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D&D 3E/3.5 Converting monsters from Mayfair Games Role Aids product line


So most of the time it's a humanoid looking creature that blasts out sleep-dust, but a dispel magic or electrical attack turns it into a cloud of dust that flies about.

Rather than rejuvenation I'm thinking of giving it regeneration which can be overcome by electricity damage, since it seems to have a weakness to lightning.

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Have we forgotten about the sandman?

How about this for a rough draft.

The stats are based on an average of a Wraith and a Dread Wraith.

I think we'd better give it an attack that does some kind of damage, so it can deal with intruders particularly annoy it. Besides, the "A Sandman will not attack any sleeping (or recently slept) Character unless..." bit implies it can do something to sleeping victims if sufficiently riled.

Maybe an abrasive sand-blast doing X damage?

An incorporeal touch that causes fatigue, exhaustion and then Str drain?

Finally, making it mindless doesn't gibe very well with me. I'd consider making it Intelligent, or adding an Intelligent version as a sub-entry. (Maybe the "mindless sandmen" are creations of the Intelligent one, like a combination of an unseen servant and a simulacra?

Sandman Rough Draft
Medium Outsider (Incorporeal)
Hit Dice: 9d8 (40 hp)
Initiative: +3
Speed: Fly 10 ft. (2 squares) (perfect)
Armor Class: 20 (+6 Dex, +4 deflection), touch 20, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/—
Attack: incorporeal touch ?
Full Attack: 2 incorporeal touches ?
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Sandblast [sleep or abrasive?], touch attack
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., dispersed form, incorporeal traits, immunities (?), regeneration 5
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +7
Abilities: Str –, Dex 22, Con –, Int – [or make it Intelligent?], Wis 14, Cha 19
Skills: — [or not, if we give it an Int score]
Feats: — [or not, if we give it an Int score]
Environment: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: ?
Treasure: ?
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: ?
Level Adjustment: —


Where are the conversions?

Is there any way of seeing what has been done before without trawling through the whole post? I have a few role aids products and would like to contribute. Is there a link to a pdf?


Not a fan of incorporeal for this one. Airy at best.

Well I quite liked incorporeal.:.-(

I suppose we could go for in "man" form and borrow the dust cloud form of the Greater Dust Spider conversion we did for the "dispersed" form?

Come to think of it, we can use the Dust Spider's Dust Body SQ as well.

Airy (Ex): Since a sandman's body is made up of a (relatively) small amount of sand and lots of empty space, it is difficult to know where to attack the creature. Any melee or ranged attack with a piercing or slashing weapon directed at a sandman has a 20% miss chance. The blow or missile may pass through the creature's body without harming it. Even a true seeing effect is useless for determining where and how to strike the creature.
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Extradimensional Explorer
Is there any way of seeing what has been done before without trawling through the whole post? I have a few role aids products and would like to contribute. Is there a link to a pdf?

This thread!

Well I quite liked incorporeal.:.-(

I suppose we could go for in "man" form and borrow the dust cloud form of the Greater Dust Spider conversion we did for the "dispersed" form?

Come to think of it, we can use the Dust Spider's Dust Body SQ as well.

Airy (Ex): Since a sandman's body is made up of a (relatively) small amount of sand and lots of empty space, it is difficult to know where to attack the creature. Any melee or ranged attack with a piercing or slashing weapon directed at a sandman has a 20% miss chance. The blow or missile may pass through the creature's body without harming it. Even a true seeing effect is useless for determining where and how to strike the creature.

That could work. So, are we adding damage to the "sleep sand blast"?

Voidrunner's Codex

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