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(Adventure) Duel between Calamar the Dark vs. the Rogue Cain (Pbartender)

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OOC, for lack of any other option Calamar, realizing that his only chance of either of them living is to knock Cain into unconscious before Cain knocks him out and kills him, takes a standard action to try and pummel Cain into unconscious first. Actually, scratch that, this is a better plan of attack, I go nuts and try to grapple him, if I pin himI might be able to shout some sense into him, if it doesn't work, well, we both die I guess.

Orsal, before you go and get all high and mighty, you are going to make a scene for nothing. If I pin him I talk sense into him and we leave, if he knocks me out, he will most likely kill me and then he dies from the guards who hang him, if we both leave the cell, there is no debt to have revenge on since we both live, long story short, don't waste your time, it doesn't matter. The debt would be on Cain, and if Cain dies, then the debt dies with him, really it is up to him, not you or I.


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crueldespot said:
I almost forgot to explain: PBryant is a user on the 3EBB, another D&D board that I frequent. Sorry to get your names mixed up. From now on, I will mind my Ps and Ps.

OOC: Oh, alright then... I was trying to decide whether or not I should be insulted. :confused: ;)

Calamar lunges at Cain in an attempt to pinion the halfling's arms, but he ducks under the grasping hands punches into the wizard's solar plexus with all the strength he could muster.

Calamar's breath leaves him, and he gasps in a futile attempt to regain it. The room swims and his vision blacks out as he slumps to the floor in unconsciousness.

Calamar attempts to grapple and pin Cain. Melee touch attack: 4 -1 = 3. A miss. Grapple attempt fails.

Cain makes an unarmed attack. Attack: 11 +0 = 11. Damage: 1 non-lethal.

Cain has 8 hitpoints, 3 non-lethal, and a -2 Str penalty for 7 more rounds.
Calamar has 2 hit points, 3 non-lethal, and is unconscious and helpless.


OOC, Am I wrong here or doesn't Cain get a -1 for having an 8 STR which would miss my 11 AC, or am I forgetting something. If that is the case, I try to grapple him again, otherwise I am at his mercy.


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OOC: I hope I am not exceeding my authority here by answering, but I believe that my -1 enfeeblement is balanced by my +1 racial bonus on, well, pretty much everything. Halflings ROCK!.

Cain will stretch the unconscious Calamar out spread eagle, then squat across the cell and keep an eye on him for most of an hour.

As soon as Calamar begins to stir, Cain will grasp Calamar's right hand in his own and stand over him. When Calamar awakes, he finds himself shaking Cain's hand. "Gotcha" Cain says. "Can I call the guard to let us out?"


"Most foul," Cain thought he heard him mumble, "the day is yours master rogue. Call the gaurds and get us out of here and then we shall part paths. You go and aid the crock hunters, I wish no more part of your company."


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Cain inspects the door to see how it is opened and rattles the doorknob, shakes the bars, or kicks the baseboard, as appropriate. "Guards!" he calls.


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There is no answer to the call for the guards, but the inscription gleams in the faint light of the cell, "It takes two to open this door."

Perhaps you should both...

OOC: Before you guys leave, I want to make one (or maybe two) point(s). In the General Discussion Thread, Rocco posted,

"It could be argued that be me creating a thread for a duel that I was infavor of the duel, however, if you read and follow the whole arguement from the begining, you will find that I was done everything I could to not get into t fight with cain."

I want you, Rocco, to be very aware that, regardless of whether it was in character or not, you never did the one thing that would have been certain to avoid a fight... You never shook his hand.

I also want Crueldespot to ralize that, regardless of how angry a character may get over a lack of respect, threatening to kill someone over not shaking hands would be considered extremely excessive by anyone. As someone who hails from a family of seven children, I can tell you... there are a great many ways to humiliate someone without killing them. (To answer your previous question, that's probably how my character would have handled it... cruel, humiliating and potentially dangerous practical jokes. In Calamar's position, I'd have shaken hands.)


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"Calamar" says Cain, "It seems we must touch the door together, or some such." He reaches out to give the wizard a hand up.

As I stated in my one of the first OOC posts way back in the Croc hunt topic, it was never my intention to permanently kill Calamar. I figured that at the worst Cain would knock him below zero and somebody else would heal him back up. Also, Cain gave up on the duel after Calamar didn't follow him from the back room but then Calamar came looking for him. Cain wouldn't have attacked him if he hadn't agreed to fight.

threatening to kill someone over not shaking hands would be considered extremely excessive by anyone
Not by a viking, or a Samurai, or many others in ancient times. Refusing basic courtesy would be tantamount to a declaration of war. D&D society is not the 20th century, and I don't think D&D characters should act like characters in a middle-ages version of the Flintstones where it is another era but everyone acts like the modern day. Even in modern day, try going into a tough ethnic neighborhood and telling someone of a different race "I don't shake hands with blacks/rednecks/mexicans/etc." See what happens.

Edit: Also, on a metagaming level, If you don't like PC vs PC conflict, you should probably not create a character whose most distictive trait is that they are insulting to other characters. If I meet a character like that, I take for granted that the player must enjoy PC vs PC friction.
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