D&D 5E Mapping Software Input [What's in your wallet?]

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I still hand draw maps because I find it fun. In late summer when all the big box stores have their back to school sales I pick up bunches of colored marker sets really cheap. Office supply stores have large pads of 1"x 1" graph paper. With pencils, straight edges, sharpies, and colored markers I can create a whole bunch of nice maps super cheap.

For custom maps that you want to re-use over and over, you can cheaply kind of laminate them using clear shelf paper. Then you can draw on your map with wet erase marker and wipe it clean with a damp towel. I protected some hex maps that I got with GURPS like that back in 1991 and they are still in good condition.

Campaign Cartographer 3

Alyndrica Overview.PNG

Military Map 02.PNG

Another tack might be to google up pictures of castles, choose one you like, and show the picture to the player saying "This is what your castle looks like". Then let him make his own map of the room layout. He might enjoy that.

The rabbit hole of mapping programs can consume a lot of time and money if you aren't careful. Very satisfying when you pull it off, but... Yeah. Intimidating.

I do a lot of pencil drawn simple maps just for basic info.

Most recent few maps I've made for a current campaign I actually did freehand in crayon, no take-backsies. That was a lot of fun!

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