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Hey Bootlebat buddy! :)

Any chance Krusty could post more about what they Intelligibles were going to be like?

Any of this stuff is fluid until it gets put into a book.

My intentions were witches of variable ages (similar to Norns/Fates) but their heads were 'divinatory' objects. ie. Old women with Crystal Balls for heads, Women with chalices for heads (divining pools), Babies with 'televisions' for heads, Massive armoured giants with magical gates for heads.


Hey Bootlebat buddy! :)

Any of this stuff is fluid until it gets put into a book.

My intentions were witches of variable ages (similar to Norns/Fates) but their heads were 'divinatory' objects. ie. Old women with Crystal Balls for heads, Women with chalices for heads (divining pools), Babies with 'televisions' for heads, Massive armoured giants with magical gates for heads.
Can you say which type is which?

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