0th level spells for every caster


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I was working on my D&D char sheet (excel) and noticed the odd thing that every caster except paladins and rangers get 0th level spells. I then decided to give some to these poor buggers, starting with one and then using the same progression as a wizard (except that it starts at the level where the pal/rng gets his first 1st level spell if he has bonus spells). They use cleric and druid 0th level spells respectively.

Then I noticed that every spell level gets bonus spells, but not 0th level spells, so I decided to extrapolate (very easy to do!) to give every caster bonus 0th level spells, just like all the other spell levels.

Now I know this has increased the power of spellcasters somewhat (mainly by adding a single 0th level spell), but I was wondering if you'd agree that this makes more sense.

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First Post
It did not make sense before so the change is an improvement. I saw it also before but did not bother to change it, the impact is very low.


First Post
If you take a look at THIS LINK, you'll see that you're not the only one to think there's something wrong :). I think the spell lists for Paladins and Rangers are the ones I came up with, but the rest is not my ideas.

I agree that adding orisons to the lesser spellcasters should be a really minor thing. I'd not do it exactly like the page describes, but close:
- not start start them off until 3rd level for minor spellcasters
- give all spellcasters bonus orisons for high attributes (as many as extra 4th level spells)


I do bonus 0th level spells the same way psionic powers work - you get a bonus equal to your key ability mod per day.


Bonus 0 level spells

I've been giving bonus 0 level spells since my campaign started. It's only had minor impact and no problems.


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