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I like your posts. Detailed and engaging. Keeps me interested.

That being said, there might be some things you could do to speed things up a little. For instance, you've got access to all of our characters. You might consider going ahead and rolling initiative for us and including that in your post, rather than wait for each of us to roll ourselves and then turn around and wait again for each of us to act in turn. Saves a whole round of waiting. and we get to dive right into the action.

When I was DMing my pbp games, as a general rule, if a roll was at my request (initiative, skill check, saving throw, etc.) I went ahead and made it for you. If it was something my players wanted to do, then they supplied the roll with the request.

Sometimes I did away with the initiative all together. First to post is the first to act; bad guys go last. That was a LOT easier to do with my 3e games than 4e, what with all the conditions and extra crap that 4e had to offer... and I would think that it'd be fairly easy in 5e as well, since a lot of that stuff has gone.

In general, anything you can do to speed up a game, the better off you are. If you can call it a complaint (which it's not), then that would be my only one. Everything else is top-notch as far as I'm concerned.

I hope at least some of that makes a little sense.


Brother Dave

First Post
[MENTION=6749529]Jimmy Disco T[/MENTION] - As a general rule, please feel free to make any and all initiative, saving throw, and required skill check rolls for me if it will help speed up the game. When I'm rolling physical dice I prefer to roll them myself, but it doesn't matter so much with electronic die rolls.

Brother Dave

First Post
[MENTION=6749529]Jimmy Disco T[/MENTION] - do you want us to post our actions in initiative order, or go ahead and post our intended actions when we can and let you sort them into initiative order?

Jimmy Disco T

First Post
Thanks for the positive feedback everyone - I've noted down who is happy for me to take their rolls for them.

For combat, I would say either post in initiative order, or if you want to post early and 'buffer' an action until your turn arrives, that will work too - personal preference. If an action you've chosen obviously doesn't make sense (if you declare an attack on an enemy that gets killed by an ally before your turn) then of course you can change your mind.

I'm assuming that sometimes it will be quicker for everyone to declare upfront, but other times people may well want to wait and see how the turns unfold. I'll be flexible. With a bit of common sense it shouldn't be too difficult to sort things out!

Jimmy Disco T

First Post
Hi all.

I imagine you all want to get into the actual adventure asap so I'll try to wrap up the prologue as soon as I can. Once you're done with the gnoll camp I can 'fast forward' time and pick things up again outside of Greenest if you would prefer? I'm just very aware that you've all signed up to play HotDQ and we've technically not even started it yet...!

My plan was to advance you to level 2 after the prologue as I think it's fairly well known that chapter 1 is a bit of a meatgrinder for newly minted characters. I'm hoping level 2 may allow for a bit more of an interesting (and survivable) time in Greenest.

I'm a little concerned that dream66 with Kerri the druid hasn't posted in quite a while... if there's no activity I will write Kerri out of the adventure for the time being but leave it ambiguous enough so that she can return in the future.

It's been great fun DMing for you all and hopefully will continue to be so.


At least it's not the entire group. That kind of happened to me in the Living ENWorld forums.

The time skip seems ok. Unless we would be missing out on something important.
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Brother Dave

First Post
This is good. The prologue gives us a reason to be travelling together and gets us to level 2, which is all it really needs to do. Now that we're all together (and once we report back to town?), moving us forward to the approach to Greenest works for me.

Voidrunner's Codex

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