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(IR) Preparations for the IR - Thread 3


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I claim the Scro Armada. I hope nobady else got it first :p. I wish for it to be included in my glorious empire. :D


PS - my character Silver Phase and his cohort Khelarque Stonechoke are Lawful Evil
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First Post
The IR will go on.
I'm hardly quitting the IR because one person got angry at another and quit!
Apparently, Lynux and Mr Draco had a falling out of some sort, and Lynux quit over it.

I'm not angry.
I'm not angry at anyone.
I'm not angry at Lynux.
I'm not angry at Mr. Draco.
Although I would say to Mr. Draco - beware! for your IC enemies are numerous!

I wish Lynux hadn't overreacted like that.
He clearly expected (and expects) some sort of massive e-mail attack, and overreacted with his statement of retaliation.
A shame, for such an attack was not forthcoming from me.

Now, I expected this kind of dealing under the table.
I'm not surprised that two players were in such collusion.
This kind of thing happens in large scale games - we all know it does.

Sit back and relax, everyone. This is for fun, this game.
I repeat, fun.
I repeat, fun.
I repeat, fun.
I repeat, (smashes record player at this point)

- - -

Now, what kind of fun, is the question.

Shall we treat this as a serious war?
Is this like FOTR?

Or is this like Monty Python?

I request feedback here. Which approach is it to be?

Based on my e-mails so far, it would appear this IR is going to go along the lines of FOTR, in terms of mood and seriousness.

If so, I will adjust my style of approach to the IR, and alter what I post to take in the much more serious and somber mood.

Is this to be like FOTR? Solemn and serious?

(I see all your other letters, with claims and all ... but I need to address the above issues first.)
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First Post
I'm not trying to sound flippant in the above post.
I see people are upset, worried, and in some cases angry.

Lynux being the most angry of all, apparently, since he has threatened to nuke anyone who e-mails him with anything other than a Confirmation of Removal.

Before more people quit on me, and the IR collapse, let's see if we can cool off, and relax.

I will not abandon the IR, and hopefully you won't, either.
I could use your support, folks. Stick with me, and let's see if we can have some fun out of this.

There will be no fun if everyone is angry.

- - -

I am asking if this IR is to be like FOTR.

The first two IRs were more like Monty Python.

I must alter my posts, and my style of posting, DRASTICALLY, if this IR is going to be serious in the sense of FOTR.
That's ok.
I just wish to know what you want.
Again, based on your e-mails, that apparently is what you want.

Zelda Themelin

First Post
FOTR? Short for Fellowship of the Ring?

Uh, one of these days I must try to get that normal sleep time.

How are your net connections Edena? Back already? Not cut out of internet yet?

Yep, I go for fun. Fun is important, also I think Gnome IR need humor too, how much and what kind, only time will tell. :)

I think dramatic, fun, humor, strategy, sad and all that mix very well. I really liked how second thread was (Trials of the Chosen). I wish this one could be kind of similar. Though there are more rules and stuff, and it is naturally supposed to be something different.

When story lives, it changes. People come, people go, that's also natural here in boards.

I might suddenly quit, but that's because I am chaotic, moody and get bored easily for no reason. I might also come back, or never go at all, that's what being chaotic and moody is all about, one never knows. ;)

Thanks Edena, it was nice hearing from you.

And btw Edena of Neith is better IMO than Edena of Silverymoon. Also, Neith sounds more original to me. :)


First Post
Wow.. Maybe I have been to unserious about this. LOL.

I do belive though that a Monthy Python quickly would turn into a big joke and that doesn't seem to be what people have in mind with all those very detailed claims (To much planning if the first thing people want to do is rid the land of killerrabbits and then go searching for the holy grail... Or something similar- But maybe that's just me:)).

Faction Map

Maudlin, I just spend 5 minutes searching for the city of greyhawk. The can mean 2 things, 1 I'm retarded hehe, 2 the greyhawk campaign map doesn't have greyhawk on it ^^

Zelda Themelin

First Post
Edena_of_Neith said:

The first two IRs were more like Monty Python.

I must alter my posts, and my style of posting, DRASTICALLY, if this IR is going to be serious in the sense of FOTR.
That's ok.
I just wish to know what you want.
Again, based on your e-mails, that apparently is what you want.

Hehe, like Monty Python? No, IMO, they absolutely were not like Monty Python.

That, or maybe I have absolutely seen wrong Monty Python movies. :D

First thread had some goofy parts, but that was not so much of a game, but free-flowing wild ideas.

Second one had few of those too.

If you drastically alter your style Edena, you become somebody-else-Edena. But feel free, if you like to. ;)

Zelda Themelin

First Post
Oh right, you were SO asking for this.

And so totally UNRELATED to to this thread. Oh, I feel evil

*Sings with horrible singing voice tune from Buffy the Musical*

Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes!
They've got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses!
And what's with all the carrots?
What do they need such good eyesight for anyway?
It must be bunnies!


Um, and actually our local gaming shop has little white bunny soft toys with 'sharp' teeth. What's this thing with killer bunnies anyway? Read old mosnter manuals, and you find them from there too, and I am not speaking of Hackmaster.

Huh. :)

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