[Adventure!] Daunton's Dead Past DM: FourMonos. Judge: Peer Committee

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
GM: [MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] Is that still in effect when Mikara kills G3 and G4?

OOC: They have to die from Illarions power, so if my fires killed them, then yes (note that damage total from the last round included +11, but it would actually trigger at the start of their turn.) . The effect is always on, but triggers only when Illarions kills something.


First Post
Like practiced professionals, the group assaults the gargoyles (lightning forms, flame spirals, ninja kicks, psychic attacks and deadly arrows) and smashes them to shards.

"I AM NOT DEAD!" (sorry couldn't resist) Roars the beholder, but it is still under the influence of Lerrick's spell power.

Despite the assault of the fearless Paladin, the beholder's next two eye beams strike true. Lerrick is hit by the same blue beam that hit Raiyek earlier. A look of disbelief on her face as her body turns to stone...

A pink eye beam hits Raiyek, who suddenly stops attacking the beholder. He turns slowly, his eyes completely white and face emotionless.

[sblock=Map] Map Link: Here [/sblock]

[sblock=Monster Actions]
Eye Beams: Charm Ray vs. Raiyek: To hit: [1d20+14] = 14+14 = 28, charm ray vs. Raiyek (will)
To hit: [1d20+14] = 19+14 = 33, petrifying ray vs. Lerrick (fort)

[sblock=Adventurer Actions]
Lerrick: Used Bastion of Health, Denunciation.

Vermitrax: Sustained Bibby's Icy Grasp: 13 Hit for 8 damage. Failed save.

Raiyek: Teleport, hit beholder for 30.

Illarion: Used Lightning Form, Flame Spiral. Did lots of damage.

Drew: Hit G2 knocking it back into firestorms and hurting itself.

Lilli: Killed G2

Fhangrim: Killed G1

Mikara: Killed G3, G4.


[sblock=Monster Stats]

Beholder (N-O, 27-28) AC 23 F * R 22 W 22
Damage Taken: 66 74
Status: AP used: 1, dazed, -3 attack defenses TENT (Lerrick, denunciation effect), grabbed

Gargoyle AC 23 F * R 19 W 19
Damage Taken:
1 (D-27) 29
Status: slowed TENT, phantom foes, immobilized (save ends)
2 (D-25) 35
Status: slowed TENT
3 (D-28) 35
Status: slowed TENT, immobilized (save ends)
4 (E-28) 21
Status: slowed TENT


[sblock=Adventurer Stats]

Raiyek (M-28): 98/98 AC 30 F 22 R 22 W 25 Surges: 11/11 AP: 1 Status: dominated TENT

Illarion (E-27): 59/59 AC 20 F 17 R 20 W 25 Surges: 7/7 AP: 1 Status:
(used Mists of Disarray)

Drew (E-26): 59/59 AC 26 F 20 R 23 W 22 Surges: 8/8 AP: 1 Status:

Lilli (I-19): 54/54 AC 23 F 17 R 22 W 22 Surges: 7/7 AP: 0 Status:
(used Visions of Avarice, used Phantom Foes)

Mikara (D-29): 54/54 AC 21 F 15 R 19 W 16 Surges: 6/7 AP: 0 Status:
(used cut and run, elven accuracy, evasive strike, elixir of dragon breath #1)

Vermitrax (K-34): 42/58 AC 22 F 20 R 22 W 22 Surges: 9/9 AP:1 Status: Ongoing 10 damage (save ends)
(used Bigby's Icy Grasp, Mordenkein's Sword)

Lerrick (K-23): 47/63 AC 22 F 20 R 19 W 24 Surges: 10/10 AP: 1 Status: petrified (save ends)
(used bane)

Fhangrim (E-25): 65/65 AC 22 F 22 R 18 W 21 Surges: 13/13 AP:1 Status: +2 defenses (ursa major)
(used natural terrain understanding)

Ursa Major (F-26) 32/32 AC 21 F 23 R 19 W 23 Status:
Ursa Minor (F-25) 32/32 AC 21 F 23 R 19 W 23 Status:


GM: I am not lying, I fricking lost this update halfway through today because I hit refresh. So annoying. Anyway, quick question: If Raiyek is dominated, does he act on the beholder's turn or the players turn next?
Also, I used Unseen Servant, but I don't see a way to save a link to the rolls I used.
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First Post
GM: Also, as Lerrick went first, the Denunciation effect ends now that the beholder took its turn. It is no longer -3 defenses and dazed.


Mikara lets two arrows fly. One misses, but the other sails straight into the ocular bulk of the beholder..
...Yet! she mutters under her breath.

[sblock=Action Stack]
Minor: Quarry the Beholder

Standard: Twin Strike
Target 1: Beholder
Attack 1: 1d20+12=30 vs. AC for 1d12+2=14 damage Hit.
Target 2: Beholder
Attack 2: 1d20+12=22 vs. AC for 1d12+2=14 damage Miss.
Quarry Damage: 1d8=3

Total Damage=17

Move: to K37

[sblock=Mikara Stats]
Mikara Li Mesadh - Female elf ranger (medium elfhumanoid) Level 7
Languages: Elven, Allarian

Passive Perception: 24
Vision: Low Light
Passive Insight: 16

Athletics: +9
Nature: +12
Stealth: +15

AC: 21
Fort: 15
Ref: 19
Will: 16
Speed: 7

HP: 54/54
Surge Value: 13
Surges Left: 7/7

Action Points: 0
Second Wind: 1/1

:bmelee: +6, 1d4
:branged: +12, 1d12+7
:ranged: Nimble Strike (SA) +12, 1d12+7 (Shift 1 before or after attack)
:melee: Twin Strike (SA) +6, 1d4 (2 attacks)
:ranged: Twin Strike (SA) +12 1d12+2 (2 attacks)
Agile Recovery (MA) (Stand Up)

:melee: Evasive Strike (SA) +6, 2d4+5 (Can shift up to 4 before or after attack)
:ranged: Evasive Strike (SA) +12, 2d12+7 (Can shift up to 4 before or after attack)
:melee: Cut and Run (SA) +6, 1d4 (2 Attacks, Can shift up to 4 after first or second attack)
:ranged:Cut and Run (SA) +12, 1d12+7 (2 Attacks, Can shift up to 4 after first or second attack)
:ranged: Pinning Shot (SA) +12, 1d12+7 (Hit: Target and 1 enemy adjacent to target are immobilized TEONT)
Elven Accuracy (MA) (Reroll attack roll)
Weave Through Fray (II) Can shift up to 3 when enemy moves adjacent

:melee: Hunter's Bear Trap (SA) +6, 2d4 (Hit: OG, Slowed 5 SEB, Miss: 1/2dmg, Slowed SE)
:ranged: Hunter's Bear Trap (SA) +12, 2d12+7 (Hit: OG, Slowed 5 SEB, Miss: 1/2dmg, Slowed SE)
:ranged: Close Combat Shot (IR) +12, 3d12+7 (Trigger: enemy enters adjacent square. No OA. Miss: 1/2dmg)

Daggers: 111

Targeting Greatbow +2: ((FA) On hit, Mik and allies can roll twice to hit TEONT, Crit: 2d6 & TGCA TEONT)
11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 111
Firestorm Arrows +2: 11111 11111 11111 1111 (+1d6 fire to target and adjacents)

Elixir of Dragon Breath:

Sylvan Leather Armor +1

Lucky Charm (Add d6 to appropriate d20 roll)
Restful Bedroll (1d8 thp after extended rest)
Razor Bracers (+2 to escape, grabber takes 1d10)
Stag Helm (+2 to passive perception, can take MA when surprised)
Caustic Gauntlets (Attack deals acid. Adjacents get 1d6 acid dmg, +1 acid on all attacks TEOE)
Window of Escape (No fall damage when jumping through window)

Treasure on this adventure:

OOC: Since the denunciation ended, only one of Mik's shots hits. I edited damage and fluff to reflect this.
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First Post
With a blank stare and emotionless face, the paladin raises its greatsword and charges the necromancer. Raiyek unleashes a mighty swing. The blade bites true, and Vermitrax yells it pain.

GM: Domination turn: Raiyek charges Vermitrax: To hit: [1d20+17] = 19+17 = 36, damage with greatsword: [1d10+9] = 6+9 = 15. It is necrotic damage, so I'm not sure if Vermitrax has any resist necrotic right now

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