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Against the Shadow V - A Faded Glory Story Hour

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You are welcome to trim the commentary down, or as Darklone suggests, start another thread. Either way, I'll keep checking back...I've gotta see which (if any) of my predictions hit home :D .

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Old One

First Post
Session 14 (Part Two)

Den of Thieves

The group’s momentary trepidation proved unwarranted, as Drusilla’s heavily cloaked form emerged into the dim light of the shuttered lanterns. She signed rapidly to Rowan in Handspeak, then tossed her cloak back with a free hand. Quintus’ eyebrows knitted together in mild surprise at the metal reinforced leather protecting her slender frame and the protruding hilts of numerous weapons. A slender gladius hung from her left hip and the sorcerer counted at least three braces of throwing daggers. Her leather belt was laden with numerous pouches and small metal instruments. She swept her companions with a challenging gaze.

Rowan spoke, an almost apologetic tone in his voice, “She says that we can’t have all the fun.”

She attenuated any further discussion by sliding in-between Sextus and Lew, motioning the lantern bearers to continue. Sextus exchanged a look of resignation with his brother, shaking his head. Quintus merely shrugged and turned to follow. They traveled through the stagnant sewers for another turn of the hourglass before their guides halted.

One of them whispered, “Just beyond our light is the entrance to the hideout. Approach the door quietly and knock the following pattern.”

The man stepped to the wall of the passage and rapped out a series of soft sounds. “Our man on the inside should open the door for you. We will wait 100 paces back down the corridor. If you have not returned by the time the tide comes in, we will have to depart. Understood?”

The group nodded their assent and continued forward, Rowan in the lead. Ten paces short of the door, the ranger found himself confronted by a pool of murky water. He could just make out a door on the far side from the half-light of his shuttered lantern. He cautiously probed the pool with a foot and located an underwater bridge a pace below the surface. He began moving across, only to have a foot slip of at the mid-way point. He barely retained his footing on the bridge and sensed that the water to either flank was rather deep.

He finally made it to the door, carefully set his lantern down and readied his blade. He glanced behind him and saw the dim outlines of his friends crowded together at the edge of the pool. Steeling himself and drawing a deep breath, he tapped out the code he had been given.

For several moments, nothing happened. Then, an eye-level slot appeared in the door and closed quickly. The sound of metal bolts being shot followed close on and the door swung inwards. The ranger moved into the room hesitantly, noting two still forms slumped on stools along the left and right walls.

A slight man, swathed in gray, stepped from behind the partially opened door and pointed at one of the two doors leading from the room, holding up four fingers as he did so. He then pointed at the other door and held up three fingers. Rowan nodded and returned to the entrance door, waving the others forward. “Stay to the center and don’t slip!” He hissed.

They crossed the underwater bridge without mishap and were soon crowded into the small antechamber. Sextus noted the mingled smell of sweat and fear as he glanced around at the taught faces of his friends. Rowan repeated the slight man’s signals and they reached a plan following several moments of pantomime and whispers. When they looked up, the slight man was gone…apparently out the door and away from the complex.

Everyone but Rosë moved to the left hand door. Quintus and Rowan prepared to enter and incapacitate the snoring sleepers they could hear behind the door. Sextus, Lew and Drusilla stood ready to support them. The barbarian moved towards the right hand door, ready to cleave anything that came through it.

Rowan tried the left door and it opened with nary a creak. The ranger pushed the door open and glided in on silent feet. Quintus followed, ready to call forth a Sleep spell should any awaken. Three sets of bunk beds occupied the room and four of the beds were occupied. A large chest sat in one corner and they could make out at least two doors leading from the chamber. The pair exchanged quick grins; this was going to be easy!

Rosë chose that moment to shift the grip on his axe, which he had previously enlarged to its greatest size. The heavy weapon partially slipped from the barbarian’s sweaty hands and the head struck the wall. A clear ringing sound, as perfect as a cathedral bell, echoed through the otherwise quiet room. Everyone froze for a moment, barely daring to breath. Quintus’ heart fell as he heard, “Eh? What was that? What’s going on?”

(DM’s Note: They were working in pretty tight quarters with a lot of gesturing and whispering. I had them roll a DEX check vs. DC 5 to avoid making any major noise. Rosë, of course, rolled a “1”!)

A figure sat up on the farthest upper bunk. Rowan leapt forward, swinging his sword in a vicious arc to silence the man. The man shrieked as the blade plunged into his arm, but he jerked backwards, avoiding the worst of the blow. Quintus cursed and dropped a Sleep spell into the center of the room, trusting in his companions’ power to resist any effects. His cursing redoubled as he realized that only one of the guards was affected.

“We are attacked! To arms! To arms!”

All pretense of stealth dropped away as one of the guards cried loudly for help. Drusilla dove into the room and tumbled atop the chest hurling a dagger into a still prone form. Sextus followed her in, slashing with a pair of gladii. The sleeping chamber dissolved into chaos as the companions tried to skewer their opponents before they could struggle free from their beds.

The Shadowblades, hampered by bedclothes and blankets, fought with the desperation of men who knew they were doomed, but it availed them little. In less than twenty grains, they all lay dead, tangled in bloody sheets that now served as funeral shrouds. Sextus and Rowan both nursed minor scratches, but the others were unscathed. Quintus opened his mouth to speak, but a blood-curdling cry rent the air, followed by a second, higher pitched shriek.

Rosë had been waiting patiently, waiting for someone to open the right hand door. A small man in a threadbare nightshirt that exposed his knobby knees obliged, swinging the portal open while clutching a long dagger to his bony chest. The Brigante swung his blade in a mighty overhand swing and buried the head up to the socket in the doorjamb. The keen edge stopped less than a finger’s breadth from the man’s nose and he screamed like a woman as a stream of urine ran down his bare legs. The man scrambled madly back into the room as the barbarian cursed and tried to wrench his axe free.

Quintus yelled at Sextus and Rowan to block the entrances into the first bunkroom and ran to support Rosë, dragging Drusilla with him. Lew watched back down the way they had come to ensure no one attacked them from the rear.

Quintus saw little but the Brigante’s broad back and had to duck the back swing of the huge, blood-spattered blade as it whirled in a deadly arc. The sorcerer could barely make out three men feinting and hacking beyond the barbarian, but he could not squeeze past to help. Rosë howled in fury as his opponents scored several minor blows; he could feel the battle-rage growing inside. Two smashing blows latter and he was left with a single enemy. One lay dead at his feet, cloven in two from right shoulder to left hip and the other ran drunkenly from the room, leaving a smear of blood across the doorway he exited. The remaining Shadowblade lunged forward; sweeping his gladius is a desperate low strike. The Brigante grinned broadly as powerful overhand cut split the unarmored man’s skull.

His moment of triumph was short-lived, however, as Quintus sprinted past him calling, “After them before they can regroup!”

Back in the first bunkroom, Sextus and Rowan were having troubles. They found the beds firmly bolted to the wall, so the bard began pulling blood-soaked bedding from the mattresses and stuffing it under the doors. Finally, Rowan ripped one of the frames free and shoved it against the door, trying to wedge it in place. Sextus looked up as the ranger stopped. “What’s wrong?”

“Look at the doors,” Rowan said, disgust heavy in his voice. “They open the other way! This is useless!”

“Oops…” The bard shrugged helplessly and they snatched up their weapons and ran after the others.

(DM’s Note: This was pretty funny! Rowan had Bull’s Strength cast on him and was able to rip the frame from the wall on the second try. They spent 3 or 4 rounds trying to block the door, and then asked which way they opened!)

Quintus rushed through a short hallway decorated with dull tapestries and spied the escaping Shadowblade slipping through a set of double doors 10 paces ahead of him, screaming at the top of his lungs. Rosë surged past him with powerful strides just as the man slammed the door. The barbarian, fully enraged, didn’t even slow as he barreled into the portals. A resounding crack echoed through the hallway and one of the doors flew open. Quintus chanced a quick glance behind him and saw Drusilla, a bared blade in each hand, hard on his heels with Lew lagging behind. Rowan and Sextus were nowhere to be seen.

Rosë leapt through the sagging doors and was met by a hail of hastily aimed crossbow bolts. Several creased his skin, but the barbarian didn’t even notice. He roared with pleasure has half-a-score of enemies charged towards him. Quintus skidded to a halt just before the threshold. The chamber beyond was filled with armed men! Behind a knot of heavily armed and armored warriors, the elder Scipio saw a man weaving his hands in a complex pattern. ‘Great…they have a wizard!’

To Be Continued…

Next: Session 14 (Part Three) – Twenty-One

~ Old One


First Post
Might as well start a new thread. And LET THE GUESSING BEGIN!!

Hmmmm, looks like the only one to out-do me on posts is Old One himself. Sorry for taking up so much space all. Anyway, even if you trim this down it won't last long. Go for a new thread; just don't forget to post the link here.

Now for the important stuff. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, yeah, and also NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek:

Now let us start the guessing, "Me first! Me first!! I'm going to say (dramatic pause) either Rowen or Rose. But since I should nerrow it down to one, I'm going to say:


Though it will most likely damage much of Old One's plans. Of course, any deaths will do that. Just think, Old One wants you all alive because it lets him have many plot hooks for him to latch onto.

Tortise: Did you not say that you were going to kick Old One's butt at some point? I'm sure I read it somewhere.
[Answering the question posed in the following post] As for why I chose Rose, I'm thinking its a front-line guy. Rose is the most succeptable to death of the two (due to his BBN rage ending) and is more likely to be up front.
Based on your question as to why I chose Rose, either I'm completely right in my guess OR Rowen is the one who went down hard.

Darklone: I accidentally deleted the e-mail you sent me. The one with the link to the nice weapons. Could you either post the or e-mail it to me? I'd like to keep up on that page. I really enjoyed reading it.

[Edit: A whole mess of stuff has been added in here. Just look at Tortoise's quote of me (right after this) to see just how much has changed.]
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First Post
Re: Might as well start a new thread.

Lela said:
Even if you trim this down it won't last long. Go for a new one; just don't forget to post the link here.

Now for the important stuff. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, yeah, and also NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: :eek:

Now let us start the guessing. I'm going to say either Rowen or Rose. But since I should nerrow it down to one, I'm going to say:


Though it will most likely damage much of Old One's plans. Course any of the deaths will do that. Just think, Old One wants you all alive because it lets him have many plot hooks for him to latch onto.

What is it that makes you say Rose?


So far, I'm one for two on my predictions. Now I'll just have to see if either/both of the others hold any water :) .

As for the battle -- curse you Old One!! I am not a patient man by nature, whose bravery will be rewarded with a casket? When can we expect the next installment? Why is it, that only the good die young?


Registered User

Considering the parties situation ... I'd say Rose or Quintus.

Rose: He has been hit several times and fights now against several more enemies with the cure machine Lew still a bit behind. And the big ones are still to kill... One high level fighter (lvl4) can ruin your day if you are up against 5 or 6. And there's a wizard or priest behind... Hold person really spoils your day.

Quintus: He's still the sorcerer with a glass jaw. A good spell and he's done. Or worse: A good fighter closing. No idea why, but Quintus always seems to be a frontliner mage... and those die young.

As for Rowan: He's behind... (ok, Old One may surprise them), but he's one of the best fighters of the group. Those tanks usually only die when they block enemies from the others. I'd rather think Sextus is a victim, bad armours and not sooo many hitpoints.

Lew: Well. Priests are survivors. No coins on him.

Summary: 66% I say Rose, 30% I say Quintus, 4% go to Sextus (I've seen bards die faster than you can fudge your saving throw).
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Liquid Awesome
I hope I'm wrong, but I'm going to vote for Rose as well. The situation described (room FULL of armed bad guys and a WIZARD with Rose being the closest one and in a RAGE) is precisely the thing that tends to get characters killed in my experience.

Hopefully the rest of the party can get into position quickly to aid the barbarian, but I doubt it. Best of luck to all of you though.

Old One

First Post
Patience is a Virtue...

Dear Readers -

I am afraid you will have to wait a little longer to find out which of our intrepid heroes is making the trip to Deathsgate. I have to finish up Session 14 (probably tomorrow afternoon), then move onto Session 15, in which this terrible event occured!

RBST (Rat Bastard Story Teller) that I am, I must string you along for just a bit longer:D!

~ Old One
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Dougal DeKree

First Post

Oh yes, RBST sounds correct ;)

I am already out of fingernails to chew on...
come on, you can do it...post...

*hypnotically* you don't need to see his droids..err...update.
why, you are obi wan! don't try to make me believe silly stuff!

Dougal DeKree, Gnomish Illusionist

P.S.: Could i use a silent image to simulate an update?


Registered User

Though Garrick and Tito died already in this campaign...

I somehow got this wellknown movie feeling about your group that they are heroes and will not die.

All the more shocking when they do.

Sooo many plot hooks unresolved. Just like in real life. Someone dies and suddenly you notice how much will change.

Thanks for bringing this world and characters to life, guys.
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