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Before leaving, Diana and the group wonder where to cash in some of their goods. Zilshire dismisses them. He doesn’t care what or where they go with their “treasures” so long as they make the rail on time.

Anita motions for the halfling to step over to her. “I have heard of a halfling that may have inexpensive potions for sale. I can tell you how to find her.”

They exchange some quiet whispers between themselves before Zilshire calls out for Anita. The group leaves and Anita goes to see what the history professor wants.

“I have several messages that need to go out immediately. Orien needs to know they are coming.”

“The others?”

“Just send them. You are my secretary and nothing more. Now go.”

Anita flushes a bit as she takes the notes. She gets her jacket and locks the door as she leaves. She crosses a few bridges then stops at the library. She goes to a private studying room. Carefully she opens the wax seal to the notes.

She frowns once she finishes the three letters. She sighs and quietly speaks to herself. “need to call them in.” She pulls out a small wand and waves it over the letters. The wax seal slows reattaches and the paper reseals. Perfectly mended.

House Sivis takes the three messages and opens them to send the messages. In return, they give her a marked receipt saying the scrolls were opened and the messages sent privately.

“Oh- and I have another message to send to Fairhaven.” She says with a smirk.

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“Nature’s Healing” reads the halfling artificer.

She and Gears go into the library. The books here are about herbs, healing and farming. Anita mentioned some of the halfling cleric’s back story. She is an excoriated House Jorasco member. She believed everyone should have access to healing and better health. Her house disagreed. After being caught selling her healing for a mere handful of silvers and in one case- coppers from a very poor family, she was cut off from the house. She settled in Sharn and hid in this library since some true house members seek to do harm to excoriated members of their or other family houses.

A select few are told of Lara Bryght’s alias and home. Diana never questions how Anita knew of it.

After a few moments of discussion, Lara sells her several potions at less than standard cost.

Kar-Draith finds a weapon shop and sells the extra armor and weapons he has been collecting.


Diana has spent the night getting the compound bow finished. It was purchased through a dealer but she has enchanted it to be better.

Kar-Draith looks forward to testing the weapon. He strongly feels he will before the end of this trip.

Next they buy trail rations. Hardfist buys three times as much as the others. That afternoon they head out to the rail station and board the trip heading into Aundair.



It will take three days to reach the end of the rail trip. Having plenty of money (from Kar-Draith), Diana is feeling good and suggests she may pay for a drink or two. They were less happy when they learn Zilshire paid for only two rooms. Diana volunteers to bunk with the new member- Charger.

Kar-Draith doesn’t trust the warforged. He thinks he is a spy or a murderer. He watches the halfling go into the room next to his and decides to spy himself. The goliath sits on the floor patting Gears oblivious to the mistrust the lizardfolk has of the warforged.

He can just barely hear her and the warforged talking through the wall. If he is hearing it correctly, she is studying the warforged. She is taking notes of his construction and make-up. In turn, the warforged asks her about the arm. Feeling no fear, she strips off her top to show how the metal and the flesh interconnect.

“Harrrrgh” Kar-Draith growls and hisses. This bothers him to no end.

“Why are you eavesdropping on Diana?” asks Hardfist.

“I am NOT eavesdropping on her.”

“Why listen in on Charger then?”

“Mind your own business.”

The brawler thinks that comment over for a few moments. “Wouldn’t you hear the room better from their doorway?”

“I am not……..”, he pauses, “…. I am getting some air. Stay here. And with that Kar-Draith steps out of their room. The hallway is empty except for a half-elf in blue and brown leathers. He seems to be moving away from their doorway quickly… too quickly. Before he can ask Hardfist and Gears come out and loudly ask where the food car is. Kar-Draith hisses at the floor in a sign of giving up. There is no such thing as stealth when involving the brawler.

A few moments later Diana pokes her head out. “What is going on?”

“Nothing.” Comments Kar-Draith as he moves as if entering his own room the whole time.

“I’m hungry.” Says the goliath.

“As am I. We’ll meet you there shortly.” She answers before dunking into her room again.

Hardfist enters the food car and orders two meals of meat and potatoes. A human female dressed in blue and brown leather waves and nods to him. He smiles back and nervously looks out the window. He is startled when she walks over to him. “Hello. My name is Patricka. What is your name?” She is leaning against the table holding a dwarven beer.


“First Rail ride? It’s mine.”

“No. Last time I was on a rail I met a druid and his talking flower.”

“Incredible. Where are you going? I am going to Aundair to see my…. Uncle.” She flirts with the goliath.

“Me too. Then take caravan into Eldeen.”

“Eldeen? Isn’t that a huge forest? I heard it is filled with fiends now.”

“Fiends? No. We are going to….. Going……no not right. Glowing…. No…. I saw the map only as Diana took it and hid it in her jacket.”

“Oh. She doesn’t sound like a good…… oh poo- it’s time for me to go.” She winks and smiles and turns away to leave.

“See- He went to the food car.” Snarls Kar-Draith.

“So I see. Relax. Have a drink. I’ll buy.” Offers the halfling as they enter the food car. Crusher watches a blue and brown garbed female dwarf in the crowd look at them then disappear into the evening dinner crowd. He doesn’t think much of it.

“Do you want a drink Hardfist?” the halfling asks as she slides into the booth he is sitting at.

“No. I want food instead.”

The waitress comes over and several drinks and a dinner (yes that makes three total ordered for him) are ordered. Crusher watches as she downs her alcohol quickly. He cannot help but wonder why people poison themselves this way.

Before long, Kar-Draith and the artificer are having a drinking contest. At four drinks the lizardfolk is wondering if this is a good idea. Charger is now amazed as the goliath begins to eat his second plate of steak and spiced potatoes. Kar-Draith, thinking five is enough tries to change the subject. He doesn’t want to look weak to anyone. “Why Drisk so much?”

Starting her sixth strong drink, she replies- “Soon we will be in the forest. We will drink either warm water from a skin or dirty river water. Our food will be trail rations or something strange we have killed in self-defense. If lucky, I will only have deer ticks attached to parts of my body that do not see daylight often and plenty of mud, sot, sap and blood….. mine and others. Allow me a night of drinking.” And to settle it she downs the sixth drink and motions for another.

Concerned about being paid, the waitress mentions the tab. “Fine…. Means I cans have twose more.” And she hands over a couple of platinum and gold. Then three silver- “For youse.”

At eight drinks, it seems to magically take effect. Her 50 pound body can absorb no more. She gives a goofy smile that Hardfist would be hard pressed to beat and slowly leans to her right…. Then slides out of the booth and thuds gently on the floor.

Kar-Draith is uncertain what to make of this. “Finish your meal and bring her with you.” He says to the goliath. He shrugs his massive shoulders and goes back to finishing off his third plate. Once they clear the area, he quickly looks around and finishes off a mug not emptied. He sticks out his tongue is displeasure and quietly picks the drunken halfling up and returns her to her room.

A human male dressed in blue and brown watches him leave….. watches while in deep thought.



Even with a hangover, the artificer rides on Gears well enough to pass as sober. They walk around the city for a short time to stretch their legs.

They go to House Orien and introduce themselves. The caravan Zilshire arranged for them leaves tomorrow. However, they are to act as guards- not ride within it.

“Figures.” Says the halfling. “Let’s get a room and sleep.”

It is a long and boring trip. They travel to Varna then towards Niern. The mornings are cold. Some nights there are flurries. Winter is fast coming apon the Great Forest.

An Ettin threatens to attack them. They stare it down and it decides not to attack.

The Caravan leader is nervous as they set up camp. Diana suspects he knows something that they don’t. Maybe why the house wanted adventurers instead of their usual hired guards. That night, a Barghest attacks.

One guard is killed and it uses its dimensional door power to escape. Gears gives chase and finds itself alone with the creature within the woods away from the others. As the group listens for the sounds of combat, Gears and the creature battle. It is not a pretty fight. Gears wins but he is missing pieces of hardware and has several deep dents and scratches on its armor plates.

They reach Niern. The caravan delivers its goods. They decide to buy horses but not a guide.

Having passed Gallop, they near the location. They set up camp on a corner of the trail below a rock slide covered with trees.

Early in the night they are attacked by a mound of animated brush- a Shambling Mound. Gears is again seriously damaged but they take it down.

Three hours later, after many repairs to the homunculus canine, new danger arrives.

Charger hears pebbles tumble down the rocks and he alerts everyone. Inhuman howls unnerve the horses but the adventurers are determined to deal with it. In the deep darkness above, four large hairy creatures are seen. They begin to throw or roll rocks down the rock slide.

They are pinned down and can do little to counter attack. Gears attempts to climb the boulders to attack but cannot climb them. Hardfist looks at the pup’s attempt to climb and save the group…. Even if it means risking his own health.

Inspired, the goliath climbs and charges at the closest creature (Hill Howler). He leaps up to attack and for his bravery he is struck and ganged up on. (two crits) He is pummeled with rocks, fists and claws and goes down.

In horror, the others can do little as they are far below. Kar-Draith misses with his arrows as they use the rocks for cover and concealment. Having gotten something to share to eat they leave with the dead body of the beloved brawler.

Saddened, but safe now, they move their camp further from the rocks and sleep little.


Hardfist's last charge......



They are quiet as they pack up their equipment and put out the campfire. There is a light frost on the ground. If it bothers them, no one says so.

Kar-Draith feels lonely. He is the last survivor of the original group. First Ronin is killed by a tree and now Hardfist is killed by savage Feral gorillas. It’s not fair.

They follow the road. She knows she is close. She pulls out the map which she has not looked at since being in Sharn a month ago. As she unfolds it, Charger stops. Kar-Draith, now paranoid of death, draws his bow and looks down the trail.

A lone old man to slowly walking up the trail. He wears a blue vest and jacket and uses a staff to walk along. He seems to be mumbling to himself. Occasionally, he will suddenly stop and peer into the woods. He is obviously afraid of something within the woods.

He spots you and waves a greeting. None is returned.

“Where did he come from?” asks the paranoid lizardfolk assassin.

“Seems to be traveling alone.” Answers the halfling artificer. Gears nods to agree while watching the forest edge also.

“Should I run him down?” asks Charger.

The old man puts his arms out away from his body as a show of peace and not wishing to do harm. He stops and allows them to come closer.

“Good day. I am Master Welding- Taylor Welding.”

The group spread out so to make a harder target to strike down if he should attack. (There are rumors of fiends running wild in the forest in the past year)

“I am Diana Springfire. This is Gears. These two travel with me- Kar-Draith and Charger. Why travel alone in such a dangerous area of the forest?”

“Until yesterday, I traveled with a small adventurers group like yourselves. But Hill Howlers attacked and only I lived to flee.”

“Hill Howlers?” questions the Lizardfolk.

“Hairy large humanoids with clawed hands and feet. They attack until they get something to take away.“

“Hardfist….” Kar-Draith whispers.

“We too have faced those creatures and lost a member to them.” Answers Diana. “Where are you from?”

“Aundair. And you?”

“Sharn- Morgrave University to be exact.”

“I have heard many things about Sharn and it’s biggest university. Some of it very good. But how does that place you here?”

“We work for a professor there. There are ruins near here that another explorer was said to be investigating. This explorer had clues to something or somewhere he researches.”

The old man looks them over and scratches his chin. “I knew of a hidden entrance to below ground structures near here. For the safety of your company I can show you the entrance.”

The three employees huddle up and discuss it for a few minutes then return. “Is it nearby?”

“Yes- within a few hours of here.”

Diana looks over her shoulder. This could be it. “Agreed then.”

“May I ride the paladin’s horse. I could rest my old legs that way.”

“paladin?” she asks.

“It is a large horse. Very large. The most likely person to ride such a well-sized animal is a warrior in plate armor. Am I wrong?”

Kar-Draith nearly falls off his horse hissing. The lizardfolk no longer considers him a threat.

“No. Hardfist was just a …… big guy. He was a goliath.”

“I have heard of them. From the Ironroot mountains?”

“I believe so.”




“This is where it happened.”

“Where what happened?” asks Diana.

“Where the Hill Howlers attacked and killed my friends. Romeo will miss them.”

“We are sorry for your loss.” She adds.

“Thankyou. And I am sorry for yours. It is obvious Hardfist was well liked.”

Kar-Draith thinks about how much more he liked the goliath over the dwarf.

“Up there is a cave entrance. An underwater stream comes out of it. Near it, in the thick brush, is where I fled and fell into a stairway leading underground.” Everyone watches the cave entrance as they pass it and think the same thing….. is that where the Hill Howlers live?

Leaving the path, they come to the stream. It comes out of the cave and then falls into a deep pit in the earth. “Where does it lead to?” asks the lizardfolk.

“Khyber I think.” Answers the old man.

Very curious about this odd route the stream takes, Diana lights up a small bolt and drops it into the pit. Nothing.


“Khyber.” He repeats. “Best not to tempt the evil that lurks here.”

“Evil? The Howlers?” asks the lizardfolk.

“We are near The Gloaming.”

Diana stops. “Gloaming? Uh….. that’s a manifest zone isn’t it?” She digs through her pack and locates the map. The circle representing where the ruins were that the explorer was headed to are on the other side of the crease from the black mark that represents The Gloaming. She quietly curses herself a fool.

“What is a ‘Gloaming’ ?” asks Charger.

“Manifest zone where Mabar touches our own world. “ begins The new comer.

“Thus it shares qualities of each. It is an area of darkness and dark hearted creatures.” Adds the halfling.

“Like Barghests and Hill Howlers.” Continues the sorcerer.

“crap.” Grumbles the lizardfolk.

“Indeed.” Taylor agrees with no sense of joy or hope.

“Where is this entrance?” asks the warforged to change the subject.

“Through these bushes about forty feet.”

They take the horses with them and indeed, there are stone steps leading underground. They stop and look to each other.

“Well?” suggests the warforged with obvious impatience for action.

“Lets at least lead the horses to the entrance. If we leave them here the Howlers will find them.” Answers the halfling.

The stairs lead to a man-made tunnel. Twenty feet in there is a set of double doors. Looking at the doorway, Diane believes the image of a bearded dwarf makes for the handles (no- bearded humans but such is the random thoughts of a hyper minded artificer).

The doors resist opening as the hinges are rusted. With a horribly loud screech they open. She casts a light spell on the knuckles of her artificial arm and point in. “Oh that is just not right!” she calls out in frustration.

The Gloaming most well known effect is here. Her light spells has only half the strength it normally would.

“Welcome to the Gloaming. Next stop- Khyber.” Taylor says softly while looking to either his chest or to the ground.

Voidrunner's Codex

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