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(Adventure) Duel between Calamar the Dark vs. the Rogue Cain (Pbartender)

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crueldespot said:
Edit: Also, on a metagaming level, If you don't like PC vs PC conflict, you should probably not create a character whose most distictive trait is that they are insulting to other characters. If I meet a character like that, I take for granted that the player must enjoy PC vs PC friction.

OOC: I whole-heartedly agree with that.

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Calamar the Dark, watches Cain with uncertainty, still distrusting the little fellow, but places his hands where he indicates none the less.

OOC - I guess I am just delusional then, because prior to this, I got into it with the lady Fant with another character, and it was a lot of role-playing and words that could have been taken the wrong way, but it was just that, words, and we both knew it and had fun with it.
So I role-played a wizard that prejudged a halfling (grouping them in the category that all halflings are thieves, in this case rightly so) and didn't want to shake his hand just because he had a hunch that he might pick pocket him. He most likely wound not have, but, it adds flavor to the game to make small assumptions like that.

Example: In the adventure, dealing with hooly gans, I have an Orc named Grogg, Son of Grogg. Iggy, a halfling wizard, made a statement that he will always walk on the opposite side of Grogg, not feeling comfortable with Orcs. Grogg, not the brightest character (and I role-play him that way), decided that he would walk to the other side and play a game of watching Iggy move to the other side of the party. It was all in fun, and the character playing Iggy knew this, and in spite of this, he did confront Grogg in character and threaten him with a sleep spell. Grogg, realizing that Iggy did not want to play any longer, decided to stop, giving the "Puss in Boots" look of sympathy from the movie shrek, to Iggy for hurting his feelings. Iggy apologized for prejudging him as being similar to all other Orcs and now they are good friends.

That is what should have happened here, not a duel to the death, just some fun role-playing, a little bit of conflict. Perhaps Cain, instead of saying, "shake me hand or die," could have said something to the effect of, "come now my friend, we are to journey together, and as the world has prejudged you, do not prejudge me, come and let us embrace as brothers." No, he said, "shake me hand or die," I don't know about you, but even in the real world I would not shake his hand if he said that to me.

Bottom line, I have had two other encounters with two different players in similar circumstances and none of them was so crazy as to want to duel to the death over a hand shake. Sure, I should have shaken his hand, it would have made things a bit smoother, but I have already noticed that in PBP that things slow down a bit, so having a few words of minor conflict amongst potential comrades in arms is just good fun and role-playing. If I would have known that not shaking a hand was an invatation to fighting another player, I would have shaken his hand and ignored the role-playing potential of a few posts worthy of debates.

I think PVP is retarded, that being said, I do think that conflict between players is fun, but I would expect that other players just take a few words as just that words, and respond with words, not actions. Perhaps I am the only one that feels this way, reading everyones replies, I guess I am.


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The door slides open into a hallway barely tall and wide enough for the swing of the door. The door now completely blocks the hallway to the left, and a corridor leads off to the right, where a short staircase leads up into daylight.

OCC: I'm done here. This thread can be locked at a moderator's leisure.

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