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(IR) Preparations for the IR - Thread 3


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Claims, Rulings and comments

Williams wrote:

So, Kalanyr is in Geoff with the Yuan Ti?

((No. Ivid the death king and his entire Host of powerful undead are there.
Ivid feels punishment is due to all of the Flanaess for their disobedience and disloyalty.
Ivid intends to exact punishment against those who have been disloyal.
Ivid's idea of punishment, in this case, makes what he did in Medegia seem like a slap on the wrist in comparison.))

Bonedagger wrote:

Ok.. Finally got around to reading the rules (I was quit intimidated by the shear quantity).

((My regrets. The rules were there to help things, enable people to have more fun.
I see my rules have caused as much harm as help.
If there is a consensus that some of the rules should be torn down, let me know, so I can tear them down.))

Things make so much more sense now

Just took some time placing everybody on the map though.

((I am going to ask Maudlin to put the names of all the players on the map. Maudlin, if you read this, please do so. I will send you an e-mail telling you who is where. The names should go in parenthesises ( ). ))

Turrosh Mak wrote:

Well since Kal was able to move, basicly, all of his forces to sunny geoff, I'm going to use 10th level magic to move the crashed spaceship and its robots to the Drachsengrab Mountains; and the peoples of the Vale of the mage to the suss forest/wild coast.

((Turrosh Mak, would you wait until Turn Zero to announce that?
Otherwise, everyone will be doing this before Turn Zero, and on Turn One nobody will know where anything is.
Just copy your post, and on Turn Zero repost it. :) ))

Mr Draco wrote:

Whoa! Lynux! You're leaving? That's really sad . Although, i must say, i don't quite follow what you said either. I'm not sure exactly why you refer to me as "controller," i thought we were allies? Likewise, i'm sorry the IR wasn't what you expected it to be. If you change your mind before the 20th, you know where the thread is.

((I am sorry, Mr. Draco, that Lynus blew up like that. I certainly did not intend to attack him over the e-mail system.
Whatever dispute lies between you and him, is none of my business.
You are obviously a very competitive player - as a tournament chess player, I would THINK you'd be a competitive and determined player!! Otherwise, those OTHER players in tournament chess would kill you.
Please stick with the IR. Don't leave because of Lynux.
After all, Mr. Draco, you face an alliance of the good guys.
Won't it be fun, crushing them into the ground, and feasting on their gutted remains? :) ))

Alyx wrote:

Well, admist the swirls and whirls of confusion, the desperate and deadly tidings that have been revealed; I make a claim for Nippon and Zindia.

((Very well. I will add Nippon to the game. It is an oriental country, obviously, like the Celestial Imperium.
However, Zingia is an EVIL country, and you cannot claim it, Alyx. Only those playing evil powers can.
Zingia is worth about 20 points, for those of you playing evil nations out there.))

Let us hope that the 19th comes with haste and without missing lugage.

((LOL. You should have seen my experience with Spirit Airlines a year ago. That gave a new definition to the meaning missing luggage!))

Creamstreak wrote:

This is my PC. If anyone has at least one territory controlled by the High Elf (must be good aligned) that I can have, and they don't feel too burdened to change plans about, I would love to have it. Working on character description and gear still. (Holy Avenger Sword for sure...)

Sanctus Punitor, male elf (high) Pal 10 /Rgr 10: CR 20; Size M (4 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 10d10 + 10d10; hp 128; Init +9 (+5 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 30 ft.; AC 15 (+5 Dex); Attack +24/+19/+14/+9 melee, or +25/+20/+15/+10 ranged; SV Fort +17, Ref +14, Will +12; AL LG; Str 19, Dex 20, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 17.

((Creamstreak, this is Edena. You have a current SL of 8. This is unfair to you. I request you claim at least a few forests or something, to bring your PL up to 20, which you said was the limit you would take.
Creamstreak, your PC has a Power Level of 2.))

William wrote:


As Lynux has abandoned his claims, I claim:

(Refugees of Fellreev Forest (Humans of all types, demihumans of all types, forest spirits, forest beings, all alignments) PL 4

((I honestly think that should go to Creamstreak. However, if he won't claim it, then ... it's yours, Williams.))

Isle of Olman (Hempmonalander human, neutral) 2

((This one is yours, William.))

Theocracy of the Pale (Oeridian humans, flannae humans, suel humans, neutral) PL 4

((This one is yours, William.))

Tiger Nomads (Baklunish human, all alignments) PL 2

((Williams, I request you let Black Omega claim these.))

Isle of Touv (Hempmonalander human, neutral) 2

((This one is yours, Williams.))

Wolf Nomads (Baklunish human, all alignments) PL 2

((Williams, I request you let Black Omega claim these.))

Erypt (Strange humans, genies, many kinds of monsters from the MM, all alignments) PL 35

((Erypt is already claimed by Darkness. The claim is now contested, again.))

Festy Dog wrote:

Huh? Sharing Ivid and his stuff is kewl with me

Yep, no problems with sharing that stuff with Kalanyr, he can be spokesperson too seein as i'm too lazy sometimes to think alot.

((Done. Kalanyr is the Spokesperson for Ivid and the City of Rauxes.))

Black Omega wrote:

The Coalition of Light and Shadow can only view concern William's claim of the Tiger and Wolf Nomads. While there is a past friendliess between our lands there are also differences over philosophy and technology that are difficult to reconcile. Rather than risk being surrounded by the iron ring of industry we are also putting in a claim for the Tiger and Wolf Nomads.

((Because Black Omega already controls Perrenland and the Vesve, and his claims border the Nomads, I request he be allowed to claim the Nomads.))

Forsaken isn't the best neighbor to have, but we understand at least he throws a mean barbecue.

((I would not underestimate Forsaken One if I were you.))

Festy Dog wrote:

I claim the Scro Armada. I hope nobady else got it first :p. I wish for it to be included in my glorious empire.

((If nobody else has claimed it, it's yours, Festy Dog.
If someone else has claimed it, then it's a contested claim.))

PS - my character Silver Phase and his cohort Khelarque Stonechoke are Lawful Evil

((Noted. I will adjust the lists.))
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First Post
Williams has relinquished his claims to the Tiger and Wolf Nomads.
They go to Black Omega, unless someone else wishes to claim them.

Erypt continues to be contested between Williams and Darkness.

The Hold of the Sea Princes, unclaimed now, goes to Festy Dog, unless someone else claims it.

Both the Fellreev Forest and the Theocracy of the Pale go to Williams, unless someone else claims them.

I am making a ruling on Tenh and the Hold of Stonefist.
Both go to Iuz.
So does Ket, from the Baklunish Confederation run by Darkness.
Traitors, the Kettites are joining ranks with Iuz, their old friend from the Greyhawk Wars.
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Hey guys, when this is all over and when we have crushed all those goodies everyone's envited to my place for a wicked BBQ from which we will indeed feast o their gutted remains!!!!!! :D

Black Omega, you'll have a special place, in da stomach :D

ok enough crap for today, I'm going home and gotta catch 2 busses 2 trains and again 1 bus. I'm NEVER gonna get this done so I'll get home without missing 1 part of the yourney ahead hehe (you raelly don't wanna know the amount of sleep i've had last week of vacation, Zelda I know how u feel^_^)


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Edna: how long is the construction process of a flying citadel?
How big is the isle of phoenix?
How fast can a winged human go?
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Serious is good, funny is good; perhaps we need a little of column A and a little of column B. As long as I gets me Giant Fighting Robot technology, it's all good.


First Post

About 1 day for the spell. 1 month to years for the construction of the castle.

The Isle of the Phoenix is about the size of Furyondy and Veluna combined.

200 mph, with the new 10th level magic, and totally protected from impacts with insects and other small things, rain, cold, heat, sunburn, the effects of the extreme wind, icing, and the effects of sudden and drastic attitude changes.

The change is noted, Dagger. I will update the lists.

I will update the lists, when I can. I have already instructed Maudlin on updating the map.

However, I have a time limit because of the imminent e-mail change, and it is just about reached, and you have hit me with a MASSIVE change concerning the claims, and point value changes.
It might be a 3 days before I have the lists totally updated.

For God's sake, everyone still in this stick with it! Please!
Don't drop out now.
We are almost ready to start!

It may not be any fun, but let's give it a try.



First Post
I am leaning HEAVILY towards adopting the atmosphere and seriousness of FOTR for this IR.

The imput I have received so far from others, is making me lean even more heavily towards FOTR.

William Ronald

Tone of the IR thread

Hi, Edena:

I kind of like Zelda's suggestion of something in tone like the Trial of the Chosen thread. Serious, but fun. I guess I am asking for something like a LOTR tone with humorous undercurrents.

I would be happy to give Creamsteak the Fellreev forest and I may consider some claims to the other territories. Make a convincing argument. I have also contacted you on some of the claims issues.

Despite the departure of Lynux, I hope this thread will continue. Edena will be away for a while, so let's keep this going.

So, Ket is siding with Iuz. Good. It will give the Knights of the Watch something to do.

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