not be a hag thinks Diana again.

“She never found a mate but her love for the land was enough. She protected the valley from harmful creatures as much as she could and offered aid to those that respected the land. It is said she still yet lives, sheltering people and defending the valley from harm.”

Not much of a tale thinks Diana and Taylor. Kar-Draith thinks even less of it. All three remain respectful however.

“My tale is not so nice I fear.” Offers Taylor. “I came from Fairhaven with friends. I had traveled little in my old age. I spent most of my time reading about history.”

And romance novels Diana thinks with a smile. Dirty old man.

“They convinced me that my knowledge of history was important to their quest and they convinced me to travel with them.”

“What was their quest ?” asks Diana suddenly realizing she didn’t know for sure.

“They sought items of wealth and magic.”

“Most explorers and adventurers do dear.” Says the old woman with a flirty smirk. Any warmth from her flirt is ruined as she slurps her stew loudly and breathes through her nose just as loudly.

“Yes. Yes I believe so.” Taylor says with a sad look on his face. “We traveled for weeks…. Maybe even months exploring old ruins we found. We found little but creatures that chased us off or we in turn chased off. We were not the best of would-be conquerors I see looking back at it now.”

“We came afoul with some nasty humanoid creatures our ranger knew as Hill Howlers. These creatures destroyed us. They attacked at night in patterns that we could not defend from. I….. ran away and fell into a hiding area and stayed there for a night and part of a day.”

“Terrible. Just terrible….” Says the old woman while placing her wrinkled hand on his knee. He nearly drops his empty bowl. “How did you ever survive? I have heard of these Howlers. They are a vicious cousin of the Sasquatch. Very dangerous.”

“Ah… yes. Well I finally decided that if I remained hidden so close to the point of ambush, they would find me. So I got out and hurried down the trail. In time I came to another group of adventurers that barely survived an attack from the Hill Howlers. Diana, Gears, Kar-Draith and the warforged outside- Charger.”

“Excellent story. Tales of survival are important. They teach that there is always hope and a way. Thank you for sharing it with this old woman.” She gives his knee a gentle squeeze. Diana smiles at the sorcerer’s discomfort.

“I can give you a story now.” Adds Diana.

“I once traveled in Karrnath. I found myself in a place called the Night Wood. It was a dark and eerie forest that chattered and seemed to move at all times but not when you looked directly at it. I had heard it was haunted. I had also heard it held the remains of an underground Xoriat Manifest Zone.”

Taylor listens carefully. He knows something about the creatures that live in the Night Wood. They are dangerous and best left alone. Perhaps this is a tale about how she lost her arm.

“I had seen creatures that seemed more like they were a part of something than being whole by themselves. In avoiding one of these creatures I happened onto a cave. Lost and wishing for shelter and security I entered the cave quickly. Here I met a strange humanoid. It has no eyes but seemed to see well enough. It had two long tentacles that grew from its back. Hundreds of smaller tentacles grew on its head like hair and also had stray wiggling strands of flesh on its torso and forearms. “

The old woman listens carefully, hanging on every word. Taylor is hoping this is not a complete lie. After all, no sane person would encounter a Dolgaunt and not either flee or attack it in defense.

“It didn’t seem scared of me. It was more curious than anything else. It waved for me to stop and be quiet. It never moved closer to me or made a threatening move. It sat down and asked me to do the same. Only it asked me through my mind.” She says now looking at her spoon in her hand.

“We spoke for a day about our lives, cultures, fears and aspirations. For a creature thought to be insanely crazy and depraved, it was quite peaceful and polite. I left the next day wondering what else it had experienced in its life on Eberron…. In the Night Wood.”

“The following year I returned to the Night Wood and found the cave. It was there and pleased I had returned. We spoke of our adventures in the past year. The following year I went once more. I looked forward to seeing him. However, somehow the cave was no longer there. I searched for hours. Nothing. I remained in the area for a day hoping to find him or he find me. No such luck.” She sighs and gives a forlorn look at her lap.

“I have not returned there since. I really should try to find him again.”

I think not muses the sorcerer. Or at least not with the damned book on you.

The three of them then look to the lizardfolk. “What tale can you offer?” the old woman asks.

Kar-Draith is uncomfortable. This whole encounter feels equally wrong and exciting…. On a primal level.

“I have no tale to tell.”

“Com’on….. you must have something you can share for the shelter she has given you.” Suggests Diana with a bit of a “Do it” urgency in her voice.

“Perhaps this then….. “ The lizardfolk begins.

“It was over a year ago. I arrived in Sharn. A wild unnatural twisting canyon ways of man-made towers and bridges. I was innocently watching some philosopher speak of his ideals when the law of the land intruded and attacked me. They imprisoned me along with dozens of others.” He looks at the others. They are all listening in, even Gears whom lies before the crackling fire.

“In their petty cells I met a dirty and grumpy dwarf named Ronin and an equally child-like half-giant named Hardfist. The half-breed seemed to take to me and followed me everywhere. The no good dwarf in turn followed him. To settle this, I stopped and spoke to the two of them. I decided it was better to walk beside them than before them where I would need to always watch my back. The big one had a strange ability to find trouble readily.”

“They sought employment and since their skills were limited, I went along with them. Perhaps they would hire them through me. Here we met Zilshire. PROFESSOR Zilshire.”

Taylor looks up quickly and listens carefully having heard the name Zilshire.

“This professor at Morgrave University was a crazy and unstable man. Almost as annoying as his secretary. She is the ditisiest woman I have ever ‘like’ known.” He attempts to mock and pantomime her. Taylor smiles brightly despite himself. Diana smirks also. Anita has an unique charm.

“We were hired by the Professor to pick up a book for him. Easy enough. It was in a floating tower over Aundair. To reach the tower we rode magical winged beasts. I had no problems. The dwarf embarrassed his entire race crying and carrying on about falling….. which he did to dismount. The creature that took Hardfist no doubt needed a healer afterwards.”

“We gathered the book. It was a creepy creature that may have been a lich. He certainly acted and smelled like one.” Taylor again smirks to himself. He is certain Saas would burn the lizardfolk in acid for this description.

“We came to Eldeen once before for the Professor. We were searching for a man thought to know where a certain powerful evil arcane history book was.” And he looks at Taylor and taps his taloned finger on his pack where the book is.

“Our two trap finders went ahead of me. It cost the dirty dwarf his life. He was hung by a tree guardian at the entrance of the ruins we sought.”

Looking to Diana, “Then we met this artificer and the rest is another story for another day.”

“Excellent tale” says the old woman. “It is late I should sleep. There are more blankets, furs and bedding in the cabin. Feel free to use them.” She staggers and struggles to reach her sleeping area. She smiles as she looks outside and sees the wood pile being covered by snow.



Inside the cabin after day break, Taylor has another bowl of the stew. Kar-Draith decides to try the stew. His reptilian teeth make it difficult to sip the stew. He mainly enjoys the pieces of meat inside. He thinks he has identified the meat. It is not the vermin the two magic users are thinking of. He smiles and enjoys some more of the meat.

Outside, the snow has stopped falling rapidly and now it is just lazy flurries. There is no wind or frigid gusts. The sun is attempting to burn through the storm clouds. Charger wonders if it will warm up enough to melt the new foot of snow they have. With the snow drifts there are spots where the snow is over three feet and some areas reduced to a mere five or six inches.

He appreciates the morning sun on the fresh snow and sees the purples and blues of the shadows in the snow. Taylor would appreciate it also thinks the warforged.

With his constant moving and circling around of the cabin, he has created a path that surrounds the cabin. He was trying to get to the wood pile so as to help the old woman with her heat when he nearly tripped on something under the snow. Curious if it were a root (he is near a stump with an axe on top) he kicks at the snow. He finds a black worn boot. Somehow it seems familiar to him. Looking over his large shoulder pad, he looks through a frosted window and can see Taylor eating and the top of Diana’s head as she moves about. He returns to searching in the snow.

Nearby he finds a dark green cloak. Thinking fresh dry wood may be under it he pulls it from the ground. Chainmail. Green and black tunics. Emerald Green. He looks back to the nearby stump and from this side he can see the axe head. It has dark red and brown stains on it. A bit of hair also. Charger feels he knows what has happened but cannot quite place it. He starts a new path around the stump and once more kicks into something under the snow. Rooting around in the snow his foot finds a glove. A heavy glove.

“The stew was marvelous.” Says the sorcerer patting his full stomach.

“Are you sure you did not want more dear?” asks the old frail woman of Diana.

“No thank you. Besides, I’m not sure Kar-Draith left any behind.”

Kar-Draith smiles. He is enjoying the stew. Especially the meat within the stew. It is far better than trail rations and is very fresh.

Diana peeks out the window and sees Charger circling the cabin. He looks bored so she suggests they should be going soon. The old woman offers furs to wear but the group can see she has enough for herself only. If only all the strangers they met on this trip were so nice.

Taylor finishes his stew and prepares his stuff for travel. Romeo, his animal familiar doesn’t want any of the meat but nibbles on a carrot. It spits that out also. “Nasty. Surprised at you.” Romeo communicates through his mindlink with the sorcerer.

As they begin to leave the door, they spot Charger walking around the edge of the cabin. He is dragging something behind him. The torso and one arm and hand of a person. It appears to be an Emerald Claw soldier.

“I found this in the snow….. “ says the warforged.

“By the wood?”

“By the chopping block.”

Kar-Draith enjoys the look on the mage’s faces. Both Taylor and Diana turn pale as the realization of what has happened clicks in their minds. “Good Stew” says the lizardfolk.

“@$$ hole” thinks Diana trying not to be sick.

They stop and stand in the snow. Diana looks back at the cabin. She sees the silhouette of the old woman shuffling within the cabin. The silhouette begins to quiver and enlarge.

“We should get going. It will be a long day today.” Moans the sorcerer.

“Quicker the better.” Answers Diana still staring at the cabin.

[ DM NOTES: Ogre Mage and for the ‘real’ truth of Kar-Draith’s tale, see earlier segments of this Storyhour.]



They begin to pick up their pace. Warm food. REAL warm food. New supplies. Maybe horses. Warm bed. No cannibals. It looks good.

They traveled through Gallop quickly when they came through the first time. It was not much of a town. Maybe five or six building. The two main structures were a large tavern and a small temple to the Silver Flame.

The Silver Flame temple.

It is gone!

In its place, is the charred remains of a collapsed building. Smoke still escapes from its ruins. Diana has them all stop.

“That cannot be a good sign.”

“You know the building?” asks the sorcerer with a sinking feeling in his stomach.

“It WAS a temple to the Silver Flame. It looks to have been burned recently.”

“What can we do about it?” says the lizardfolk hoping she doesn’t have an idea. He wants to sell the book quickly before the sorcerer gets any ideas. Ideas the Silver Flame would no doubt back up.

“Perhaps it would be better if Taylor and myself go in first. Find out what has happened and learn whom the boy belongs too. The two of you carrying in a dead child may start a panic.”

Not caring one way or another, Kar-Draith agrees. As does Charger. The stray pup cocks his head to the side as if trying to understand them. It whimpers as Diana and Taylor looks at it. Then it wags its tail in hopes of positive attention.

Still riding Gears, Diana goes first with Taylor following. “Looks quiet.” Replies the sorcerer.

“That is what scares me.”

“Blizzard is over but the clouds are dark. More snow coming. Maybe everyone is home instead of town.”

“Or hiding after their temple is burnt to the ground.”

The store looks closed. The few homes look quiet and have no smoke. Then they reach the tavern and see two men outside in thick furs. They are talking and keeping their hands warm by clapping and rubbing them together.

“We can find answers there and maybe some warm rooms.” Says Diana waving for Taylor to follow.

He hesitates. Something feels wrong to him. The men are acting more like guards than towns people. He follows her lead however.

“Hello men. How goes your day?” she asks with the warmest smile she can muster.

“What do you want?” asks one.

“Storm coming- better find shelter little one.” Says the other.

If their actions scare her, she doesn’t show it. “Has anyone gone missing from the town? A young man perhaps?”


“Should be going little one.”

“Well, if there is a storm coming we may want rooms. Food also. The last meal was…. Unsettling.”

“All full. Better get.”

“Yeah- Get.”

Their rudeness is now bothering her a great deal. Defiantly, she urges Gears onward to the doorway. Taylor knows this is a bad position but follows her. All of his training and instincts say there is danger here.

As she opens the door and enters, the two men pull out saps and attack the sorcerer. Inside, several men and a woman dressed in the gear of the Emerald Claw are surprised by the halfling. They are being served food by a few locals that look more like prisoners than employees.

“Taylor- “ she begins but heasr the attack.

Voidrunner's Codex

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